computing system
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Д.С. Синюков ◽  
А.Д. Данилов ◽  
А.А. Самодеенко ◽  
А.А. Иванников

Ядерные блоки атомных электростанций имеют длительный срок эксплуатации, что приводит к ситуации, когда в процессе эксплуатации технические и программные средства систем управления перестают отвечать текущим современным требованиям в плане надежности и безопасности их использования. В результате для продления срока действия ядерного блока требуется обязательное проведение модернизации информационно-вычислительной системы (ИВС) управления. Приводятся результаты такой работы, проведенной на 4 блоке Нововоронежской АЭС. При выборе оборудования для создания новой ИВС модернизируемого энергоблока был реализован принцип унификации. Программное обеспечение всех компонентов программно-технического комплекса ИВС, включая функции систем предоставления параметров безопасности и внутриреакторного контроля, реализовано на единых программных средствах. Представленные значения параметров сигналов на всех рабочих станциях программно-технического комплекса информационной системы, интерфейсы взаимодействия, человеко-машинный интерфейс и навигация по видеокадрам идентичны, что учитывает требования по оптимальному взаимодействию системы «человек-машина». Система удовлетворяет требованиям по обеспечению надёжности на основе резервирования, независимости, разнообразия, с учётом отказов по общей причине. Для этого ИВС была реализована в виде двухканальной информационной системы. Основной и дублирующий каналы измерения и обработки данных в программно-техническом комплексе ИВС функционируют одновременно в полном объеме. Разработанная информационно-вычислительная система позволила продлить срок эксплуатации 4 энергоблока Нововоронежской АЭС на 15 лет Nuclear units of nuclear power plants have a long service life, which leads to a situation when, during the operation, the technical and software tools of control systems no longer meet the current modern requirements in terms of reliability and safety of their use. As a result, in order to extend the validity period of the nuclear unit, mandatory modernization of the information and computing system (ICS) of management is required. This article presents the results of such work carried out at Unit 4 of the Novovoronezh NPP. When choosing the equipment to create a new ICS of the upgraded power unit, we implemented the principle of unification. The software of all components of the ICS software and hardware complex, including the functions of systems for providing security parameters and in-reactor control, is implemented on unified software tools. The representation of signal parameter values at all workstations of the software and hardware complex of the information system, the interfaces of human-machine interface interaction and navigation through video frames are identical, which takes into account the requirements for optimal interaction of the man-machine system. The system meets the requirements for ensuring reliability based on redundancy, independence, diversity, taking into account failures for a common reason. For this purpose, we implemented the ICS in the form of a two-channel information system. The main and backup channels of measurement and data processing in the ICS software and hardware complex function simultaneously in full. The developed information and computing system made it possible to extend the service life of 4 power units of the Novovoronezh NPP for 15 years

2022 ◽  
Jiayu Sun ◽  
Huiqiang Wang ◽  
Guangsheng Feng ◽  
Hongwu Lv ◽  
Jingyao Liu ◽  

Young Sun

Abstract The relationships between four basic circuit variables - voltage (v), current (i), charge (q), and magnetic flux (ϕ) - have defined three fundamental circuit elements: resistor, capacitor, and inductor. From a symmetry view, there is a fourth fundamental circuit element defined from the relationship between charge and magnetic flux. Historically, a device called memristor was considered to be the fourth element, but it has caused intense controversy because the memristor is conceived based on a nonlinear i-v relationship rather than a direct q-ϕ relationship. Alternatively, a direct correlation between trapped charge (q) and magnetic flux (ϕ) can be built up by employing the magnetoelectric (ME) effects, i.e., magnetic field control of electric polarization and electric field control of magnetization. In this review, we summarize recent progress on the principle and applications of the fourth circuit element based on the ME effects. Both the fourth linear element and nonlinear memelement, termed transtor and memtranstor, respectively, have been proposed and experimentally demonstrated. A complete relational diagram of fundamental circuit elements has been constructed. The transtor with a linear ME effect can be used in a variety of applications such as the energy harvester, tunable inductor, magnetic sensor, gyrator, and transformer etc. The memtranstor showing a pinched hysteresis loop has a great potential in developing low-power nonvolatile electronic devices. The principle is to utilize the states of the ME coefficient αE=dE/dH, instead of resistance, magnetization or electric polarization to store information. Both nonvolatile memories and logic functions can be implemented using the memtranstors, which provides a candidate route toward the logic-in-memory computing system. In addition, artificial synaptic devices that are able to mimic synaptic behaviors have also been realized using the memtranstor. The fourth circuit element and memelement based on the ME effects provide extra degrees of freedom to broaden circuit functionalities and develop advanced electronic devices.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Meriem Kherbouche ◽  
Galena Pisoni ◽  
Bálint Molnár

Business process modeling and verification have become an essential way to control and assure organizational evolution. We overview the opportunities for the application of blockchain in Business Process Management and Modeling in Finance and we focus on in-depth analysis of claim process in insurance as a use case. We investigate the utilization of blockchain technology for model checking of Workflow, Business Processes to ensure consistency, integrity, and security in a dynamically changing business environment. We create a UML profile for the blockchain, then we combine it with a UML activity diagram followed by a verification using Petri nets to guarantee a distributed computing system and scalable with mutable data. Our paper creates a unified picture of the approaches towards business processes modeling used in the financial industry organized around the set of premises intending to develop a future research agenda for blockchain business process modeling, specifically for the financial industry domain.

Mohd Syafiq Mispan ◽  
Aiman Zakwan Jidin ◽  
Muhammad Raihaan Kamarudin ◽  
Haslinah Mohd Nasir

An emerging technology known as Physical unclonable function (PUF) can provide a hardware root-of-trust in building the trusted computing system. PUF exploits the intrinsic process variations during the integrated circuit (IC) fabrication to generate a unique response. This unique response differs from one PUF to the other similar type of PUFs. Static random-access memory PUF (SRAM-PUF) is one of the memory-based PUFs in which the response is generated during the memory power-up process. Non-volatile memory (NVM) architecture like SRAM is available in off-the-shelf microcontroller devices. Exploiting the inherent SRAM as PUF could wide-spread the adoption of PUF. Therefore, in this study, we evaluate the suitability of inherent SRAM available in ATMega2560 microcontroller on Arduino platform as PUF that can provide a unique fingerprint. First, we analyze the start-up values (SUVs) of memory cells and select only the cells that show random values after the power-up process. Subsequently, we statistically analyze the characteristic of fifteen SRAM-PUFs which include uniqueness, reliability, and uniformity. Based on our findings, the SUVs of fifteen on-chip SRAMs achieve 42.64% uniqueness, 97.28% reliability, and 69.16% uniformity. Therefore, we concluded that the available SRAM in off-the-shelf commodity hardware has good quality to be used as PUF.

Mario Rüttgers ◽  
Moritz Waldmann ◽  
Wolfgang Schröder ◽  
Andreas Lintermann

AbstractMany simulation workflows require to prepare the data for the simulation manually. This is time consuming and leads to a massive bottleneck when a large number of numerical simulations is requested. This bottleneck can be overcome by an automated data processing pipeline. Such a novel pipeline is developed for a medical use case from rhinology, where computer tomography recordings are used as input and flow simulation data define the results. Convolutional neural networks are applied to segment the upper airways and to detect and prepare the in- and outflow regions for accurate boundary condition prescription in the simulation. The automated process is tested on three cases which have not been used to train the networks. The accuracy of the pipeline is evaluated by comparing the network-generated output surfaces to those obtained from a semi-automated procedure performed by a medical professional. Except for minor deviations at interfaces between ethmoidal sinuses, the network-generated surface is sufficiently accurate. To further analyze the accuracy of the automated pipeline, flow simulations are conducted with a thermal lattice-Boltzmann method for both cases on a high-performace computing system. The comparison of the results of the respiratory flow simulations yield averaged errors of less than 1% for the pressure loss between the in- and outlets, and for the outlet temperature. Thus, the pipeline is shown to work accurately and the geometrical deviations at the ethmoidal sinuses to be negligible.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 378
Enrique Cantó Navarro ◽  
Rafael Ramos Lara ◽  
Mariano López García

This paper describes three different approaches for the implementation of an online signature verification system on a low-cost FPGA. The system is based on an algorithm, which operates on real numbers using the double-precision floating-point IEEE 754 format. The double-precision computations are replaced by simpler formats, without affecting the biometrics performance, in order to permit efficient implementations on low-cost FPGA families. The first approach is an embedded system based on MicroBlaze, a 32-bit soft-core microprocessor designed for Xilinx FPGAs, which can be configured by including a single-precision floating-point unit (FPU). The second implementation attaches a hardware accelerator to the embedded system to reduce the execution time on floating-point vectors. The last approach is a custom computing system, which is built from a large set of arithmetic circuits that replace the floating-point data with a more efficient representation based on fixed-point format. The latter system provides a very high runtime acceleration factor at the expense of using a large number of FPGA resources, a complex development cycle and no flexibility since it cannot be adapted to other biometric algorithms. By contrast, the first system provides just the opposite features, while the second approach is a mixed solution between both of them. The experimental results show that both the hardware accelerator and the custom computing system reduce the execution time by a factor ×7.6 and ×201 but increase the logic FPGA resources by a factor ×2.3 and ×5.2, respectively, in comparison with the MicroBlaze embedded system.

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