organ models
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2022 ◽  
Andreas Bueckle ◽  
Kristen M. Browne ◽  
Bruce W Herr ◽  
Katy Börner

The CCF Organ VR Gallery lets the user explore 21 human organs, journeying from the Whole Body, to the Organ, to the Cell stage and back, presented in real-world size and 3D. The user discovers hidden regions by exploding and collapsing organs into their individual anatomical structures. We show cell type populations for a kidney using a data-driven dot density visualization. The organ models were developed to map trillions of cells for the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP).

Children ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Gloria Pelizzo ◽  
Sara Costanzo ◽  
Margherita Roveri ◽  
Giulia Lanfranchi ◽  
Maurizio Vertemati ◽  

Video assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) has been adopted in pediatric age for the treatment of congenital lung malformations (CLM). The success of VATS in pediatrics largely depends on the surgeon’s skill ability to understand the airways, vascular system and lung parenchyma anatomy in CLM. In the last years, virtual reality (VR) and 3-dimensional (3D) printing of organ models and VR head mounted display (HMD) technologies have been introduced for completion of preoperative planning in adult patients. To date no reports about the use of VR HMD technologies in a pediatric setting are available. The aim of this report is to introduce a VR HMD model in VATS procedure to improve the quality of care in children with CLM. VR HMD set-up for planning thoracoscopic surgery was performed in a series of pediatric patients with diagnosis of CLM. The preoperative VR HMD evaluation allowed a navigation into the malformation with the aim to explore, interact, and make the surgeon more confident and skilled to answer to the traps. A development of surgical simulations models and teaching program dedicated to education and training in pediatric VATS is suitable among the pediatric surgery community. Further studies should demonstrate all the benefits of such technology in pediatric patients submitted to VATS procedure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (5) ◽  
pp. 281-290
Irina Arifulova ◽  
Giovanni Delfino ◽  
Tatjana Dujsebayeva ◽  
Galina Fedotovskikh ◽  
Filippo Giachi

The cutaneous apparatus of Engystomops pustulosus (Cope, 1864) (the Tungara frog) includes serous glands that show impressive patterns of degeneration in their syncytial secretory units, and thus represent suitable organ models to investigate the role of macrophages in renewal processes of multicellular structures. The present case report exploits this chance and highlights that: (a) degenerating glands pertain to the Ia line of the polymorphic serous gland assortment in Tungara skin; (b) resident macrophages migrate from spongy dermis and remove syncytium debris; (c) secretory syncytium collapse results from impairment of the equilibrium between serous product manufacturing/storage and merocrine release into the dermal environment; (d) Intercalated tract (or gland neck) and myoepithelium (included its ortho-sympathetic nerve supply), are neither involved in degeneration nor affected by macrophage response. According to present evidence and current literature, it is concluded that the scavenger activity of macrophages prepares secretory unit renewal, performed by stem cells from the neck. In addition, gland functional rehabilitation may rely on effectiveness of the preexisting neuromuscular apparatus to achieve secretory bulk release onto the cutaneous surface.

Nehar Celikkin ◽  
Dario Presutti ◽  
Fabio Maiullari ◽  
Ersilia Fornetti ◽  
Tarun Agarwal ◽  

In the last decades, biomedical research has significantly boomed in the academia and industrial sectors, and it is expected to continue to grow at a rapid pace in the future. An in-depth analysis of such growth is not trivial, given the intrinsic multidisciplinary nature of biomedical research. Nevertheless, technological advances are among the main factors which have enabled such progress. In this review, we discuss the contribution of two state-of-the-art technologies–namely biofabrication and organ-on-a-chip–in a selection of biomedical research areas. We start by providing an overview of these technologies and their capacities in fabricating advanced in vitro tissue/organ models. We then analyze their impact on addressing a range of current biomedical challenges. Ultimately, we speculate about their future developments by integrating these technologies with other cutting-edge research fields such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis.

2021 ◽  
Ji Young Choi ◽  
Bhushan Mahadik ◽  
John P. Fisher

Abstract Recent advances in 3D printing (3DP) and tissue engineering approaches enable the potential application of these technologies to vaccine research. Reconstituting the native tissue or cellular microenvironment will be vital for successful evaluation of pathogenicity of viral infection and screening of potential vaccines. Therefore, establishing a reliable in vitro model to study the vaccine efficiency or delivery of viral disease is important. Here, this review summarizes two major ways that tissue engineering and 3DP strategies could contribute to vaccine research: (1) 3D human tissue models to study the response to virus can be served as a testbed for new potential therapeutics. Using 3D tissue platform attempts to explore alternative options to pre-clinical animal research for evaluating vaccine candidates. (2) 3DP technologies can be applied to improve the vaccination strategies which could replace existing vaccine delivery. Controlled antigen release using carriers that are generated with biodegradable biomaterials can further enhance the efficient development of immunity as well as combination of multiple-dose vaccines into a single injection. This mini review discusses the up-to-date report of current 3D tissue/organ models for potential vaccine potency and known bioengineered vaccine delivery systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 166-170
Valentin Kraft ◽  
Christian Schumann ◽  
Daniela Salzmann ◽  
Hans Nopper ◽  
Thomas Lück ◽  

Abstract Three-dimensional visualizations and 3D-printed organs are used increasingly for teaching, surgery planning, patient education, and interventions. Hence, pipelines for the creation of the necessary geometric data from CT or MR images on a per-patient basis are needed. Furthermore, modern 3D printing techniques enable new possibilities for the models with regard to color, softness, and textures. However, to utilize these new features, the respective information has to be derived from the medical images in addition to the geometry of the relevant organ structures. In this work, we propose an automatable pipeline for the creation of realistic, patientspecific 3D-models for visualization and 3D printing in the context of liver surgery and discuss remaining challenges.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2101394
Zhongboyu Jin ◽  
Yuanrong Li ◽  
Kang Yu ◽  
Linxiang Liu ◽  
Jianzhong Fu ◽  

Xingli Zhao ◽  
Zilu Xu ◽  
Lang Xiao ◽  
Tuo Shi ◽  
Haoran Xiao ◽  

The use of human cells for the construction of 3D organ models in vitro based on cell self-assembly and engineering design has recently increased in popularity in the field of biological science. Although the organoids are able to simulate the structures and functions of organs in vitro, the 3D models have difficulty in forming a complex vascular network that can recreate the interaction between tissue and vascular systems. Therefore, organoids are unable to survive, due to the lack of oxygen and nutrients, as well as the accumulation of metabolic waste. Organoids-on-a-chip provides a more controllable and favorable design platform for co-culture of different cells and tissue types in organoid systems, overcoming some of the limitations present in organoid culture. However, the majority of them has vascular networks that are not adequately elaborate to simulate signal communications between bionic microenvironment (e.g., fluid shear force) and multiple organs. Here, we will review the technological progress of the vascularization in organoids and organoids-on-a-chip and the development of intravital 3D and 4D bioprinting as a new way for vascularization, which can aid in further study on tissue or organ development, disease research and regenerative medicine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 133-140
Bin Liu ◽  
Shujun Liu ◽  
Guanning Shang ◽  
Yanjie Chen ◽  
Qifeng Wang ◽  

BACKGROUND: There is a great demand for the extraction of organ models from three-dimensional (3D) medical images in clinical medicine diagnosis and treatment. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to aid doctors in seeing the real shape of human organs more clearly and vividly. METHODS: The method uses the minimum eigenvectors of Laplacian matrix to automatically calculate a group of basic matting components that can properly define the volume image. These matting components can then be used to build foreground images with the help of a few user marks. RESULTS: We propose a direct 3D model segmentation method for volume images. This is a process of extracting foreground objects from volume images and estimating the opacity of the voxels covered by the objects. CONCLUSIONS: The results of segmentation experiments on different parts of human body prove the applicability of this method.

2021 ◽  
Jingjing Wu ◽  
Hyunwoo Yuk ◽  
Tiffany L. Sarrafian ◽  
Chuanfei Guo ◽  
Leigh G. Griffiths ◽  

ABSTRACTSurgical sealing and repair of injured and resected gastrointestinal (GI) organs are critical requirements for successful treatment and tissue healing. Despite being the standard of care, hand-sewn closure of GI defects using sutures faces various limitations and challenges. The process remains technically complicated and time-consuming. The needle-piercing and pointwise closure also inflict tissue damage and stress concentration, raising the risk of local failure and subsequent anastomotic leaks. To address these limitations and challenges, we introduce an off-the-shelf bioadhesive GI patch capable of atraumatic, rapid, robust, and sutureless repair of GI defects. The GI patch synergistically integrates a non-adhesive top layer and a dry bioadhesive bottom layer, resulting in a thin, flexible, transparent, and ready to use dressing with tissue-matching mechanical properties. Rapid, robust, and sutureless sealing capability of the GI patch is systematically characterized based on various standard tests in ex vivo porcine GI organ models. In vitro and in vivo rat models are utilized to validate biocompatibility and biodegradability of the GI patch including comprehensive cytotoxicity, histopathology, immunofluorescence, and blood analyses. To validate the GI patch’s efficacy in a clinically relevant setting, we demonstrate successful sutureless in vivo sealing and healing of GI defects; namely in rat stomach and colon, and porcine colon injury models. The proposed GI patch not only provides a promising alternative to suture for repair of GI defects but also offers potential clinical opportunities in the treatment and repair of other organs.One Sentence SummaryAn off-the-shelf bioadhesive patch is introduced for facile sutureless repair of gastrointestinal defects, addressing various limitations of conventional suture-based treatments.

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