thermal column
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. P12023
M.J. Mozafari Vanani ◽  
Y. Kasesaz ◽  
M. Hosseinipanah ◽  
A. Akhound

Abstract Tehran Research Reactor (TRR) is the main neutron source in Iran which can be used for different applications of neutrons such as neutron radiography and neutron therapy. TRR has a thermal column which can provide high intensity flux of thermal neutrons for users. The aim of this study is to design a neutron collimator for TRR thermal column to produce parallel neutron beam with suitable intensity of thermal neutrons. To achieve this goal, Monte Carlo code of MCNX has been used to evaluate different configurations, geometries and materials of neutron collimator. The results show that the final selected configuration can provide a uniform thermal neutron beam with a flux of 1.21E+13 (cm-2·s-1) which is suitable for many different neutron applications.

Safwan Shalbi ◽  
Norazlianie Sazali ◽  
Wan Norharyati Wan Salleh

The thermal column at the TRIGA PUSPATI (RTP) research reactor can produce thermal neutron. However, the optimization on the thermal neutron flux produced should be performed to gain a sufficient thermal neutron for boron neutron capture therapy purpose. Thus, the objective of this review is to optimize the thermal neutron flux by designing the collimator with different materials at the thermal column. In order to fulfil the requirement, set by the IAEA standard, the study of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) around the world was being reviewed to study the suitable measurement, material, design, and modification for BNCT at the thermal column of TRIGA MARK-II, Malaysia. Initially, the BNCT mechanisms and history was review. Then, this paper review on the design and modifications for BNCT purpose around the world. Based on this review, suitable material and design can be used for the BNCT in Malaysia. Moreover, this paper also reviews the current status of BNCT at the RTP with the measurement of the thermal neutron flux was conducted along the thermal column at 250 kW. The thermal column of RTP was divided into 3 phases (Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3) so that an accurate measurement can be obtained by using gold foil activation method. This value was used as a benchmark for the neutron flux produced from the thermal column. The reviewed demonstrated that the final thermal neutron flux produced was significantly for BNCT purpose.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
C. Azih ◽  
H. Mazhar ◽  
J. Baschuk ◽  
T. Nitheanandan

The National Research Universal (NRU) reactor is a major research facility that provides a beam of slow neutrons with a minimum of gamma rays and other types of radiation for experimental purposes. The thermal column consists of 5 graphite radial sections separated with an air gap for cooling. The graphite components require continuous monitoring to ascertain that temperatures are controlled within safe margins. Wall temperatures of the graphite sections are obtained via thermocouples affixed to the column walls. The safety margins for operation of the thermal column are driven by the temperatures of the closest radial section to the reactor core (HG1). Although, most of the thermocouples in HG1 are no longer functional, the thermocouples are functional in the adjacent graphite section (HG2). This study relied on the historical data of the graphite temperatures over a few years to develop an empirical correlation that relates temperatures in HG1 to those of HG2. The correlation sets limits on the functional thermocouples in HG2 to ensure HG1 remains within the prescribed limits (149–232 °C). Correlations were developed using statistical analysis of the historical data. A control band of approximately 40 °C for HG2 with confidence levels of 68% and 95%, respectively, were established.

2019 ◽  
Vol 107 (7) ◽  
pp. 535-546 ◽  
Klaus Eberhardt ◽  
Christopher Geppert

Abstract The TRIGA Mark II-reactor at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) is one of three research reactors in Germany. The TRIGA Mainz became first critical on August 3rd, 1965. It can be operated in the steady state mode with a maximum power of 100 kWth and in the pulse mode with a peak power of 250 MWth and a pulse length of 30 ms. The TRIGA Mainz is equipped with a central thimble, a rotary specimen rack, three pneumatic transfer systems, four beam tubes, and a graphite thermal column. The TRIGA Mainz is intensively used both for basic and applied research in nuclear chemistry and nuclear physics. Two sources for ultra-cold neutrons (UCN) are operational at two beam ports. At a third beam port a Penning-Trap for highly precise mass measurements of exotic nuclides is installed. Education and training is another main field of activity. Here, various courses in nuclear and radiochemistry, reactor operation and reactor physics are held for scientists, advanced students, engineers, and technicians utilizing the TRIGA Mainz reactor.

Safwan Shalbi ◽  
Wan Norharyati Wan Salleh ◽  
Muhammad Aliff Ashraff Rosdi ◽  
Faridah Mohamad Idris

2019 ◽  
Vol 135 (5) ◽  
pp. 1033-1035
V. Fugaru ◽  
C. Postolache ◽  
G. Bubueanu ◽  
C. Tuta ◽  
M. Ioan

Radiocarbon ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 435-444 ◽  
M Enachescu ◽  
C Stan-Sion

ABSTRACTDecommissioning of nuclear reactors requires determination of all remnant long-lived isotopes that were produced during their long functioning time of the respective facilities. Radiocarbon (14C) is such an isotope (T1/2 = 5730 yr), widely produced by neutron reactions in a thermal column of a nuclear reactor. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) uses 14C for precise dating of up to 50,000 years old archaeological artifacts. This study presents a premier AMS measurement of high concentrated 14C samples that are strictly forbidden in laboratories dedicated to perform 14C dating. The determined 14C activities range from the natural level (isotopic ratio 14C/12C = 1.2 × 10–12) up to values of 10,000 times higher. 14C bulk and depth profile concentrations were measured in the thermal column disks of a decommissioned nuclear reactor. Results have shown that the 14C concentration in the thermal column, close the reactor core is about 75 kBq/g and decreases to 0.7 Bq/g and the end of the column. Such AMS measurements are applicable for decommissioning and waste management of nuclear reactors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 95-101
Kholidah Hasyim ◽  
Yohannes Sardjono ◽  
Yosaphat Sumardi

This research was aimed at discovering the optimum concentration of Boron-10 in concentrations range 20 µgram/gram until 35 µgram/gram with Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) methods and the shortest time irradiation for cancer therapy. The research about dose analysis of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) to the brain cancer (Glioblastoma Multiform) using MCNPX-Code with a neutron source from Collimated Thermal Column Kartini Research Nuclear has been conducted. This research was a simulation-based experiment using MCNPX, and the data was arranged on a graph using OriginPro 8. The modelling was performed with the brain that contains cancer tissue as a target and the reactor as a radiation source. The variations of Boron concentrations in this research was on 20, 25, 30 and 35 μg/gram tumours. The outputs of MCNP were neutron scattering dose, gamma ray dose and neutron flux from the reactor. Neutron flux was used to calculate the doses of alpha, proton and gamma rays produced by the interaction of tissue material and thermal neutrons. Based on the calculations, the optimum concentration of Boron-10 in tumour tissue was for a 30 µg/gram tumour with the radiation dose in skin at less than 3 Gy. The irradiation times required were 2.79 hours for concentration 20 μg/gram ; 2.78 hours for concentration 25 μg/gram ; 2.77 hours for concentration 30 μg/gram ; 2.8 hours for concentration 35 μg/gram.

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