ideological struggle
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А.Ю. Фомин

Рассматриваются идейные поиски историка-любителя полковника Ф.И. Сурина и его единомышленников в контексте идеологического противостояния противникам самодержавия в период Первой русской революции и «думской монархии». Особое внимание уделяется их общим представлениям о роли России в мировом историческом процессе и текущих политических задачах российского государства. The article deals with the intellectual speculations of an amateur historian colonel F. I. Surin and some of his fellow-thinkers in the context of ideological struggle against the opponents of Russian autocracy during the period of the First Russian Revolution and the “Duma monarchy”. Their perceptions of the Russia’s role in the global historical process and current political goals of Russian state are primarily taken into account.

Ida Bagus Made Wisnu Parta ◽  
I Nyoman Suarka ◽  
I Wayan Cika ◽  
I Made Suastika

<p class="p2">Balinese society has debated on <em>Warna</em>, <em>Kasta </em>(caste), and <em>Wangsa </em>stratification has been going on for a long time because of a lack of understanding about cultural differences. Bali's social stratification is focused on <em>Wangsa</em>. The title inherited the male line. This fits the ancestral scheme, <em>Purusa</em>, or patrilineal. The author is interested in investigating one of Catur Wangsa's issues in the <em>Candra Bhairawa </em>text focused on group polemics about <em>Warna</em>, <em>Kasta </em>(caste), and <em>Wangsa </em>stratification discourse. The issues addressed in this study are how to stratify <em>Catur Wangsa</em>'s duties and responsibilities in <em>Candra Bhairawa </em>text. This study aimed to determine the ideological struggle to stratify <em>Catur Wangsa </em>and <em>Catur Warna </em>in Bali. The method used in this research is to study literature by gathering primary and secondary data. This study results in (1 ) identifying and charting <em>Catur Warna </em>and <em>Catur Warna </em>(2)Duties of <em>Wangsa Brahmana</em>, <em>Wangsa Ksatria</em>, <em>Wangsa Waisya</em>, <em>Wangsa Sudra </em>(3) The <em>Wangsa </em>philosophical conflict in society poses two points of view, notably, the desire to retain the Wangsa and release the Wangsa with several stages of the <em>Diks</em>a Ceremony.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (21) ◽  
pp. 90-113
Fulvio Bertuccelli

This article explores the creation of consensus around official and unofficial anti-communist activities in Turkey by focusing on the weekly periodical Yeniden Millî Mücadele /National Struggle Anew (1970-1980) as a case study. The magazine described itself as a publication that was anti-communist, anti-capitalist, anti-zionist and respectful towards religious beliefs, and was associated with the national islamist organisation Mücadele Birliği (Union for Struggle). After a brief historical outline, the paper discusses some of the basic ideas of the magazine, and shows that these were intricately connected with the ideological struggle against the supposed cultural hegemony of the left. It then illustrates how National Struggle Anew took advantage of myths and symbols of the Ottoman and Turkish past in order to construct an anti-communist discourse and the image of the nation's enemies. The investigation has been conducted through a conceptual analysis of a selection of articles that appeared in the magazine, mainly in its first year of publication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 78-81
E. S. Stankevich

Currently, the old theory of Freud, with its primacy of instincts over consciousness, is manifested in the so-called sociological direction of psychoanalysis, called neo-Freudianism. Representatives of this new trend moved away from a purely Freudian position, explaining neuroses in terms of only one sexual desire.

2021 ◽  
pp. 241-253
Nigel Nicholson

Hippic contests constituted a surprisingly complex and contested semiotic system. This essay examines the hierarchies that structured this system to show how hippic contests gave visible form to various values and hierarchies that underpinned the larger social order. Equestrian contests as a whole were privileged over gymnastic contests; certain equestrian events were privileged over others (chariot over horse, four-horse over two-horse, stallion over mare, horse over mule); and the owner and the horse were privileged over the driver. In each case, however, it is also possible to trace challenges to these hierarchies, so that hippic contests should be thought of not so much as a vehicle for affirming a certain social order than as a particularly visible locus of ideological struggle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (07) ◽  
pp. 134-148
Abdelmajid SKHAIRI

The public debate on the language of instruction in public education in Morocco was characterized by intellectual and political confrontations that affected the linguistic issue, identity, public education crisis and other issues. It has concentrated on two main streams, one of which fiercely defends the policy of Arabization, and another believes that this policy, in particular ,is first and foremost responsible for the failure of the educational system and the deterioration of its quality. These political and ideological confrontations are a continuation of a long-standing struggle between conflicting choices in the field of linguistic politics, which have extensions and roots in the field of the general ideological struggle between the approaches and trends that used to enter battles over the nature of Social projects, and to determine the type of cultural references that are assigned to . This study attempts to help the reader learn more about "language war" by retrieving the most important arguments that were faced , and clarifying the ideological and political stakes involved in the raging debates about linguistic policy and managing its current crisis in Moroccan public education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-132
Lola N. Dodkhudoeva

The article introduces the results of a preliminary study of the unique work, the Manaqib al-khulafa (The Virtues/Excellences of the Caliphs) compiled by Qawam ad-Din Muhammad al-Husaini alSanaujiradi al-Ziyaratgahi al-Harawi in 997/1588. This is a response to the protest message of the Shiites of Herat, who survived the siege and capture of the city by the Sunnis the Shibanid troops. The Manaqib recreates the early stages of the history of Islam before the split caused by the difference in the understanding of principles of the supreme political power (elective or hereditary) transfer and reveals the virtues of the four righteous caliphs. Fragments of the Quran and hadiths cited in the treatise present irrefutable evidence of the Sunnis superiority over Shiism. The treatise is an excellent example of polemical literature of bitter ideological struggle between two orthodoxies Sunni and Shiite and contains valuable information on the religious and political history of Eurasia in the premodern period.

Marina Lvovna Vartanova

The most relevant and useful for today's Russia and its historical heritage is, first of all, the tradition of the organic unity of our peoples, which was developed and postponed in the course of our history as a result of everyday exercises in justice, mutual respect and harmony. Despite the fact that every Russian people has its own traditions, customs, languages, and heroic past – together they make up a common heritage. To revive it, to always remember it – and not lose sight of it – is the urgent task of time. We must believe that the troubled times, poverty and disenfranchisement of ordinary people-workers, disrespect for the moral and legal norms of human society are a temporary phenomenon. Its elimination consists in a good, comprehensive preparation of every young person entering an independent life. Our research has confirmed the assumption that in the conditions of today's acute ideological struggle for the minds and hearts of young people, it is necessary to turn to the her

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