at command
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 146
A. Akhmad Qashlim ◽  
Nurfani Rahmat ◽  
Muhammad Sarjan

Abstrak: Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) Kabupaten Polewali Mandar saat ini sudah menerapkan sistem secara online dalam pengurusan izin, akan tetapi sistem yang dibangun masih membuat masyarakat yang mengurus surat izin bolak balik ke kantor. Undang-Undang No.25 Tahun 2009 mengatur tentang pelayanan publik untuk memberikan kejelasan salah satunya prosedurnya yang berbelit-belit dalam mengurus suatu perizinan. Oleh karena itu dibuat sistem electronik perizinan yang dapat memberikan pelayanan yang mudah dan murah agar dapat membantu masyarakat dalam hal pelayanan dengan menggunakan software JavaScript sebagai webserver, NoSQL  sebagai database server,visual studio code sebagai authoring tools, phyton 3.7, at command, dan gammu sebagai SMS Gateway. Untuk pengurusan surat izin dapat dilakukan pada alamat web server Pada sistem ini ada 3 surat izin yang menjadi sampel penelitian yaitu Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP), Surat Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) & Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP). Penelitian tersebut dilakukan pada kantor Dinas Penanaman Modal & Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Kab. Polewali Mandar (DPMPTSP). Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan menggunakan teknik mengumpulkan data melalui observasi, dokumentasi & wawancara baik dalam lingkup kantor ataupun dalam lingkup sistem yang ada. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilaksanakan membuat masyarakat yang mengurus perizinan  tidak lagi bolak-balik kantor karena sistem yang dirancang dapat memberikan notifikasi melalui SMS Gateway dengan implementasi python mengirimkan at command melalui gammu sehingga sistem membaca kode pemograman dan mengirimkan pesan informasi kepada pemohon bahwa surat yang telah diajukan sudah mendapat izin dari kepala dinas dan dapat langsung diambil pada sistem ini.   Kata kunci: DPMPTSP, pelayanan publik, perizinan, SMS Gateway   Abstract: Investment Bureau and one-stop integrated service (DPMPTSP) of Polewali Mandar Regency has currently implemented an online system in obtaining permits, but the system that was built still makes people who take care of permits go back and forth to the office. Law No. 25 of 2009 regulates public services to provide clarity, one of which is the convoluted procedure in managing a permit. Therefore, an electronic licensing system was created that can provide easy and inexpensive services in order to help the community in terms of service by using JavaScript software as a webserver, NoSQL as a database server, visual studio code as authoring tools, python 3.7, at command, and gammu as SMS Gateway. For processing a license, it can be done at the web server address In this system, there are 3 permits that became the research sample, namely Research Permits (SIP), Building Construction Permits (IMB) and Trading Business Permits (SIUP). The study was conducted at the Polwarimander Regency (DPMPTSP) office, an investment and one-stop service office. The survey method used is a qualitative survey method that uses interview, documented, and observational data collection techniques, both within the office and within the existing system. Results of the survey conducted made people who take care of permits no longer go back and forth in the office because the system designed can provide notifications via SMS Gateway with the implementation of python sending at commands via Gammu so that the system reads the programming code and sends information messages to the applicant that the letter has been submitted. has received permission from the head of service and can be directly taken on this system.   Keywords: DPMPTSP, public service, licensing, SMS Gateway

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (02) ◽  
pp. 66-76
Saeful Bahri ◽  
Syarifah Fadillah Rezky ◽  
Junus Sinuraya

SMS from these various considerations is feasible to use. The level of ownership of cellular phones and affordable costs are considerations that support the adoption of this technology to be widely applied for the application of information system development in the present and in the future.Distance and long time are no longer a problem that can hinder obtaining information about the exam schedule, the SMS received does not come directly from the sender, but comes from the SMS Center. So, before the SMS reaches the recipient, the SMS actually enters the SMS Center first,The PDU contains not only the message, but also a lot of information about the sender. Starting from the sender's number, the sender's SMSC number, the validity time of the SMS, and so on. Everything is built in the form of hexadecimal numbers. SMS-based student exam scheduling using AT Command GSM which is used as a command in communication with the serial port. Scheduling with the AT command technique is very effective as information for students.

Gunjan Rai ◽  
Sudhir Mansingh ◽  
Bikram Bhardwaj

 Background: In current study we managed twin pregnancies having single fetal demise with a successful outcome. Generally monochorionic and monoamniotic pregnancies are having high probability of complications, so we have to be more watchful in these pregnancies. Termination of pregnancy is not the only option as we can manage and prolong pregnancies with a good outcome by strict monitoring of patients. Aim of our study was to look for fetomaternal outcome in twin pregnancies with single fetal demise.Methods: This is a retrospective study done between July 2017 to June 2020 at Command hospital, Panchkula, Haryana. Total 3249 deliveries have been conducted during above said period. Out of which 47 deliveries were having twin pregnancy. We had six twin pregnancies who reported with one fetal demise. These cases were managed with regular monitoring of coagulation profile and strict fetal surveillance for surviving twin. The cases were studied for antenatal, postnatal and any neonatal complication.Results: No antenatal, postnatal maternal or any neonatal complication observed in this study. During study period we delivered total 3249 patients, out of which 47 were twin pregnancy. Out of these 47 (1.44%) twins’ pregnancies 33 (70.31%) were DADC and 14 (29.69%) DAMC. We studied six twin pregnancies who had single fetal demise. Conclusions: Even with single fetal demise pregnancies can be continued till term with strict monitoring for maternal and fetal complications. Termination is not the only answer in twin pregnancies with single fetal demise. Although our study was small, it indicates that in case of twin pregnancy with single fetal death and under good surveillance, the live fetus can be salvaged. 

2021 ◽  
akuwan saleh

Prototipe sistem penerima tamu yang telah dibuat dalam paper ini menggunakan mikrokontroler ATmega8535 dirancang dengan tujuan memberikan kemudahan bagi tamu dan penghuni rumah untuk melakukan komunikasi baik secara langsung maupun secara nirkabel melalui Handphone (HP). Prototipe ini telah diterapkan pada rumah yang memiliki kamar lebih dari satu. Komponen utama dari peralatan ini adalah bel, LCD, keypad, mikrokontroler ATmega8535, AT Command, PDU (Protokol Data Unit), HandPhone. a minimum sistem peralatan ini tersedia menu berupa daftar nama dan kamar penghuni. Tamu memasukkan nama dan nomor kamar yang dituju maka bel pada kamar yang dituju berbunyi. Apabila penghuni berada dikamar dan menekan tombol jawaban, maka LCD pada sisi tamu keluar informasi ”Mohon Tunggu Sebentar”. Apabila penghuni tidak berada dikamar maka dalam beberapa menit LCD pada sisi tamu muncul informasi ”Maaf Yang Dicari Tidak Ada, Mohon Tinggalkan Pesan Dengan Menulis Nama Dan Nomor Telepon”. Selanjutnya pesan tersebut oleh mikrokontroler dikirimkan melalui HP server kepada HP penghuni. Hasil yang telah diperoleh dari sistem ini berupa informasi kepastian ada atau tidak adanya penghuni rumah, keberhasilan pengiriman identitas tamu (nama dan no. Telepon) melalui layanan SMS yang kemudian dilanjutkkan dengan komunikasi alternatif antara penghuni rumah dan tamu secara nirkabel menggunakan HP.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 1837
Cristian Vizitiu ◽  
Călin Bîră ◽  
Adrian Dinculescu ◽  
Alexandru Nistorescu ◽  
Mihaela Marin

In this paper, we present an exhaustive description of an extensible e-Health Internet-connected embedded system, which allows the measurement of three biometric parameters: pulse rate, oxygen saturation and temperature, via several wired and wireless sensors residing to the realm of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) and cognitive assessment through Choice Reaction Time (CRT) analysis. The hardware used is based on ATMEGA AVR + MySignals Hardware printed circuit board (Hardware PCB), but with multiple upgrades (including porting from ATMEGA328P to ATMEGA2560). Multiple software improvements were made (by writing high-level device drivers, text-mode and graphic-mode display driver) for increasing functionality, portability, speed, and latency. A top-level embedded application was developed and benchmarked. A custom wireless AT command firmware was developed, based on ESP8266 firmware to allow AP-mode configuration and single-command JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data-packet pushing towards the cloud platform. All software is available in a git repository, including the measurement results. The proposed eHealth system provides with specific NCDs and cognitive views fostering the potential to exploit correlations between physiological and cognitive data and to generate predictive analysis in the field of eldercare.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-25
Vladislav Kobzev ◽  
Vadim Vasilyev ◽  
Oleksandr Doska ◽  
Dmytro Fomenko

The article discusses approaches to ensure the combat work documentation on the combat means of surface-to-air missile systems (complexes) in modern conditions. It focuses attention on the main discrepancies of the existing objective control means of combat work to the requirements of time. A review of existing research and publications on objective control of combat work shows that the existing approaches are mainly focused on organizing objective control at command and control centres and do not take into account the specifics of conducting combat work on combat weapons of surface-to-air missile systems (complexes). That is why the purpose of the article was chosen to substantiate propositions for improving the objective control system of the combat work on combat weapons of surface-to-air missile systems. When developing proposals for improving the objective control system of combat work on combat means of surface-to-air missile systems (complexes), the emphasis is placed on the fact that a promising objective control system of combat work, unlike the existing one, should be based on modern element base, be unified and should record video , audio, combat and technical information circulating in the combat means of surface-to-air missile systems (complexes). The structure of this system, its elements, communication organization is proposed, the expediency of such a construction option is justified. For each element, its functional purpose is indicated and the design direction is advisable. In addition, it was proposed to use this approach in the future for samples of weapons and military equipment (radar stations, command and control stations, combat vehicles) of other troops types.

Sutet ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Redaksi Tim Jurnal

The alarm device is very important in a vehicle, especially on four-wheeled vehicles. Alarm device installed to avoid in case of danger of theft or destruction of the car. So designed car alarm system that can send short message to car owner who use AT89S52 microcontroller. The hardware arrangement of the car alarm system uses the SMS-based AT89S52 microcontroller in this design, consisting of four main parts of the circuit, the minimum system circuit of microcontroller, power supply, serial communication, Input / Output. In SMS text sent from Wavecom M1306B modem and received by mobile (mobile phone) to SMS center or SMS Center flows in form of PDU (Protocol Data Unit). In the sms format is divided into several segments of data that each segment has a specific purpose. The segments are: SMS center number, destination number, bytes for the purpose of setting this SMS and most important is the SMS content that has been changed in the form of a PDU. To be able to send or upload SMS data to the modem and ordered the modem to send SMS data it required AT Command instructions. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-26
Slamet Risnanto

ABSTRAK Pemungutan suara elektronik atau e-voting adalah suatu bentuk pemungutan suara yang biasanya digunakan untuk pemilihan umum maupun poling menggunakan media elektronik. Pergeseran penggunaan media yang dahulu konvensional dan di era teknologi saat ini sudah banyak beragam media yang digunakan untuk jejak pendapat tersebut di antaranya media sosial/internet, short message service maupun chatting. Penggunaan teknologi Short Message Service (SMS) saat ini banyak dipakai untuk pemungutan suara elektronik karena ketersediaan, kecepatan, keamanan dan ketepatan data yang dihasilkan. Aplikasi pemungutan suara elektronik atau istilah sekarang bernama e-voting menggunakan teknologi short message service dan AT command dirancang dengan sangat sederhana dan biaya yang relatif murah sehingga memudahkan para pengguna baik peserta pemungutan suara maupun pelaksana pemungutan suara.   ABSTRACT Electronic voting or e-voting is a voting form that is usually used for elections or polls using electronic media. Shifting the use of media that was previously conventional and in the current era of technology has a lot of media used for the traces of opinion such as social media/internet, short message service and chat. The use of Short Message Service (SMS) technology is now widely used for electronic voting because of the availability, speed, security and accuracy of the resulting data. Electronic voting application or now called e-voting using short message service technology and AT Command is designed with very simple and relatively low cost so as to facilitate the users both voting participants and committees that implement voting. How to Cite : Risnanto, S. (2017). APLIKASI PEMUNGUTAN SUARA ELEKTRONIK / E-VOTING MENGGUNAKAN TEKNOLOGI SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE DAN AT COMMAND. Jurnal Teknik Informatika, 10(1), 17-26.doi:10.15408/jti.v10i1.6811Permalink/DOI:

P. S. Rao ◽  
Sujata Datta ◽  
S. Prajwal

Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM) is defined as carbohydrate intolerance of variable severity with onset or first recognition during pregnancy. This study aims at determining the efficacy of the glibenclamide versus insulin in achieving the adequate glycemic control and to analyze the maternal and fetal outcomes and to determine the failure rate of glibenclamide, patient compliance and overall cost of the treatmentMethods: This study was carried out for a period of 22 months at Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore in Dept. of OBG. Women with GDM whose glycemic control was not achieved with medical nutrition therapy with fasting blood sugar (FBS) values >105mg/dl and 2hour post prandial blood sugar (PP) value >140mg/dl were selected and randomized for treatment either glibenclamide or insulin (50 in each group).Results: The age of the patients in this study ranged from 23 to 33 years. The mean age in glibenclamide group was 27.32 (SD ± 2.84) where as in insulin group was 26.30 (SD ± 3.01). The mean plasma glucose level achieved with glibenclamide was fasting -87.62 mg/dl, post prandial -116.44 mg/dl, before lunch - 95.62mg/dl, after lunch -115.80 mg/dl, before dinner-91.96 mg/dl, after dinner - 116.64 mg/dl, 3AM - 84.42 mg/dl and next day fasting - 86.30mg/dl in comparison with insulin where fasting- 85.54 mg/dl , post prandial -114.14 mg/dl, before lunch - 87.08, after lunch -112.82 mg/dl, before dinner-86.76 mg/dl and after dinner - 114.18 mg/dl, 3AM - 81.16 mg/dl and next day fasting was 86.72mg/dl which is statistically significant. The incidence of maternal and neonatal morbidities was comparable in both the group. 4 % percent of patient treated with glibenclamide had treatment failure. The cost of the treatment and compliance was better with glibenclamide.Conclusions: It has been concluded that glibenclamide is effective as insulin in achieving adequate glycemic control with no significant maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality.

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