group activity therapy
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Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems in the elderly. The provision of appropriate and accurate psychopharmacology as well as nursing therapy is not enough, but must be followed up with selected therapy modalities regularly and continuously until the normal functioning of stable normative behavior or adaptive behavior, one of which is group activity therapy. To determine the effect of group activity therapy on the level of anxiety in the elderly. The design of this study is a quasi-experimental design with a pre-post test group design with a total sample of 44 people. The independent variable is group activity therapy (TAK) and the dependent variable is anxiety. The instruments used are questionnaire sheets and observation sheets. The statistical test used the Wilcoxon test with a significance value of = 0.05. The anxiety level of the majority of the elderly before TAK therapy was severe anxiety as much as 40.91% and after TAK therapy the majority of the elderly with mild anxiety level as much as 47.73%. There was a difference in anxiety before and after giving group activity therapy with a P value of 0.000 (P <0.05). Group activity therapy has an effect on reducing anxiety levels in the elderly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1875-1881
Pradistia Gilang Ghozali ◽  
Yuni Sandra Pratiwi

AbstractThe risk of violent behavior is a symptom of schizophrenic patients that can be controlled through perceptual stimulation group activity therapy. It is an effort to train the patient to perceive the stimulus provided or the stimulus that has been experienced. This study aims to investigate the effect of the effect of perceptual stimulation group activity therapy on patients with violent behavior risks based on a literature review.It took three journals from Google scholar and with group activity therapy, perceptual stimulation, and the risk of violent behavior as the keywords. These are full-text published in 2011-2020. The result of respondents’ characteristics analysis stated 66 people were taken as respondents, 83% are male with the age 21-40 years. Their average value in controlling anger before intervention was 46,873 and 43.5 after the process. It proved to control patients’ anger. Thus, nurses suggested to teach this therapy for overcoming the problem.Keywords: Perceptual stimulation group activity therapy; the risks of violent behavior AbstrakRisiko perilaku kekerasan ialah gejala dari pasien skizofrenia dapat dikontrol melalui terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi. Terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi ialah upaya untuk melatih pasien mempersepsikan stimulus yang disediakan atau stimulus yang pernah dialami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pengaruh terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi pada pasien resiko perilaku kekerasan berdasarkan literature review. Desain karya tulis ilmiah berupa literatur review dengan jumlah tiga artikel yang diambil dari laman jurnal google scholar dan dengan kata kunci ‘’terapi aktivitas kelompok’’, ‘’stimulasi persepsi’’ dan ‘’resiko perilaku kekerasan’’ berupa artikel fullteks, terbit tahun 2011-2020. Hasil analisa karakteristik responden dari tiga artikel menunjukan jumlah responden 66, sebagian besar (83%) laki-laki dengan umur 21-40 tahun. Nilai rata-rata kemampuan mengontrol kemarahan sebelum intervensi 46,873, setelah intervensi 43,5. Simpulan terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi dapat mengontrol marah pasien resiko perilaku kekerasan. Saran bagi perawat hendaknya mengajarkan terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi untuk mengontrol resiko perilaku kekerasanKata kunci: Terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi; resiko perilaku kekerasan

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1835-1840
Nur Ardika ◽  
Nurul Aktifah

AbstractSocial isolation is a person's inability to interact with other people in his environment. Client feels rejected, isolated from others, and lonely. Moreover, he is not able to build meaningful relationships with other people. The client with this problem has difficulty to interact and socialize with others, and he even cannot communicate well. This paper aims to investigate the effect of socialization group activity therapy on the client with the problem stated above. The result of literature review stated from the pretest, it was obtained the average 12.07, and 20.9 after taking protest. Therefore, it could be concluded there is an effect of the therapy on sociability of social isolation clients. And, this is recommended for the nursing staff to apply this therapy in the client with the problem, so that they can improve their socialization skills.Keywords: socialization group activity therapy; social isolation AbstrakIsolasi sosial ialah suatu penurunan atau ketidakmampuan seorang individu berinteraksi dengan orang lain dengan lingkungan sekitarnya. Klien merasa ditolak, tidak diterima, kesepian, dan tidak mampu membina hubungan yang berarti dengan orang lain. Klien dengan isolasi sosial tidak mempunyai kemampuan untuk berosialisasi dan sulit mengungkapkan keinginan dan tidak mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik sehingga klien tidak mampu membina hubungan yang berarti dengan orang lain. Tujuan karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa berpengaruh terapi aktivitas kelompok sosialisasi pada klien isolasi sosial. Desain Karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah literature review. Hasil dari analisis didapatkan rata rata pre test sebesar 12,07, post test sebesar 20,9 dan didapatkan bahwa ada pengaruh Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok Sosialisasi (TAKS) terhadap kemampuan sosialisasi pada klien isolasi sosial. Kesimpulan ada pengaruh TAKS terhadap kemampuan sosialisasi pada klien isolasi sosial. Saran kepada tenaga keperawatan untuk memberikan TAKS pada klien isolasi sosial,sehingga kemampuan sosialisasi pada klien Kata kunci: Terapi aktivitas kelompok sosialisasi (TAKS) ; isolasi sosial; interaksi sosial.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1509-1515
Hida Chaerunnisa ◽  
Nurul Aktifah

AbstractHallucinations are mental disorders characterized by the loss of a person’s ability to distinguish real and unreal responses from objects in their environment. One of the ways to control this disorder is by applying group activity therapy of hallucinatyioms perception stimulations. It is conducted by perceiving various stimuli in the environtment to be discussed groups. This study aims to find out the effect of the therapy in controlling hallucinations on schizophrenic patients. In this literature review. The intervention showed the average value of pre-test was 8.00 and it achieved 12.00 of post-test with result of p value 0,001 (<0,005). This it p[roved the therapy has affected respondents’ ability on controlling hallucinations on schizophrenic patients. Therefore, it is recommended as one of the actions of nursing care to improve the ability to control hallucinations of schizophrenic patients.Keyword : group activity therapy of hallucinations perception stimulations, hallucinations AbstrakHalusinasi merupakan kondisi gangguan jiwa yang ditandai dengan hilangnya kemampuan seseorang dalam membedakan respon yang nyata dan tidak nyata dari suatu objek yang ada di lingkungannya. Tindakan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengontrol halusinasi salah satunya adalah Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok (TAK) Stimulasi Persepsi Halusinasi. TAK stimulasi persepsi halusinasi dilakukan dengan cara mempersepsikan berbagai stimulasi yang ada di lingkungan untuk didiskusikan dalam kelompok. Tujuan : Mengetahui gambaran pengaruh TAK stimulasi persepsi halusinasi terhadap kemampuan mengontrol halusinasi pasien skizofrenia. Desain: Karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah literature review. Hasil : Kemampuan mengontrol halusinasi sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi menunjukkan nilai rata-rata pre test 8,00 dan post test 12,00 dengan hasil p value 0,001 (< 0,005). Kesimpulan : TAK stimulasi persepsi halusinasi berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan responden dalam mengontrol halusinasi pada pasien skizofrenia. Saran : Perawat dapat memberikan TAK stimulsi persepsi halusinasi sebagai salah satu tindakan asuhan keperawatan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengontrol halusinasi pasien skizofrenia.Kata kunci: Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok (TAK) stimulasi persepsi, halusinasi

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 867-873
Ganda Sigalingging ◽  
Zulkarnain Nasution ◽  
Hetti Marlina Pakpahan ◽  
Nasilia Tafonao

ABSTRAK Ancaman triple burden merupakan tantangan yang harus dihadapi di Indonesia, diantaranya jumlah lansia yang terus meningkat. Seiring pertambahan usia, berpotensi menimbulkan masalah kesehatan fisik dan psikososial antara lain depresi, harga diri rendah, bahkan bunuh diri, jika tidak ditangani dengan serius. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan upaya mempertahankan kesehatan lansia pada taraf kesehatan optimal. Tujuan untuk  meningkatkan kemampuan lansia berinteraksi dalam rangka pencapaian penyesuaian psikologi, perilaku dan pencapaian adaptasi optimal.  Metode kegiatan melakukan senam sehat dan terapi aktivitas kelompok (TAK). Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan, secara keseluruhan lansia terlihat ceriah dan bahagia. Disimpulkan kegiatan ini mampu meningkatkan semangat dan menciptakan kebersamaan sesama lansia selama berada di rumah Jompo. Kepada Yayasan panti jompo untuk memfasilitasi kegiatan sesuai kebutuhan lansia yaitu melakukan terapi aktivitas kelompok (TAK) dengan senam sehat secara berkesinambungan untuk  tercipta perasaan yang riang gembira sehingga kualitas hidup lansia  tetap sehat, mandiri, berguna, dan produktif. Kata kunci : Terapi aktivitas kelompok, senam sehat, demensia,  lansia.    ABSTRACT The triple threat is a challenge that must be faced in Indonesia. More and more the number of elderly continues to increase. As you age, changes occur due to the aging process that causes physical and psychosocial problems. one of the psychosocial problems in the elderly is low self-esteem. If that doesn't work, the elderly will repair, attract, challenge, and even escape. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the health of the elderly at an optimal level of health. The goal is to increase the ability of the elderly in the contexts of psychological loss, behavior, and optimal adaptation. Activity methods of doing healthy gymnastics and group activity therapy. The results of the activity showed that overall the elderly looked bright and happy.  This activity can increase enthusiasm and create togetherness among the elderly in a nursing home.  Keywords: Group activity therapy, healthy gymnastics, dementia, elderly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 886-891
Bagus Dwi Cahyono ◽  
Nurul Huda ◽  
Evy Aristawati

ABSTRAK Kondisi pandemic Covid-19 merubah dunia, hal yang tidak lazim menjadi lazim. Semua kegiatan dilakukan dari rumah, hal ini memicu seseorang mengalami stress dan menurunkan imun dalam tubuh. Kondisi pandemic memaksa remaja melakukan semua kegiatan di rumah.  Remaja rentan mengalami stress, hal ini bisa menurunkan daya tahan tubuhnya dan lebih rentan sakit. Jika remaja sering mengalami sakit, maka akan mempengaruhi proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya. Orang tua memiliki peranan penting dalam menjaga kondisi anaknya. Pandemic Covid-19 mengharuskan pembelajaran dilakukan secara online, tapi di Madin Al Muhajirin pembelajaran dilakukan dengan tatap muka karena sudah masuk zona hijau. Pemberian pengetahuan dan latihan tehnik peningkatan imunitas jiwa serta penerapan protocol kesehatan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran saat new normal era adalah hal yang harus segera dilakukan agar santri memiliki pengetahuan serta terampil menerapkan terapi aktivitas kelompok serta penerapan protocol kesehatan baik dilakukan di rumah maupun di lingkungan madrasah diniyah. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah penyuluhan pada 27 santri. Hasil evaluasi sebagian besar santri (80%) memahami dan mengerti tentang dan mampu mempraktekkan cara cuci tangan, menggunakan masker dan melepas masker, serta melakukan kegiatan terapi aktivitas kelompok. Kata Kunci : imunitas jiwa, protokol kesehatan, pembelajaran new normal  ABSTRACT The conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic have changed the world; things that are not uncommon are becoming commonplace. All activities are carried out from home; this triggers a person to experience stress and lowers immunity in the body. Pandemic conditions force teenagers to do all activities at home. Teenagers are prone to anxiety; this can reduce their immune system and are more prone to illness. If adolescents often experience illness, it will affect the process of growth and development. Parents have an essential role in maintaining the condition of their children. The Covid-19 pandemic requires learning to be done online, but at Madin Al Muhajirin, learning is done face-to-face because it has entered the green zone. Giving knowledge and training in mental immunity enhancement techniques and implementing health protocols in learning activities during the new normal era must be done immediately so that students can implement group activity therapy and implement health protocols both at home and in Madrasah Diniyah circles. The method used in this service was counseling 27 students. The results of the evaluation most of the students (80%) understand and understand about and can practice how to wash hands, use masks and remove masks, and carry out group therapy activities. Keywords: mental immunity, health protocol, new normal learning

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 511
Kamariyah Kamariyah ◽  
Yuliana Yuliana

Indonesia According to WHO (2017) data, there are about 35 million people affected by depression, 60 million people are affected by bipolar, 21 million are affected by schizophrenia, and 47.5 million are affected by dementia. The nursing problems that arise from the medical diagnosis of schizophrenia include hallucinations. Based on data from Mental Hospitals in Indonesia, about 70% of patients undergoing treatment in inpatient wards of mental hospitals experience hallucinations nursing problems. Data from the inpatient room of the Jambi Provincial Mental Hospital in 2018 from 12 rooms the number of patients experiencing hallucinations was 4320 patients. The management of hallucinations is through the continuous application of comprehensive nursing care, accompanied by incorrect modality therapies. one of them is Group Activity Therapy. Objective: To determine the effect of Sensory Stimulation Group Activity Therapy (TAK) on changes in the level of hallucinations in hallucinating patients in the inpatient ward of the Jambi Province Mental Hospital. Research Methodology Quantitative research with a Quasi Experiment research design that uses Pre-Test and Post-Test with Control Group with drawing stimulation therapy intervention, data collection is done by interview and observation. The statistical test in this study used the Independent T Test

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