quantitative phase
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2022 ◽  
Vol 150 ◽  
pp. 106833
Shengyu Lu ◽  
Yong Tian ◽  
Qinnan Zhang ◽  
Xiaoxu Lu ◽  
Jindong Tian

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-194
Dedi Rahman Siolimbona ◽  
Mega Teguh Budiarto ◽  
A'yunin Sofro

Abstract The results of previous studies showed that the ratio of the differences in the level of quantitative reasoning abilities between male students and female students was quite significant. While the frame of reference refers to a series of mental actions through which individuals can regulate the processes and products of quantitative reasoning. Therefore, there are two main objectives of this study, namely to show whether or not there are differences in quantitative reasoning products using a frame of reference between male and female students, then to describe the process of quantitative reasoning using a frame of reference between male and female students. Using Sequential Mixed Methods, this study examined 58 students of class VIII junior high school. The research was conducted in two phases, namely the quantitative phase which included statistical data analysis using the Mann Withney Test to determine whether there were differences in the product of quantitative reasoning using the frame of reference for male and female students. Then the qualitative phase includes a description of the quantitative reasoning process using a frame of reference for male and female students. The results of the study stated that there were differences in the product of quantitative reasoning between male and female students. This is indicated by the results of statistical tests in the quantitative phase, while the qualitative phase found that male students were able to analyze the formulas that were determined according to the results of their own interpretation of the information provided implicitly or explicitly in the questions compared to female students. Keywords: Quantitative Reasoning, Frame of Reference, Gender   Abstrak Hasil penelitian sebelumnya menunjukan rasio perbedaan tingkat kemampuan penalaran kuantitatif antara siswa  laki-laki dan siswa  perempuan yang cukup signifikan. Sedang kerangka referensi merujuk pada serangkaian tindakan mental yang melaluinya individu dapat mengatur proses dan produk dari penalaran kuantitatif. Oleh karenanya, ada dua tujuan utama dari penelitian ini, yaitu menunjukkan ada atau tidak-nya perbedaan produk penalaran kuantitatif menggunakan kerangka referensi antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan, selanjutnya mendeskripsikan proses penalaran kuantitatif menggunakan kerangka referensi antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan. Menggunakan Sequential Mixed Methods penelitian ini mengkaji 58 orang siswa kelas VIII SMP. Penelitian dilakukan dengan dua fase, yaitu fase kuantitatif meliputi analisis data statistik menggunakan uji Mann Withney Test untuk mengetahui adakah perbedaan produk penalaran kuantitatif menggunakan kerangka referensi siswa laki-laki dan perempuan. selanjutnya fase kualitatif meliputi, deskripsi proses penalaran kuantitatif menggunakan kerangka referensi siswa laki-laki dan perempuan. Hasil penelitian menyatakan ada perbedaan produk penalaran kuantitatif antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh hasil uji statistik pada fase kuantitatif, sedangkan fase kualitatif menemukan bahwa siswa laki-laki lebih dapat menganalisis rumus/formula yang ditentukan menurut hasil interpretasinya sendiri terhadap informasi yang diberikan secara implisit maupun eksplisit dalam soal disbanding siswa perempuan. Kata Kunci: Penalaran Kuantitatif, Kerangka Referensi, Gender.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mohamed Salaheldeen ◽  
Mohamed Battour ◽  
Muhamad Azrin Nazri ◽  
Ummi Salwa Ahmad Bustamam ◽  
Azreen Jihan Che Mohd Hashim

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine how Halal entrepreneurs perceive success and accordingly develop a novel scale to measure Halal entrepreneurship success. Design/methodology/approach A sequential mixed methodology was used to develop the Halal entrepreneurship success scale (HESS). The qualitative phase began with a literature review to gain insights into (Halal) entrepreneurship success and identify gaps. Ten respondents were then interviewed to understand how they perceive success. The scale items were then generated based on insights from the literature and the interview findings. The quantitative phase was carried out in two cycles. In the first cycle, a questionnaire was developed and pilot data were collected from a representative sample of 100 respondents. In the second cycle, the revised scale was tested on 300 respondents to confirm its final items and dimensions. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used in the quantitative phase. Findings The final HESS scale contains 24 items divided into four dimensions: Islamic success (seven items), economic success (six items), social success (five items) and environmental success (six items). Originality/value This scale is perhaps the first to measure entrepreneurial success in its association with religion. It is expected to be a useful contribution to entrepreneurship theory and the Halal industry. The paper presents a foundation for future works on how to define the measures of success of Halal entrepreneurs.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Hui Li ◽  
Meng He ◽  
Ze Zhang

Quantitative phase analysis is one of the major applications of X-ray powder diffraction. The essential principle of quantitative phase analysis is that the diffraction intensity of a component phase in a mixture is proportional to its abundance. Nevertheless, the diffraction intensities of the component phases cannot be compared with each other directly since the coherent scattering power per unit cell (or chemical formula) of each component phase is usually different. The coherent scattering power per unit cell of a crystal is well represented by the sum of the squared structure factors, which cannot be calculated directly when the crystal structure data is unavailable. Presented here is a way to approximate the coherent scattering power per unit cell based solely on the unit cell parameters and the chemical contents. This approximation is useful when the atomic coordinates for one or more of the phases in a sample are unavailable. An assessment of the accuracy of the approximation is presented. This assessment indicates that the approximation will likely be within 10% when X-ray powder diffraction data is collected over a sufficient portion of the measurable pattern.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 91
Arkadiusz Kuś ◽  
Wojciech Krauze ◽  
Małgorzata Kujawińska

In this paper we briefly present the history and outlook on the development of two seemingly distant techniques which may be brought close together with a unified theoretical model described as common k-space theory. This theory also known as the Fourier diffraction theorem is much less common in optical coherence tomography than its traditional mathematical model, but it has been extensively studied in digital holography and, more importantly, optical diffraction tomography. As demonstrated with several examples, this link is one of the important factors for future development of both techniques. Full Text: PDF ReferencesN. Leith, J. Upatnieks, "Reconstructed Wavefronts and Communication Theory", J. Opt. Soc. Am. 52(10), 1123 (1962). CrossRef Y. Park, C. Depeursinge, G. Popescu, "Quantitative phase imaging in biomedicine", Nat. Photonics 12, 578 (2018). CrossRef D. Huang et al., "Optical Coherence Tomography", Science 254(5035), 1178 (1991). CrossRef D. P. Popescu, C. Flueraru, S. 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2021 ◽  
Mouhamadou Faly Ba ◽  
Adama Faye ◽  
Babacar Kane ◽  
Amadou Ibra Diallo ◽  
Amandine Junot ◽  

Introduction: The most effective way to control the COVID-19 pandemic in the long term is through vaccination. Two of the important components that can hinder it are vaccine hesitancy and vaccine refusal. This study, conducted before the arrival of the vaccines in Senegal, aims to assess and identify factors associated with hesitancy to the COVID-19 vaccine. Methods: This study was an explanatory, sequential, mixed-methods design. We collected quantitative data from December 24, 2020, to January 16, 2021, and qualitative data from February 19 to March 30, 2021. We conducted a marginal quota sampling nationwide. We used a structured questionnaire to collect data for the quantitative phase and an interview guide with a telephone interview for the qualitative phase. We performed descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analyses with R software version 4.0.5 for the quantitative phase; and performed manual content analyses for the qualitative phase. Results: We surveyed 607 people for the quantitative phase, and interviewed 30 people for the qualitative phase. Individuals who hesitated or refused to be vaccinated represented 12.9% and 32.8%, respectively. Vaccine hesitancy was related to gender, living in large cities, having a poor attitude towards the vaccine, thinking that the vaccine would not help protect them from the virus, being influenced by people important to them, and lacking information from health professionals. Vaccine refusal was related to living in large cities, having a poor attitude towards the vaccine, thinking that the vaccine would not help protect them from the virus, thinking that the vaccine could endanger their health, trusting opinions of people who were important to them, and lacking information from health professionals. Conclusion: The results of the study show that the factors associated with hesitancy and refusal to be vaccinated against COVID-19 are diverse and complex. Reducing them will help to ensure better vaccination coverage if the current challenges of vaccine accessibility are addressed. Therefore, governments and health authorities should intensify their efforts to promote vaccine confidence and reduce misinformation. Keywords: Vaccine hesitancy, COVID-19, Mixed method, Senegal

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Noa Rotman-Nativ ◽  
Natan T. Shaked

We present an analysis method that can automatically classify live cancer cells from cell lines based on a small data set of quantitative phase imaging data without cell staining. The method includes spatial image analysis to extract the cell phase spatial fluctuation map, derived from the quantitative phase map of the cell measured without cell labeling, thus without prior knowledge on the biomarker. The spatial fluctuations are indicative of the cell stiffness, where cancer cells change their stiffness as cancer progresses. In this paper, the quantitative phase spatial fluctuations are used as the basis for a deep-learning classifier for evaluating the cell metastatic potential. The spatial fluctuation analysis performed on the quantitative phase profiles before inputting them to the neural network was proven to increase the classification results in comparison to inputting the quantitative phase profiles directly, as done so far. We classified between primary and metastatic cancer cells and obtained 92.5% accuracy, in spite of using a small training set, demonstrating the method potential for objective automatic clinical diagnosis of cancer cells in vitro.

Arash Pezhouman ◽  
Ngoc B. Nguyen ◽  
Alexander J. Sercel ◽  
Thang L. Nguyen ◽  
Ali Daraei ◽  

Background: Human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hESC-CMs) can be used as a source for cell delivery to remuscularize the heart after myocardial infarction. Despite their therapeutic potential, the emergence of ventricular arrhythmias has limited their application. We previously developed a double reporter hESC line to isolate first heart field (FHF: TBX5+NKX2-5+) and second heart field (SHF: TBX5-NKX2-5+) CMs. Herein, we explore the role of TBX5 and its effects on underlying gene regulatory networks driving phenotypical and functional differences between these two populations.Methods: We used a combination of tools and techniques for rapid and unsupervised profiling of FHF and SHF populations at the transcriptional, translational, and functional level including single cell RNA (scRNA) and bulk RNA sequencing, atomic force and quantitative phase microscopy, respirometry, and electrophysiology.Results: Gene ontology analysis revealed three biological processes attributed to TBX5 expression: sarcomeric structure, oxidative phosphorylation, and calcium ion handling. Interestingly, migratory pathways were enriched in SHF population. SHF-like CMs display less sarcomeric organization compared to FHF-like CMs, despite prolonged in vitro culture. Atomic force and quantitative phase microscopy showed increased cellular stiffness and decreased mass distribution over time in FHF compared to SHF populations, respectively. Electrophysiological studies showed longer plateau in action potentials recorded from FHF-like CMs, consistent with their increased expression of calcium handling genes. Interestingly, both populations showed nearly identical respiratory profiles with the only significant functional difference being higher ATP generation-linked oxygen consumption rate in FHF-like CMs. Our findings suggest that FHF-like CMs display more mature features given their enhanced sarcomeric alignment, calcium handling, and decreased migratory characteristics. Finally, pseudotime analyses revealed a closer association of the FHF population to human fetal CMs along the developmental trajectory.Conclusion: Our studies reveal that distinguishing FHF and SHF populations based on TBX5 expression leads to a significant impact on their downstream functional properties. FHF CMs display more mature characteristics such as enhanced sarcomeric organization and improved calcium handling, with closer positioning along the differentiation trajectory to human fetal hearts. These data suggest that the FHF CMs may be a more suitable candidate for cardiac regeneration.

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