circle method
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2022 ◽  
Vol Volume 44 - Special... ◽  
Don Zagier

In their famous paper on partitions, Hardy and Ramanujan also raised the question of the behaviour of the number $p_s(n)$ of partitions of a positive integer~$n$ into $s$-th powers and gave some preliminary results. We give first an asymptotic formula to all orders, and then an exact formula, describing the behaviour of the corresponding generating function $P_s(q) = \prod_{n=1}^\infty \bigl(1-q^{n^s}\bigr)^{-1}$ near any root of unity, generalizing the modular transformation behaviour of the Dedekind eta-function in the case $s=1$. This is then combined with the Hardy-Ramanujan circle method to give a rather precise formula for $p_s(n)$ of the same general type of the one that they gave for~$s=1$. There are several new features, the most striking being that the contributions coming from various roots of unity behave very erratically rather than decreasing uniformly as in their situation. Thus in their famous calculation of $p(200)$ the contributions from arcs of the circle near roots of unity of order 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 have 13, 5, 2, 1 and 1 digits, respectively, but in the corresponding calculation for $p_2(100000)$ these contributions have 60, 27, 4, 33, and 16 digits, respectively, of wildly varying sizes

Taylor Garnowski

AbstractWe compute asymptotic estimates for the Fourier coefficients of two mock theta functions, which come from Bailey pairs derived by Lovejoy and Osburn. To do so, we employ the circle method due to Wright and a modified Tauberian theorem. We encounter cancelation in our estimates for one of the mock theta functions due to the auxiliary function $$\theta _{n,p}$$ θ n , p arising from the splitting of Hickerson and Mortenson. We deal with this by using higher-order asymptotic expansions for the Jacobi theta functions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Bernhard Heim ◽  
Markus Neuhauser

AbstractIn 2016 Bessenrodt–Ono discovered an inequality addressing additive and multiplicative properties of the partition function. Generalizations by several authors have been given; on partitions with rank in a given residue class by Hou–Jagadeesan and Males, on k-regular partitions by Beckwith–Bessenrodt, on k-colored partitions by Chern–Fu–Tang, and Heim–Neuhauser on their polynomization, and Dawsey–Masri on the Andrews spt-function. The proofs depend on non-trivial asymptotic formulas related to the circle method on one side, or a sophisticated combinatorial proof invented by Alanazi–Gagola–Munagi. We offer in this paper a new proof of the Bessenrodt–Ono inequality, which is built on a well-known recursion formula for partition numbers. We extend the proof to the result by Chern–Fu–Tang and its polynomization. Finally, we also obtain a new result.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Taoli Xiao ◽  
Yanlu Yang ◽  
Hua Cai ◽  
Shaoxin Yan ◽  
Fang Cao

Engineering practices indicate that narrow braced excavation exhibits a clear size effect. However, the slip circle method in the design codes fails to consider the effect of excavation width on basal heave stability, causing waste for narrow excavation. In this paper, numerical simulation for basal heave failure of excavation with different widths was performed by FEM with SSRT (shear strength reduction technique). The results revealed that the failure mechanism of narrow excavation is different from the complete slip circle mode. In addition, the safety factor decreases increasingly slowly as the excavation widens and stabilizes when approaching the critical width. Subsequently, the corresponding computation model was presented, and an improved SCM (slip circle method) was further developed. Finally, the engineering case illustrated that it can effectively optimize the design, which exhibits clear superiority.

Robotica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Hosein Houshyari ◽  
Volkan Sezer

Abstract One of the most challenging tasks for autonomous robots is avoiding unexpected obstacles during their path following operation. Follow the gap method (FGM) is one of the most popular obstacle avoidance algorithms that recursively guides the robot to the goal state by considering the angle to the goal point and the distance to the closest obstacles. It selects the largest gap around the robot, where the gap angle is calculated by the vector to the midpoint of the largest gap. In this paper, a novel obstacle avoidance procedure is developed and applied to a real fully autonomous wheelchair. This proposed algorithm improves the FGM’s travel safety and brings a new solution to the obstacle avoidance task. In the proposed algorithm, the largest gap is selected based on gap width. Moreover, the avoidance angle (similar to the gap center angle of FGM) is calculated considering the locus of the equidistant points from obstacles that create obstacle circles. Monte Carlo simulations are used to test the proposed algorithm, and according to the results, the new procedure guides the robot to safer trajectories compared with classical FGM. The real experimental test results are in parallel to the simulations and show the real-time performance of the proposed approach.

2021 ◽  

The most common congenital cardiac anomaly, affecting an estimated 0.4–2.25% of the general population, is the bicuspid aortic valve. The “pure” bicuspid aortic valve (non-raphe-type or bicuspid aortic valve type 0) is composed of 2 cusps, morphologically and functionally. The shape of the bicuspid aortic valve annulus is often elliptical, is relatively larger than the tricuspid aortic valves, and probably shows severe eccentric calcification. This situation contributes to the difficulties in selecting the correct type and size of transcatheter heart valve when treating bicuspid aortic valve stenosis. Furthermore, it is often associated with a dilated, horizontal ascending aorta and effaced sinuses. The goal of our video tutorial is to present the contemporary circle method used in preoperative sizing during TAVI procedures in patients with a bicuspid aortic valve as well as certain technical considerations and useful advice. Although annular sizing is the main focus for most patients with a bicuspid aortic valve, some patients may need the supra-annular level of sizing. For a dedicated sizing and positioning approach for the SAPIEN 3 Ultra valve, experts in the field propose the circle method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-120
Yushak Soesilo

This article aimed to study the prospect of tithe as an instrument of the church in realizing economic justice. The industrial revolution 4.0 era has resulted in economic inequality, where there are parties who can reap huge benefits from the changing working way, on the other hand there are those who must be eliminated from job competition. In this case the church is called to realize one of the Kingdom of God visions, namely justice. This study was conducted by pastoral circle or practical theological circle method. Through this study, it could be concluded that like zakat among Muslims, tithe is an instrument of the church, of which it is properly managed in accordance with the true spirit of tithing, that has the power to realize economic justice.

Michael J. Schlosser ◽  
Nian Hong Zhou

AbstractIn this paper, we study properties of the coefficients appearing in the q-series expansion of $$\prod _{n\ge 1}[(1-q^n)/(1-q^{pn})]^\delta $$ ∏ n ≥ 1 [ ( 1 - q n ) / ( 1 - q pn ) ] δ , the infinite Borwein product for an arbitrary prime p, raised to an arbitrary positive real power $$\delta $$ δ . We use the Hardy–Ramanujan–Rademacher circle method to give an asymptotic formula for the coefficients. For $$p=3$$ p = 3 we give an estimate of their growth which enables us to partially confirm an earlier conjecture of the first author concerning an observed sign pattern of the coefficients when the exponent $$\delta $$ δ is within a specified range of positive real numbers. We further establish some vanishing and divisibility properties of the coefficients of the cube of the infinite Borwein product. We conclude with an Appendix presenting several new conjectures on precise sign patterns of infinite products raised to a real power which are similar to the conjecture we made in the $$p=3$$ p = 3 case.

HoYoung Song

We will show $L^{2}$ boundedness of Discrete Double Hilbert Transform along polynomials satisfying some conditions. Double Hilbert exponential sum along polynomials:$\mu(\xi)$ is Fourier multiplier of discrete double Hilbert transform along polynomials. In chapter 1, we define the reverse Newton diagram. In chapter 2, We make approximation formula for the multiplier of one valuable discrete Hilbert transform by study circle method. In chapter 3, We obtain result that $\mu(\xi)$ is bounded by constants if $|D|\geq2$ or all $(m,n)$ are not on one line passing through the origin. We study property of $1/(qt^{n})$ and use circle method (Propsotion 2.1) to calculate sums. We also envision combinatoric thinking about $\mathbb{N}^{2}$ lattice points in j-k plane for some estimates. Finally, we use geometric property of some inequalities about $(m,n)\in\Lambda$ to prove Theorem 3.3. In chapter 4, We obtain the fact that $\mu(\xi)$ is bounded by sums which are related to $\log_{2}({\xi_{1}-a_{1}\slash {q}})$ and $\log_{2}({\xi_{2}-a_{2}\slash {q}})$ and the boundedness of double Hilbert exponential sum for even polynomials with torsion without conditions in Theorem 3.3. We also use $\mathbb{N}^{2}$ lattice points in j-k plane and Proposition 2.1 which are shown in chapter 2 and some estimates to show that Fourier multiplier of discrete double Hilbert transform is bounded by terms about $\log$ and integral this with torsion is bounded by constants.

2021 ◽  
Enza Pavanello ◽  
Andrea Sciarrone ◽  
Varvara Guaraldo ◽  
Elisabetta Muccinelli ◽  
Valentina Pia Ciuffreda ◽  

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