flexible adaptation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
Magdalena Steciąg

Lingua receptiva: An Ecolinguistic Approach to Slavic Inter-Language Contacts in a Borderland Area (a Polish-Czech Case)Ecolinguistics has dealt with inter-language contacts ever since its beginnings as an independent linguistic discipline in the 1970s. However, it has not gained much interest among Slavic studies scholars in Poland. The aim of this article is to present the ecolinguistic concept of research on Slavic inter-language contacts on the example of Polish and Czech using the notion lingua receptiva. The proposed concept of integrated research on language ecology in the Polish-Czech borderland covers three dimensions of the language ecosystem: natural, social and cognitive. Research on the natural ecology of the language revolves around its interrelationships with the surrounding natural environment and can relate to topography, fauna and flora, etc. This research considers the potential of the natural and the anthropogenic environment in relation to the language (and vice versa). In the sociological observation of the language ecology, attention is paid to social and cultural conditions shaping the relationships between communicating individuals and the nature of the communities that are constituted or maintained as a result of these contacts. Cognitive language ecology, in turn, includes the cognitive skills and competences of users, especially those that enable flexible adaptation in a particular environment. A different methodology has been developed for each dimension: from sociolinguistic quantitative approaches based on surveys, to pragmalinguistic experiments designed to observe the shape of sender-recipient relations in inter-language receptive communication. These methodologies are presented together with the preliminary results of research which make it possible to state that lingua receptiva is the nucleus of inclusive multilingualism, breaking the paradigm of monolingualism and blurring the borders between languages in the pursuit of mutual understanding.  Lingua receptiva: ekolingwistyczne ujęcie słowiańskich kontaktów międzyjęzykowych w przestrzeni pogranicza (przypadek polsko-czeski)Ekolingwistyka jako samodzielna dyscyplina językoznawcza, która ukonstytuowała się w latach 70. XX wieku, od początku zajmowała się kontaktami międzyjęzykowymi. Jednakże wśród slawistów w Polsce nie zyskała większego zainteresowania. Celem tekstu jest przedstawienie ekolingwistycznej koncepcji badań słowiańskich kontaktów międzyjęzykowych na przykładzie polsko-czeskim z wykorzystaniem pojęcia lingua receptiva. Proponowana koncepcja zintegrowanych badań nad ekologią języka na polsko-czeskim pograniczu obejmuje trzy wymiary ekosystemu języka: naturalny, społeczny i poznawczy. Badania nad naturalną ekologią języka oscylują wokół jego wzajemnych związków z otaczającym środowiskiem naturalnym i mogą odnosić się do topografii, fauny i flory itd. Pod uwagę bierze się w nich potencjał środowiska naturalnego i otoczenia antropogenicznego w relacji do języka (i odwrotnie). W obserwacji socjologicznej ekologii języka zwraca się uwagę na uwarunkowania społeczne i kulturowe kształtujące relacje między komunikującymi się jednostkami oraz charakter wspólnot, które są konstytuowane lub podtrzymywane w wyniku tych kontaktów. Kognitywna ekologia języka obejmuje z kolei zdolności poznawcze i kompetencje użytkowników, zwłaszcza te, które pozwalają elastycznie adaptować się w określonym środowisku. Dla każdego wymiaru została wypracowana inna metodologia: od socjolingwistycznych ujęć ilościowych opartych na badaniach ankietowych do eksperymentów pragmalingwistycznych służących obserwacji ukształtowania nadawczo-odbiorczego w międzyjęzykowej komunikacji receptywnej. Zostanie ona przedstawiona wraz ze wstępnymi wynikami badań, które pozwalają stwierdzić, że lingua receptiva stanowi jądro multilingwizmu inkluzywnego przełamującego paradygmat jednojęzyczności i zacierającego granice języków w dążeniu do wzajemnego zrozumienia.

PLoS Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (10) ◽  
pp. e3001410
Mohsen Alavash ◽  
Sarah Tune ◽  
Jonas Obleser

In multi-talker situations, individuals adapt behaviorally to the listening challenge mostly with ease, but how do brain neural networks shape this adaptation? We here establish a long-sought link between large-scale neural communications in electrophysiology and behavioral success in the control of attention in difficult listening situations. In an age-varying sample of N = 154 individuals, we find that connectivity between intrinsic neural oscillations extracted from source-reconstructed electroencephalography is regulated according to the listener’s goal during a challenging dual-talker task. These dynamics occur as spatially organized modulations in power-envelope correlations of alpha and low-beta neural oscillations during approximately 2-s intervals most critical for listening behavior relative to resting-state baseline. First, left frontoparietal low-beta connectivity (16 to 24 Hz) increased during anticipation and processing of spatial-attention cue before speech presentation. Second, posterior alpha connectivity (7 to 11 Hz) decreased during comprehension of competing speech, particularly around target-word presentation. Connectivity dynamics of these networks were predictive of individual differences in the speed and accuracy of target-word identification, respectively, but proved unconfounded by changes in neural oscillatory activity strength. Successful adaptation to a listening challenge thus latches onto 2 distinct yet complementary neural systems: a beta-tuned frontoparietal network enabling the flexible adaptation to attentive listening state and an alpha-tuned posterior network supporting attention to speech.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
Eva Lagunas ◽  
Mirza Golam Kibria ◽  
Hayder Al-Hraishawi ◽  
Nicola Maturo ◽  
Symeon Chatzinotas

Beam hopping (BH) and precoding are two trending technologies for high-throughput satellite (HTS) systems. While BH enables the flexible adaptation of the offered capacity to the heterogeneous demand, precoding aims at boosting the spectral efficiency. In this study, we consider an HTS system that employs BH in conjunction with precoding in an attempt to bring the benefits of both in one. In particular, we propose the concept of cluster hopping (CH), where a set of adjacent beams are simultaneously illuminated with the same frequency resource. On this line, we propose an efficient time–space illumination pattern design, where we determine the set of clusters that shall be illuminated simultaneously at each hopping event along with the dwelling time. The CH time–space illumination pattern design formulation is shown to be theoretically intractable due to the combinatorial nature of the problem and the impact of the actual illumination design on the resulting interference. For this, we make some design decisions on the beam–cluster design that open the door to a less complex still well-performing solution. Supporting results based on numerical simulations are provided which validate the effectiveness of the proposed CH concept and a time–space illumination pattern design with respect to benchmark schemes.

Siew-Min Sai

The Chinese Protectorate was first established in Singapore in 1877 with the limited objective of preventing abuses in Chinese labour migration, but it evolved multiple functions dedicated to governing Chinese migrants and residents in colonised Malaya. The Protector possessed extensive statutory powers and he was regarded as the official authority on all matters ‘Chinese’. This was an important yet under-studied colonial institution in the history of Chinese migration and settlement in Singapore and Malaysia. This article narrates the history behind the establishment of the Protectorate in the 1870s when ‘racialised governmentality’ of the Chinese population was institutionalised in colonised Malaya. The article underscores the significance of imperial and local contexts of the Protectorate's creation, arguing that it was a product of flexible adaptation of empire-wide practices of ‘protecting’ and governing liberated slaves, indigenous peoples and subsequently, indentured Indian labourers ‘humanely’. It is notable, therefore, that there was a coeval and conjoined discussion of migration control of Chinese as well as Indian labour migrants in Malaya during this period, but this history is hidden from plain sight by popular approaches studying labour migration as components of ethnic diasporas migrating from a single point of origin.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Lei Chu ◽  
Hao Pan ◽  
Wenping Wang

We present a novel approach for completing and reconstructing 3D shapes from incomplete scanned data by using deep neural networks. Rather than being trained on supervised completion tasks and applied on a testing shape, the network is optimized from scratch on the single testing shape to fully adapt to the shape and complete the missing data using contextual guidance from the known regions. The ability to complete missing data by an untrained neural network is usually referred to as the deep prior . In this article, we interpret the deep prior from a neural tangent kernel (NTK) perspective and show that the completed shape patches by the trained CNN are naturally similar to existing patches, as they are proximate in the kernel feature space induced by NTK. The interpretation allows us to design more efficient network structures and learning mechanisms for the shape completion and reconstruction task. Being more aware of structural regularities than both traditional and other unsupervised learning-based reconstruction methods, our approach completes large missing regions with plausible shapes and complements supervised learning-based methods that use database priors by requiring no extra training dataset and showing flexible adaptation to a particular shape instance.

Olena Plakhotnik

The authors considered anti-evolutionary, institutional, entrepreneurial and integration models of management systems in the context of studying the transformational cycle of economic processes development. This made it possible to prove that the effectiveness of the application of a specific approach to the organization of the structure of the management system depends on the degree of its implementation at a specific economic asset, and the transition to another structure is necessary in the case of the limitations of the existing one. It has been proven that one of the most promising mechanisms is the reengineering of business processes, which provides process orientation and an inductive approach to the use of modern information technologies, allowing flexible adaptation of the management system to changes in external and internal environments. The use of an object-oriented approach to the analysis, design and synthesis of applied software is proposed.  It will allow the use of an iterative method of project development, which increases the efficiency, quality and speed of performing all types of work, as well as the possibility of forming multi-option solutions for the development of production and economic systems.

Friederike Gerlach ◽  
Kathrin Rosing ◽  
Hannes Zacher

Abstract. Based on the model of ambidextrous leadership, we investigated the impact of flexible adaptation of leader behavior, that is, opening and closing leader behaviors, on innovative performance in a laboratory experiment. Leader behaviors were manipulated with confederates attending to one participant showing either no leadership, a sequential, or a flexible application of opening and closing leader behaviors. We hypothesized that flexible adaptation leads to better innovation performance. N = 93 participants took part and received one leadership manipulation. We did not find significant effects. These findings suggest that the effects of ambidextrous leadership might not be as strong as previously expected. Nonetheless, this study provides a manipulation of flexible leadership in a controlled setting, which is important to provide causal evidence.

Catalysts ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 432
Torsten Gille ◽  
Markus Seifert ◽  
Mathias S. Marschall ◽  
Sascha Bredow ◽  
Tobias Schneider ◽  

The conversion of different biogenic feedstocks to hydrocarbons is a major challenge when ensuring hydrocarbon and fuel supply in spite of the heterogeneity of this feed. Flexible adaptation to changing compositions is mandatory for the respective processes. In this study, different oxygenate model feeds, such as alcohols, aldehydes, carboxylic acids and esters, were converted at 500 °C and 5 barg H2 using H-ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts with various Si/Al ratios to identify the relationship between the feed structure and the final product distribution. As the main outcome, the product distribution becomes increasingly independent of the feed structure for Al-rich H-ZSM-5 catalyst samples at low Time on Stream (ToS). Some minor exceptions are the increased formation of aromatics during ToS for carbonyl oxygenates compared to primary alcohols and the dominance of initial deoxygenation products for Si-rich H-ZSM-5 samples. This is interpreted by a multi-stage reaction sequence, which involves the initial deoxygenation of the feed and the subsequent integration of the olefin intermediates into a reaction network. The results pave the way towards the achievement of a desired product distribution in the conversion of different oxygenates simply by the adaption of the Al content of H-ZSM-5.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Malathi Thothathiri

Whether sentences are formulated primarily using lexically based or non-lexically based information has been much debated. In this perspective article, I review evidence for rational flexibility in the sentence production architecture. Sentences can be constructed flexibly via lexically dependent or independent routes, and rationally depending on the statistical properties of the input and the validity of lexical vs. abstract cues for predicting sentence structure. Different neural pathways appear to be recruited for individuals with different executive function abilities and for verbs with different statistical properties, suggesting that alternative routes are available for producing the same structure. Together, extant evidence indicates that the human brain adapts to ongoing language experience during adulthood, and that the nature of the adjustment may depend rationally on the statistical contingencies of the current context.

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