curriculum guidelines
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-24

  In the world of education, it is very common for curriculum changes to be carried out with various considerations in accordance with changing times. In line with changes in the curriculum in Indonesia, the Ministry of Religion also issued a new curriculum written in KMA No. 183 of 2019 replacing KMA No. 165 of 2014 concerning 2013 curriculum guidelines for PAI and Arabic language materials. In KMA No. 165 of 2014 and KMA No. 183 of 2019, it is stated that the basic framework of the Madrasah Curriculum (PAI and Arabic) has been developed on philosophical, sociological, psycho-pedagogical, and juridical basis. Regarding the assessment of PAI and Arabic, KMA No. 183 of 2019, still has some similarities with KMA No. 165 of 2014, among others, assessment objectives, assessment principles, assessment methods, assessment techniques and tools as well as assessment aspects (attitudes, knowledge and skills). However, the highlight of KMA No. 183 of 2019 is the assessment of aspects of knowledge that require higher-order thinking skills or HOTS which has never been discussed at KMA No. 165 of 2014 before. ABSTRAKDalam dunia pendidikan sangat lumrah jika perubahan kurikulum terus dijalankan dengan berbagai pertimbangan sesuai dengan perubahan zaman. Sejalan dengan perubahan kurikulum di Indonesia, Kementerian Agama juga mengeluarkan kurikulum baru yang tertulis dalam KMA No. 183 tahun 2019 menggantikan KMA No. 165 tahun 2014 tentang pedoman kurikulum 2013 materi PAI dan Bahasa Arab. Dalam KMA No. 165 Tahun 2014 dan KMA No. 183 Tahun 2019, disebutkan bahwa kerangka dasar Kurikulum Madrasah (PAI dan Bahasa Arab) telah dikembangkan atas dasar falsafah, sosiologi, psiko-pedagogis, dan yuridis. Terkait penilaian PAI dan Bahasa Arab, KMA No. 183 Tahun 2019, masih memiliki beberapa kesamaan dengan KMA No. 165 Tahun 2014, antara lain tujuan penilaian, prinsip penilaian, metode penilaian, teknik dan alat penilaian serta aspek penilaian (sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan). Namun yang menjadi sorotan dari KMA No 183 Tahun 2019 ini adalah penilaian aspek pengetahuan yang membutuhkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi atau HOTS yang belum pernah dibahas di KMA No 165 Tahun 2014 sebelumnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 15-27
Mustafa Dolmaci ◽  
Hatice Sezgin

In order to provide “a common basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses, curriculum guidelines, examinations, textbooks, etc. across Europe”, The Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR) was published in 2001 by the Council of Europe. It has affected the way languages are taught, learnt and assessed and also how foreign language proficiency levels are defined all around the world. The CEFR adopts an intercultural approach to foreign language, and the main purpose is to protect cultural diversity and to give importance to cultural activities rather than being a part of foreign language education. For this reason, culture is at the very core of the CEFR. In 2018 and 2020, two Companion Volumes were published to complement the CEFR. The present paper offers a comparative corpus analysis of these three texts focusing on the occurrences of culture-related items using n-gram tool of Sketch Engine (Lexical Computing, n. d.), which creates frequency lists of sequences of tokens. Based on the findings, it is suggested according to the CEFR that rather than focusing on the national culture of the native speakers of the target language, foreign language education should focus more on the “new culture” formed by the encounters of people coming from different cultures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 51
Luís Carlos Ferreira ◽  
Euclides André Musdna Malú

O propósito do texto é discutir o processo de reeducação das relações étnico-raciais na educação de jovens e adultos, a partir das identidades negras no cotidiano escolar da EJA. É um estudo de abordagem qualitativa em que recorremos à pesquisa bibliográfica, cujos referenciais estão pautados em documentos legais como a Lei 10.639/2003, Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais das Relações Étnico-Raciais e para o Ensino de História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Africana, Censo Educacional de 2019; além do aporte teórico em Falola (2020), Oyêwùmí (2018), Gomes (2005), Odé Inocêncio (2001), Schwarcz (2012), dentre outros que fundamentam a discussão. No primeiro momento, consideramos os dados oficiais de pardos e pretos informados nas matrículas da EJA, como resultado do Censo Educacional (2019) e seus efeitos na produção das identidades e reconhecimento das culturas africanas e afro-brasileiras. No segundo momento, problematizamos a questão da reeducação para as relações étnico-raciais reconhecendo que, passados dezessete anos de implementação da primeira versão da Lei 10.639/2003, não foram suficientes para a ressignificação dos conhecimentos potenciais de África e da diáspora. Por fim, é necessário continuarmos a discutir os aspectos ligados à dimensão da corporeidade, africana e afro-brasileira, tornada invisível e negada nas salas de aula da EJA; às múltiplas abordagens das religiosidades de matriz africana; às inúmeras manifestações e práticas culturais de raiz africana conectadas com as experiências de seus descendentes brasileiros, sem esgotarmos o debate.Palavras-chave: Relações Étnico-Raciais; Identidades africanas e afro-brasileiras; Educação de Jovens e Adultos.EJA’s black identities in dialogue with the (re)education of ethnic-racial relationsABSTRACT The purpose of the text is to discuss the process of re-education of ethnic-racial relations in the education of young people and adults, based on black identities in the daily life of EJA. It is a study with a qualitative approach in which we resorted to bibliographical research, whose references are based on legal documents such as Law 10.639/2003, National Curriculum Guidelines for Ethnic-Racial Relations and for the Teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture, Census 2019 Educational; in addition to theoretical contributions in Falola (2020), Oyêwùmí (2018), Gomes (2005), Odé Inocêncio (2001), Schwarcz (2012), among others that support the discussion. At first, we considered the official data of browns and blacks informed in EJA enrollments, as a result of the Educational Census (2019) and its effects on the production of identities and recognition of African and Afro-Brazilian cultures. In the second moment, we problematize the issue of re-education for ethnic-racial relations, recognizing that, seventeen years after the implementation of the first version of Law 10.639/2003, it was not enough for the re-signification of the potential knowledge of Africa and the diaspora. Finally, it is necessary to continue to discuss aspects related to the dimension of corporeality, African and Afro-Brazilian, made invisible and denied in EJA classrooms; the multiple approaches to African-based religiosities; to the countless manifestations and cultural practices of African roots connected with the experiences of their Brazilian descendants, without exhausting the debate.Keywords: Ethnic-Racial Relations; African and Afro-Brazilian Identities; Youth and Adult Education. Las identidades negras de EJA en diálogo con la (re) educación de las relaciones étnico-raciales RESUMENEl propósito del texto es discutir el proceso de reeducación de las relaciones étnico-raciales en la educación de jóvenes y adultos, basado en las identidades negras en la vida cotidiana de EJA. Se trata de un estudio con enfoque cualitativo en el que se recurrió a la investigación bibliográfica, cuyas referencias se basan en documentos legales como la Ley 10.639 / 2003, Lineamientos Curriculares Nacionales para las Relaciones Étnico-Raciales y para la Enseñanza de la Historia Afrobrasileña y Africana y Cultura, Censo 2019 Educativo; además de aportes teóricos en Falola (2020), Oyêwùmí (2018), Gomes (2005), Odé Inocêncio (2001), Schwarcz (2012), entre otros que apoyan la discusión. En un primer momento, se consideraron los datos oficiales de pardos y negros informados en las inscripciones de EJA, como resultado del Censo Educativo (2019) y sus efectos en la producción de identidades y reconocimiento de las culturas africanas y afrobrasileñas. En un segundo momento, problematizamos el tema de la reeducación para las relaciones étnico-raciales, reconociendo que, diecisiete años después de la implementación de la primera versión de la Ley 10.639 / 2003, no fue suficiente para la resignificación del conocimiento potencial. de África y la diáspora. Finalmente, es necesario seguir discutiendo aspectos relacionados con la dimensión de la corporeidad, africana y afrobrasileña, invisibilizados y negados en las aulas de EJA; los múltiples enfoques de las religiosidades africanas; a las innumerables manifestaciones y prácticas culturales de raíces africanas conectadas con las vivencias de sus descendientes brasileños, sin agotar el debate.Palabras clave: Relaciones étnico-raciales; Identidades africanas y afrobrasileñas; Educación de jóvenes y adultos.

2021 ◽  
Emre Erturk

The current global computing curriculum guidelines including MISI2016, IT2017 and IS2020 are built to promote and facilitate competency-based higher education programs development and to enhance graduate employability. Their applications however are facing challenges in understanding, interpretation and operationalization. Taking data analytics and data engineering, this study shows how these guidelines are used to discover and analyze competencies, the boundaries between typical IT and IS programs and between IS undergraduate and postgraduate programs and further, the gaps for these programs to fill to incorporate professional practice competencies. The global skills frameworks are invoked and SFIA 7 is used to assist analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (26) ◽  
pp. 093-126
吳仙凰 吳仙凰

<p>教育部《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱》強調學生是自發主動的學習者,學校教育應誘發學生的學習動機與熱情,並培育學生成為具有社會適應力與應變力的終身學習者。因此,本研究旨在探討專業西班牙文翻譯課程實施自主學習之成效,並實施問卷調查,了解學生對於翻譯教學結合自主學習之看法,包括課程設計、合作方式、成績評量及學習成效等面向。研究結果指出,藉由翻轉課堂上教師與學生之角色、鬆綁教學控制與結合控制動機等方式可誘發學生的學習動機並提升翻譯能力。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>The Curriculum Guidelines of the 12-Year Basic Education of the Ministry of Education emphasize that students should be spontaneous and motivated learners. Thus, the role of schools is to stimulate students’ learning motivation and enthusiasm in order to prepare them for future societal adaptation and obtain the ability to be a life-time learner. Thus, this study aims to analyze the effects of integrating autonomous learning into the specialized Spanish translation class. The survey findings cover the following aspects: 1) course design: curriculum planning and didactic methodology and process; 2) translation assignments: individual and team work, semester-end learning projects; 3) translation assessment; 4) learning effectiveness. According to the students’ feedback from the questionnaires, the research demonstrates that students’ learning motivations and translation competences can be fostered in autonomous learning by the following methods: changing the roles of teachers and learners in the classroom, allowing students to decide their own learning strategies, and combining controlled motivational factors to encourage students.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 374-383
Joaklebio Alves da Silva ◽  
Monica Lopes Folena Araújo ◽  

By ethnic-racial relations one understands the relations established between ethnic groups whose base is guided by race category, seen on a social perspective. Schools should be an environment propitious to the promotion of Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations, the teacher being an indispensable agent in this process. The present study is characterized as documentary research with a qualitative approach that sought to analyze, in a comparative perspective, evidence of a proposal for Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations present and/or absent in the Curriculum Guidelines and in the Common National Base for Initial Teacher Training (Resolution 2/2019), as well as the possible implications for the teaching of anti-racist Science and Biology in Brazil. The study leads us to conclude that the new Curricular Guidelines and the Common National Base for the Initial Teacher Training do not bring concrete evidence of an effective proposal for Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations as proposed by Resolution 2/2015, which was hastily revoked by Resolution 2/2019. The absence of these indications tends to result in negative implications for the teaching of anti-racist Science and Biology, since it was previously supported, we had found in the guidelines for teacher training an alternative to insert the study of ethnic-racial relations in undergraduate courses in the area. We hope that this study will collaborate for research in the area of ​​teacher training and ethnic-racial relations in the teaching of Science and Biology, especially for educational policies aimed at training teachers.

2021 ◽  
Ednaldo de Souza Vilela ◽  
Filipe José Dias ◽  
Marcos B. L. Dalmau

The article aims to investigate how the development of competences applied to the professional formation of the egress administrator of public municipal higher education institutions in the Florianópolis region occurs under perspective of teachers and coordinators of the bachelor's degree in administration course. For this, a qualitative and documentary research was carried out, using a structured questionnaire applied to 20 people as a data collection instrument, including 2 course coordinators and 18 professors from the studied institutions who teach the subjects whose contents are related to professional formation from the administrator. The results show that the new national curriculum guidelines encourage the development of competences. In this context, despite the effort to comply with such devices, there is some misalignment between the teaching plans and the pedagogical project of the course. Difficulties in implementing formation based on competence and lack of institutional stimuli are also perceived.

2021 ◽  
Margaret Ann Haggerty

<p>The official draft of the first national curriculum guidelines for early childhood services in Aotearoa/New Zealand : Te Whaariki: Draft Guidelines for Developmentally Appropriate Programmes in Early Childhood Services: He Whaariki Matauranga mo nga Mokopuna o Aotearoa, was released at the end of October 1993. This document was the culmination of a curriculum development project that commenced in 1990, when the Ministry of Education sought contract proposals for the development of the first ever national early childhood curriculum guidelines. In 1995 the Ministry of Education trialled nine different curriculum professional support projects, aimed at assisting early childhood centres to use the newly developed draft guidelines. This study reports on one of the curriculum professional support projects, which the Ministry of Education commissioned from Wellington College of Education. The project which this study is based on, was grounded in an action research approach to professional support. Its core focus was the use of video feedback as a tool for critical pedagogy. It involved five case study centres: a playcentre, a kindergarten, a Montessori centre, an owner-operator childcare centre and an employee childcare facility. The project comprised a minimum of twenty one 'face to face' hours per centre, made up of eight sessions, spread over an nine month period. Video observations of each centre's curriculum 'in action', which constituted two of the sessions, were examined by the practitioners of the centre concerned, and considered in relation to Te Whaariki. Data involved interviews, journals and observations, including video. The study found that using video as feedback for the purposes of curriculum and professional development, within the context of action research, was an essentially useful, albeit complex, and quite highly contextualised undertaking. Many participants did use video feedback to help them engage with Te Whaahki, although in a number of cases the complexity of the curriculum model proved problematic. Participants used the video feedback in a range of ways to resource the development of curriculum within their centres. For a number of participants video feedback was instrumental in them taking a more reflective and critical stance toward their worplace practices. Key themes to emerge included the potential affective impact of using video feedback in examining one's own workplace practices, and the importance and complexities of the dynamics of power, both within the workplace and within the research project itself. Finally, the study raised a number of ethical issues related to the use of video in professional and curriculum development.</p>

2021 ◽  
Margaret Ann Haggerty

<p>The official draft of the first national curriculum guidelines for early childhood services in Aotearoa/New Zealand : Te Whaariki: Draft Guidelines for Developmentally Appropriate Programmes in Early Childhood Services: He Whaariki Matauranga mo nga Mokopuna o Aotearoa, was released at the end of October 1993. This document was the culmination of a curriculum development project that commenced in 1990, when the Ministry of Education sought contract proposals for the development of the first ever national early childhood curriculum guidelines. In 1995 the Ministry of Education trialled nine different curriculum professional support projects, aimed at assisting early childhood centres to use the newly developed draft guidelines. This study reports on one of the curriculum professional support projects, which the Ministry of Education commissioned from Wellington College of Education. The project which this study is based on, was grounded in an action research approach to professional support. Its core focus was the use of video feedback as a tool for critical pedagogy. It involved five case study centres: a playcentre, a kindergarten, a Montessori centre, an owner-operator childcare centre and an employee childcare facility. The project comprised a minimum of twenty one 'face to face' hours per centre, made up of eight sessions, spread over an nine month period. Video observations of each centre's curriculum 'in action', which constituted two of the sessions, were examined by the practitioners of the centre concerned, and considered in relation to Te Whaariki. Data involved interviews, journals and observations, including video. The study found that using video as feedback for the purposes of curriculum and professional development, within the context of action research, was an essentially useful, albeit complex, and quite highly contextualised undertaking. Many participants did use video feedback to help them engage with Te Whaahki, although in a number of cases the complexity of the curriculum model proved problematic. Participants used the video feedback in a range of ways to resource the development of curriculum within their centres. For a number of participants video feedback was instrumental in them taking a more reflective and critical stance toward their worplace practices. Key themes to emerge included the potential affective impact of using video feedback in examining one's own workplace practices, and the importance and complexities of the dynamics of power, both within the workplace and within the research project itself. Finally, the study raised a number of ethical issues related to the use of video in professional and curriculum development.</p>

Barbara Piškur ◽  
Marjatta Takala ◽  
Anita Berge ◽  
Liselotte Eek-Karlsson ◽  
Sara M. Ólafsdóttir ◽  

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