constitutional type
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Victoria Tsvetkova ◽  
Tatiana Vladimirovna Novosaduyk

Selective breeding is in vogue since centuries to improve horse’ breed. It aims at production of horses with special performance and bodily characteristics. It is a complex, costly and time-consuming occupation. But the characteristics of horses depends upon market demands. Many a times a horse, which possesses planned kineto, behavior, exterior characteristics, is not in demand anymore. For many years we performed horse “homeopathic correction” studies at ‘Griffon’ Stud Farm and Horse Club on the basis of A.A. Komissarenko’s theoretical developments. We have established that not only physical characteristics of studs are inherited, but also their psychic traits, which fit into a certain constitutional type of the stud. Among such different types it is possible to identify both harmonious and disharmonious type of animals. It has been established the homeopathic remedy regimen depends on the age of an animal. In our experience, efficient homeopathic correction should be performed once in three months during the entire life-time of a horse, to maintain their bodily and psychic characters. It is advisable to differentiate the constitutional characteristics of growing horses before fence training, as it may make it easier for the horse to grow and mature. In this case young horses attain good standard, have good height and psychic and physical characteristics. At the farm we performed homeopathic correction of pregnant animals once in the eight month of pregnancy that is at three months before colt delivery. Four colts were born, which were rated as top grade on the zootechnic scale of All-Russia’s Horse-breeding Research Institute (VNIIKВ). The evaluation is based on the animal activity at different times, during the first three years of the life. In our observation, colts born after homeopathic correction in the pregnancy period present better exterior and behavioural characteristics than others in their ancestor line. The outcome of our research is the conclusion that in horse breeding it makes sense to have early homeopathic correction. It improves animal’s performance, the rapport between horses and men and ensures horse’s career success. Achievements in production of impeccable growing horses were highly appreciated by Trakehner Union in Russia, and the Griffon Stud Farm became a full-fledged member of the Union in 2015. Utilization of homeopathy resources allows advance of zootechnic industry, as well as prompt response to market demand; the earlier such work begins, the more efficient and cost-effective it becomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 442-443
Editorial Board

Prof. K. Goryaev demonstrated a patient with pronounced eunuchoidism. The prevailing etiological moment in the origin of this constitutional type was severe hypoplasia of the seminal glands, which also caused their functional insufficiency.

N. G. Fenchenko ◽  
N. I. Khairullina ◽  
D. Kh. Shamsutdinov ◽  
R. F. Galimov ◽  
F. M. Shagaliev ◽  

In order to ensure the growth of beef production, it is necessary to rationally use all available reserves and, fi rst of all, the allocation of intra-breed types and lines that ensure the improvement of herds and breeds of animals with high genetic potential under specifi c natural conditions. Therefore when breeding cattle of dual purposes breeds important role should be attached to the selection of animals of diff erent lines, body types, related groups that provide high fattening, and beef indicators with good adaptive traits. In relation with the above, it has been considered relevant to study the formation of beef productivity of steers of diff erent exterior and constitutional intra-breed types of Simmental breed with the determination of the energy and biological value of products under intensive rearing. As well as the infl uence of feeding conditions and maintenance of young animals of Simmental breed, taking into account the exterior and constitutional type, on the formation of live weight in the postnatal period, with a comparative assessment of the growth intensity depending on the body type. As a result of the research, the association between the live weight and the weight of the most active internal organs: heart, lungs, kidneys, which characterize the level and nature of metabolic processes that have a positive eff ect on the formation of beef productivity of experimental Simmental steers of domestic selection depending on the exterior and constitutional types. It has been found that to increase the production of high-quality beef, it is advisable to intensively rear Simmental steers of medium and compact types up to 18 months of age with a live weight of 460,2–517,8 kg, a carcass weight of 252,3–282,4 kg, a slaughter yield of 58,1–59,4 % and expenditures of feed of 3,7–4,0 thousand tons of EFU per 1 head.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 42-49
Alexandr Petrovich Koinosov ◽  
Petr Gennadievich Koinosov ◽  

The purpose of the study: To establish the morphotypological and age characteristics of mature women with psoriasis. A survey of women with psoriasis aged 21 to 55 years was conducted, consisting of anthropometric methods that allow objectively characterizing belonging to the constitutional type. Anthropometric studies have made it possible to establish age and constitutional diff erences in the main and control groups of women, which aff ect the strength of the physique. The results of the study of the morphotypological status of women with psoriasis revealed the infl uence of individual body structures on the occurrence of the pathology in question. We have obtained new data on morphotypological and constitutional features of healthy mature women and women with psoriasis. The correlation of the frequency of development of this disease with the constitutional type has been established. It is shown that the hypersthenic type of constitution can be considered as a factor leading to an increase in

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
O.O. Kryzhanivska

Relevance. In recent years, many have been devoted to the problem of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) diseases, in which the attention is paid to the widespread pathology of TMJ in young people, which develops against the background of the genetically-determined weakness of connective tissue (CTs), which is also the present occurrence of various concomitant diseases of polygenic-multifactorial nature, including the organs of the urinary system (US). The study of the state of the iris is used as a screening technique that allows you to quickly, simply, harmlessly, informatively, painlessly, non-invasively diagnose the genetically determined structural and functional state and quality of the CTs. Objective. To investigate the iris changes in patients with TMJ and US diseases, to reveal the dependence of the occurrence of degenerative-dystrophic and destructive-inflammatory changes in the joints and US on the structural and functional state of the CTs, to supplement the known traditional methods of diagnosing genetically determined CTs weakness. Materials and methods. The study involved 54 patients (men – 14, women – 40), whose average age was 37.3±7.6 years, who were treated at the Dental Medical Center of the Bogomolets NMU. Control group – 22 patients (men – 10, women – 12) without general somatic pathology, with a physiological bite, without signs of TMJ diseases, whose average age was 25.7±6.8 years. Main group – 22 patients (men – 4, women – 28) with TMJ diseases and US pathology, whose average age was 31.6±7.7 years. Iridobiomicroscopy was performed in patients of both groups. Iridogenetic constitutional signs were determined: the color of eyes, constitutional type after E.S. Velkhover, type with the connective tissue weakness after I. Deck, the density of iris stoma. The obtained laboratory data were referenced in the International System of Units and processed by variational statistics using MedStat and EZR v.1.35 (Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University, Saitama, Japan, 2017), which is a graphical interface to RFSC (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). Results. Among the examined patients with TMJ diseases and MVS pathology, 75% showed predominantly light eye color and V degree (46.9%) of iris stroma density, in the control group: dark iris color (54.5%) and II degree (68.2%) of iris density. Iridogenetic constitutional signs of the CT weakness in the patients with TMJ diseases have been determined: the light color of eyes, radial-lacunar constitutional type after E.S. Velkhover (75%), lymphatic constitutional type with the connective tissue weakness after I. Deck (57,9%). Structural local or chromatic changes of the iris stroma in the projection region of the kidney (75%) and bladder (43.6%) in young patients with TMJ diseases showed a congenital weakness of the CTs of these organs and a tendency to develop pathology of the US. Conclusions. Patients with degenerative-dystrophic and destructive-inflammatory diseases of the TMJ and concomitant US pathology are characterized by iridogenetic constitutional signs of the CTs weakness in the patients with TMJ diseases have been determined: the light color of eyes, radial-lacunar constitutional type after E.S. Velkhover, low degree of iris stroma density, lymphatic constitutional type with the connective tissue weakness after I. Deck. Structural local or chromatic changes of the iris stroma in the projection region of the kidney and bladder in young patients with TMJ diseases showed a congenital weakness of the CTs of these organs and a tendency to develop pathology of the US. It can be assumed that the development of TMJ diseases in young patients is based on dysplastic changes in the CTs system, which is additionally manifested in the examined patients by pathological changes in the US. Iridobiomicroscopy, as a screening technique for determining the structural and functional state of CTs, makes it possible to increase the accuracy of diagnostics when examining patients with TMJ diseases who have concomitant pathology of internal organs, including US.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 16-21
S.V. Dmytrenko ◽  
Ahmad Al-Omary Ala’a Osama ◽  
І.V. Dzevulska ◽  
R.V. Skoruk ◽  
I.V. Gunas

Consideration of the aspect of adaptation, in particular morphological, is expedient with obligatory comparison of morphometric indicators in healthy and sick patients and between groups of patients with different degrees of severity of dermatosis. The aim of the study was to investigate the differences between longitudinal and transverse body sizes between healthy and/or patients with eczema men depending on the severity of the dermatosis. Patients with idiopathic (n=34) and microbial (n=38) eczema men of the first mature age underwent an anthropometric examination according to Bunak. The diagnosis of eczema was made according to the nomenclature of ICD-10. As a control from the data bank of the research center of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya anthropometric data of 82 practically healthy men of the same age group were selected. Statistical data processing was performed in the license package “Statistica 5.5” using non-parametric methods of evaluation of the obtained results. In healthy men, compared with patients, higher values were found for: the height of the pubic anthropometric point by 3.5-5.7% and the height of the acetabular anthropometric point by 4.9-7.5% compared with sick men with idiopathic mild and severe eczema and mild and severe microbial eczema and lower values for: height of the suprathoracic anthropometric point by 1.7-2.6% for idiopathic eczema of mild, severe course and microbial eczema of mild course; height of the acromial anthropometric point by 1.6-2.3% compared with men with idiopathic eczema of mild and severe course; height of the finger anthropometric point by 3.0-5.9% compared with men with idiopathic eczema of mild and severe course and microbial eczema of mild and severe course. In healthy men, compared with patients, higher values were found: mid-thoracic diameter – by 3.1-11.1%, 5.5-14.4%, transverse lower thoracic diameter – by 8.6-14.1% and anterior-posterior mid-thoracic diameter – by 10.2-16.6% and smaller values: width of shoulders by 15.3-21.1% compared with men with idiopathic eczema of mild and severe course and microbial eczema of mild and severe course. In healthy individuals, the width of the distal epiphysis of the forearm is greater by 3.14% compared with patients with idiopathic severe eczema and the width of the distal epiphysis of the crus by 3.1% compared with patients with microbial eczema of mild course; smaller - the width of the distal epiphysis of the shoulder by 3.0% compared with patients with idiopathic eczema of severe course and the width of the distal epiphysis of the thigh by 5.2-7.6% compared with patients with idiopathic eczema of mild and severe course and microbial eczema of mild course. In healthy individuals, the values of the size of the pelvis are lower: interspinous distance – by 8.3-11.6%, intercristal distance – by 8.7-12.5% and intertrochanteric distance – by 7.7-10.5% compared with sick men with idiopathic mild and severe eczema and microbial eczema of the mild and severe course. Differences in longitudinal body size in patients with different forms and severity of eczema. When comparing anthropometric indicators between sick men, the following were found: the height of pubic and acetabular anthropometric points in sick men with idiopathic eczema of mild course is higher by 1.8% and 1.7%, respectively, compared with sick men with microbial eczema of similar severity; shoulder width in patients with idiopathic eczema of mild course is 4.8% less than in patients with idiopathic eczema of severe course. Thus, men with eczema have a subpathological constitutional type, which is characterized by an elongated “cylindrical” torso, shortened lower extremities, as well as more massive distal and less massive proximal epiphyses of the upper and lower extremities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 52-55
B. V. Sigua ◽  
V. P. Zemlyanoy ◽  
A. S. Kachiuri ◽  
V. A. Melnikov

Abstract. Presents a clinical case of the treatment of a patient suffering from Wilkies syndrome. Wilkies syndrome (aorto-mesenteric compression of the duodenum) is a compression of the duodenum (its horizontal section) between the abdominal aorta and the superior mesenteric artery. The causes of this disease are asthenic constitutional type, sharp weight loss, etc. A natural complication of Wilkies syndrome is the occurrence of a chronic violation of duodenal patency. The method of choosing treatment for aorto-mesenteric compression is surgery. The most optimal volume of surgery is the formation of duodenojejunoanastomosis according to Albrecht Staveley, however, after this intervention, there is a high risk of a vicious circle syndrome. Patient M., 28 years old, who was scheduled for treatment, noted constant pain in the upper abdomen for 18 years, aggravated after eating, nausea, periodic vomiting, weakness. As a result of the examination, the patient revealed aorto-mesenteric compression of the duodenum. According to multispiral computed tomography of the abdominal organs with contrast at a distance of 40 mm from the mouth of the superior mesenteric artery, a horizontal branch of the duodenum is located between it and the aorta, its diameter at this level is no more than 4 mm, the angle of departure of the superior mesenteric artery from the aorta is 17 degrees. Violation of the passage through the duodenum was confirmed by fluoroscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract with contrast. The patient underwent surgery. As a method of surgical treatment, an original modification of Albrecht Staveley operation was used, which, in addition to achieving the main goal, is aimed at preventing the development of the vicious circle syndrome. The patient was discharged from the clinic on the 10th postoperative day in satisfactory condition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-42
Valeriy O. Erkudov ◽  
Andrey P. Pugovkin ◽  
Aleksej J. Volkov ◽  
Oksana I. Musaeva ◽  
Tatiana N. Slyaptsova ◽  

Nowadays there are no decicive descriptions of constitutional features and body mass deviations in a narrow group taking into consideration their sex, age, habitation region, and a concrete type of body mass deficit or excess. The present study focuses at comparative assessment of number and frequency of pronounced deficit, deficit, nominally normal body mass, preobesity and obesity in junior schoolchildren and adolescents with lepto-, meso- and hypersomal somatotype. All in all 274 persons took part in the study, 130 of junior schoolchildren aged 7 to 9 years (64 boys and 66 girls) as well as 142 adolescents 1417 years old (65 boys and 77 girls). Somatotype was determined in all children with the help of I.I. Salivon and V.A. Melniks method, as well as body mass index was calculated. Comparing the number of children with various deviations of body mass in case of lepto- meso- and hypersomal somatotype was accomplished with the help of precise Fishers criterion for conjugated features tables 3 5. In boys and girls of junior school age with leptosomal (boys 62%, girls 81%) somatotype body mass deficit was predominant, while in adolescents with leptosomal somatotype body mass deficit was found in 37% boys and 15% of girls. Hypersomal boys form obesity and excessive body mass when they enter adolescence. On the other hand 40% girls of junior school age with hypersomal somatotype are already obese and 100% of them preserve obesity till puberty. The results of the study may be useful for specifying individual recommendations for children with metabolic pathology at pre-hospital stage for correction of both excess and deficit of body mass should be made prior to entering puberty.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-117
Andrey Chekhonatsky ◽  
Lyudmila Muzurova2 ◽  
Olga Kondratyeva ◽  
Vladimir Chekhonatsky ◽  
Olga Fomkina ◽  

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