conflict tactics scales
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Suchttherapie ◽  
2021 ◽  
Irmgard Vogt

ZusammenfassungIn diesem Beitrag geht es um Gewalttätigkeiten in Partnerschaften und den Zusammenhang mit dem Konsum bzw. Missbrauch von Alkohol und anderen (stimulierenden) psychoaktiven Substanzen. Hellfelddaten, die vom Bundeskriminalamt zusammengestellt werden, belegen, dass rund ¼ derjenigen, die wegen Gewalttätigkeiten in Partnerschaften angezeigt werden, unter dem Einfluss von Alkohol stehen; die Mehrzahl von ihnen ist männlich, die Minderheit weiblich. Jedoch belegen Befragungsdaten (sog. Dunkelfelddaten), dass das Ausmaß der Partnerschaftsgewalt viel höher ist und viel höhere Zahlen von Täter:innen und Opfern existieren. Zudem zeigen Studien, die mit den Conflict Tactics Scales durchgeführt worden sind, dass das Aggressionsniveau von Männern und Frauen sich wenig voneinander unterscheidet. Das gilt allerdings nicht für sexualisierte Gewalt, Frauen sind fast immer die Opfer von sexualisierter Gewalt. Zusammengefasst kann festgehalten werden, dass Männer und Frauen sich in etwa gleicher Häufigkeit sowohl „nüchtern“ als auch unter dem Einfluss von psychoaktiven Substanzen in leichte aggressive Auseinandersetzungen einlassen, aber es sind vor allem Männer, die darüber hinaus gehen, insbesondere hinsichtlich sexueller Gewalt. Schätzungen auf der Basis von Behandlungsdaten weisen darauf hin, dass rund 2/3 der Frauen, die in einer Suchtbehandlung sind, Opfer von Partnerschaftsgewalt sind. Eine kleinere Gruppe von Frauen ist in kleinere aggressive Auseinandersetzungen involviert und einige wenige Frauen sind selbst gewalttätig. Diese Gruppen von Frauen benötigen unterschiedliche Hilfsprogramme ebenso wie Männer als Gewalttäter oder Opfer, damit sie sich entweder gegen Gewalt in Partnerschaften wehren können oder ihren Ärger und ihre Impulsivität kontrollieren lernen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. e57123
Caroline Moraes Soares Motta de Carvalho ◽  
Ricardo De Mattos Russo Rafael ◽  
Davi Depret ◽  
Anna Tereza Miranda Soares de Moura ◽  
Mercedes Neto ◽  

Objetivo: analisar os fatores associados à ocorrência de violência física grave em crianças e adolescentes com transtornos mentais. Método: estudo transversal com 274 pacientes atendidos em uma unidade de atenção psicossocial de Nova Iguaçu, entre outubro e dezembro de 2016. Além de dados sociodemográficos e clínicos dos cuidadores e crianças, a violência familiar foi apreendida pelo “Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales”. Resultados: o tempo de atendimento na unidade de saúde combinada com a jornada semanal de cuidado pelo cuidador resultaram em altas chances de ocorrência de violência física grave (OR 5,0; p-valor 0,002). Por outro lado, a participação em programas de transferência de renda (OR 0,5; p-valor 0,015) demonstrou proteção das crianças e adolescentes às violências. Conclusão: as características sociodemográficas e clínicas parecem estar relacionadas à ocorrência de maus-tratos físicos. Para prevenir episódios, principalmente devido à sobrecarga dos cuidadores, parece imprescindível que as famílias sejam inseridas no cotidiano do cuidado mental.

Shivani Dutt ◽  
Rashmy Moray

Most representatives working in banks have been affected severely due to COVID 19 widespread in India. This comprehensive examination's key goal is to carefully examine mental health problems such as anxiety and depression among the bank employees and identify their relationship with aggression against their co-workers during COVID-19 circumstance. A non-probability snowball testing procedure has been utilized to direct online surveys from 536 employees. A moderate level of information has been perceived about COVID 19 among the employees working in banks. Besides COVID-19 related information, anxiety was surveyed by English adaptation of GAD-scale; an English version of CES-D has been used to gauge the depression and aggression against co-workers and is assessed by Conflict Tactics Scales. Affiliations between aggressions against co-workers with mental health problems have been recognized using multiple logistic regressions. The predominance of anxiety and depression is 24.27% and 47.72%, respectively. Additionally, the prevalence of the union of depression and anxiety is 20.81%.  71.1% of participants show frequent aggression against co-workers. The research findings depict that frequent aggression against co-workers was particularly connected with mental health issues during the COVID-19 flare-up. These detections ensnared that the administration needs to consider psychological well-being issues, particularly depression and anxiety among bank employees.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. e54288
Fernando José Guedes da Silva Júnior ◽  
Claudete Ferreira de Souza Monteiro ◽  
Jaqueline Carvalho e Silva Sales ◽  
Ana Paula Cardoso Costa ◽  
Maria Isabelly Reis Teixeira ◽  

Objetivo: investigar a associação entre ideação suicida e violência por parceiro íntimo em mulheres. Método: estudo analítico e transversal, desenvolvido em Unidades Básicas de Saúde do Piauí-Brasil, com 369 mulheres adultas e com histórico de relacionamento. Os dados foram coletados de agosto de 2015 a março de 2016, por meio do Revised Conflict Tactics Scales e Self-Reporting Questionnaire, e analisados no software Statistical Package for the Social Science, versão 20.0. Resultados: verificou-se que 65,3% das mulheres sofreram violência por parceiro íntimo, 61,0% foi vítima de violência psicológica, 32,2% física, 18,7% moral e 17,1% sexual. Identificou-se associação entre ideação suicida e violência por parceiro íntimo (p=0,000), violência psicológica (p=0,001) e moral (p=0,000). Ser vítima de violência por parceiro íntimo aumenta 4,35 vezes as chances de as mulheres pensarem em cometer atos contra a própria vida. Conclusão: a ideação suicida está associada a violência por parceiro íntimo, violência psicológica e moral.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (5) ◽  
pp. 1955-1964
Raquel de Souza Mezzavilla ◽  
Gabriela Vasconcellos de Barros Vianna ◽  
Ana Cristina Lindsay ◽  
Maria Helena Hasselmann

Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é investigar a relação da violência física entre parceiros íntimos (VFPI) e a oferta de leite materno (LM), os substitutos do leite materno (SLM) e o uso de mamadeiras entre crianças entre 12 e 15 meses. Estudo transversal com mães em unidades de saúde do município do Rio de Janeiro, realizado entre junho de 2005 e dezembro de 2009. A VFPI foi identificada pela versão brasileira da Conflict Tactics Scales 1- Form R e as práticas de alimentação foram identificadas por recordatório de 24 horas. As associações foram verificadas por regressão logística mediante estimativas de razão de chances (RC) e intervalos de confiança de 95%. O leite materno foi ofertado a 58,5% das crianças e os substitutos do leite materno a 88,5%, e 70,5% das crianças usavam mamadeira. A violência física foi observada em 26,7% dos casais. Em lares onde os casais se agridem fisicamente há uma maior chance de não ofertar leite materno, maior chance de ofertar substitutos do leite materno e de usar mamadeira comparado aos lares onde não existe violência física. Os resultados chamam atenção para a necessidade de se investigar as relações intrafamiliares em casos que são identificadas práticas inadequadas de aleitamento, e de capacitar os profissionais de saúde para apoiar as famílias em situações de conflito.

2021 ◽  
Madelon M E Riem ◽  
Pietro De Carli ◽  
Jing Guo ◽  
Marian J Bakermans-Kranenburg ◽  
Marinus H van IJzendoorn ◽  

UNSTRUCTURED We examined internet searches indicative of abusive parental behaviors before and after the World Health Organization’s declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic (March 11, 2020) and subsequent lockdown measures in many countries worldwide. Using Google Trends, we inferred search trends between December 28, 2018, and December 27, 2020, for queries consisting of “mother,” “father,” or “parents” combined with each of the 11 maltreatment-related verbs used in the Conflict Tactics Scales, Parent-Child version. Raw search counts from the Google Trends data were estimated using Comscore. Of all 33 search terms, 28 terms showed increases in counts after the lockdowns began. These findings indicate a strong increase in internet searches relating to occurrence, causes, or consequences of emotional and physical maltreatment since the lockdowns began and call for the use of maltreatment-related queries to direct parents or children to online information and support.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
pp. 1326-1330
Vyacheslav M. Zhdan ◽  
Iryna A. Holovanova ◽  
Olexandr D. Havlovskу ◽  
Inna V. Bielikova

The aim: The sense of our research was to examine the reason for the consequential links between negative childhood experiences and the mental state of participants of anti-terrorist operations. Materials and methods: A standard “Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)” questionnaire was used to obtain primary data. Conflict tactics scales were used to determine emotional, physical, and domestic violence in respondents. Results: The study evaluated 7 categories of ACEs: physical indifference (lack of care and protection); emotional neglect (lack of love); physical violence (pushing, grabbing or slapping); emotional violence (scolded, insulted or suppressed); sexual violence; domestic violence and a family history of mental disorders, diseases or alcohol abuse. All respondents were divided into two groups: those who had psychological disorders and those who were healthy. Conclusions: The data obtained in the study indicate that the chances of having psychological disorders increase in those fighters who complained of emotional violence – the feeling of humiliation; physical violence - those who were beaten in childhood; domestic violence was manifested in the fact that the mother was beaten; disadvantaged families where a family member has used drugs or abused alcohol; the presence of depression in parents.

Nwankwo, Emeka Anthony ◽  
Mabia, Chidozie Emmanuel ◽  
Eweni, Henry Ikemefuna ◽  
Obasi, Ifeanyi Michael ◽  
Ezeakabekwe, Samuel Uche

Aim: The study considered if mental health and loneliness would have comparativeness on gender based violence in glocalizing context in Awka town. Methods: 149 married persons serve as participants. Systematic sampling technique was used for participants’ selection. They comprised of 71 male and 78 female. Their age ranged from 23-53 years with mean age of 39.66 and standard deviation of 8.76. Conflict Tactics Scales, Short Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale and UCLA Loneliness Scale were employed for data generation. 2×2 Factorial Design and Two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistic were used to analyze the data. Results: The first hypothesis which stated that those with positive mental health will not differ significantly from those with negative mental health on gender based violence among married persons and second hypothesis which stated that those with positive loneliness will not differ significantly from those with negative loneliness on gender based violence among married persons were both confirmed at p>.05. The third hypothesis which stated that mental health and loneliness will not have significant interaction on gender based violence among married persons was also confirmed at p>.05. Hence, the study established suggestions.

2020 ◽  
pp. 152483802091683
Yu-Jie Wen ◽  
Wen-Peng Hou ◽  
Wei Zheng ◽  
Xi-Xi Zhao ◽  
Xue-Qi Wang ◽  

Objective: To evaluate the neglect of left-behind children (LBC) in China. Method: Participants: Children separated from one or both parents for at least 6 months. Intervention: Trauma of separation. Comparison: Non-left-behind children (NLBC). Outcomes: Neglect rates and severity. Only case–control studies were included. Results: Thirteen studies were included; there were 18,688 LBC in a large sample ( N = 42,003) of children aged 0–18 years in China. The overall neglect rate was significantly higher in LBC compared to NLBC (odds ratio [ OR] = 1.58, 95% confidence interval [CI] = [1.50, 1.67], p < .01) based on the Chinese Rural Child Neglected Evaluation Model (CRCNEM) and the Parents–Child Conflict Tactics Scales ( OR = 1.44, 95% CI [1.35, 1.54], p < .01). The overall neglect severity in LBC was also significantly higher than NLBC ( SMD = 0.31, 95% CI [0.28, 0.33], p < .01). The same trends were observed in sex subgroups. With regard to subtypes, LBC were significantly more likely to have emotional neglect ( OR = 2.29, 95% CI [1.88, 2.78], p < .01), medical neglect ( OR = 1.79, 95% CI [1.62, 1.98], p < .01), physical neglect ( OR = 1.75, 95% CI [1.60, 1.91], p < .01), security neglect ( OR = 1.52, 95% CI [1.32, 1.75], p < .01), educational neglect ( OR = 1.50, 95% CI [1.31, 1.72], p < .01), and social neglect ( OR = 1.33, 95% CI [1.18, 1.51], p < .01). Furthermore, LBC had significantly higher severity in medical neglect ( SMD = 0.31, 95% CI [0.27, 0.35], p < .01), emotional neglect ( SMD = 0.28, 95% CI [0.24, 0.32], p < .01), physical neglect ( SMD = 0.24, 95% CI [0.18, 0.29], p < .01), security neglect ( SMD = 0.26, 95% CI [0.23, 0.29], p < .01), educational neglect ( SMD = 0.25, 95% CI [0.20, 0.31], p < .01), and social neglect ( SMD = 0.25, 95% CI [0.10, 0.40], p < .01). Conclusion: The neglect rates and severity in LBC in China were both significantly higher than those in NLBC. There was a strong association between neglect and LBC. Public policy changes are urgently needed to improve the dire situation and the well-being of the LBC.

Assessment ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 107319112091109
Amy D. Marshall ◽  
Alexandra C. Mattern ◽  
Jennifer D. Wong

The Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2) is frequently used to assess intimate partner violence (IPV), but consistently yields low to moderate interpartner concordance of reports. Interpartner concordance on an alternative measure, the Event History Calendar Interview (EHCI), is largely unknown. We observed limited interpartner concordance of IPV reports on the CTS2 and EHCI, with wives generally reporting more IPV than husbands. Compared with the CTS2, the EHCI detected more cases of IPV, but not differential behavior counts. Partners’ posttraumatic stress disorder severity, a common respondent characteristic and focus of IPV research, was associated with low interpartner concordance of reports on the CTS2, but not the EHCI. Additionally, husbands’ posttraumatic stress disorder severity was associated with wives reporting more husband-perpetrated IPV on the CTS2 than the EHCI. Overall, the EHCI appears to mitigate some of the problems associated with the CTS2 as a measure of IPV, particularly among more highly traumatized samples.

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