additional operation
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E. N. Galenko ◽  
S. A. Sharko ◽  
N. N. Novitskii ◽  
O. I. Ivash ◽  
V. A. Ketsko

2–13 nm gold films were obtained by the method of ion-beam sputtering on silicon and quartz substrates. It is shown that the use of an additional operation of deposition followed by the sputtering of a gold layer of 2–3 nm thickness makes it possible to reduce the electrical resistance and surface roughness of the metal films, in comparison with similar films obtained without its use. The results of measuring the temperature coefficient of resistance of nanosized gold films on silicon substrates allowed us to conclude that the films deposited become continuous at a thickness of 6-8 nm. The results of optical measurements of 10 nm gold films, obtained on quartz substrates, showed that the reflection coefficient of electromagnetic radiation at a wavelength of 850 nm is 2.8 % higher than the corresponding coefficient for the same films obtained without using this operation, and is 83 %. An important role in the formation of nanoscale gold layers is played by the processes of self-irradiation of the growing layer of the high-energy component of the gold atoms flux. When using an additional operation of deposition/sputtering, high-energy gold atoms are implanted into the substrate to a depth of about 2 nm. On the one hand, these atoms are point defects in the surface damaged layer of the substrate; on the other hand, they serve as additional centers of cluster formation. This ensures strong adhesion of the metal layer to the substrate and, therefore, the gold films become continuous and more homogeneous in microstructure. The method of ion-beam deposition can be successfully applied to obtain high-quality conductive optically transparent nanosized gold films.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 2-9
Nicole E Spruijt ◽  
Lisette T Hoekstra ◽  
Johan Wilmink ◽  
Maarten M Hoogbergen ◽  

Introduction: Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) has been suggested as an effective intervention to limit necrosis of ischaemic skin flaps after mastectomy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate outcomes of HBOT in the largest series of patients to date with mastectomy flap ischaemia. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed of 50 breasts requiring HBOT for mastectomy flap ischaemia. The severity of the ischaemia or necrosis was evaluated by four independent observers using the skin ischaemia necrosis (SKIN) score. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to assess associations between risk factors and re-operation. Results: HBOT was started a median of 3 days (range 1–23) after surgery and continued for a median of 12 sessions (range 6–22). The breast SKIN surface area scores (n = 175 observations by the independent observers) improved in 34% (of observations) and the depth scores deteriorated in 42% (both P < 0.01). Both the surface area and depth scores were associated with the need for re-operation: higher scores, reflecting more severe necrosis of the mastectomy flap, were associated with increased need for re-operation. Twenty-nine breasts (58%) recovered without additional operation. Pre-operative radiotherapy (OR 7.2, 95% CI 1.4–37.3) and postoperative infection (OR 15.4, 95% CI 2.6–89.7) were risk factors for re-operation in multivariate analyses. Conclusions: In this case series, the surface area of the breast affected by ischaemia decreased during HBOT, and most breasts (58%) did not undergo an additional operation. A randomised control trial is needed to confirm or refute the possibility that HBOT improves outcome in patients with mastectomy flap ischaemia.

2021 ◽  
pp. 13-18
М.А. Сенченко ◽  
М.В. Степанова

В России при производстве национальных напитков и продуктов питания используют сырьё растительного происхождения. Многие участки для возделываемых культур расположены вблизи урбанизированных районов, нефтеперерабатывающих и машиностроительных заводов. Исследования посвящены определению тяжёлых металлов в почвах урбанизированных и сельских районов Ярославской области и проведены в 2019–2020 гг. Целью данного исследования является определение содержания некоторых микроэлементов и тяжёлых металлов в почве, ревене и продукте его переработки – квасе, произведённом разными способами (рассматривались 2 технологии: технология с дополнительной операцией «вымачивание стеблей ревеня» и «настаивание стеблей ревеня и дополнительных ингредиентов» и технология с дополнительной операцией «варка стеблей ревеня и дополнительных ингредиентов»). При исследовании загрязнения почвы микроэлементами и тяжёлыми металлами на всех территориях превышения предельно допустимых концентраций не выявлено. Установлено, что по величине среднего содержания в водной вытяжке почвы исследуемые элементы на всех рассмотренных территориях региона образуют следующий убывающий ряд: железо > свинец > цинк > медь > мышьяк > кадмий. Более высокие концентрации цинка, железа, кадмия, свинца и мышьяка выявлены в урбанизированной территории, а меди – в сельской территории. Анализ миграционной способности элементов в системе «почва – растение – продукция растительного происхождения» показал наличие плохой миграционной способности для цинка и железа. Использование растительного сырья, произведённого по технологии органического производства и по разработанной технологии переработки растительного сырья, способствовало наименьшему воздействию на его составные части, увеличению содержания макро- и микроэлементов. При этом содержание токсичных элементов остаётся в пределах действующих нормативных документов. Технология, включающая дополнительную операцию «варка», обеспечила наибольшую экстракцию макро- и микроэлементов из ревеня в квас. In Russia, raw materials of plant origin are used in the production of national beverages and food products. Many areas for cultivated crops are located near urbanized areas, oil refineries and mechanical engineering plants. Researches are devoted to the definition of heavy metals in soils of urbanized and rural areas of the Yaroslavl region and were carried out in 2019–2020. The purpose of this study is to determine the content of some microelements and heavy metals in soil, rhubarb and its processing product – kvass produced in various ways (2 technologies were considered: technology with an additional operation "soaking rhubarb stems" and "infusing rhubarb stems and additional ingredients" and technology with an additional operation "boiling rhubarb stems and additional ingredients"). When investigating soil contamination with microelements and heavy metals in all territories, no excess of maximum permissible concentrations was found. It was established that in terms of the average content in the water extract of the soil, the examined elements in all the considered territories of the region form the following decreasing series: iron > lead > zinc > copper > arsenic > cadmium. Higher concentrations of zinc, iron, cadmium, lead and arsenic were found in urbanized territory, and copper in rural territory. An analysis of the migration ability of elements in the system "soil – plant – product of plant processing" showed the presence of poor migration ability for zinc and iron. The use of plant raw materials produced according to the organic production technology and the developed technology for processing plant raw materials contributed to the least impact on its components, an increase in the content of macro- and microelements. At the same time, the content of toxic elements remains within the limits of existing regulatory documents. The technology, including an additional "boiling" operation, ensured the greatest extraction of macro- and microelements from rhubarb to kvass.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 424-462
Monica Alexandrina Irimia

AbstractAlthough differential object marking (DOM) has been studied from a multitude of perspectives, research into the types of variation it allows in closely related languages is still needed. This article examines DOM from the point of view of (micro)variation, focusing on two genetically related languages, namely, standard Spanish and Romanian. Both identities and points of divergence are discussed in detail and argued to result from a morphosyntactic parameter in the realm of differential marking. Following López [López, Luis. 2012. Indefinite Objects Scrambling, Choice Functions and Differential Marking. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press], the Spanish special marker signals certain types of nominals which undergo short scrambling in order to have Case licensed. In Romanian, however, DOM is equated with an additional operation beyond the valuation of Case.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 608
Shirin Salimi ◽  
Keval Pandya ◽  
Vinay Sastry ◽  
Claire West ◽  
Susan Virtue ◽  

Advances in liver transplantation (LT) have allowed for expanded indications and increased surgical complexity. In select cases, additional surgery may be performed at time of LT rather than prior to LT due to the significant risks associated with advanced liver disease. We retrospectively studied the characteristics and outcomes of patients who underwent an additional planned abdominal or cardiac operation at time of LT between 2011–2019. An additional operation (LT+) was defined as a planned operation performed under the same anesthetic as the LT but not directly related to the LT. In total, 547 patients were included in the study, of which 20 underwent LT+ (4%). Additional operations included 10 gastrointestinal, 5 splenic, 3 cardiac, and 2 other abdominal operations. Baseline characteristics between LT and LT+ groups were similar. The median total operating time was significantly longer in LT+ compared to LT only (451 vs. 355 min, p = 0.002). Graft and patient survival, intraoperative blood loss, transfusion of blood products, length of hospital stay, and post-operative complications were not significantly different between groups. In carefully selected patients undergoing LT, certain additional operations performed at the same time appear to be safe with equivalent short-term outcomes and liver graft survival as those undergoing LT alone

World Science ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (8(48)) ◽  
pp. 4-10
Vasiuk V. Le. ◽  
Kovalchuk P. Ye. ◽  
Zinchenko A. T. ◽  
Tulyulyuk S. V.

The article comprises the main principles of interlocking intramedullary metallic-polymeric nailing (IIMPN) and the experience of its implementation in 1200 cases of shaft fractures during the period of 40 years. Three generations of metallic-polymeric nails and techniques for closed, semi-closed and open IIMPN were designed. The nails can successfully be interlocked with proximal and distal bone fragments without an intraoperative X-ray control. Therefore, the operation can be made in any hospital capable of surgical treatment of fractures. Unlike interlocking metallic nailing, the dynamic variant of IIMPN makes the additional operation of dynamization unnecessary. CMPN-3 and CMPN-2 nails have options of intraoperative axial and lateromedial compression between fragments, which is impossible in interlocking metallic nailing. The carving conjunction between screws and polymer, which flexibility is close to that of the bone, excludes critical concentration of tensions and considerable dynamic loadings, and therefore prevents fractures of the interlocking screws. Good follow-up results were obtained in 94.2% patients.

2016 ◽  
Vol 34 (4_suppl) ◽  
pp. 106-106
Keun Won Ryu ◽  
Bang Wool Eom ◽  
Young-Il Kim ◽  
Kwang Hee Kim ◽  
Byung-Ho Nam ◽  

106 Background: The aim of this study is to compare the long-term outcomes between patients who underwent endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) and those who underwent surgery for early gastric cancers (EGCs) turned out to be out-of-indication of ESD. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed database on gastric cancer patient cohort who underwent ESD or surgery from 2004 to 2014. Patients whose lesions revealed to be out-of-indication for endoscopic resection after ESD or surgery were included in the analysis after 1:1 propensity score matching for baseline clinicopathologic characteristics. Overall survival (OS) and gastric cancer recurrence rates were compared between the matched ESD and surgery groups. Results: After propensity score matching, a total of 193 pairs of patients were included, and 126 pairs were ESD with additional operation group and 67 pairs were ESD without additional operation group. OS (5-year OS rates, 89.5% vs. 89.9%; P=.105) and gastric cancer recurrence rates (5-year recurrence rates, 2.6% vs. 1.6%; P=.080) were not different between the ESD and the matched surgery group. In the matched subgroups, ESD with additional operation group had comparable OS and gastric cancer recurrence rates in comparison with matched surgery group. However, ESD without additional operation group had significantly shorter OS (5-year OS rates, 76.8% vs. 86.3%; P=.032) and higher gastric cancer recurrence rates (5-year recurrence rates, 11.9% vs. 0%; P=.002) than matched surgery group. ESD without additional operation was also significant risk factor for overall mortality and gastric cancer recurrence in multivariate analyses. Conclusions: Patients who did not undergo additional operation after ESD for EGCs turned out be the out-of-indication had worse long-term outcomes. Additional operation should be recommended, when EGC was identified to be the out-of-indication after ESD.

2015 ◽  
Vol 55 (5) ◽  
pp. 347 ◽  
Oskar Zemčík ◽  
Josef Sedlák ◽  
Josef Chladil

<p>This paper describes changes observed in bearing steel due to roller burnishing. Hydrostatic roller burnishing was selected as the most suitable method for performing roller burnishing on hardened bearing steel. The hydrostatic roller burnishing operation was applied as an additional operation after standard finishing operations. All tests were performed on samples of 100Cr6 material (EN 10132-4), and changes in the surface layer of the workpiece were then evaluated. Several simulations using finite element methods were used to obtain the best possible default parameters for the tests. The residual stress and the plastic deformation during roller burnishing were major parameters that were tested.</p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
Abdul Rahim Jalil ◽  
Oskar Hasdinor Hassan ◽  
Norhidayah Md Zainuddin ◽  
Hamdzun Haron

The blackening technique of Labu Sayong (LS) or clay pitcher commonly performed either traditionally or in modern way is by removing the clay pitcher from the firing area one by one after the firing temperature reached maturity at around 850°C to 900°C. A finding indicates a few improvements can be done such as reducing the time of transferring the clay pitcher to the paddy husks, reducing the fuel consumption, uniforming the blackened effect of Labu Sayong and reducing the defects ratio of Labu Sayong. The innovative is to add paddy husks or organic materials into the kiln as soon as the firing temperature reached maturity during the cooling process. The paddy husks will get burnt and produce a thick smoke. By closing all the burner port holes and chimney damper, the smoke will diffuses inside the firing chamber which gave the blackened effect to Labu Sayong. Based on the studies, the best temperature to add the paddy husks into the kiln is between 350°C to 700°C, depending on the size of the kiln. The innovation blackening Labu Sayong can overcome the disadvantages of the conventional blackening technique while increasing productivity without additional operation costs. 

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