stochastic frontier production function
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 155-162
Muhammad Nursan ◽  
Nurtaji Wathoni

Bima Regency is the center for the development and production of the largest shallot commodity in NTB Province. However, the productivity of shallots in Bima Regency still needs to be increased in order to achieve maximum production. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence shallot farming and to analyze the technical efficiency of farmers in conducting shallot farming. Bima Regency is the research area determined by purposive sampling because it is the center of shallot development in NTB Province. The research data was taken by conducting interviews with 35 respondents who were determined by proportional sampling. Then the data obtained were analyzed using the Cobb Douglas Stochastic Frontier production function approach using the Frontier 4.1 software program. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the production factor of the number of seeds, urea fertilizer and labor had a significant effect on the production of shallots at the alpha level of 5 percent while pesticides and KCL fertilizers had a significant effect on the production of shallots at the alpha level of 15 percent. The level of technical efficiency of onion farming in Bima Regency is classified as efficient because it has a value of 0.9569. Farmers can still improve efficiency in onion farming by optimizing the use of superior seeds, labor, balanced fertilizer application, and increasing farmers' skills in adopting innovation and using onion cultivation technology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 364
Aji Prayoga Wibowo ◽  
Wan Abbas Zakaria ◽  
Dyah Aring Hepiana Lestari

This study purposes are to analyze factors that affect production of pineapple  farming, production efficiency of pineapple farming, and cost structure of pineapple farming.  Data were collected at Astomulyo Village Punggur Subdistrict Central Lampung Regency in December 2019 – February 2020.  The number of respondents was 63 farmers consisting of 58 farmers who were members of farmer groups and the rest were non-members of farmer groups by using simple random sampling.  The primary data were obtained from direct interview with the pineapple farmers and the secondary data were obtained from several related studies and institutions.  The data were analyzed using Stochastic Frontier production function.  The study shows the factors affecting the production of pineapple farming are land area, C/N ratio, N element, and P element.  The pineapple farming is technically, allocatively, and economically efficient yet.  The biggest costs on pineapple farming are costs of seed, land lease, and labor.Key words: costs, efficiency, farmers, pineapple

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 1900-1906
Edison Edison

Agricultural expansion such as corn expansion is often associated with extensification and resulting land acreage loss. Best input practices could increase production and yields and thus potentially reduce land expansion. This study aims to investigate the ability of input, such as land and other factors to affect production in terms of technical efficiency, and  investigate the best input practices on corn technical efficiency. Primary and secondary data are used to answer the research objectives. In this study, corn data were used in the 2019 Planting Season. A sample of 120 farmers was taken randomly by applying stratified random sampling that based on land area. Appropriate qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods are used which are distinguished based on their research objectives using the empirical model of production functions, and the technical efficiency model. The results show that all input has an effect to increase corn yield, and support technical efficiency increasing the effect of input using. However, the effect of input using on yields appears to operate through other methods but technical efficiency increases.    

N. J Dhanesh

Technological change and efficiency improvement are important sources of productivity growth in any economy. The concept of technical efficiency (TE) is based on input and output relationships. Technical inefficiency arises when actual or observed output from a given input mix is less than a possible mix. The analysis of technical efficiency involves the assessment of the degree to which the production technologies are utilized. The present investigation on “Formation and efficient estimation of stochastic frontier production functions” was carried out in the Department of Agricultural Statistics, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, during 2010 -13. To assess the present economics of pepper cultivation, to formulate a new stochastic frontier production function and to compare different stochastic frontier production functions. The secondary data on the area of holdings, number of vines, yield, expenses for machinery, labour, manure, and other expenses for the cultivation of the major spice pepper collected from the Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara were used for the analysis. For the stochastic frontier production model to be realistic, an exact measurement of the cost of the inputs and the realized output is extremely necessary. Very few farmers keep records of the expenditure incurred on the various inputs and rarely the output realized. Vegetable crops have a short duration. So the farmer will be in a position to give realistic figures regarding the various inputs as also the outputs. As regards plantation crops, there will be a lag right from the establishment of the crop to the steady bearing stage. Therefore, it will be very difficult to trace back the exact cost, as no records would be available about the costs incurred. Therefore, a rapid estimation survey is the only feasibility wherein simultaneous estimation of the costs involved from the nursery through the various stages of growth can be observed. Since a farmer who is already having a steady-bearing crop would have incurred lesser costs through the previous stages of growth of the crop, it is most feasible to use the concept of present worth to arrive at the exact costs of previous stages of the crop. The stochastic frontier analysis was done using the present value (PV) and the present cost.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 606-617
Tutik Cahyati ◽  
Fuad Hasan

Rice is a commodity that has a dominant role in providing food for the people of Indonesia. Rice production in 2014 to 2018 has increased, but the agricultural system in its cultivation is still largely inorganic and has a negative impact on the environment. However, this condition is no longer experienced by farmers in Sumberngepoh Village, because farmers have used organic rice cultivation systems. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that are predicted to have an effect on organic rice production, measure the level of efficiency and sources of inefficiency, and calculate the potential of products lost due to inefficiencies. This research was conducted in Sumberngepoh Village, Lawang District, Malang Regency in October 2019. Sampling was carried out by census. The research method uses the Stochastic Frontier Production Function with the Cobb-Douglass model. The results of this study indicate that the variable land, seeds, labor, and liquid organic fertilizer significantly influence. The average level of technical efficiency is 0.84%. The research results also showed that technical inefficiencies in the age, education, and frequency of participating in counseling had negative values. Potential product losses due to technical inefficiencies were on average 793.61 kg

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 416-423
Ajay Tegar

The study analysed the technical and allocative efficiency of cauliflower farm in Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh, using a stochastic frontier production function. Primary data were collected from 154 farmers from 04 blocks of the district. The study revealed return to scale on cauliflower farm is positive and greater than one as 2.50 which floored the farm in stage one production surface. The study also finds that variation in output of cauliflower was due to random factor. The mean technical efficiency of the pooled sample accounted to be 96.4 per cent. The two inputs land size and seed were over utilised as locative efficiency valued less than unity while other factors fertilizer, labour and irrigation were under utilised as valued greater than unity. The study recommends adoption of new method and technology in cauliflower production. The existence of under and over utilisation of resource should be addressed effectively and efficiently by extension personnel with continuous efforts making on precision farming.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Maryance Vivi Murnia Bana ◽  
Netti Tinaprilla ◽  
Rachmad Pambudy

<p><strong>English</strong><br />Technical efficiency and profitability are the key for business enterprise development. Kupang regency is a center of smallholder broiler farms in East Nusa Tenggara Province that evolve with partnership and non-partnership types of enterprises. The study aims to analyze technical efficiency and profitability of the two types enterprises that may be useful in formulating broiler farming development in policy in Kupang Regency. Data was collected from purposively selected of 30 partnership farmers and 30 non partnership farmers in July 2019-August 2020. Technical efficiency was measured using the stochastic frontier production function. Profitability was measured using the R/C ratio. Results showed that both partnership and non-partnership enterprises are technically efficient, but technical efficiency of the non-partnership group is higher than the partnership group. Determinants of technical inefficiency of the partnership group are farmers’ education and family size. Determinants of technical inefficiency of the non-partnership group are farmers’ education, length of farming experience and family size. The non-partnership enterprises are more profitable than the partnership enterprises with average R/C ratio 1.19 and 1.06, respectively. Appropriate use of inputs, technology innovation and good farm management practices should be facilitated by the government in order to further increase farm technical efficiency and profitability.</p><p><br /><em></em></p><p><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Efisiensi teknis dan profitabilitas adalah kunci utama perkembangan suatu usaha. Kabupaten Kupang merupakan salah satu daerah sentra peternakan rakyat ayam broiler di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, yang sedang berkembang dengan pola usaha sistem mitra dan nonmitra. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis efisiensi teknis dan profitabilitas kedua pola usaha ternak ayam broiler yang diharapkan berguna dalam perumusan kebijakan pengembangan peternakan ayam broiler di Kabupaten Kupang. Data dikumpulkan dari 30 peternak mitra dan 30 peternak nonmitra yang dipilih secara purposif pada Juli 2019–Agustus 2020.  Efisiensi teknis diukur dengan mempergunakan fungsi produksi <em>stochastic frontier.  </em>Profitabilitas diukur dengan R/C rasio. Penelitian menunjukan bahwa peternakan ayam broiler pola kemitraan maupun nonmitra adalah efisien secara teknis namun efisiensi teknis kelompok nonkemitraan lebih tinggi dari kelompok kemitraan. Inefisiensi teknis usaha ternak mitra dipengaruhi oleh tingkat pendidikan peternak dan jumlah tanggungan keluarga. Sedangkan inefisiensi teknis usaha ternak nonmitra dipengaruhi oleh tingkat pendidikan peternak, pengalaman beternak, dan jumlah tanggungan keluarga. Usaha ternak nonmitra lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan sistem mitra dengan nilai R/C rasio berturut-turut 1,19 dan 1,06. Penggunaan <em>input</em> yang sesuai, inovasi teknologi dan penerapan manajemen usaha ternak yang baik perlu difasilitasi pemerintah guna meningkatkan efisiensi teknis usaha dan profitabilitas usaha ternak.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Sawitania Situmorang ◽  
Setia Sari Girsang

Stapple food subsector is the second largest contributor after plantations subsector to Indonesian gross domestic product (GDP). However, since 2015, the productivity has been declining, though still provides a positive value. To anticipate the simultaniously decline of the productivity, the government has socialized the Seed Self Sufficiency Village (3SV) Programe with paddy. One of the provinces that has has been received the implementation of this 3SV programe is North Sumatra. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the economic performance of 3SV fostered village’s rice seed growers such as: production costs, profitability and business efficiency as well as the factors that affect the fostered paddy seed’s growers. This research was conducted using a survey method from August to November 2019. Data was collected through interviews with 30 fostered paddy seed’s growers in the districts of Deli Serdang, Batu Bara, Langkat, Serdang Bedagai, Simalungun, and South Nias. The location was chosen deliberately while the respondent farmers were chosen by judgmental method. The level of profitability is calculated using Gross Profit Ratio (GPR) while technical efficiency is analyzed using the Stochastic Frontier Production Function. The results showed that the rice seedling business in the observed area was strongly influenced by area of land, the amount of use of seeds and additional fertilizers. Meanwhile, increasing the use of labor, basic fertilizers, Growth Regulator (GR), and pesticides will reduce the performance of the rice seedling business. The availability of irrigation water and farmer groups has a big influence in reducing technical inefficiencies.

DYNA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 88 (216) ◽  
pp. 48-54
Milena Esther Arias Robles ◽  
Silverio Alarcón

By estimating a stochastic frontier production function that links labor and capital variables in 410 agricultural companies, the behavior of the agricultural productive efficiency in Colombia was evaluated, as well as its effects by geographic location and business size. Results showed that the factors that contribute most to the production function are related to the labor force, business liquidity and intangible assets, aspects that provide competitive advantages for medium and large companies; therefore, we suggest to improve the political-private strategy of business management with incentives for associativity, economic financing, access to R+D+i and transfer, directed to small agricultural companies.

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