theory of literature
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Diyan Kurniawati

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gejala sosial yang terdapat dalam tiga cerpen Kalimantan Timur tahun 1980-an. Ketiga cepen tersebut berjudul “Kembali ke Desa”, Surat dari Kekasih”, dan “Keping Hati Menguak Badai”. Dengan teori sosiologi sastra, penelitian ini menganalisis berbagai gejala sosial yang terjadi dalam relasi tokoh dengan lingkungannya. Analisis menunjukkan bahwa gejala sosial yang terjadi pada ketiga cerpen tersebut berupa tokoh yang melakukan pertahanan eksistensinya dengan bermigrasi ke luar daerahnya. Di daerah baru tersebut tokoh mengalami konflik-konflik selama melakukan pertahanan eksistensi. Konflik-konflik yang terjadi menimbulkan tokoh mengambil keputusan untuk kembali ke daerahnya. Selain konflik-konflik, terdapat pula nilai-nilai sosial yang ditampilkan dalam relasi antarindividu. Nilai-nilai tersebut yaitu solidaritas dan empati. Analisis juga menunjukkan pula terdapat tujuan tokoh melakukan pertahanan eksistensi ke luar daerahnya bukan hanya untuk meningkatkan status ekokonomi dirinya, melainkan untuk kembali dan membangun daerahnya yang belum mengalami kemajuan. Tiga cerpen Kalimantan Timur tahun 1980-an menunjukkan gejala sosial manusia melalui pergulatan pertahanan eksitensi di luar daerahnya.Kata kunci: fenomena sosial, eksistensi, migrasiAbstract This study aims to determine the social phenomena in three East Kalimantan short stories in the 1980s. Those are “Kembali ke Desa”, “Surat dari  Kekasih”, and “Keping Hati Menguak Badai”. Using the theory of literature sociology, this research analyzes various social phenomena in characters’ relationship with their environment. The analysis shows that the social phenomena in those short stories are characters who defend their existence by migrating from his or her place.In their new environment, the characters experience conflicts while fighting for their existence. Those conflicts make them return to their old place. In addition, there are also social values portrayed in relationships between individuals, solidarity and empathy. The analysis also reveals that there is a purpose in defending their existence away from their home, not only to improve their economic status, but also to return and make their environment a better place. Those three short stories  show social phenomena through the struggle of defending existence away from their environment. Keywords: social phenomena, existence, migra

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (39) ◽  
pp. 1
Katica Kulavkova

There is a ballad saved in the folklore and oral literary tradition of several Balkan peoples and their collective memory under different names, but with the same proto narrative: “The Dead Brother’s Song” (Greek), “The Return of the Dead Brother” (Macedonian), “Brother and Sister” (Serbian, Montenegrin, Bosnian), “Lazar and Petkana” (Bulgarian), “Constantin and Doruntinë” (Albanian), and “Voika” (Romanian). Appearing in several linguistic and stylistic variants, this ballad can be considered as an illustrative shared place of collective Balkan memory. Saved both as a local (national), and regional (transnational) cultural heritage, Тhe Dead Brother’s Ballad contains the most significant aspects of the Balkan cultural paradigm: mythical, mystical, folkloric, religious, ethical, and historical ones. The interpretation of this ballad in the mythopoetic context demystifies the Balkan identity prejudices and the misinterpretation of the shared cultural heritage. Methodologically, the present interpretation of the Balkan ballad is syncretic, combining diverse theoretical and interpretative tools from mythology, theory of literature, culturology and post-postcolonial criticism. Instead of giving an ultimate conclusion, this paper deconstructs the dominant interpretative strategies of the Balkan spiritual and historical heritage in the last two centuries (adoptive, contestable, convertible, competitive) showing that they all actualise the conservative principles of cultural hegemony on the Balkans. Having a scientific consensus for the transnational aspects of the Balkan cultural heritage might be a starting point for a new, empathetic strategy of their perception.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
pp. 974-985
Yanina Kulinska ◽  
Nina Gerasimenko ◽  
Olena Koval ◽  
Viktoriia Kvitsynska

The relevance of the issue stems from the urgent need to analyse with the help of the latest methods the new phenomena of modern Ukrainian literature, in particular the block of its revolutionary and military prose as one of the directions of modern literature. The aim of the work is to develop and thoroughly analyse the works of 2014-2020 dedicated to the Revolution of Dignity and the war in Eastern Ukraine, to study their genre nature, to clarify their characteristic features and to create a new typology of the modern literary hero. Among the main methods for processing diary texts were historical-biographical, comparative historical, comparative, structural-narratological, interdisciplinary, as well as elements of hermeneutical, intertextual methods, text and discourse analysis, etc. The paper provides a detailed analysis and proposes a new typology of the modern literary hero. The materials of the study can be used to prepare basic and special courses on the theory of literature, the history of Ukrainian and foreign literature, while working on manuals and textbooks, including those for higher education institutions, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
pp. 102-113
Yanina Kulinska ◽  
Nina Gerasimenko ◽  
Olena Koval ◽  
Viktoriia Kvitsynska

The relevance of the issue stems from the urgent need to analyse with the help of the latest methods the new phenomena of modern Ukrainian literature, in particular the block of its revolutionary and military prose as one of the directions of modern literature. The aim of the work is to develop and thoroughly analyse the works of 2014-2020 dedicated to the Revolution of Dignity and the war in Eastern Ukraine, to study their genre nature, to clarify their characteristic features and to create a new typology of the modern literary hero. Among the main methods for processing diary texts were historical-biographical, comparative historical, comparative, structural-narratological, interdisciplinary, as well as elements of hermeneutical, intertextual methods, text and discourse analysis, etc. The paper provides a detailed analysis and proposes a new typology of the modern literary hero. The materials of the study can be used to prepare basic and special courses on the theory of literature, the history of Ukrainian and foreign literature, while working on manuals and textbooks, including those for higher education institutions, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-127
Kadek Somanasih ◽  
I Wayan Resen ◽  
I Wayan Juniartha

The film Friends with Benefits is the data source in this study. In collecting the data through library research by viewing films, reading scripts, and taking notes. In analyzing the data, the qualitative method is used and presented descriptively based on the theory adopted in this study. The theory used in this study is the theory of literature proposed by Wellek and Warren (1949) about characterization. The results of this study showed that only three characterization dimensions were analyzed. In presenting these dimensions, this study presents an overview and/or dialogue from the film. There are three dimensions of the characterization of the main character analyzed in this study: physiological, sociological, and psychological. These physical and psychological characteristics combine to build up Jamie Rellis and Dylan Harper, a romantic person in the film Friends with Benefits.

Giovanni Bottiroli

This article is a reworking of the first chapter of a longer work yet to be published. It aims at retrieving an idea, which Proust formulated in 1913 and subsequently discarded, that is, the splitting of his oeuvre into “The Age of Names”, “The Age of Words”, and “The Age of Things”. Following this tripartite division, and reading it both diachronically and synchronically, I suggest that the language of the Recherche (and of art in general) should be understood as a conflictual interweaving of styles. A theory of styles does not only state the multiplicity of expressions, but attempts to identify different types of linguistic articulation, from which differing language-thought regimes are born. Alongside the re-evaluation of the importance of Names, this study suggests a reading of the aesthetic apprenticeship of the Recherche as the conquest of a style which, apart from being original (as it is bound to be), enhances the linguistic potential more directly through flexibility and metamorphosis. To be adequately understood, this perspective requires the contribution of the theory of literature and of philosophy.

Stratis Papaioannou

The present chapter introduces the immense body of theory on literature produced in Byzantium. It focuses on three questions: (1) Where does one encounter Byzantine literary theory? Such theory is found in manuals, textbooks, commentaries, and related works written in the context of discursive education, as well as in “para-texts” (titles, colophons, dedicatory epigrams, and the like) and in “meta-texts” (such as theoretical statements about literature within Byzantine texts). (2) What are the main features and major preoccupations of Byzantine literary theory? Here, the emphasis on prescription is highlighted, but also the absence of any comprehensive or totalizing aesthetics, and thus the presence of a multiplicity of ideologies and aesthetic preferences. And (3) what are the notions of “literature” that emerge? In regard to this, the chapter offers a case study by tracing Byzantine approaches toward a key concept in modern literary theorization, namely fiction or fictionality.

Elena Petrovna Shal'nova

The subject of this research is the structure of the literary work. The goal consists in the establishment of correlation between the parts of the literary work, expressed in the research of S. I. Sukhikh “The Theoretical Poetics of A. A. Potebnja”. The author meticulously examines such aspects of the theory of literary work of A. A. Potebnja as the interrelation between the external form, internal form, artistic image, and content of the literary work, as well as outlines the structure of the literary work. The article describes the parts of the literary work (external form, internal form, artistic image, content). The article offers the patter of the literary work, distinguishing the parts and interrelation between them. The author formulates the definitions of external form, internal form, artistic image, and content of the literary work; reveals the characteristics and distinctive features of each part of the literary work. This led to the formation of representation of the literary work as a structure, where each of the parts expresses its own meaning, and serves as a means of creating the meaning for the other part. The result this research consists in the creation of the pattern of literary work that gives an idea on the structure of the literary work. The acquired materials can be used in studying the general concepts of the theory of literature: the form, content, artistic image, definition of artistic merit of the literary work. The offered pattern of the literary work cab be also applied to the analysis of the literary work. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the formation of representation of the literary work as a structure, where each part expresses its own meaning and serves as a means of creating meaning for the other part, as well as in creation of the pattern that conveys this idea.

Liudmyla Hrytsyk ◽  
Ivane Mchedeladze

Taking into account the factual material, research methods, and tasks, the authors trace the evolution/changes in Georgian comparative studies. It is notable that typological approaches, along with contact-genetic ones, are now actively used. These changes become firmly established due to the studies of iconic figures and periods, which attract the special attention of the scholars. Eurocentric concepts give place to other ones that have their basis in the study of the national literature and include philosophical, anthropological, psychological, and religious factors in the field of research. A lot of attention has been given to the principles of selecting literary texts for translation. The field of Georgian comparative studies has been remarkably changed/updated in the late 20th — early 21st centuries. Along with historians of literature, the theorists, critics, translators, and specialists in European and Oriental languages have been involved, which affected the level of comparative studies. Among the raised issues are reception, imagology, typology of anti-colonial narratives, genre transformations, postmodern discourse, etc. The character of Georgian-Ukrainian comparative studies changed drastically: it is obvious in the approaches/assessments of literary translation and in all connecting issues in general. Comparative studies came as close as possible to the theory of literature, which let the researchers (R. Khvedelidze, N. Naskidashvili, S. Chkhatarashvili, I. Mchedeladze) update the methodology and intensify their work on the diff erent levels of research, regardless of the presence/absence of contexts. The present surge in Georgian comparative studies started in the 2010s. It is connected to the organization of effective specialized research centers. Of great interest are the comparative studies aiming to show the history of Georgian literature as an individual version of the world literature (I. Ratiani), to identify the features of the Georgian literary canon based on the three main literary models (Middle Ages, Romanticism, post-Soviet), with a focus on the combination of ‘canonical’ and ‘non-canonical’ in innovative writing.

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