literacy preparation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-36
Semra Tican Başaran ◽  
Sabri Sidekli ◽  

The purpose of this study is to reveal the views and recommendations of the preschool and primary school teachers on the literacy preparation in Turkish preschool education. The study is designed as phenomenological research. The participants of the study are 12 preschool and 9 primary school teachers who have been teaching actively in the western part of Turkey. The qualitative data was collected through face-to-face interviews and analyzed through content analysis. The findings of the study show that preschool teachers have some confusion on literacy preparation and readiness. While preschool and primary school teachers are of the same opinion about the need for literacy preparation in preschool education, they have different opinions about the literacy preparation activities conducted in preschool education. While preschool teachers think that they get preschoolers ready for literacy, primary school teachers think that first graders in their classes do not come literately ready from preschool education. Teachers participated in the study; think that the lack of collaboration among preschool and primary school teachers, some deficiencies in preschool education curriculum and in the education system, and the preschool teachers’ imperfect knowledge in the literacy readiness are the possible reasons of inadequacy of readiness for literacy in preschool education. They recommend systematic collaboration among teachers, review of preschool education curriculum and providing professional support for preschool teachers to support literacy readiness in preschool education.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 27
Napatsawan Thanaphonganan ◽  
Phamornpun Yurayat ◽  
Thapanee Seechaliao

The situation of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is full of unpredictability, uncertainty about the severity of the disease, and incorrect information. Therefore, health literacy preparation is the key to preventing COVID-19 and having the correct health behaviors. The objectives of this study were 1) to study health literacy on COVID-19 and prevention behaviors of COVID-19 among undergraduate students at Mahasarakham University, and 2) to compare health literacy on COVID-19 and prevention behaviors of COVID-19 among undergraduate students at Mahasarakham University, classified by genders, academic years, grade point averages (GPAs), and faculty groups. The participants were 417 undergraduate students at Mahasarakham University chosen by stratified random sampling and simple random sampling. The research instruments were as follows: the questionnaire on health literacy on COVID-19 and the questionnaire on COVID-19 prevention’s behavior. The data were analyzed using percentage (%), mean (M), standard deviation (S.D.), independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA. The findings revealed that 1) undergraduate students were well versed in health literacy for the COVID-19 infection and their prevention behaviors of COVID-19 infection were at a good level (M = 90.06, S.D. = 9.54; M = 86.87, S.D. = 11.50) and 2) female undergraduate students had statistically higher mean scores on COVID-19 health literacy scores and COVID-19 prevention’s behaviors than males. Students from the health sciences faculty group had statistically significantly higher average health literacy scores on COVID-19 infection than those from the technology sciences faculty group.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 38
Made Susilawati

The purpose of this study was to examine how urgent and ready to digitize cooperatives during and through the covid-19 pandemic. Data was collected through literature study, interviews, focus group discussions, and observations. The object of the research is social capital in cooperatives in a number of districts/cities in NTT Province. The research method uses a qualitative approach through a case study. The result of this study is that the social capital of commitment as a healthy, independent, and contemporary cooperative is a stimulant towards the cooperatives digitization. Cooperative social capital from the cultural dimension of adaptation to digitalization still needs to be strengthened by literacy, preparation of resources supported by security of funds and data, and commitment.

Chelsey M. Bahlmann Bollinger ◽  
Sarah M. Lupo ◽  
Brian A. Sullivan

Although quizzes and written summaries are more traditional ways to hold students accountable for reading, more than two thirds of college students report not completing assigned readings, references show. In this mixed-methods study, the researchers explored whether various technology strategies motivated undergraduate literacy education students to not only read, but also learn from these assigned texts. Collecting survey data from our literacy preparation courses, the authors examined how the students perceived these strategies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Olga Medyanik ◽  
Olga Deyneka

Today, insurance enables the functioning of the market system. In modern Russia, such a mechanism of protection against internal and external threats exists to ensure the economic security of each citizen. Indeed, individual insurance policies continue to gain importance as the most effective risk management tool to guarantee the safety of the health and property of private citizens. The goal of this study was to investigate Russian citizens’ attitudes towards insurance policies and investment bearing in mind the concept of personal economic security. Preparations for this study were focused on theoretical understandings of economic security problems, taking the field of insurance as an example. Our research consisted of four stages, with a total of 1794 participants. The results of this study can offer insight to improve the functioning of the insurance market in accordance with the framework of the Insurance Industry Development Strategy for the Russian Federation—2020. The obtained results can be used from both a political and economic standpoint in the development of a set of measures dealing with the control of financial institutions, promotion of financial literacy, preparation of courses for universities, and trainings for participants in the insurance market. Policyholders can also use this information to advocate for improved insurance programs for citizens.

Jennifer E Moore ◽  
Daniella Smith ◽  
Barbara Schultz-Jones ◽  
John Marino

School library educators at two university locations in North Texas collaborated on a research initiative to address the perceived need for data literacy preparation at the pre-service level. The research initiative explored the potential for school librarians to provide data literacy leadership through the systematic development of competencies in the master’s-level pre-service professional preparation program. Participants from various school levels operated as a focus group in the fall of 2018 to identify competencies necessary for library professionals to develop as part of a pre-service training program. The answers to the nine key questions are presented as participant data related to data-informed decision-making in schools.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Rustiyarso Rustiyarso

  AbstractThis study aimed to describe the education of sociology departement literacy used by students of sociology of education in preparing the final work in FKIP Tanjungpura University of. The method used is descriptive method survey form with a qualitative approach. Data collected by the indirect communication. Data collection tool used is a questionnaire and documentation in the form outline and design student research. The population of this study were all students of sociology of education that has been qualified in completing course credits a number of 110-115 credits and be eligible to apply for the title of the research to the academic supervisor. The research proves that students in general education courses sociology "in line" in preparing for the writing of the final work through the proposed outline and the design of the proposed research to the academic supervisor or to the sociology of education courses. In particular: 1) student of the sociology of education before writing her college thesis to perform a wide variety of approaches and work hard to get a variety of literacy suite of social media both print and non-print; 2) student education study program of sociology in doing literacy courses to prepare for the final works in sociology of education courses to experience various obstacles whether they are economic, technical as well as non-economic and non-technical; 3) the strategies used to overcome various obstacles in literacy preparation was writing the end of college students of education and sociology are doing searching brawshing using a web search engine sociology department, namely Google and Yahoo and other web search engines. Keywords: literacy, education of sociology, end of college preparatory works

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