convergent and discriminant validity
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Danushika Sivanathan ◽  
Boris Bizumic ◽  
Conal Monaghan

Narcissism as a psychological construct has had a contentious past both in its conceptualization and measurement. There is an emerging consensus that narcissism consists of grandiose and vulnerable subtypes, which share a common core. In the present research (N = 1002), we constructed a new measure of unified narcissism that reflects these contemporary understandings using items from the most widely used measures of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism: the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI; Raskin & Terry, 1988,, and the Pathological Narcissism Inventory (PNI; Pincus et al., 2009, https://doi-org/10.1037/a0016530). We used classical test theory and item response theory approaches to devise a 29-item Unified Narcissism Scale. The scale showed good internal consistency, and convergent and discriminant validity, and showed evidence of measurement invariance between men and women. This research gave strong support for the structure, reliability, and validity of the unified measure, which offers a promising avenue for further enhancing our knowledge of narcissism.

2021 ◽  
Hale A Forster ◽  
Julia G. Bottesini ◽  
Crystal Reeck ◽  
Elke U. Weber

We present the development of the Domain-general Decision Mode Scale (DDMS), a 24-item scale to measure decision modes. Decision modes are the qualitatively different approaches through which individuals report making decisions. Researchers have consistently acknowledged that existing two-systems models of decision-making processes that distinguish between an intuitive and a rational mode do not account for the range of rule-based processes that decision makers employ in evaluating and making choices. Our studies identified six different decision modes, driven respectively by calculation, affect, habit, social norms, identity, and morality. Making a decision using the calculation mode involves a deliberate process of assessing costs and benefits. Using the affective mode involves an emotion- or gut-driven process. Using the social norms mode involves consideration of what others are doing or what others condone as appropriate. Using the habitual mode involves following a previously determined rule or habit. Using the identity mode involves identifying what is consistent with one’s sense of self or own values. Finally, using the moral decision mode involves consideration of what does the most good. We conceptually group the final four decision modes under the umbrella of rule-based decision-making: making a decision based on previously-learned and/or socially-derived conventions. The DDMS exhibits good reliability, as well as convergent and discriminant validity. By providing a scale that assesses the degree to which decision makers report using these decision modes, we integrate past research on decision modes and create a framework for additional research into the effects of different decision processes.

Children ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 1184
Jessica Finianos ◽  
Elisabet Sánchez-Rodríguez ◽  
Jordi Miró

The Faces Pain Scale-Revised (FPS-R) is widely used to assess pain intensity in young people. The aims of this research were to study the convergent and discriminant validity and reliability properties of a culturally adapted version of the FPS-R for its use with Arabic-speaking individuals. The sample consisted of 292 students living in Lebanon. They were interviewed online, asked to imagine themselves in one of two given situations based on their age (8–12 and 13–18 years old), and then asked rate the intensity of pain they would experience using the FPS-R-Arabic and a Numerical Rating Scale (NRS-11-Arabic). They were also asked to respond to the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS-C-Arabic). Two weeks later, participants were asked to repeat the same procedure. The data showed strong associations between the scores of the FPS-R-Arabic and NRS-11-Arabic (r = 0.72; p < 0.001), which were higher than the associations of the scores of the FPS-Arabic with the PCS-C-Arabic scores (z = 7.36, p < 0.001). The associations between the FPS-R-Arabic scores on the two measurements were also strong (r = 0.76; p < 0.001). The findings support the convergent and discriminant validity and reliability of the FPS-R-Arabic scores when used to measure pain intensity in young people aged 8 to 18 years old.

Assessment ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 107319112110612
Sascha Müller ◽  
Leon P. Wendt ◽  
Johannes Zimmermann

The Certainty About Mental States Questionnaire (CAMSQ) is a self-report measure of the perceived capacity to understand mental states of the self and others (i.e., mentalizing). In two studies (total N = 1828), we developed the CAMSQ in both English and German as a two-dimensional measure of Self- and Other-Certainty, investigated associations with other measures of mentalizing, and explored relationships to personality functioning and mental health. The CAMSQ performed well in terms of convergent and discriminant validity, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and measurement invariance across the United States and Germany. The present research indicates that the CAMSQ assesses maladaptive forms of having too little or too much certainty about mental states (consistent with hypomentalizing and hypermentalizing). A psychologically adaptive profile of perceived mentalizing capacity appears to be characterized by high Self-Certainty that exceeds Other-Certainty, suggesting that imbalances between Self-Certainty and Other-Certainty (Other-Self-Discrepancy) play an important role within personality pathology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 203-216
Aixa Lidia Galarza ◽  
Mercedes Fernández-Liporace ◽  
Claudia Castañeiras ◽  
Agustín Freiberg-Hoffmann

Design and psychometric analysis of a suicide risk scale for Argentinean adolescents and young people Abstract: Suicidal behavior in adolescents and youth has become a public health issue which requires improving the available scales in order to enable the early detection of risk cases. Therefore, for this purpose, this study presents the design and psychometric analysis of the Argentinean Scale of Suicidality for Adolescents (EASA-I by its Spanish acronym) Screening. It measures a specific dimension of suicidal ideation and five risk factors: low self-esteem, negative perspective of the future, low emotion regulation, difficulties in problem-solving and lack of social support. This study was aimed at analyzing content construct and face validity, as well as convergent and discriminant validity evidence with external measures. Internal consistency of the scores was also examined. The sample was composed of 291 adolescents and young adults. Results suggest that the EASA-I constitutes a short and simple scale with adequate psychometric properties suitable to be used in different areas of application and research. Keywords: adolescents; youth; suicide risk; multidimensional assessment; screening. Resumen: Los comportamientos suicidas en la adolescencia y la juventud constituyen un problema de salud pública que exige mejorar las herramientas de evaluación disponibles, de cara a detectar precozmente casos en riesgo. Se presenta el diseño y análisis psicométrico de la Escala Argentina de Suicidalidad para Adolescentes EASA-I Screening. Su objetivo reside en la medición de una dimensión específica, i.e., la ideación suicida, más cinco factores de riesgo: baja autoestima, perspectiva negativa del futuro, baja regulación emocional, dificultades para la resolución de problemas y falta de apoyo social. Basándonos en una muestra de 291 adolescentes y jóvenes, se analizaron evidencias de validez de contenido, aparente y de constructo, así como de validez convergente y discriminante con medidas externas. Se examinó, además, la consistencia interna de las puntuaciones obtenidas. Los resultados indican que la EASA-I posee adecuadas propiedades técnicas para su uso en población local en diferentes ámbitos de aplicación e investigación. Palabras clave: adolescentes; jóvenes; riesgo suicida; evaluación multidimensional; screening.

2021 ◽  
Jacqueline Ferreira ◽  
Ana C. Magalhães ◽  
Pedro Bem-Haja ◽  
Laura Alho ◽  
Carlos F. Silva ◽  

Abstract Background Individual differences in one’s perceived vulnerability to disease are implicated in psychological distress, social and behavioral disease avoidance phenomena. The Perceived Vulnerability to Disease Questionnaire (PVD) is the most extensively used measure when it comes to assessing subjective vulnerability to infectious diseases. However, this measure is not yet accessible to the Portuguese population. The present study examined the psychometric properties of the PVD with 136 Portuguese participants. Methods Factorial, convergent and discriminant validity (of both the scale and between each factor), and reliability analysis were assessed. Results A modified bifactorial model, comprised of Perceived Infectability and Germ Aversion factors, was obtained, with acceptable goodness-of-fit indices, adequate convergent and discriminant validity, and good internal consistencies. Conclusions Overall, the 10-items European-Portuguese PVD appears to be a reliable and valid measure of one’s perceived vulnerability to disease, with potential relevance for application in both research and clinical practice pertaining to disease-avoidance processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 2615-2634
Eka Yudiana Fetria ◽  
Hadri Kusuma ◽  
Ibnu Qizam

This study aimed to analyze the differences between gender roles and the influence of hijrah intention and satisfaction on customer loyalty in Islamic banks. The data was collected from the Indonesian Islamic bank customers using convenience sampling. A total of 360 out of 927 questionnaires were received and sent back online. The hypothesis was tested using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Smart-PLS. The variable indicators of interest were reflective and adapted from some previous literature. Furthermore, the data had satisfied convergent and discriminant validity requirements. The results showed that the Islamic bank customer loyalty routes differ between men and women. Satisfaction encourages hijrah intention without directly affecting customer loyalty in males. However, satisfaction strongly determines loyalty rather than hijrah intention for women. In the full model, hijrah intention serves a stronger mediating role on the satisfaction and loyalty relationship than the mediating role of satisfaction on the hijrah intention-loyalty relationship.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Seowon Yoon ◽  
Yeji Yang ◽  
Eunbin Ro ◽  
Woo-Young Ahn ◽  
Jueun Kim ◽  

Background: An association between gaming disorder (GD) and the symptoms of common mental disorders is unraveled yet. In this preregistered study, we quantitatively synthesized reliability, convergent and discriminant validity of GD scales to examine association between GD and other constructs.Methods: Five representative GD instruments (GAS-7, AICA, IGDT-10, Lemmens IGD-9, and IGDS9-SF) were chosen based on recommendations by the previous systematic review study to conduct correlation meta-analyses and reliability generalization. A systematic literature search was conducted through Pubmed, Proquest, Embase, and Google Scholar to identify studies that reported information on either reliability or correlation with related variables. 2,124 studies were full-text assessed as of October 2020, and 184 were quantitatively synthesized. Conventional Hedges two-level meta-analytic method was utilized.Results: The result of reliability generalization reported a mean coefficient alpha of 0.86 (95% CI = 0.85–0.87) and a mean test-retest estimate of 0.86 (95% CI = 0.81–0.89). Estimated effect sizes of correlation between GD and the variables were as follows: 0.33 with depression (k = 45; number of effect sizes), 0.29 with anxiety (k = 37), 0.30 with aggression (k = 19), –0.22 with quality of life (k = 18), 0.29 with loneliness (k = 18), 0.56 with internet addiction (k = 20), and 0.40 with game playtime (k = 53), respectively. The result of moderator analyses, funnel and forest plots, and publication bias analyses were also presented.Discussion and Conclusion: All five GD instruments have good internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Relatively few studies reported the test-retest reliability. The result of correlation meta-analysis revealed that GD scores were only moderately associated with game playtime. Common psychological problems such as depression and anxiety were found to have a slightly smaller association with GD than the gaming behavior. GD scores were strongly correlated with internet addiction. Further studies should adopt a rigorous methodological procedure to unravel the bidirectional relationship between GD and other psychopathologies.Limitations: The current study did not include gray literature. The representativeness of the five tools included in the current study could be questioned. High heterogeneity is another limitation of the study.Systematic Review Registration: [], identifier [CRD42020219781].

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1077
David Almaraz ◽  
Jesús Saiz ◽  
Iván Sánchez-Iglesias ◽  
David H. Rosmarin

Trust/Mistrust in God have turned out to be two constructs that have great relevance in the study of the relationship between religion, spirituality, and health. In Spain, there are no instruments adapted to measure trust/mistrust in God, which limits the work of researchers interested in these aspects. Therefore, the aim of this study was to validate the Brief Trust/Mistrust in God Scale (BTMGS) in Spanish. The scale translated into Spanish was applied in a sample of 178 oncologic patients together with the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) and the significant others subscale of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, due to the existing evidence of relationships between the variables evaluated by these measures. Internal consistency, structural validity, convergent and discriminant validity were evaluated. The Spanish adaptation of the BTMGS obtained high internal consistency, both for trust subscale (α = 0.95) and for the mistrust subscale (α = 0.86). Furthermore, the correlations found between the BTMGS and the measures of positive and negative emotions and social add evidence of convergent and discriminant validity. These results suggest that the Spanish version of the BTMGS is a valid and reliable measure to be used in research on religion, spirituality and health in Spanish-speaking contexts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Christian Günter Schanz ◽  
Monika Equit ◽  
Sarah K. Schäfer ◽  
Tanja Michael

Background: While most clinical aggression questionnaires focus on the assessment of active aggression, the recently developed Test of Passive Aggression (TPA) assesses both self-directed (TPA-SD) and other-directed passive aggression (TPA-OD). Reliability and factorial validity of the TPA have been demonstrated in a clinical sample, while previous evaluations of convergent and discriminant validity were limited to student samples. The current study aimed at addressing this gap by demonstrating convergent and discriminant validity of the TPA in an outpatient sample.Methods: Eighty-two patients admitted to an outpatient psychotherapy unit at Saarland University, Germany, participated in the preregistered study with an assessment of self-reported passive aggression, impulsivity, anger expression, self-compassion, self-esteem, and auto-aggressive mindset. Analyses used regression models with robust maximum likelihood estimations.Results: Self-directed passive aggression showed a significant association with self-compassion, auto-aggressive mindset, self-esteem, and internal anger expression supporting the convergent validity of TPA-SD. Results on discriminant validity of TPA-SD were heterogenous at the first sight, revealing small associations of self-directed passive aggression with anger control but medium associations with impulsivity. However, exploratory analysis showed that the medium association with impulsivity was driven by the non-behavioral impulsivity dimension “inattention” and that both behavioral impulsivity dimensions (“motor-impulsivity” and “unplanned behavior”) demonstrated only weak associations with TPA-SD. Validity of TPA-OD was not supported by the current study.Conclusion: Our findings provide evidence for the validity of the TPA-SD to outpatient samples. Future studies will need to analyze construct validity based on a nomological network using larger and more diverse samples.

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