Beef productivity of steers of Simmental breed of different constitutional types

N. G. Fenchenko ◽  
N. I. Khairullina ◽  
D. Kh. Shamsutdinov ◽  
R. F. Galimov ◽  
F. M. Shagaliev ◽  

In order to ensure the growth of beef production, it is necessary to rationally use all available reserves and, fi rst of all, the allocation of intra-breed types and lines that ensure the improvement of herds and breeds of animals with high genetic potential under specifi c natural conditions. Therefore when breeding cattle of dual purposes breeds important role should be attached to the selection of animals of diff erent lines, body types, related groups that provide high fattening, and beef indicators with good adaptive traits. In relation with the above, it has been considered relevant to study the formation of beef productivity of steers of diff erent exterior and constitutional intra-breed types of Simmental breed with the determination of the energy and biological value of products under intensive rearing. As well as the infl uence of feeding conditions and maintenance of young animals of Simmental breed, taking into account the exterior and constitutional type, on the formation of live weight in the postnatal period, with a comparative assessment of the growth intensity depending on the body type. As a result of the research, the association between the live weight and the weight of the most active internal organs: heart, lungs, kidneys, which characterize the level and nature of metabolic processes that have a positive eff ect on the formation of beef productivity of experimental Simmental steers of domestic selection depending on the exterior and constitutional types. It has been found that to increase the production of high-quality beef, it is advisable to intensively rear Simmental steers of medium and compact types up to 18 months of age with a live weight of 460,2–517,8 kg, a carcass weight of 252,3–282,4 kg, a slaughter yield of 58,1–59,4 % and expenditures of feed of 3,7–4,0 thousand tons of EFU per 1 head.

S. Grikshas ◽  
N. Kulmakova ◽  
K. Spitsyna ◽  
A. Dar’in ◽  
T. Mittelshtein

Mycotoxins have been formed in feed are secondary metabolites of fungi and are quite stable substances that have teratogenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. An effective way to combat mycotoxins in feed is the use of feed additives that adsorb toxins, prevent their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract of the animal and are excreted from the body. The infl uence of coconut enterosorbent Shelltic Es on fattening and meat qualities of young pigs has been studied. It has been found in the process of fattening that the highest feed digestibility was in pigs of the experimental group, in the diet of which enterosorbent has been added. The results of studies of the chemical composition and technological properties of pork have been provided. The positive eff ect of enterosorbent on precocity, absolute average daily gain of live weight and reduction of feed expenditures per 1 kg of gain has been revealed. In pigs from the experimental group the average thickness of the fat was higher and the area of the “muscle eye” was lower compared with animals of the control group, which indicates that higher rates of carcass yield have been obtained due to faster accumulation of fat tissue. The weight of internal organs of pigs indicates the intensity of metabolic processes in the body. In experimental animals the weight of the lungs was 0,1 kg lower, and the liver and heart were higher by 0,13 and 0,01 kg, respectively. Enterosorbent had no effect on the content of vitamins in the liver of pigs of the compared groups. The content of impurities of organochlorine toxicants and toxic elements in the meat and liver of animals of the experimental group was lower than that of control analogues. Therefore, the use of enterosorbent Shelltic Es promotes more active excretion of them from the body.

Aleksey A. Devyaterikov

Aim. Determination of the frequency of stab-cut damages of internal organs and the conditions of their causes. Material and methods. The article presents the results of a retrospective statistical study of the conclusions of the forensic medical examinations of the corpses of the Khabarovsk State Forensic Bureau for the period from 2014-2018. Results. The frequency of injury with sharp objects, the most commonly damaged internal organs during stab-cut wounds and the average depth of the wound channels both in the body as a whole and separately for internal organs were established in the course of the study.

O. V. Gorelik ◽  
N. A. Fedoseeva ◽  
A. S. Gorelik ◽  
E. V. Koksharov

In the last few decades the improvement of domestic dairy cattle was due to the widespread use of the gene pool of the best world breed such as Holstein. As a result of crossbreeding the breeding stock of the domestic Black-and-White breed with the sires of Holstein breed in different regions of the country a population of crossbreds has been created. The purpose of the work was to study the age dynamics of the live weight of replacement heifers depending on the paternal origin and the correlation between the indicators for the growth periods. The daughters of different sires have a difference in their live weight at the first insemination. The live weight of more than 400 kg was obtained from replacement heifers obtained from the sires Saber, Decaro and Baquero. The daughters of the sires Gatedenser, Bentley and Alta Ciara in live weight were inferior to their herdmates by 2,7–9,3 kg or by 0,7–2,8 % (P ≥ 0,05). The bulk of the replacement heifers are inseminated at the age of 13 months and only the daughters of the sire Alta Ciara are inseminated at the age of 14,1 months with a live weight of 396,7 kg. Despite the almost identical live weight of heifers at birth they differed from each other in the process of rearing. It has been established that the live weight at birth is not an indicator for assessing the further growth of replacement young animals. At 6 months of age the correlation of live weight at the age of 6 months and at the first insemination was positive and ranges from 0,01 (daughters of the sire Baquero) to 0,55 (daughters of the sire Decaro). Selection of heifers at the age of 6 months by their live weight allows us to choose the best and provide the opportunity to inseminate them at the age of 12–13 months with the organization of intensive rearing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2(98)) ◽  
pp. 154-157
S. Fedorenko ◽  
I. Pestushko ◽  
N. Prykuda ◽  
A. Zadorozhnyi

Micrococcus luteus is a representative of normal microflora of the human skin, which is commonly localized on open surfaces of the body. Dissemination of the agent with disease development is possible if intactness of the skin is impaired. Aim of the paper – to present a clinical case of septicemia caused by Micrococcus luteus.Results. A clinical case of septicemia, caused by Micrococcus luteus, in a 39-year-old patient treated in an inpatient department of Infectious Diseases Communal Clinical Hospital in Lviv. Conclusion. A presented clinical case demonstrates a severe course of septicemia caused by Micrococcus luteus with involvement of internal organs in the process, in particular, accompaniment of community-acquired left-sided pneumonia, exudative pleurisy, pericarditis, and meningitis. Although antibacterial therapy was prescribed to this patient on admission to an inpatient department, the result in treatment could be achieved only after thorough additional examination of the patient, conduction of proper bacteriological tests and determination of sensitivity of the agent to antibacterial medicines.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 431-437
O. M. Tsereniuk ◽  
O. M. Bobrytska ◽  
O. S. Miroshnikova ◽  
O. V. Danchuk

Recently the assessment of QTL genes has been a relevant focus of research. Among other genes, the RYR1 is one of the most important. Research on this gene for Landrace sows of Ukrainian selection has been insufficient. This fact confirms the need for our work. A total of 63 Landrace sows from different families were evaluated by reproductive qualities for two generations. A comprehensive assessment of the sows’ reproductive ability was performed using the SIRQS-index. Determination of polymorphism in the RYR1 gene in pigs was performed by using DNA-typing of animals. Genetic potential was calculated between two generations “mother-daughter”. By assessment of polymorphism of the RYR1 gene, it was found that 6.3% of the Landrace sows were the carriers for the mutant allele of the RYR1 gene. No animals with the RYR1nn genotype were detected. Accordingly, animals with the RYR1NN genotype accounted for 93.6%. The frequency of the N allele of the RYR1 gene was 0.97, the n frequency of the RYR1 gene allele was 0.03. Sows with RYR1NN genotype had a higher level of reproductive ability compared to the RYR1Nn genotype. RYR1NN genotype also had a higher level of genetic potential. The greatest progress was established between generations of Landrace sows which were carriers for the mutant allele. The highest values of this progress were by the NBA, the lowest – by the NW. On the contrary, there was regression between populations for part of the population (Landrace sows of Ukrainian selection of RYR1Nn genotype) by the all estimated indicators of reproductive ability. Sows that were free of the mutant allele of the RYR-1 gene had high SIRQS index. The phenotypic consolidation coefficients by the NBA were lower for sows free of the mutant allele than for its carrier. The advantage of sows free of the mutant allele of the RYR-1 gene over its carrier sows was established in almost all assessed indicators of reproductive ability. No significant differences in the level of consolidation of reproductive ability between sows with different allelic variants of the RYR-1 gene were established. The higher productive level of sows with RYR1NN genotype is reflected in the indicators of economic efficiency of production. It allows higher levels of profitability to be obtained and net profit to be increased by 1093 UAH compared to sows with RYR1Nn genotype. The further monitoring of the studied gene and the gradual elimination of carriers of the mutant allele is a promising direction in breeding work.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-38
Igor I. Popov ◽  
Svetlana A. Shabanova ◽  
Yulia V. Shoshina

The profitability increase of using laying hens is associated with an increase in their productivity and reduction of maintenance costs. This problem can be solved by two approaches: new methods for increasing the genetic potential of economically useful traits of chickens are being developed, and methods of ensuring the fullest realization of this potential are being sought. The main attention is paid to the selection of roosters, whose breeding qualities largely determine the “saturation” of the flock with the desirable genotypes. Analysis of the results of our research shows that roosters, especially in the maternal form, allocate very small amounts of ejaculate when massaging; most males have a difficult reaction to the massage. Moreover, by the age of 240 days, under the influence of long training, the number of such roosters decreased to 20-25%. However, the roosters, who later began to respond to the massage, often released ejaculates with volumes up to 0.2 cm3. Studies have shown that in the group of roosters with a small volume of ejaculate, the highest percentage (29.2%) of roosters was with a bad reaction to the massage and only 8.3% of roosters was with a good reaction. In the group with a large volume of ejaculates, there are 64.8% more roosters with a good response to the massage compared to the I group and 67.8% compared to the II group. When describing the duration of tonic immobility reaction of roosters, who release ejaculates with different volumes during the massage, which, as indicated earlier, reflects the level of arousal and inhibition processes, it turned out that the least duration of the state of tonic immobility reaction was found in roosters that give small volumes of sperm (60%) and only 10% of males had a duration of tonic immobility reaction within 409-900 seconds. There is a violation of the normal flow of neuroreflective processes in the body in the roosters with an increased process of arousal, which is manifested, for example, during natural mating. Such roosters have a bad reaction to massage and give small amounts of sperm. Therefore, determining the level of hypnotic state in roosters, that is, identifying the degree of balance between arousal and inhibitory processes can serve as an additional criterion for the phenotypic characteristics of breeding roosters with a certain response to massage and the volume of ejaculate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 127-136 ◽  
Nataliia Goncharova ◽  
Vitalii Kashuba ◽  
Anna Tkachova ◽  
Tamara Khabinets ◽  
Olha Kostiuchenko ◽  

The purpose of the article is to develop and test the effectiveness of aqua fitness exercise program for the posture improvement of women of the first period of a mature age with different body types.  Materials and methods. The pedagogical experiment involved 46 women of the first period of a mature age who had previously consented to participate in the study. The used methods include the analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, Internet data, and mathematical statistics methods, including Fisher’s angular criterion, which allows sampling by distribution of the trait (Byshevets et al., 2019). The research included the assessment of the posture condition of women based on the method of visual screening of posture with determination of the total score (Kashuba et al., 2016). A surgeon was also involved in assessing the posture of women. In the process of factor analysis, the data of anthropometric studies, physical fitness assessments, and motor activity level were analyzed.  Results. The distribution of women of the first period of a mature age by types of postural disorders and its changes under the influence of aqua fitness classes taking into account the body type has been established. The study involved 46 women of the mentioned category; 73.9% of them were women of normosthenic body type, 15.2% – of asthenic type, and 10.9% – of hypersthenic type. The research has established that women who were engaged in aqua fitness with regard to body type had positive changes in posture. The proportion of women of asthenic body type with a normal posture increased by 28.6%, of normosthenic type – by 20.6%, and of hypersthenic type – by 20.0%. Changes occurred in the level of the bio-geometric profile of the posture.  Conclusions. The study confirms the effectiveness of the use of aqua fitness in the process of health-promoting classes to prevent and correct postural disorders. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 126-132
E. B. Soniya

Observations were made on 79 Nigerian indigenous (NI) and 24 Large White pigs.There was. a, three-month delay, in growth acceleration in NI pigs as compared with LW pigs. Growth acceleration started at 7 and 4 months for NI and LW respectively. Over all ages studied, NI differed markedly from LW in live weight, body length, height, depth and ham dimen­sions but this difference was much less between males than between females_ In NI ;boars serially slaughtered, live and carcass weights doubled between 7 and 10 months of age while dressing percent and carcass length reached peak values at 10 months. Carcass backfat measurements were higher and more consistent at the shoulder than at the loin or rump. Com­bined longitudinal and dissection studies are needed to elucidate the growth curve, the true genetic potential for growth and the body fat deposition pattern in the NI pigs.

2020 ◽  
pp. 51-54
Anatolу Anatolуevich Velmatov ◽  
Ali Abdulamir Hamza Al-Isawi ◽  
Anatolу Pavlovich Velmatov ◽  
Tatiana Nikolaevna Tishkina ◽  
Sergey Evgenevich Zelentsov

The results of the measurements show that the cows of the irisome type reliably outperform the cows of the leptosome type in latitudinal measurements and chest girth (P≤0.001), they are stronger, have a higher live weight and the duration of productive use is higher by 0.94 lactation, resulting in lifelong productivity in cows of the iris type is 5274 kg higher. The total profit from milk production in cows of the iris type is higher by 137356 rubles than in cows of the leptosome type, and in cows of the mesosome type by 45703 rubles. The selection of cows of the iris type for the formation of the herd can lead to an increase in the productive life of cows by 286 days.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 247 ◽  
pp. 01035
Zh.V. Emanyilova ◽  
A.V. Egorova ◽  
D.N. Efimov ◽  
A.A. Komarov

The paper assesses the efficiency of using the federsex for marker genes K-k maternal parental form and the final broiler hybrid of the new highly productive cross Smena-9 in production conditions. It was found that two-lined chickens of the maternal parental form SM79 have an advantage over the original lines in reproductive qualities (egg production, hatching eggs, hatching, number of chickens per a laying hen) by 1.23-25.6%. Under optimal conditions for feeding and keeping, 138.5 heads of day-old broilers can be obtained from the autosex maternal parental form. During selection of linear poultry, the following indicators of broilers were improved: livability, live weight, dressed weight, yield of pectoral muscles and reduced feed costs per 1 kg of live weight gain. The meat yield from one parental pair was 314.8 kg. The taste qualities of broth and poultry meat of the Smena-9 cross are high. The sexing accuracy is 99.8%. Poultry of the federsex maternal parental form and the final hybrid - broilers of the new Russian cross Smena-9 has a high genetic potential and can be successfully used in the production of eggs and meat at enterprises of various types.

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