lag model
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-13
S. H. Elhag ◽  
Fatimah S. Bayones ◽  
A. A. Kilany ◽  
S. M. Abo-Dahab ◽  
Emad A.-B. Abdel-Salam ◽  

The present research paper illustrates how noninteger derivative order analysis affects the reflection of partial thermal expansion waves under the generalized theory of plane harmonic wave reflection from a semivacuum elastic solid material with both gravity and magnetic field in the three-phase lag model (3PHL). The main goal for this study is investigating the fractional order impact and the applications related to the orders, especially in biology, medicine, and bioinformatics, besides the integer order considering an external effect, such as electromagnetic, gravity, and phase lags in a microstretch medium. The problem fractional form was formulated, and the boundary conditions were applied. The results were displayed graphically, considering the 3PHL model with magnetic field, gravity, and relaxation time. These findings were an explicit comparison of the effect of the plane wave reflection amplitude with integer derivative order analysis and noninteger derivative order analysis. The fractional order was compared to the correspondence integer order that indicated to the difference between them and agreement with the applications in biology, medicine, and other related topics. This phenomenon has more applications in relation to the biology and biomathematics problems.

Xuan Tran

The low supply of vaccines for COVID-19 has disrupted tourism development in Asia. The question is if the vaccine may change cultural divergence into cultural convergence at the tourist destination. The purpose of this study is to examine the culture and price elasticity of hotel demand to find the cultural convergence. The study has conducted autoregressive distributed lag model to test whether the vaccine would change the price and income elasticities of hotel demand to find the cultural transformation from divergence to convergence through tourism. Findings indicate that the impact of the vaccine on transferring culture from divergence to convergence was confirmed. Tourists from the divergent cultures specified by less levels of Hofstede's cultural dimensions will visit the country destination with high levels of Hofstede's cultural dimensions after COVID vaccination. Japan and the US that possess divergent levels of power will visit Vietnam for power convergence. China, Korea, and Russia that possess divergent levels of indulgence will visit Vietnam for indulgence convergence.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Elkhan Richard Sadik-Zada ◽  
Britta Niklas

Abstract This study revisits the relationship between economic variables and alcohol consumption from a macro perspective. Focusing explicitly on the asymmetries of the responsiveness of alcohol consumption during the expansion and contraction phases of the business cycle, asymmetric panel estimators are employed. We employ a nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag model for a panel of 24 countries for the period 1961 to 2014. Findings show that expansion leads to a long-term increase in average alcohol consumption, while during contraction, the level of average alcohol consumption persists. Expansion, together with a pronounced reduction in the unemployment rate could, however, lead to a net reduction of gross alcohol and wine consumption. Nonetheless, if the recession corresponds with a surge in unemployment, this leads to a long-run increase in the level of total gross alcohol consumption but a decrease in wine and beer consumption. Reduction in unemployment does not lead to a reduction in beer consumption, as pre-expansion levels of beer consumption persist. (JEL Classifications: E32, I19, L66)

Onyedibe Chukwudi Francis ◽  
Maria Chinecherem Uzonwanne ◽  
Uju Regina Ezenekwe ◽  
Geraldine Ejiaka Nzeribe ◽  
Ngozi Florence Ezenweobi

The study empirically investigates the impact of budget deficit financing on money demand in Nigeria with an objective of finding the effect of budget deficit financing indicators such as external debt financing, domestic debt as well as debt servicing on money demand. The study is modeled using a framework of Keynesian theory of budget deficit financing and Richadian Equivalent hypothesis. The study adopted an auto redistributive lag model (ARDL) which shows the existence of long run relationship between money demand and indicators of financing budget deficit and ordinary Least Square. The general findings revealed that external source of financing budget deficit, internal source of financing budget deficit as well as debt servicing has a significant effect on money demand in the Nigerian context. Base on this findings, the study recommend that external and internal source of financing deficit should be encouraged  for effective demand leading to economic stability reasons and not for political reasons and it should be properly channeled to productive sector of the economy that will enhance economic stability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 339-353
Chee-Hong Law

This paper estimates the cointegration between population ageing and inflation in Japan using the augmented autoregressive distributed lag model. The method provides a complete indication of cointegration and avoids false conclusions from a unit root test. Moreover, the transmission channel from ageing to the price level is investigated using the pairwise Granger causality. Based on the annual data from 1961 to 2018, a cointegration relationship is found, and the deflationary effect of ageing in Japan is confirmed. Additionally, the young dependency ratio inflates the price level in Japan. Lastly, ageing influences the price level via its impact on the labour supply.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Olawale Oluwafemi ◽  
Oluseyi Oladepo

Abstract. This study examines the spatial distribution of COVID-19 incidence and mortality rates across the counties in the conterminous US in the first 604 days of the pandemic. The dataset was acquired from Emory University, Atlanta, United States, which includes socio-economic variables and health outcomes variables (N = 3106). OLS estimates accounted for 31% of the regression plain (adjusted R2 = 0.31) with AIC value of 9263, and Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedasticity indicated 472.4, and multicollinearity condition number of 74.25. This result necessitated spatial autoregressive models, which were performed on GeoDa 1.18 software. ArcGIS 10.7 was used to map the residuals and selected significant variables. Generally, the Spatial Lag Model (SLM) and Spatial Error Model (SEM) models accounted for substantial percentages of the regression plain. While the efficiency of the models is the order of SLM (AIC: 8264.4: BreucshPagan test: 584.4; Adj. R2 = 0.56) > SEM (AIC: 8282.0; Breucsh-Pagan test: 697.2; Adj. R2 = 0.56). In this case, the least predictive model is SEM. The significant contribution of male, black race, poverty and urban and rural dummies to the regression plain indicated that COVID-19 transmission is more of a function of socio-economic, and rural/urban conditions rather than health outcomes. Although, diabetes and obesity showed a positive relationship with COVID-19 incidence. However, the relationship was relatively low based on the dataset. This study further concludes that the policymakers and health practitioners should consider spatial peculiarities, rural-urban migration and access to resources in reducing the transmission of COVID-19 disease.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 761-772
Fitria Virgantari ◽  
Wilda Rahayu

The distributed lag model is a regression  model that describes the relationship between the dependent variable of a given period and the independent variables of a certain or previous periods. The model can be used to determine the impact of the independent variable to dependent variables over time and forecast time series data for the next periods. There are two forms of distributed lag model that have been widely proposed in the estimation of distributed lag regression model. The first form  is proposed by Koyck and the second form by Almon. This paper aims to apply the Almon model to examine the effect of  the ratio of BOPO (Operating Cost and Operating Income) to the ROA (Return on Asset) of a government bank based on quarterly data, to estimate its parameters, to examine the feasibility of the model, and to predict the next quarter.  Results shows that distributed lag model is  = 10.110 - 0.078  + 0.015  + 0.026  – 0.045  with Yt is ROA, and Xt is the ratio BOPO  on the 1st quarter until the previous 3 quarters. The model is quite good according to the determination coefficient that is 0.75, no autocorrelation in the model, t test and F test are also significant. Based on the model, the value of ROA ratio next quarter predicted 4.63%. The decrease in profitability ROA ratio is due to an increase in interest expense while interest income can not compensate

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