asthma attack
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Pinar Gokmirza Ozdemir ◽  
Velat Celik

<b><i>Introduction:</i></b> Several statements and position papers on the management of childhood asthma and allergies during the COVID-19 pandemic have been published of late. The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and awareness of pediatricians and family physicians regarding the management of asthma and allergic rhinitis during the pandemic according to recently published updated guidelines. <b><i>Method:</i></b> We conducted an online survey among pediatricians and family physicians in Turkey, using a questionnaire designed to evaluate 4 items: (1) the relationship between COVID-19 infection risk and pediatric asthma/allergic rhinitis and medications used in treatment; (2) the follow-up and management of asthma/allergic rhinitis according to published updated recommendations; (3) pediatricians’ and family physicians’ observations and perceptions of treatment compliance and the attitudes of their pediatric asthma patients; and (4) pediatricians and family physicians’ attitudes to using telehealth in the follow-up and management of pediatric asthma patients during the pandemic. <b><i>Results:</i></b> A total of 346 participants responded to the survey. The relationship between the risk of COVID-19 and asthma was known by less than 25% of the participants. More than 33% of family physicians and 20% of pediatricians were unaware that asthma medication does not lead to a susceptibility to COVID-19 infection; 55% of family physicians and 48% of pediatricians thought that patients showed better compliance with asthma controller medication; over 33% of pediatricians and approximately 50% of family physicians stated that they could not distinguish between an asthma attack and lung involvement in COVID-19 infection; of the respondents, over 75% stated that they prefer face-to-face visits with patients, even in situations that do not require a physical examination. <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> The overall knowledge and awareness of pediatricians and, especially, family physicians regarding the management of pediatric asthma/allergic rhinitis during the pandemic is not at a satisfactory level. There is an urgent need to inform them about updated recommendations appearing in recent guidelines published by allergy organizations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 127 (4) ◽  
pp. 99-106
Dorin Huzun ◽  
Uliana Kostiv ◽  
Serhii Sazhyn ◽  
Alla Sazhyna ◽  
Koliesnik Dmytro Koliesnik

bronchial asthma is an important medical and social issue directly affects the health of patients, their quality of life, and the direct and indirect economic costs associated with the disease are quite significant. Due to the pandemic caused by a new strain of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, international and domestic regulations documents have updated the management of patients with asthma. In particular, there have been recommendations for remote visits to assess the patients’ complaints however physical analysis and objective examination are not available during such consultations. It can lead to errors in diagnostic of asthma exacerbation severity and treatment tactic for prescription the reliever therapy. So it is actuality to find out additional indicators to improve the diagnostic and prediction of the severity of the disease exacerbations. Given the urgency of the problem, the aim of the study is to evaluate the clinical and paraclinical parameters in children with virus-induced bronchial asthma exacerbation to predict the severity of the asthma attack and personify the management of patients. Have been examined 47 patients who were hospitalized for disease exacerbation. The severity of a asthma attack was considered a group-forming feature. Statistical analysis was performed using parametric and nonparametric calculation methods, methods of clinical epidemiology and biostatistics. The results of the study give grounds to predict a more severe asthma attack among urban residents who have a phenotype of late-onset asthma. An additional, anamnestic risk of more severe exacerbation of the disease is body weight at birth, which exceeds 3500 g. Among spirometric indicators the highest prognostic criterion for severe bronchial asthma exacerbation was the general index of bronchodilation, which was 15% and above, as well as the index of bronchodilation at the level of the distal airways with a cut-off point of 30% and above. In the presence of the above risk factors for severe asthma attack on the background of confirmed infection with the coronavirus strain SARS-CoV-2 the patient needs hospitalization, antiviral treatment, increasing the dose of inhaled steroids and additional β2-agonists. When predicting a mild or moderate asthma attack provoked by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, it is advisable to continue remote monitoring by an allergist and the management of exacerbation includes a temporary increase daily dose of inhaled glucocorticosteroids and additional using of β2-agonists. It is recommended to avoid taking nebulizers and use individual metered powder or aerosol inhalers in cases of inpatient treatment.

Valentina Fainardi ◽  
Carlo Caffarelli ◽  
Barbara Maria Bergamini ◽  
Loretta Biserna ◽  
Paolo Bottau ◽  

Bronchial asthma is the most frequent chronic disease in children and affects up to 20% of the pediatric population, depending on the geographical area. Asthma symptoms vary over time and in intensity, and acute asthma attack can resolve spontaneously or in response to therapy. The aim of this project was to define the care pathway for pediatric patients who come to the primary care pediatrician or Emergency Room with acute asthmatic access. The project was developed in the awareness that for the management of these patients, broad coordination of interventions in the pre-hospital phase and the promotion of timely and appropriate assistance modalities with the involvement of all health professionals involved are important. Through the application of the RAND method, which obliges to discuss the statements derived from the guidelines, there was a clear increase in the concordance in the behavior on the management of acute asthma between primary care pediatricians and hospital pediatricians. The RAND method was found to be useful for the selection of good practices forming the basis of an evidence-based approach, and the results obtained form the basis for further interventions that allow optimizing the care of the child with acute asthma attack at the family and pediatric level. An important point of union between the primary care pediatrician and the specialist hospital pediatrician was the need to share spirometric data, also including the use of new technologies such as teleconsultation. Monitoring the progress of asthma through spirometry could allow the pediatrician in the area to intervene early by modifying the maintenance therapy and help the patient to achieve good control of the disease.

Breathe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 210113
Gokul Erumbala ◽  
Sabu Anzar ◽  
Amjad Tonbari ◽  
Ramadan Salem ◽  
Colin Powell

What is the most appropriate second-line intravenous bronchodilator treatment when a child with a severe asthma attack is not responsive to initial inhaled therapy? The second-line treatment options for acute asthma include parenteral β2-agonists, methylxanthine and magnesium sulphate (MgSO4). There is a poor evidence-base to inform this decision. This review argues that intravenous MgSO4 is the obvious treatment of choice for this situation as the initial treatment based on current knowledge.  We describe the mode of action, scope and limitations of MgSO4, safety profile, economic impact, comparisons of the alternatives, and finally, what the guidelines say.  This review explores the suitability of intravenous MgSO4 as a pragmatic and safe initial second-line therapy for children unresponsive to initial asthma management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Eman T. Alharbi ◽  
Farrukh Nadeem ◽  
Asma Cherif

Abstract Background Asthma is a chronic disease that exacerbates due to various risk factors, including the patient’s biosignals and environmental conditions. It is affecting on average 7% of the world population. Preventing an asthma attack is the main challenge for asthma patients, which requires keeping track of any risk factor that can cause a seizure. Many researchers developed asthma attacks prediction models that used various asthma biosignals and environmental factors. These predictive models can help asthmatic patients predict asthma attacks in advance, and thus preventive measures can be taken. This paper introduces a review of these models to evaluate the used methods, model’s performance, and determine the need to improve research in this field. Method A systematic review was conducted for the research articles introducing asthma attack prediction models for children and adults. We searched the PubMed, ScienceDirect, Springer, and IEEE databases from January 2000 to December 2020. The search includes the prediction models that used biosignal, environmental, and both risk factors. The research article’s quality was assessed and scored based on two checklists, the Checklist for critical Appraisal and data extraction for systematic Reviews of prediction Modelling Studies (CHARMS) and the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme clinical prediction rule checklist (CASP). The highest scored articles were selected to review. Result From 1068 research articles we reviewed, we found that most of the studies used asthma biosignal factors only for prediction, few of the studies used environmental factors, and limited studies used both of these factors. Fifteen different asthma attack predictive models were selected for this review. we found that most of the studies used traditional prediction methods, like Support Vector Machine and regression. We have identified the pros and cons of the reviewed asthma attack prediction models and propose solutions to advance the studies in this field. Conclusion Asthma attack predictive models become more significant when using both patient’s biosignal and environmental factors. There is a lack of utilizing advanced machine learning methods, like deep learning techniques. Besides, there is a need to build smart healthcare systems that provide patients with decision-making systems to identify risk and visualize high-risk regions.

Cristina De Rose ◽  
Stefano Miceli Sopo ◽  
Piero Valentini ◽  
Rosa Morello ◽  
Daniele Biasucci ◽  

In recent years, lung ultrasound (LUS) has been increasingly used for the diagnosis of respiratory diseases in both adult and pediatric patients. However, asthma is a field in which the use of LUS is not yet well defined or is in development. In the following case series, we describe clinical, laboratory, radiological results as well as detailed lung ultrasound findings of 6 children with asthma: some of them with acute asthma attack and with inadequately controlled allergic asthma or childhood asthma; others with acute asthma and allergic or infantile asthma adequately controlled by preventive therapy. Finally we describe the clinical, laboratory and imaging parameters of a child with severe allergic asthma in the absence of exacerbation. In these cases, albeit at different times, LUS played an important role in both the initial diagnostic process and follow-up. It also showed different ultrasound features depending on the severity of the individual asthma based on the type of asthmatic phenotype and control of it.


There has been an increase in demand for caregiver dosage forms over the past two decades. In the oral cavity, mouth dissolving film dissolves swiftly. Oral films that dissolve in your mouth function best when combined with medications that act quickly, such as Xanthine category drugs (Salbutamol Sulphate) and Xanthene Derivative Theophylline. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), asthma affects one in six adults and a quarter of all children, according to the WHO. A child’s admission to the hospital is often due to asthma, which is one of the most prevalent reasons for admission. During an asthma attack, quick-relief or rescue drugs are used to relax and open the airways, as well as ease symptoms. If prescribed, these medications can also be administered prior to exercise. To treat asthma, a combination of Salbutamol Sulfate and Theophylline is available in tablet form under the brand name “Theo-Asthalin.” Oral films seem to be the most efficacious formulation. As a consequence, children with asthma should receive support from drugs given in the form of mouth-dissolving films, since they provide better patient compliance and an appropriate treatment method.

S Couillard ◽  
A Laugerud ◽  
M Jabeen ◽  
S Ramakrishnan ◽  
J Melhorn ◽  

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