wind potential
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Dieta Wahyu Asry Ningtias ◽  
F. Danang Wijaya ◽  
Lesnanto Putra Multanto

Voltage deviations and power losses in the distribution network can be handled in various ways, such as adding diesel power plants and wind turbines. Adaut Village, Tanimbar Islands Regency, Maluku Province has installed a diesel power plant with a capacity of 1,200 kW, while the average hourly electricity load is 374.9 kW. Adaut Village has high wind potential that can be used for distributed generations namely wind turbine (WT). WT can be used to improve power quality in terms of power losses and voltage deviations. In adding WT, the capacity and location must be determined to get good power quality in terms of power loss and voltage deviation. The research applied an optimization technique for determining the capacity and location of WT using non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGAII) with an objective function of power losses and voltage deviation. In addition, the economic aspects of the power plant were calculated using the levelized cost of energy (LCOE). The research used scenarios based on the number of WT installed. The best results were obtained in scenario IV or 4 WT with 1.38 kW on Bus 2, 422.43 kW on Bus 15, 834.33 kW on Bus 30, and 380.81 kW on Bus 31 which could reduce power losses by 80% with an LCOE value of Rp7,113.15/kWh. The addition of the WT could also increase the voltage profile to close to 1 pu, which means it can minimize the voltage deviation in the distribution network.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (4) ◽  
pp. 042049
S Ovchinnikova ◽  
E Schneider ◽  
A Borovkov ◽  
A Lyamina

Abstract Krasnodar Krai is an intensively economically developing region. In terms of the activity in the construction of residential and industrial facilities, it ranks among the leaders in Russia. At the same time, the region is experiencing a serious shortage of energy produced on its territory. The power system of the Krasnodar Krai is characterized by a high specific consumption of electric energy per capita, comparable in size to the largest cities of the Russian Federation. Also, the territory of the Krasnodar Krai is a recreational area, a valuable ecological object, where the construction of carbon-burning power plants is undesirable due to the high degree of environmental pollution. The construction of a nuclear power plant is also unacceptable due to the seismic activity of the territory. Based on the above, it is necessary to analyze the possible use of alternative energy sources, in particular, wind energy, since the wind potential of the territory of the region is large. In the paper, the wind potential of the coast of the Krasnodar Krai was studied - water space, estuaries and reservoirs that are not used or are poorly used for recreational and economic purposes, which have indicators of wind speed and constancy more than on land, and which are not considered by most researchers due to unusual location.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (22) ◽  
pp. 7620
Haroon ur Rashid Khan ◽  
Usama Awan ◽  
Khalid Zaman ◽  
Abdelmohsen A. Nassani ◽  
Mohamed Haffar ◽  

The global energy mix is shifting from fossil fuels to combinations of multiple energy storage and generation types. Hybrid energy system advancements provide opportunities for developing and deploying innovative green technology solutions that can further reduce emissions and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. This study examined the impact of an increasing share of wind and solar electricity production on reducing carbon intensity by controlling coal and lignite domestic consumption and the production of refined oil products in a world aggregated data panel. Data covering the last three decades were used for the analysis by the ARDL bounds testing approach. The results showed that an increasing share of wind and solar electricity production would be helpful to decrease carbon intensity in the short and long term. On the other hand, a 1% increase in coal and domestic lignite consumption increased carbon intensity by 0.343% in the short run and 0.174% in the long run. The production of refined oil products decreases carbon intensity by 0.510% in the short run and 0.700% in the long run. However, refining oil products is associated with positive and negative environmental externalities. The positive aspect depends upon the removal of harmful pollutants and the production of cleaner-burning fuels, while the negative part is related to the operational side of refineries and processing plants that may release contaminants into the atmosphere, affecting global air and water quality. Hence, it is crucial to improve processing and refining capacity to produce better-refined oil products by using renewable fuels in energy production. It is proposed that these are the most cost-effective pathways to achieve industrial decarbonization.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (22) ◽  
pp. 7564
Mounir Alliche ◽  
Redha Rebhi ◽  
Noureddine Kaid ◽  
Younes Menni ◽  
Houari Ameur ◽  

This investigation aims to model and assess the wind potential available in seven specific regions of North Algeria. These regions, i.e., Batna, Guelma, Medea, Meliana, Chlef, Tiaret, and Tlemcen, are known for their traditional agriculture. The wind data are obtained from the National Agency of Meteorology (NAM), and a Weibull distribution is applied. In the first part of this study, the wind potential available in these sites is assessed. Then, different models are used to estimate the wind system’s annual recoverable energy for these regions. We are interested in wind pumping for possible use to meet the needs of irrigation water in rural areas. Four kinds of wind turbines are explored to determine the possibility of wind energy conversion. In addition, the effects of the heights of the pylon holding the turbines are inspected by considering four cases (10, 20, 40, and 60 m). This estimation showed that the annual mean wind velocity varies from 2.48 to 5.60 m/s at a level of 10 m. The yearly values of Weibull parameters (k and c) at the studied sites varied within 1.61–2.43 and 3.32–6.20 m/s, respectively. The average wind power density ranged from 11.48 (at Chlef) to 238.43 W/m2 (at Tiaret), and the monthly wind recoverable potential varied from 16.64 to 138 W/m2.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-108
Cristian Paul Chioncel ◽  
Nicoleta Gillich ◽  
Gelu-Ovidiu Tirian

Once the wind data is measured, the values are processed, based on statistic approach, as accurately as possible, to provide a clear over-view of the locations wind potential, being the basis of any wind farm project, representing the go or no-go in further subsequent design steps. The probability density distributions are derived from time-series data, identifying the associated distributional parameters. The wind energy potential of the locations is studied based on the Rayleigh and Weibull models, implemented with the help of Excel computations, and representing tools, to understand the wind characteristics. Based on the statistical analysis of wind conditions presented here, the results of current study can be used to make a sustainable energy yield for any location.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-143
Adekunlé Akim Salami ◽  
Seydou Ouedraogo ◽  
Koffi Mawugno Kodjoa ◽  
Ayité Sénah Akoda Ajavona

In this study, statistical analysis is performed in order to characterize wind speeds distribution according to different samples randomly drawn from wind speed data collected. The purpose of this study is to assess how random sampling influences the estimation quality of the shape (k) and scale (c) parameters of a Weibull distribution function. Five stations were chosen in West Africa for the study, namely: Accra Kotoka, Cotonou Cadjehoun, Kano Mallam Aminu, Lomé Tokoin and Ouagadougou airport. We used the energy factor method (EPF) to compute shape and scale parameters. Statistical indicators used to assess estimation accuracy are the root mean square error (RMSE) and relative percentage error (RPE). Study results show that good accuracy in Weibull parameters and power density estimation is obtained with sampled wind speed data of 30% for Accra, 20% for Cotonou, 80% for Kano, 20% for Lomé, and 20% for Ouagadougou site. This study showed that for wind potential assessing at a site, wind speed data random sampling is sufficient to calculate wind power density. This is very useful in wind energy exploitation development.

Luiz Felipe Rodrigues do Carmo ◽  
Ana Cristina Pinto de Almeida Palmeira ◽  
Carlos Felipe de Jesus Lauriano Antonio ◽  
Ronaldo Maia de Jesus Palmeira

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (18) ◽  
pp. 5772
Charis J. Gantes ◽  
Maria Villi Billi ◽  
Mahmut Güldogan ◽  
Semih Gül

A wind turbine tower assembly is presented, consisting of a lower “tripod section” and an upper tubular steel section, aiming at enabling very tall hub heights for optimum exploitation of the wind potential. The foundation consists of sets of piles connected at their top by a common pile cap below each tripod leg. The concept can be applied for the realization of new or the upgrade of existing wind turbine towers. It is adjustable to both onshore and offshore towers, but emphasis is directed towards overcoming the stricter onshore transportability constraints. For that purpose, pre-welded individual tripod parts are transported and are then bolted together during erection, contrary to fully pre-welded tripods that have been used in offshore towers. Alternative constructional details of the tripod joints are therefore proposed that address the fabrication, transportability, on-site erection and maintenance requirements and can meet structural performance criteria. The main structural features are demonstrated by means of a typical case study comprising a 180-m-tall tower, consisting of a 120-m-tall tubular superstructure on top of a 60-m-tall tripod substructure. Realistic cross-sections are calculated, leading to weight and cost estimations, thus demonstrating the feasibility and competitiveness of the concept.

2021 ◽  
Osmarino Campelo Júnior ◽  
Silvio Eduardo Teixeira Pinto da Silva ◽  
André Machado Ribeiro de Souza

The use of fossil fuels as an energy source is linked to a series of problems, ranging from the possibility of depletion of these resources to pollution and environmental damage caused by their extraction. In this context, wind energy emerges as a clean, renewable and viable option for electrical energy, which Brazil has a large amount of resources to be explored. In 2020, wind energy surpassed natural gas, becoming the second largest source of electricity in Brazil, previewing to reaching a share of 13.7% of total generation from new enterprises that will come into operation . With this, feasibility studies and computer simulation have become increasingly important to reduce costs associated with prospecting new sites with wind potential. The present work aims to elaborate a technical feasibility analysis and computational simulation of a wind farm in the northern region of Rio de Janeiro. Initially, prospective studies will be carried out to select a suitable location for a possible wind installation. Then, the potential of the chosen location will be evaluated, based on wind data available in the literature, so that the technical feasibility of wind generation can be analyzed. To perform the fluid dynamics simulation, the ANSYS Software will be used, where initially several geometric profiles of helix and helical turbines will be studied to then define the type of mesh that best discretizes the wind turbine. From this work, it is expected to find a location with good wind potential in the northern region of Rio de Janeiro, where there is technical and economic feasibility for the installation of a plant; and verify the behavior of the wind turbine and its arrangement at the selected location

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 259-268
J.C. Solano ◽  
T. Montaño ◽  
J. Maldonado-Correa ◽  
A. Ordóñez ◽  
M. Pesantez

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