tiger grouper
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-53
I Komang Yudha Wirawan ◽  
Liga Insani ◽  
Muh. Sulaiman Dadiono

Tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) hatchery at the household scale has contributed to the increase in national grouper seed production. The main problem in tiger grouper cultivation is the availability of superior seeds. Where superior tiger grouper seeds must have fast growth, be resistant to new environments, low FCR, have perfect morphology and be resistant to. Superior seeds of tiger grouper can be seen from the value of Survival Rate (SR), where superior seeds will have a much higher SR when maintained. The purpose of this study was to determine the Survival Rate of tiger grouper hatchery in household-scale hatcheries located on the North Coast of Bali as the main parameter and water quality as a supporting parameter. Methods of data collection is done by using 4 ways: survey, active participation, observation, and interviews. Survival rate data analysis was carried out by performing calculations based on the SR calculation formula and analyzed descriptively. The results of observations of water quality are classified as good for the value of Salinity (33-35 ppt), Temperature (28-29.4 oC), and DO (6-6.5 ppm). While the pH value can be said to be not good for tiger grouper hatchery and rearing with a pH value of (7.3-7.4). The result of the calculation of the Survival Rate is 20% with a total of ± 24,000 seeds. From the percentage of survival rate, it can be said that the survival rate of tiger grouper larvae in this household-scale hatchery is still low. However, it should be noted that a low survival rate in grouper hatcheries does not always affect the value of profits and losses of a grouper hatchery business.

2021 ◽  
Vol 869 (1) ◽  
pp. 012071
Y Akmal ◽  
R Humairani ◽  
M Muliari ◽  
I Irfannur ◽  
R Rinaldi ◽  

Abstract Cultivation of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) in Floating Net Cages in several locations in Bireuen Regency has developed. The potential disease issue can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of mangosteen peel extract capsules (Garcinia mangostana L) against bacterial disease in tiger grouper. This research was carried out in April 2019 at the MIPA Laboratory of Al Muslim University and the laboratory of PT. Centra Proteina Prima, Bireuen Regency. The design used was a completely randomized design with four treatments (0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% mangosteen peel extract capsules) with three replications. The parameters studied in this study including the diameter of the inhibition and the observation of MBC (Minimum Bacterial Concentration). The result showed that the administration of mangosteen peel extract capsules with doses of 10%, 20%, and 30% has no significant effect on reducing disease-causing bacteria in grouper grown on TSA media. Positive results were obtained on positive (+) MBC observations, presumably due to the small dose of mangosteen peel extract capsules given so that it could not kill bacteria grown in dishes with an inhibition range of 0 mm.Introduction

2021 ◽  
Vol 890 (1) ◽  
pp. 012016
A Muzaki ◽  
S B M Sembiring ◽  
G N Permana ◽  
K Mahardika ◽  

Abstract Observation of the reproductive organs of the hybrid grouper cantik was carried out. Cantik grouper is the result of cross-breeding between female tiger grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus and male camouflage grouper E. polyphekadion. This study aimed to determine the development of the reproductive organs of cantik grouper. The observed test fishes were 3 fishes of Cantik grouper with a total length of 42 - 49 cm and a bodyweight of 1.45 - 2.26 kg. The parameters observed were the concentarion of estradiol and testosterone in the blood using the ELISA kit, gonad development, and histological maturity level of the gonads. The results showed that the hormone testosterone found in the sample cantik no 1 was 9353 pg/ml, while the hormone estradiol was found in all samples of beautiful grouper in the range of 291 - 1133 pg/ml. From the dissected fish, the gonads had developed and weighed 3.12 - 56.01 g and one sample had a fecundity of 265,800 eggs with an egg diameter of 360-520 micron. Gonadal histology shows oosit development at maturity levels I, II, and IV. This indicates that the crossbreeding between female tiger grouper and male camouflage grouper produces hybrid grouper cantik that are fertile, which is shown by their reproductive organs to have developed well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 118
Munawwar Khalil ◽  
Salamah Salamah ◽  
Zumairi Zumairi ◽  
Muliani Muliani

The tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) is an economically important fish whose fry still relies on natural catches. Several species of grouper are very potential to be cultivated because of their fast growth, efficient feed conversion, and high selling value. The purpose of this study is growth performance and survival rate tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) used different live feed. The research design used in this study was a Completely Randomized Design with 3 treatments 3 replications and continued with LSD test if there were differences. The treatments given are treatment A (Snail), treatment B (Chicken Intestine), and treatment C (Caterpillar Maggot). Parameters observed were length increase, weight gain, survival, feed response, and water quality. The results of this study indicate that the highest increase was found in the treatment of C: 4,04 cm and the lowest was in treatment B: 3 cm, the highest weight gain was found in the treatment of C: 3,73 grams, and the lowest was in treatment B: 2,18 grams. The survival rate for all treatments is 100%. During this study the temperature ranged (28.6-31.8 oC), pH (6.7-8.2), DO (6.3-8.1 ppm), and salinity (23-27 ppt).Keywords: growth, live feed, survival rate, tiger grouper.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Mustika Palupi ◽  
Ren Fitriadi ◽  
Muh Sulaiman Dadiono ◽  
Danang Yonarta ◽  
Rima Oktavia Kusuma

The development of tiger grouper cultivation technology has not been maximally implemented so that the survival rate of fish is very low. The result is that it is very vulnerable to losses in cultivation. This study aims to analyze the profitability of tiger grouper hatchery. The research method used is a case study. Primary data is collected through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Secondary data is data obtained indirectly. The calculated data analysis is the Benefit-Cost (B/C) Ratio, Break-even Point Analysis and Profitability. The results obtained are BEP in units is 170,606 heads and BEP in price is IDR 1,709,750, B/C Ratio is 1.65, and the payback period is 5 years 2 months.

Jumria Sutra ◽  
Hamidu Saadu ◽  
Amalia Mohd. Hashim ◽  
Mohd Zamri Saad ◽  
Ina Salwany Md Yasin ◽  

Grouper and Asian seabass are among the economically important cultured marine fish in Malaysia. However, fry productions in large scale tend to introduce stress that changes the fish microbiota and increases susceptibility to diseases. Currently, high-throughput sequencing is used to study fish microbiota and their respective gene functions. In this study, we investigate the diversity, abundance and functional genes of intestinal microbiota of tiger grouper and Asian seabass that were reared in a semi-closed hatchery during dry and wet seasons. Intestinal samples were collected from tiger grouper and Asian seabass of different sizes before proceeded to DNA extraction. The extracted DNA were then subjected to 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing using the Illumina Miseq platform targeting V3 and V4 regions for determination of the bacterial diversity, abundance and functional genes in both seasons. The results revealed that intestinal microbiota of Asian seabass were dominated by the phylum Proteobacteria and order Vibrionales in both seasons. Meanwhile, intestinal microbiome of tiger groupers were shifted from domination of phylum Firmicutes and order Clostridiales in dry season to Proteobacteria and order Lactobacillales in wet season. PICRUSt analysis revealed that the functional genes that were dominantly present were the genes encoded for metabolism, genetic information processing, environmental information processing, cellular process and human diseases. Remarkably, SIMPER analysis showed several potential metagenomics biomarker genes in dry and wet seasons. This study revealed the importance of utilizing amplicon metagenomics approaches in microbiome studies for better identification of the microbial profiling in aquaculture systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 748 (1) ◽  
pp. 012001
W Widyaningsih ◽  
Abinawanto ◽  
D Susandi

Abstract Fertilization was doing to measure the success of sperm cryopreservation because it was more informative. Sperm cryopreservation was expected to get sperm that successfully fertilize the egg well. The aim of this study was to determine the sperm fertilization ability of giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus, Bloch 1790) 48 hours post-cryopreservation in fertilizing tiger grouper eggs (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus, Forskal 1775). Fertilization was carried out artificially using cryopreservation sperm with 6% of glycerol and palm dates concentrates (0%; 5%; 10%; 15%; 20%; and 25%). The tiger grouper brood was previously injected with hormone chorionic gonadotropin at a dose of 500 IU/kg. The results showed that there were significant differences (P < 0.05) on fertilization of tiger grouper eggs with sperm of giant grouper which were cryopreserved with 6% of glycerol and various concentrations of palm date concentrates. Sperm which was cryopreserved with 6% of glycerol and 10% of palm date concentrate has the best fertility ability by showing the highest value of 66.25 ± 3.23%.

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