explanatory mechanism
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2021 ◽  
pp. 154805182110660
Lindie H. Liang ◽  
Midori Nishioka ◽  
Rochelle Evans ◽  
Douglas J. Brown ◽  
Winny Shen ◽  

Although a litany of theoretical accounts exists to explain why mistreated employees engage in counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs), little is known about whether these mechanisms are complementary or mutually exclusive, or the effect of context on their explanatory strength. To address these gaps, this meta-analytic investigation tests four theoretically-derived mechanisms simultaneously to explain the robust relationship between leader mistreatment and employee CWB: (1) a social exchange perspective, which argues that mistreated employees engage in negative reciprocal behaviors to counterbalance experienced mistreatment; (2) a justice perspective, whereby mistreated employees experience moral outrage and engage in retributive behaviors against the organization and its members; (3) a stressor-emotion perspective, which suggests that mistreated employees engage in CWBs to cope with their negative affect; and (4) a self-regulatory perspective, which proposes that mistreated employees are simply unable to inhibit undesirable behaviors. Moreover, we also examine whether the above model holds across cultures that vary on power distance. Our meta-analytic structural equation model demonstrated that all but the justice mechanism significantly mediated the relationship between leader mistreatment and employee CWBs, with negative affect emerging as the strongest explanatory mechanism in both high and low power distance cultures. Given these surprising results, as the stressor-emotion perspective is less frequently invoked in the literature, this paper highlights not only the importance of investigating multiple mechanisms together when examining the leader mistreatment-employee CWB relationship, but also the need to develop more nuanced theorizing about these mechanisms, particularly for negative affect.

2021 ◽  
pp. 182-202
Anna Marmodoro

This chapter focuses on the metaphysical innovations Plato introduces in the Timaeus to solve (some of) the difficulties he has wrestled with in the preceding dialogues. It argues that by introducing the paradeigma, Plato reifies structure into a single Form. The paradeigma is all the Forms, which are now primitively structured into one single Form, as qualitative aspects of it. This radical change in Plato’s conception of the Forms brings about an equally significant change in his account of participating in the Forms. Plato comes to endorse a new explanatory ‘mechanism’ for property qualification, that is, similarity, and moves from constitutional to qualitative overlap between Forms and objects. In the Timaeus, Plato enriches his account by introducing efficient causation in his system: the operation of a divine agent, the Demiurge, to implement imitation. Further, the chapter shows how Plato finds in the Timaeus his own solution to the Third Man regress.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Syed Jamal Shah ◽  
Cheng Huang

Purpose This study aims to investigate the relationship between person-role conflict, psychological capital and emotional exhaustion. Specifically, the research explores how person-role conflict magnified due to daily contact with COVID-19 carriers leads doctors and nurses to experience emotional exhaustion. Moreover, psychological capital function as an explanatory mechanism between stressor strain relationships has also been tested. Design/methodology/approach The study results are based on three months of lagged data conducted from the sample of 347 frontline physicians and nurses who provide treatment and care to infected people. To test direct, indirect and total effect, the author's used PROCESS Macro. Findings The results suggested that person-role conflict reduces state-like psychological capital and increases emotional exhaustion through reduced psychological capital. Results aligned with the model's expectations in that psychological capital mediated the relationship between person-role conflict and emotional exhaustion, and the mediation was partial. Originality/value This paper is the first one that tested the link between person-role conflict and emotional exhaustion. Moreover, up till now, no study has examined the mediating role of psychological capital in the relationship between person-role conflict and emotional exhaustion. Finally, in the context of the contagion outbreak, this is the preliminary effort that validated the resource loss cycle principle of conservation of resource theory.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1069031X2110366
Stanford A. Westjohn ◽  
Peter Magnusson ◽  
George R. Franke ◽  
Yi Peng

Does collectivism influence an individual's willingness to trust others? Conflicting empirical results from past research and the role of trust in international marketing make this question important to resolve. We investigate this question across cultures and at the individual level with four studies using multiple methods. Study 1 establishes correlational evidence between societal-level collectivism and individual-level trust propensity with results from a multi-level analysis of data from over 6,000 respondents in 36 different countries. Study 2 offers an individual-level analysis using the trust game, introducing a more rigorous behavioral outcome variable. Study 3 contributes causal evidence at the individual level based on experiments in both the US and China and offers evidence of social projection as the explanatory mechanism. Finally, Study 4 demonstrates managerial relevance by using advertising to prime collectivism and assessing its effect on trust in the firm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Arnav Lal

A number of organizations provide aid and medical care to areas affected by emerging infectious disease outbreaks. This process oftentimes involves organizations traveling to developing areas and coordinating efforts on-site of the initial outbreak. Yet, the longevity and death toll of specific recent outbreaks and inability to effectively control them lead to unnecessary deaths and an unconstructive use of resources. While virtually all organizations justifiably point toward limited resources as an explanatory mechanism, this in itself does not excuse poor utilization of resources. Specifically, organizations systematically do not factor cultural practices into their disease responses. This is demonstrated in analyzing components of responses during 3 recent outbreaks occurring at different times and on different continents: Ebola in 2014 and 2019, and Zika in 2016. While systemic trends in these differential environments demonstrate the extent of the problem, fortunately, scientific innovations, collaboration with local individuals and leadership, and especially establishment of cross-cultural dialogue and response flexibility with the eventual development of effective behavioral change communication can help curb or mitigate this issue in the future.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3-9
Nina Petrovschi ◽  
Monica Maria Mihaila ◽  

The variety of theoretical perspectives on the learning process demonstrates the complexity of this phenomenon, the multitude of angles from which it can be analyzed and is a proof of the permanence of the development of conceptions regarding the way the learning process takes place. In this article, we make a brief review of the best-known theories of interactive learning, emphasizing on one hand the explanatory mechanism of learning presented in each theory, but also the significant contribution of each to the educational instructional process.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Um-e-Rubbab Um-e-Rubbab ◽  
Shazia Faiz ◽  
Samyia Safdar ◽  
Namra Mubarak

Purpose Thriving at work can affect eustress and distress differently, so the main purpose of this study is to determine the impact of thriving at work on stress and to extend the existing literature on stress by examining the mediating mechanism of career growth, which is one of the functions of human resource development, in the relationship between thriving at work and stress. Person environment fit theory is used to explain the framework. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected from 179 employees of the hospitality sector of Pakistan to assess the impact of thriving at work on eustress and distress through the mediation of career growth. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses. Findings Results revealed thriving at work is positively related to eustress whereas it is negatively related to distress, and there is a positive association between thriving and career growth. Furthermore, career growth appeared as an effective explanatory mechanism for relationships between thriving at work and stress. Implications for managers are also discussed. Originality/value This study encompasses both positive and negative stressors. There are lots of studies available that examine thriving at work and stress, but the present study aims to examine the impact of thriving on both aspects of stress in the presence of career growth as the mediator in the hospitality sector of Pakistan. It also opens new avenues for research on P-E fit theory to gain benefit from the eustress of employees.

Robert N. Spengler

AbstractOver the past decade, niche construction theory (NCT) has been one of the fastest-growing theories or scholarly approaches in the social sciences, especially within archaeology. It was proposed in the biological sciences 25 years ago and is often referred to as a neglected evolutionary mechanism. Given its rapid acceptance by the archaeological community, it is important that scholars consider how it is being applied and look for discrepancies between applications of the concept. Many critical discussions of NCT have already been published, but most of them are in biology journals and may be overlooked by scholars in the social sciences. In this manuscript, my goal is to synthesis the criticisms of NCT, better allowing archaeologists to independently evaluate its usefulness. I focus on the claims of novelty and differences between NCT and other approaches to conceptualizing anthropogenic ecosystem impacts and culture-evolution feedbacks. I argue that the diverse concepts currently included in the wide-reaching purview of NCT are not new, but the terminology is and may be useful to some scholars. If proponents of the concept are able to unify their ideas, it may serve a descriptive function, but given that lack of a testable explanatory mechanism, it does not have a clear heuristic function.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Gabriel Amzulescu ◽  
Andreea Butucescu

Previous studies supported the relationship between perceived organizational injustice and counterproductive behaviors at work, and in the current research the emphasis is on the explanatory mechanism of alienation. This study aims to investigate whether work alienation could be a potential mediator in the relationship between the two constructs. In an attempt to research an explanatory mechanism that is less addressed in the literature, a non-experimental cross-sectional study was conducted, based on a sample of 145 participants from different industries. The statistical analysis’ results indicated that perceived organizational injustice is a significant predictor of counterproductive behavior. Furthermore, workplace alienation has completely mediated the relationship between perceived organizational injustice and employees’ counterproductive behaviors. These findings reiterate the role and importance of employees' perceptions of organizational justice in the emergence and possible reduction of counterproductive behaviors that are detrimental to both the organization and individuals. The data obtained also supported a possible explanatory mechanism of their relationship.

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