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Diagnostics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 210
Aleksandra Asaturova ◽  
Darya Dobrovolskaya ◽  
Alina Magnaeva ◽  
Anna Tregubova ◽  
Guldana Bayramova ◽  

Recent evidence suggests that a cytology–histology correlation (CHC) with discrepancy detection can both evaluate errors and improve the sensitivity and specificity of the cytologic method. We aimed to analyze the errors in cytologic–histologic discrepancies according to the CHC protocol guideline of the American Society of Cytopathology (2017). This retrospective study included 273 patients seen at the National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology (Moscow, Russia) between January 2019 and September 2021. The patients’ mean age was 34 ± 8.1 years. The cytology–histology agreement was noted in 158 cases (57.9%). Major discrepancies were found in 21 cases (7.6%), while minor discrepancies were noted in 93 cases (34.1%). The reason for 13 (4.8%) discrepancies was a colposcopy sampling error and, in 46 (16.8%) cases, the reason was a Papanicolaou (PAP) test sampling error. The discrepancy between primary and reviewed cytology was due interpretive errors in 13 (4.8%) cases and screening errors in 42 (15.4%) cases. We demonstrated that the ASC guidelines facilitate cervical CHC. A uniform application of these guidelines would standardize cervical CHCs internationally, provide a scope for the inter-laboratory comparison of data, and enhance self-learning and peer learning.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-124
Ali Dani Sheikh ◽  
V. Babienko ◽  
E. Kobolev

The aim of the study is to assess the impact of latent iron deficiency on students' cognitive abilities. Material and methods. The study was conducted during 2018-2021 at the Department of Hygiene and Medical Ecology of Odessa National Medical University. A survey of 188 medical students aged 18-20 was conducted using a screening survey. Estimation of the qualitative content of iron compounds in the diet was performed by a calculation method using the USDA / FDA database. Persons with probable iron deficiency were examined for hemoglobin, erythrocytes, hematocrit (general clinical blood test) and serum ferritin. Additionally, the cognitive abilities of people with latent iron deficiency were assessed using MoSA, TMT, GPB, Schulte tables and TAS-20. As a control, 30 students aged 18-20 years who showed no signs of latent or overt iron deficiency were interviewed. Statistical processing was performed by methods of variance and correlation anamnesis using the software Statistica 13.0 (TIBCO, USA). Results. When evaluating diets, probable iron deficiency was identified in 69 (36.7%) students surveyed. A significant number of students reported signs of iron deficiency, namely general weakness (27 or 14.4%), increased fatigue (30 cases or 15.9%), pale skin and mucous membranes (6 or 3.2%), drowsiness (8 or 4.3%), dry mouth (11 or 5.9%), brittle hair (4 or 2.1%), bleeding gums (3 or 1.6%). In isolated cases, hyposmia, dysgeusia and dysphagia have occurred. Probable iron deficiency was found at the previous stage of the study in 29 (15.4%) patients, they subsequently underwent verifying laboratory tests. In the analysis of the obtained data, the diagnosis of mild iron deficiency anemia was confirmed in 2 (6.9%) girls. Latent iron deficiency was identified in 16 (55.2%) students, among whom girls predominated (10 people or 62.5%). Subsequent studies have shown that a significant number of students with latent iron deficiency showed moderate signs of decreased cognition. Conclusions: 1. The frequency of latent iron deficiency in the surveyed contingent was 8.5%, with an absolute predominance of girls (62.5%). 2. Latent iron deficiency in student youth can be manifested by cognitive impairment, and therefore affect academic performance. 3. The most pronounced correlation was found for ferritin content and severity of alexithymia (r = -0.61).

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (6) ◽  
pp. 88-95
M. V. Bolotin ◽  
A. M. Mudunov ◽  
V. I. Sobolevsky ◽  
I. M. Gelfand ◽  
I. V. Orlova ◽  

Background. Orbitomaxillary resection includes exenteration of the orbital contents with resection of the inferior orbital and medial walls. The main goals are: reconstruction of soft tissue and bone structure defects, tamponade of the orbital cavity and/or its preparation for further ocular prosthetics, and reconstruction of the skull base defect. The purpose of the study to present the immediate results of orbitomaxillary resections in patients with malignant neoplasms of the skull base and midface. Material and methods. Between 2014 and 2020, 6 patients who previously underwent surgery for primary cancer (n=3) and recurrent cancer (n=3) were treated at the Head and Neck cancer department of N.N. Blokhin National medical Research center of oncology. To reconstruct defects after resection of bone structures (maxilla, frontal and nasal bones) and skin, a musculocutaneous alt-flap was used in 3 (50 %) cases and a fascial skin radial flap in 3 (50 %) cases. Results. The aesthetic result was assessed in 6 patients. In all cases, a satisfactory result was obtained. None of the patients who underwent resection of the dura mater followed by reconstruction had no symptoms of liquorrhea in the postoperative period. Conclusion. Flap selection depends on the defect size. In cases with a small defect size (up to 70 cm3), reconstruction with the radial fascial skin flap can be performed. If the defect size is more than 71 cm3, reconstruction with musculocutaneous alt flap can be the method of choice.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (8) ◽  
pp. 3172
O. M. Drapkina ◽  
L. Y. Drozdova ◽  
S. N. Avdeev ◽  
S. A. Boytsov ◽  
E. S. Ivanova ◽  

Guidelines were approved at the meeting of the academic council of the National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine, Moscow (Protocol No. 10 of 19.10.2021).The aim of these guidelines is to provide primary care physicians with scientifically based algorithms for the implementation of dispensary monitoring in patients with chronic non-communicable diseases in the conditions of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) pandemic, including the use of telemedicine technologies.The organization and conduct of high-quality medical follow-up are the most important tasks aimed at both reducing the risks of developing complications of chronic non-communicable diseases and reducing overall mortality, especially in the current conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidelines contain clinical aspects of dispensary follow-up, general principles of tactics for managing patients with various chronic non-communicable diseases in COVID-19 conditions, in addition, brief checklists with options for interviewing patients with various chronic non-communicable diseases are presented, topical aspects of the interaction of drugs used in the treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases with antiviral drugs are considered.The guidelines are intended for general practitioners, district therapists, general practitioners (family doctors), as well as doctors of other specialties providing primary health care.

2022 ◽  
pp. 30-33
I. V. Shipitsyna ◽  
E. V. Osipova

Introduction. To date, a significant number of works have been published devoted to the analysis of the sensitivity of the leading causative agents of osteomyelitis to modern drugs, however, in the available literature there are no data on a comparative analysis of the antibiotic resistance of bacteria isolated from the osteomyelitis focus from the association and in monoculture. Purpose of the work: to compare the resistance profiles of the leading causative agents of osteomyelitis, depending on the bacterial composition of the focus of infection.Materials and methods. The study included 216 clinical isolates, of which 114 were isolated as part of two-component associations, 102 – in a monoculture from pathological material in patients with chronic osteomyelitis who were treated in the purulent department of National Medical Scientific Centre of Traumatology and Orthopedics n.a. academician G.E. Ilizarov (Kurgan, Russia) from 2018 to 2020. To analyze the resistance profiles, depending on the type of microorganism, modern drugs used in the clinic for the treatment of osteomyelitis were taken into account.Results and its discussion. Effective drugs against P. aeruginosa strains isolated from the association were polymyxin and meropenem, and in monoculture–polymyxin, piperacillin/tazobactam, tobramycin; in relation to strains of K. pneumoniae isolated from the association, it was imipenem, in monoculture – amikacin. S. aureus strains isolated both from the association and in monoculture were highly susceptible to antibacterial drugs.Conclusion. The analysis of the sensitivity of the leading causative agents of osteomyelitis, isolated in monoculture and from the association, to the antibacterial drugs used in the clinic, showed significant differences in the resistance profiles between the groups: for S. aureus strains, 4 antibiotics tested out of 13, for P. aeruginosa strains – 7 out of 13, for K. pneumoniae strains – 12 out of 16. The tested antibacterial drugs were less active against P. aeruginosa and S. aureus strains isolated from associations. In contrast, the percentage of resistant strains of K. pneumoniae was higher among monocultures.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (8) ◽  
pp. 3119
O. V. Kopylova ◽  
A. I. Ershova ◽  
M. S. Pokrovskaya ◽  
A. N. Meshkov ◽  
I. A. Efimova ◽  

Aim. To analyze the structure of clinical data, as well as the principles of collecting and storing related data of the biobank of the National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine (hereinafter Biobank).Material and methods. The analysis was carried out using the documentation available in the Biobank, as well as the databases used in its work. The paper presents clinical data on biosamples available in the Biobank as of August 18, 2021.Results. At the time of analysis, the Biobank had 373547 samples collected from 54192 patients within 37 research projects. The article presents the analysis of data representation and quantitative assessment of the presence/absence of common diagnoses in clinical projects. Approaches to documenting clinical information associated with biological samples stored in the Biobank were assessed. The methods and tools used for standardization and automation of processes used in the Biobank were substantiated.Conclusion. The Biobank of the National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine is the largest research biobank in Russia, which meets all modern international requirements and is one of the key structures that improve the research quality and intensify their conduct both within the one center and in cooperation with other biobanks and scientific institutions. The collection and systematic storage of clinical abstracts of biological samples is an integral and most important part of the Biobank’s work.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (8) ◽  
pp. 3043
N. V. Gnennaya ◽  
S. V. Timofeeva ◽  
A. O. Sitkovskaya ◽  
I. A. Novikova ◽  
I. B. Lysenko ◽  

Aim. To create a collection of samples of blood components of patients with multiple myeloma for potential fundamental and applied biomedical research.Material and methods. The material was collected according to the developed algorithm, including the collection of clinical information, biological material, sample preparation, quality control and storage in the biobank of the National Medical Research Center of Oncology.Results. As of August 2021, the cryostorage of the National Medical Research Center of Oncology biobank contains a collection of 175 samples of blood serum, plasma and mononuclear cell fraction of patients with multiple myeloma. Samples were obtained from 32 patients of both sexes, the mean age of which was 59,5±1,65 years. To create an electronic catalog, personal, clinical and laboratory data about patients were collected, after which each sample was assigned its own unique identification number. Written informed consent was obtained from all patients for the storage of their biomaterial in a biobank with possible subsequent use for scientific purposes. Freezing of the obtained samples was carried out in accordance with low-temperature storage protocol. The electronic catalog contains a wide range of systematized clinical and laboratory information on samples.Conclusion. The collection of multiple myeloma samples is a unique resource for potential research on its pathophysiology, the development of diagnostic biomarkers, and the search for targeted agents.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (8) ◽  
pp. 3106
M. M. Lukyanov ◽  
S. Yu. Martsevich ◽  
A. A. Pulin ◽  
N. P. Kutishenko ◽  
E. Yu. Andreenko ◽  

Aim. According to hospital-based registry, to evaluate the age characteristics and prevalence of concomitant cardiovascular and non-сardiovascular diseases in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 during epidemic wave.Material and methods. The TARGET-VIP register included 1130 patients aged 57,5+12,8 years (men, 51,2%) hospitalized at the Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center from April 6, 2020 to June 22, 2020 with COVID-19. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) were diagnosed in 51,6% of patients, non-сardiovascular chronic diseases — in 48,6%, while CVDs and/or non-сardiovascular chronic diseases — in 65,8% of patients.Results. The average age of patients significantly increased by an average of 0,77 years per week (p<0,001), while the difference between the 1st week (52,8 years) and 11th week (62,2 years) was 9,4 years; the proportion of men did not change significantly. The proportion of patients with CVDs increased significantly — from 34,2% to 66,7%, on average by 3,7% per week (p<0,001; Incidence Risk Ratio (IRR)=1,037; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1,017-1,058), with chronic non-cardiovascular diseases — from 32,5% to 43,2%, on average by 2,5% per week (p<0,001; IRR=1,025; 95% CI, 1,002-1,049), as well as those with CVDs and/or chronic non-cardiovascular diseases — from 47,5% to 75,3%, on average by 3,2% per week (p<0,001; IRR=1,032; 95% CI, 1,017-1,048). Over the entire period, the proportion of people with hypertension (HTN) was 47,0%, with coronary artery disease (CAD) — 15,4%, with heart failure (HF) — 4,0%, and with atrial fibrillation (AF) — 10,1%. The proportion of patients with HTN increased by 9,5% (p<0,001; OR=1,095; 95% CI, 1,047-1,144), with СAD — by 9,4% (p=0,01; OR=1,094; 95% CI, 1,022-1,172) and with AF — by 9,4% (p<0,001; OR=1,094; 95% CI, 1,023-1,170) per week. The proportion of patients with diabetes was 16,5%, with respiratory diseases — 11,4%, with chronic kidney disease (CKD) — 12,6%, with digestive diseases — 22,5%, with obesity — 6,1%. During the epidemic wave, the most pronounced increase in the proportion of patients with CKD was by 6,2% (p=0,036; OR=1,062; 95% CI, 1,004-1,124) and with digestive diseases — by 6,0% (p=0,01; OR=1,060; 95% CI, 1,014-1,109) per week.Conclusion. According to the 11-week TARGET-VIP registry, the age of patients increased by 9,4 years, CVD cases — by 1,9 times (mainly HTN, CAD, AF), and chronic non­сardiovascular pathology — by 1,3 times (mainly CKD and digestive diseases). These trends in hospital practice corresponded to a weekly increase in the proportion of patients with a higher risk of fatal and non-fatal complications, which is the basis for further research in order to develop a system for a comprehensive prognostic assessment of the degree and rate of increase in the load on hospitals during COVID-19 epidemic wave.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-60
Yumkhaibam Renubala Devi ◽  
Rajwant Kaur Randhawa ◽  
Priyanka Chaudhary

Breastfeeding is an ideal form of feeding to neonate. It is most precious gift a mother can give and is free of cost. It should be started as soon as possible after birth. Breast milk is a species-specific complete food. Human milk facilitates effortless digestion for infant and is well absorbed by the newborn. It helps in stimulating the production of breast milk, protect against infection and facilitate mother infant bonding and promotes better brain growth. For mothers breastfeeding helps in involution of uterus, delays pregnancy and lower risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Every year around 57,000 children below 5 years of age lose their lives, among which 54 percent die within the first month of life. The data stated that 22 percent of newborn death can be prevented through breastfeeding within 1st hour of birth. Mother play a very important roles in reducing neonatal mortality and neonatal morbidity rate by their knowledge and practice while feeding their baby. Method: Descriptive correlation study design was conducted in the month of August 2021 National Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Birganj, Nepal. Sample size was 50 primi para mothers. Purposive sampling techniques was used to select the sample. Semi structure interview schedule and observation checklist was prepared according to objectives which comprised questions related to demographic variables, Knowledge to assess breastfeeding and observational checklist to assess practice Data was collected by administering this structured questionnaire to the primipara mothers. Result: In the study 31 (62.0%) had adequate, 19 (38.0%) had moderate and none of them had inadequate knowledge regarding breastfeeding. 23 (46.0 had good, 27 (54.0%) had satisfactory and none of them had poor practice on breastfeeding. The results show that there was moderate degree positive correlation between knowledge and practice. Key words: Knowledge, practice, breastfeeding and primipara mothers.

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