parallel forms
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2021 ◽  
pp. 107-118

Параллельные формы множественного числа в осетинском языке встречаются как у заимствованных слов, у которых могут быть приметой ассимилированности слова, так и в парадигме склонения исконных слов. Такие формы отмечены преимущественно в терминосистеме родства, анализ которых позволяет уточнить представления об этимологическом развитии отдельных слов и общегрупповых морфологических, семантических процессах в системе терминов родства. Экстраполяция данных других языков, а также диахронический анализ осетинского материала позволяет восполнить недостающие элементы матрицы. Вывод о языковой потребности маркировать морфологическим способом различные значения, оформлять собирательное плюрального, отмеченного в ряде языков для различения простого множественного и собирательного, а также обозначить стилистическую принадлежность той или иной формы основывается на сопоставлении параллельных форм множественного числа терминов родства. Особое внимание уделяется отсутствию регулярной формы множественного числа у осетинской лексемы ус “жена”. Наличие параллельных форм может отражать первоначальное существование паронимов, у которых, ввиду минимальности семантической дистанции между ними и высокой омонимичности, происходила контаминация парадигм склонения. Пароним, оформленный суффиксом терминов родства, мог обозначать “жена”, соответственно, пароним без форманта мог употребляться в значении “женщина”. На образование форм множественного числа могли оказывать влияние и другие языковые процессы. И возникновение, и утрата дублетных форм могли быть обусловлены экстралингвистическими факторами. Parallel plural forms in the Ossetian language are found both in the borrowed words, which may sign the degree of assimilation of a loan, and in the declension of the original words. Such forms are noted mainly in the system of kinship terms, their analysis makes it possible to clarify ideas about the etymological development of the individual words, about the general development of morphological system, and semantic processes in the system of terms of kinship. Extrapolation of data from other languages, as well as diachronic analysis of the Ossetian material, proper, makes it possible to fill in the missing elements of the matrix. Based on the comparison of the parallel forms of the plural of kinship terms, a conclusion is made about the linguistic need to mark different meanings in a morphological way, to indicate the collective plural, peculiar to a number of languages, to distinguish between the simple plural and the collective, and to designate the stylistic features of one form or another. Particular attention is paid to the absence of a regular plural form in the Ossetian lexeme of affinity "us" - "wife". The presence of parallel forms may reflect the initial existence of the paronyms, in which, due to the minimal semantic distance between them and the high homonymy, there was a contamination of two declination paradigms. The paronym, formed by the suffix of the terms of kinship, could have meant “wife”, respectively, the paronym without the formant could have been used in the meaning of “woman”. The formation of plural forms could also be influenced by other linguistic processes. Both the emergence and loss of doublet forms could be accounted for by extralinguistic factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 428-438
Zeynep Deveci ◽  
Özgül Karayurt ◽  
Buket Çelik ◽  
Sibel Eyigör

Objectives: This study aims to adapt the Lymphedema Symptom Intensity and Distress Survey- Arm (LSIDS-Arm) into Turkish and to test its validity and reliability. Patients and methods: Between September 2017 and July 2018, this descriptive, methodological study included a total of 186 women (mean age: 55.4±10.2 years; range, 20 to 80 years) who were diagnosed with breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) and followed in the lymphedema outpatient clinic. Data were collected using sociodemographic and clinical features form, LSIDS-Arm, and Functional Assessment of Cancer Treatment-Breast Cancer Scale+4 (FACT-B+4). After the linguistic and content validity of the scale was achieved, confirmatory factor analysis and known-groups validation were utilized to test the construct validity. Reliability of the survey was tested using the Cronbach alpha and Spearman Brown coefficient, item analysis, and parallel forms reliability. Results: All patients completed the questionnaire. After achievement of linguistic and content validity, confirmatory factor analysis results were found to be higher than the accepted value. Known-groups validation revealed a significant difference in the mean scores for the intensity and distress scales between the patients with and without lymphedema. Cronbach alpha for the subscales ranged from 0.61 to 0.86. Parallel forms reliability showed a moderate, significant correlation between subscales of the intensity and distress scales of the survey and the subscales of FACT-B+4. Conclusion: The Turkish version of the survey is valid and reliable and can be used to evaluate symptoms, severity of symptoms, and distress caused by BCRL symptoms in the Turkish women.

2021 ◽  
Caroline Skirrow ◽  
Marton Meszaros ◽  
Udeepa Meepegama ◽  
Raphael Lenain ◽  
Kathryn V Papp ◽  

INTRODUCTION: Longitudinal data is key to identifying cognitive decline and treatment response in Alzheimer's disease (AD). METHODS: The Automatic Story Recall Task (ASRT) is a novel, fully automated test that can be self-administered remotely. In this longitudinal case-control observational study, 151 participants (mean age: 69.99 (range 54-82), 73 mild cognitive impairment/mild AD and 78 cognitively unimpaired) completed parallel ASRT assessments on their smart devices over 7-8 days. Responses were automatically transcribed and scored using text similarity metrics. RESULTS: Participants reported good task usability. Adherence to optional daily assessment was moderate. Parallel forms correlation coefficients between ASRTs were moderate-high. ASRTs correlated moderately with established tests of episodic memory and global cognitive function. Poorer performance was observed in participants with MCI/Mild AD. DISCUSSION: Unsupervised ASRT assessment is feasible in older and cognitively impaired people. This automated task shows good parallel forms reliability and convergent validity with established cognitive tests.

2021 ◽  
pp. 174702182110489
Paul McIlhiney ◽  
Gilles E Gignac ◽  
Michael Weinborn ◽  
Ullrich KH Ecker

Research has consistently shown that misinformation can continue to affect inferential reasoning after a correction. This phenomenon is known as the continued influence effect (CIE). Recent studies have demonstrated that CIE susceptibility can be predicted by individual differences in stable cognitive abilities. Based on this, it was reasoned that CIE susceptibility ought to have some degree of stability itself; however, this has never been tested. The current study aimed to investigate the temporal stability of retraction sensitivity, arguably a major determinant of CIE susceptibility. Participants were given parallel forms of a standard CIE task 4 weeks apart, and the association between testing points was assessed with an intra-class correlation coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis. Results suggested that retraction sensitivity is relatively stable and can be predicted as an individual-differences variable. These results encourage continued individual-differences research on the CIE and have implications for real-world CIE intervention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (136) ◽  
pp. 110-119
Gennady Shvachych ◽  
Nataliіa Vozna ◽  
Olena Ivashchenko ◽  
Oleksandr Bilyi ◽  
Dmytro Moroz

The article is devoted to the development of the maximal parallel forms of mathematical models with a tridiagonal structure. The example of solving the Dirichlet and Neumann problems by the method of straight lines and the sweep method for the heat equation illustrates the direct fundamental features of constructing parallel algorithms. It is noted that the study of the heat and mass transfer processes is run through their numerical modeling based on modern computer technology.It is shown that with the multiprocessor computing systems’ development, there disappear the problems of increasing their peak performance. On the other hand, building such systems, as a rule, requires standard network technologies, mass-produced processors, and free software. The noted circumstances aim at solving the so-called big problems.It should be borne in mind that the classical approach to solving the tridiagonal structure models based on multiprocessor computing systems is far more time-consuming compared to single-processor computing facilities. That is explained by the recurrence relations that make the basis of classical methods. Therefore, the proposed studies are relevant and aim at the distributed algorithms development for solving applied problems.The proposed research aims to construct the maximal parallel forms of mathematical models with a tridiagonal structure.The paper proposes the schemes to implement parallelization algorithms for applied problems and their mapping to parallel computing systems.Parallelization of tridiagonal mathematical models by the method of straight lines and the sweeping method allows designing absolutely stable algorithms with the maximum parallel form and, therefore, the minimum possible time for their implementation on parallel computing devices. It is noteworthy that in the proposed algorithms, the computational errors of the input data are separated from the round-off errors inherent in a PC.The proposed approach can be used in various branches of metallurgical, thermal physics, economics, and ecology problems in the metallurgical industry.

Ositkovska O.O. ◽  
Baiier O.O.

According to the literature sources and information obtained from the specialists in the field, we found the lack of diagnostic measures for attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). At present, the hyperactive children behavior correction system is being actively reformed in Ukraine. One of the aspects of its modernization is the improvement and updating of the methodological base, primarily, the diagnostic methodology one. ADHD rating scales are actively used at all stages of ADHD treatment from diagnosis to correction of behavior. That is why its arrears important to increase the number of methodological tools of a psychologist during diagnostics.Purpose: improvement and adapted of the “Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD symptoms and Normal behavior” (J.M. Swanson) rating scale for the use in Ukraine.Methods: calculation of psychometric characteristics of the Ukrainian version of the SWAN scales: correspondence of the empirical data to the normal distribution law (Gaussian function), internal consistency and reliability of parallel forms (by correlation analysis by r-Pearson criterion).Results. We processed 76 questionnaires, the age category of children ranged from 6 to 13 years (class “The Intelligence of Ukraine”, children with existing CPR, inclusive and classic classes). Questionnaires were filled in by teachers who were able to observe students’ behavior. The following psychometric indicators of the Scale were calculated: internal consistency (r = 0.77 at p ≤ 0.01 for the scale “Inattention” and r = 0.86 at p ≤ 0.01 for the scale “Hyperactivity” and “Impulsivity”) and the reliability of parallel forms (between the scales “Inattention” and “Hyperactivity/Impulsivity” according to the “SWAN” rating scale method (r = 0.53 at р ≤ 0.01) and the sum of the points according to the scales “Hyperactivity” and “Impulsivity” in “Rating scale of ADHD” (Suxotina, N.K. & Egorova, T.I.) (r = 0.56 at р ≤ 0.01)).Conclusions. The obtained results are satisfactory, so the “Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD symptoms and Normal behavior” rating scale is ready for use in Ukraine. We see further potential for the development of the problem in those goals that could not be realized due to the lack of resources and quarantine, namely: increasing the number of sample, checking retest reliability as well as expert and constructive validity.Key words: ADHD treatment, hyperactive children, inclusive education, impulsivity, inattention. На основі літературних джерел та інформації, отриманої від фахівців, встановлено відсутність засобів діагностики розладу дефіциту уваги з гіперактивністю (РДУГ). Нині в Україні активно реформується система корекції поведінки дітей. Однією зі сторін модернізації є покращення та оновлення методичної бази, перш за все діагностичної, і саме рейтингові шкали активно використовуються на всіх етапах лікування РДУГ: від діагностики до корекції. Саме тому актуально збільшити кількість інстру-ментів психолога під час діагностики.Мета статті полягає в адаптації американської «Рейтингової шкали сильних та слабких сторін РДУГ та нормальної поведінки» (Дж.М. Свонсон) до вітчизняного вжитку.Методи. Використано обрахування психометричних характеристик україномовної версії шкали «Рейтингової шкали сильних та слабких сторін РДУГ та нормальної поведінки», таких як відповідність емпіричного розкиду закону нормального розподілу (функція Гауса), внутрішня узгодженість та надійність паралельних форм (кореляційний аналіз за критерієм r-Пірсона).Результати. Оброблено 76 анкет, вік дітей становить від 6 до 13 років (клас «Інтелект України», діти із наявною ЗПР, інклюзивний та звичайний класи). Анкети заповнювали вчителі, які мали змогу спостерігати за поведінкою учнів протягом місяця. Обчислені внутрішня узгодженість (r = 0,77 за р ≤ 0,01 для шкали «Неуважність», r = 0,86 за р ≤ 0,01 для шкали «Гіперактивність та імпульсивність») та надійність паралельних форм (прокорельовано показники за шкалами «Неуважність» та «Гіперак-тивність/Імпульсивність» за методикою SWAN (r = 0,53 за р ≤ 0,01) із сумою показників за шкалами «Гіперактивність» та «Імпульсивність» за опитувальником «Шкала оцінки РДУГ» (r = 0,56 за р ≤ 0,01)).Висновки. Отримані результати є задовільними, тому методика готова до українського вжитку. Подальший потенціал розвитку проблематики вбачаємо у тих цілях, яких не змогли досягнути через брак ресурсів та карантин, а саме у перевірці ретестової надійності, експертної та конструктної валідності, збільшенні кількості вибірки.Ключові слова: адаптація опитувальника, гіперактивні діти, інклюзивна освіта, імпульсивність, неуважність.

2021 ◽  
Rajni Sharma ◽  
Pooja Tyagi ◽  
Babita Ghai ◽  
Krishan Kumar ◽  
Aditi Jain ◽  

Background: Hindi translation and cross language concordance and validation of child version of Loneliness and Dissatisfaction Questionnaire (LSDQ-C), Parent Child Relationship (PCRQC) and Conflict Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ-C) would expedite generating data from India. Objective: To translate the parallel forms (parent and child versions) of English version of the LSDQ-C, PCRQ-C and CBQ-C and into Hindi and evaluate its psychometric properties. Methods: Hindi translation and cross language adaptation of LSDQ-C, PCRQ-C and CBQ-C was done following WHO guidelines. Children aged 10- 18 years of age, studying in either government or private schools of Chandigarh, whose parents given assent for their children were enrolled through snowball convenient random sampling technique. Psychometric properties were 2 assessed by using intraclass correlation (ICC), chronbach’s alpha, test retest reliability, paired t test, and split half reliability. Results: Item wise test retest reliability of Hindi version of all the scales was assessed and on most of the items, ICC value was above 0.80, indicting good to excellent reliability. ICC value was in acceptable range for few items for child version of the scales (0.70). Split half reliability of was above 0.80. Above findings suggests good to excellent agreement between English and Hindi version of all the scales. Conclusion: The internal consistency, split-half reliability, and test-retest reliability are good to excellent. Thus, the Hindi version of parallel forms (parent and child versions) LSDQ, PCR and CBQ as translated in this study is a valid instrument.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 29-37
Ján Kaliský ◽  
Lada Kaliská

The psychometric properties of the author´s original tool named Questionnaire of the Relations between a Man and Animals (further on AniRe-Que) was constructed to assess the relations between a man and animals as natural beings; calculated in the form of an R-score (R as respect). The questionnaire is based on the theoretical outcomes of an egalitarian zoocentric, ecoethical position attributing moral statues to all beings, and measures the level of respect expression to nonhuman beings. The aim of this study was to verify its validity and reliability in a research sample of future primary and secondary teachers (N = 500, 62% of females, Mage=22.3; SD=4.1) at Matej Bel University in Banská  Bystrica, Slovakia. Various statistical procedures were used to verify its construct validity (exploratory factor analysis /EFA/) and its convergent/discriminating character, criterion validity, and reliability (test-retest, parallel-forms, internal consistency) to establish satisfactory psychometric properties for the AniRe-Que questionnaire. The questionnaire has possible usage for the animal relation estimation by researchers, practitioners and teachers´ ethical and environmental education intervention effectivitiveness, and also as a form of future international cooperation and verification based on this new instrument.

2020 ◽  
Vol 74 (4_Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 7411500059p1
McKenzie Rowley ◽  
Elizabeth Larson ◽  
John Newlon ◽  
Daniel Hurwitz

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