literacy workshop
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2021 ◽  
Jodi Bolognese ◽  
Richard Whalen ◽  
Evie Cordell ◽  
Alissa Link Cilfone ◽  
Brooke Williams

Manuel Leon-Urrutia ◽  
Johanna Catherine Walker

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Kiki Dwi Wijayanti ◽  
Yossy Wahyu Indrawan ◽  
Elizabeth Tika Kristina Hartuti ◽  
Zaenal Abidin ◽  
Ade Yusuf

Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memotivasi serta memberikan penyuluhan bagi anak, khususnya anak dalam usia sekolah (pelajar), agar dapat mengatur  keuangan dan bisa memperioritaskan antara kebutuhan primer, skunder, dan tersier. Kegiatan pengabdian ini mengambil tema “Workshop Financial Literacy Untuk Siswa Sma 6 Tangerang Selatan. Beberapa materi pengelolaan keuangan, khususnya untuk siswa yang mendapatkan uang dari pekerjaan sampingan bisa menjadi langkah awal yang tepat untuk dilaksanakan oleh remaja menuju kemandirian ataupun kebebasan finansial atau financial freedomMetode kegiatan pengabdian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kekinian dengan metode diskusi berkelompok sehingga dapat lebih mudah dipahami oleh siswa SMA 6 Tangerang Selatan yang rata-rata adalah pemuda dan remaja milenial yang up to date dengan keadaan saat ini. Pada metode penjelasan, setiap instruktur menyampaikan materi terkait dan membuat tampilan visual berupa slide power point yang ditampilkan ke layar dengan LCD proyektor.Kata Kunci: Financial Literacy, Financial FreedomThis activity aims to motivate and provide counseling for children, especially children of school age (students), in order to manage finances and be able to prioritize primary, secondary and tertiary needs. This service activity takes the theme "Financial Literacy Workshop for Senior High School 6 Tangerang Selatan Students. Some financial management materials, especially for students who get money from a side job can be the right first step for teenagers to take towards independence or financial freedom or financial freedom The method of service activities used is a contemporary approach with a group discussion method so that it is easier for students to understand. SMA 6 Tangerang Selatan, which on average is millennial youth and adolescents who are up to date with current conditions. In the explanation method, each instructor delivers related material and makes a visual display in the form of a power point slide that is displayed on the screen with an LCD projector.Keywords: Financial Literacy, Financial Freedom

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-67
Chotijah Fanaqi ◽  
Arti Nurdianti Chairunnisa ◽  

Purpose: The aim of the media literacy workshop through the review of the Tilik film is to build awareness and understanding for Karyamekar associations in an effort to ward off hoaxes that are rife on social media. The discussion and review of this film was in the context of the implementation of Community Service which was held by the Garut University Service Team in collaboration with the Youth Organization of Karyamekar Village, Cilawu District, Garut Regency. Method: The method used is a workshop and film surgery "TILIK". Results: The results of these activities indicated that the workshop with the discussion method and providing examples of the latest cases (film review) was quite effective. This can be seen in the enthusiasm of the participants, as well as the ongoing discussion process. Conclusion: The Tilik Film Review activity has a very positive impact on the participants to foster their interest in media literacy. Keywords: Media literacy, Hoax

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Jamilah Karaman ◽  
Ida Widaningrum ◽  
Mohammad Bhanu Setyawan ◽  
Sugianti Sugianti

Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa internet membawa dampak positf bagi kehidupan anak dan remaja karena memudahkan untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru, informasi terkait tugas dan pelajaran sekolah, meningkatkan kreatifitas, memperat komunikasi antar teman dan lain-lain. Seperti dua sisi mata uang, teknologi internet juga memberi dampak negatif yang mempengaruhi martabat kedirian dan kehidupan generasi remaja sekarang ini. Munculnya beragam kasus cybercrime, adiksi terhadap pornografi dan games online, menjadi bukti nyata sangat rentannya pengaruh negatif perkembangan internet terhadap dunia anak. Kecakapan literasi digital, merupakan salah satu langkah preventif dan edukatif untuk menyadarkan dampak positif dan meminimalisir dampak negatif internet. Sekolah, bisa menjadi pengerak utama untuk mengkampanyekan dan memberikan kecakapan literasi digital kepada anak didiknya. Namun ada beberapa permasalahan untuk menerapkan literasi digital di sekolah. Pertama, belum adanya kurikulum kecakapan literasi digital dengan acuan standar. Kedua, hilangnya pelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi yang seharusnya bisa menjadi media penyuluhan literasi digital. Ketiga, masih minimnya kecakapan literasi digital yang dimilliki oleh para guru. Hal ini juga terjadi di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 2 Ponorogo, sehingga perlu diadakan pelatihan atau workshop literasi digital berbasis sekolah untuk menunjang keberhasilan budaya gerakan literasi sekolah. Berdasarkan evaluasi workshop literasi digital, peserta merespon dengan baik materi dan evaluasi kompetensi standard. Peserta mampu mengikuti dengan baik dan memahami semua materi informasi personal dan privasi, jejak digital dan kemanan Wi-Fi.Kata Kunci: cybercrime; literasi digital; madrasah.  Application of School Based Digital Literacy Model To Build Positive Content On The Internet ABSTRACT It is undeniable that the Internet has a positive impact on the lives of children and adolescents because it facilitates obtaining the latest information, information related to school tasks and increases creativity, strengthens communication between friends and others. Like the two sides of a coin, Internet technology also has a negative impact that affects the dignity of oneself and the lives of today's teenagers. The emergence of several cases of cybercrime, pornography addiction, and online games, is a real test of the very vulnerable negative influence of Internet development in the world of children. Digital literacy skills are one of the preventive and educational steps to achieve positive impacts and minimize the negative impacts of the Internet. Schools can be the main drivers for campaigning and providing digital literacy skills to their students. But there are some problems to implement digital literacy in schools. First, there is no curriculum for digital literacy skills with standard references. Secondly, the loss of Information and Communication Technology lessons that should have been a means for digital literacy advice. Third, the lack of digital literacy skills that teachers possess. This also happened in Madrasa Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 2 Ponorogo, so there must be a training or digital literacy workshop at the school to support the cultural success of the school literacy movement. Based on the evaluation of the digital literacy workshop, participants responded well to the material and the assessment of standard skills. Participants can follow well and understand all personal information and privacy material, fingerprints and Wi-Fi security..Keywords: cybercrime; digital literacy; madrasah. 

2020 ◽  
Evie Cordell ◽  
Alissa Link Cilfone ◽  
Susan Freeman ◽  
Richard Whalen ◽  
Brooke Williams

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Mundi Rahayu ◽  
Deny Efita Nur Rakhmawati

Literacy workshop is important activity delivered in community to increase people’s competencies not only in reading and writing, but more importantly in building critical perspectives. However, the result of the literacy workshop needs to be examined, not only to find out the success indicator of the workshop, but also to understand the narration presented in young peoples‘ works. It is necessary to get the idea of what the young people’s concern and thought. This paper discusses the writings as the products of literacy workshop held at Trenggalek, East Java, which was attended by young people as participants. The workshop results in 12 writings, consisting of two short stories, and 10 essays.  The questions raised in this paper are; how is the discourse of daily life represented in the writings of the literacy workshop participants? What are the social and cultural factors affecting the writers in constructing the discourse? This paper argues that young people’s concern reflects the current social cultural issues that matters in our life. Literacy for young people is not merely giving the skill of reading and writing, but it is a meaning-making process, that enable them to construct the meaning of their everyday life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 122 (13) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Eliza G. Braden

Background The increase in the number of Black immigrants and other immigrant populations has undoubtedly changed the landscape of educational spaces. In fact, in 2016, 8% of Blacks were second generation Americans. Although Black immigrants may share similar experiences to native born African Americans, there are markedly distinct cultural influences that shape their educational experiences. Both racialized and cultural experiences come to play a major role in how students experience schooling in the U.S. The relationship that Black immigrant families have with schools and teachers can impact immigrant children's well-being and inform teachers. Therefore, it is important that Black immigrant families and schools create lasting relationships grounded in a respect for language, culture, race, and county of origin. Purpose/Objective/Research Question I use the insights from discussions with one Black immigrant family from Senegal who participated in an after-school critical literacy workshop where relationships were built among parents, students, and educators. Although there is an extensive body of literature on Black immigrants in the U.S., this research will contribute to filling the gap concerning how Black immigrant parents can be supported in serving as agents of socialization as their children come to understand the way race functions in the United States and how other parents, teachers, and curricula can be informed through discussions with them. This study is guided by the following question: What can be learned about the role of an after-school critical literacy workshop in creating a space for a Senegalese immigrant family to engage in discussions with their children, other families, and teachers as they react to race and violence in the U.S.? Research Design/Data Collection and Analysis Throughout the course of the project, students’ participation was documented through field notes, research memos, and audio and video recordings of family workshop meetings. Classroom data in the form of children's writing samples, written response journaling, and visual responses (sketch to stretch) were also collected. The study included in-depth interviews with student participants at the conclusion of the workshop. Parents completed a survey to share their experiences. Data were uploaded to Dedoose to identify codes. Findings/Results Three themes refected how the critical literacy workshop enhanced the family's ability to prepare their children for a racialized society and inform other children, families, and teachers: (a) transnational literacies were important in building racial and heritage knowledge for the children, (b) children's literature and film opened spaces for conversation that allowed the family to inform other parents about racial injustices and the importance of African heritage pride and also informed the classroom teacher about the need for discussing colorism in his classroom, and (c) transnational literacies and talk about anti-Blackness occurred within a supportive environment. Conclusions/Implications When the after-school critical literacy workshop affirmed a Black immigrant family in their “Black thinking” and sociopolitical consciousness, they were able to articulate their feelings about racist acts and violence and the need for African heritage pride. Findings corroborate the studies that argue for the value of teaching about contemporary movements such as #BlackLivesMatter and the importance of honoring the voices of Black immigrant youth and families in curricular spaces.

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