deep diving
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D N Ingle ◽  
M E Porter

Abstract Since their appearance in the fossil record 34 Mya, modern cetaceans (dolphins, whales, and porpoises) have radiated into diverse habitats circumglobally, developing vast phenotypic variations among species. Traits such as skeletal morphology and ecologically-linked behaviors denote swimming activity; trade-offs in flexibility and rigidity along the vertebral column determine patterns of caudal oscillation. Here, we categorized 10 species of cetaceans (Families Delphinidae and Kogiidae; N = 21 animals) into functional groups based on vertebral centra morphology, swimming speeds, diving behavior, and inferred swimming patterns. We quantified trabecular bone mechanical properties (yield strength, apparent stiffness, and resilience) among functional groups and regions of the vertebral column (thoracic, lumbar, and caudal). We extracted 6 mm3 samples from vertebral bodies and tested them in compression in three orientations (rostrocaudal, dorsoventral, and mediolateral) at 2 mm min−1. Overall, bone from the pre-fluke/fluke boundary had the greatest yield strength and resilience, indicating that the greatest forces are translated to the tail during caudal oscillatory swimming. Group 1, composed of five shallow-diving delphinid species, had the greatest vertebral trabecular bone yield strength, apparent stiffness, and resilience of all functional groups. Conversely, Group 3, composed of two deep-diving kogiid species, had the least strong, stiff, and resilient bone, while Group 2 (three deep-diving delphinid species) exhibited intermediate values. These data suggest that species that incorporate prolonged glides during deep descents in the water column actively swim less, and place relatively smaller loads on their vertebral columns, compared with species that execute shallower dives. We found that cetacean vertebral trabecular bone properties differed from the properties of terrestrial mammals; for every given bone strength, cetacean bone was less stiff by comparison. This relative lack of material rigidity within vertebral bone may be attributed to the non-weight bearing locomotor modes of fully aquatic mammals.

2022 ◽  
pp. 138-160
Nihan Garipağaoğlu-Uğur ◽  
Orhan Akova

Underwater cultural heritage and deep diving are important attractions for tourism. Using cutting-edge technology tools for cultural heritage became more important for tourism destinations. The purpose of this chapter is to evaluate the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in tourism from the perspective of cultural heritage and deep diving. This chapter will contribute to the literature to show a new way of sustainable tourism. Commercial diving to an underwater heritage site a is popular touristic activity. Sometimes shipwreck recovery can be hazardous for cultural heritage. The review results indicate that these underwater cultural heritage sites need to be protected for sustainable tourism development. Virtual tours contribute to the sustainability of cultural heritage. On the other hand, treasure hunting trips and recreational diving may cause damage to the archaeological sites. Underwater cultural heritage sites should be protected for sustainable tourism. VR and AR applications can be used to promote a touristic destination by tourism marketers for experimental marketing.

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. R26-R28
Tim Guilford ◽  
Oliver Padget ◽  
Louise Maurice ◽  
Paulo Catry

2021 ◽  
Alexander Ruesch ◽  
J. Chris McKnight ◽  
Eric Mulder ◽  
Jingyi Wu ◽  
Steve Balfour ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. 70-71
N. Smith

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
Fleur Visser ◽  
Onno A. Keller ◽  
Machiel G. Oudejans ◽  
Douglas P. Nowacek ◽  
Annebelle C. M. Kok ◽  

Foraging decisions of deep-diving cetaceans can provide fundamental insight into food web dynamics of the deep pelagic ocean. Cetacean optimal foraging entails a tight balance between oxygen-conserving dive strategies and access to deep-dwelling prey of sufficient energetic reward. Risso's dolphins ( Grampus griseus ) displayed a thus far unknown dive strategy, which we termed the spin dive. Dives started with intense stroking and right-sided lateral rotation. This remarkable behaviour resulted in a rapid descent. By tracking the fine-scale foraging behaviour of seven tagged individuals, matched with prey layer recordings, we tested the hypothesis that spin dives are foraging dives targeting deep-dwelling prey. Hunting depth traced the diel movement of the deep scattering layer, a dense aggregation of prey, that resides deep during the day and near-surface at night. Individuals shifted their foraging strategy from deep spin dives to shallow non-spin dives around dusk. Spin dives were significantly faster, steeper and deeper than non-spin dives, effectively minimizing transit time to bountiful mesopelagic prey, and were focused on periods when the migratory prey might be easier to catch. Hence, whereas Risso's dolphins were mostly shallow, nocturnal foragers, their spin dives enabled extended and rewarding diurnal foraging on deep-dwelling prey.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Elizabeth R. Piotrowski ◽  
Michael S. Tift ◽  
Daniel E. Crocker ◽  
Anna B. Pearson ◽  
José P. Vázquez-Medina ◽  

Marine mammals such as northern elephant seals (NES) routinely experience hypoxemia and ischemia-reperfusion events to many tissues during deep dives with no apparent adverse effects. Adaptations to diving include increased antioxidants and elevated oxygen storage capacity associated with high hemoprotein content in blood and muscle. The natural turnover of heme by heme oxygenase enzymes (encoded by HMOX1 and HMOX2) produces endogenous carbon monoxide (CO), which is present at high levels in NES blood and has been shown to have cytoprotective effects in laboratory systems exposed to hypoxia. To understand how pathways associated with endogenous CO production and signaling change across ontogeny in diving mammals, we measured muscle CO and baseline expression of 17 CO-related genes in skeletal muscle and whole blood of three age classes of NES. Muscle CO levels approached those of animals exposed to high exogenous CO, increased with age, and were significantly correlated with gene expression levels. Muscle expression of genes associated with CO production and antioxidant defenses (HMOX1, BVR, GPX3, PRDX1) increased with age and was highest in adult females, while that of genes associated with protection from lipid peroxidation (GPX4, PRDX6, PRDX1, SIRT1) was highest in adult males. In contrast, muscle expression of mitochondrial biogenesis regulators (PGC1A, ESRRA, ESRRG) was highest in pups, while genes associated with inflammation (HMOX2, NRF2, IL1B) did not vary with age or sex. Blood expression of genes involved in regulation of inflammation (IL1B, NRF2, BVR, IL10) was highest in pups, while HMOX1, HMOX2 and pro-inflammatory markers (TLR4, CCL4, PRDX1, TNFA) did not vary with age. We propose that ontogenetic upregulation of baseline HMOX1 expression in skeletal muscle of NES may, in part, underlie increases in CO levels and expression of genes encoding antioxidant enzymes. HMOX2, in turn, may play a role in regulating inflammation related to ischemia and reperfusion in muscle and circulating immune cells. Our data suggest putative ontogenetic mechanisms that may enable phocid pups to transition to a deep-diving lifestyle, including high baseline expression of genes associated with mitochondrial biogenesis and immune system activation during postnatal development and increased expression of genes associated with protection from lipid peroxidation in adulthood.

2021 ◽  
Vol 168 (10) ◽  
Émile Brisson-Curadeau ◽  
Yves Handrich ◽  
Kyle H. Elliott ◽  
Charles-André Bost

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (37) ◽  
pp. e2106080118
Yuan Yuan ◽  
Yaolei Zhang ◽  
Peijun Zhang ◽  
Chang Liu ◽  
Jiahao Wang ◽  

The ancestors of marine mammals once roamed the land and independently committed to an aquatic lifestyle. These macroevolutionary transitions have intrigued scientists for centuries. Here, we generated high-quality genome assemblies of 17 marine mammals (11 cetaceans and six pinnipeds), including eight assemblies at the chromosome level. Incorporating previously published data, we reconstructed the marine mammal phylogeny and population histories and identified numerous idiosyncratic and convergent genomic variations that possibly contributed to the transition from land to water in marine mammal lineages. Genes associated with the formation of blubber (NFIA), vascular development (SEMA3E), and heat production by brown adipose tissue (UCP1) had unique changes that may contribute to marine mammal thermoregulation. We also observed many lineage-specific changes in the marine mammals, including genes associated with deep diving and navigation. Our study advances understanding of the timing, pattern, and molecular changes associated with the evolution of mammalian lineages adapting to aquatic life.

Yu Xia ◽  
Yimeng Cui ◽  
Aishan Wang ◽  
Fangnan Liu ◽  
Hai Chi ◽  

Abstract Rhodopsin comprises an opsin attached to a retinal chromophore and is the only visual pigment conferring dim-light vision in vertebrates. On activation by photons, the retinal group becomes detached from the opsin, which is then inactive until it is recharged. Of all vertebrate species, those that dive face unique visual challenges, experiencing rapid decreases in light level and hunting in near darkness. Here, we combine sequence analyses with functional assays to show that the rhodopsin pigments of four divergent lineages of deep-diving vertebrates have undergone convergent increases in their retinal release rate. We compare gene sequences and detect parallel amino acids between penguins and diving mammals and perform mutagenesis to show that a single critical residue fully explains the observed increases in retinal release rate in both the emperor penguin and beaked whale. At the same time, we find that other shared sites have no significant effect on retinal release, implying that convergence does not always signify adaptive significance. We propose that accelerated retinal release confers rapid rhodopsin recharging, enabling the visual systems of diving species to adjust quickly to changing light levels as they descend through the water column. This contrasts with nocturnal species, where adaptation to darkness has been attributed to slower retinal release rates.

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