periodical change
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Photonics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 158
Jeong Ryeol Choi

Nonstatic quantum light waves arise in time-varying media in general. However, from a recent report, it turned out that nonstatic waves can also appear in a static environment where the electromagnetic parameters of the medium do not vary in time. Such waves in Fock states exhibit a belly and a node in turn periodically in the graphic of their evolution. This is due to the wave expansion and collapse in quadrature space, which manifest a unique nonstaticity of the wave. The principle for wave expansion and collapse is elucidated from rigorous analyses for the basic nonstatic waves which are dissipative and amplifying ones. The outcome of wave nonstaticity can be interpreted in terms of the coefficient of the quadratic exponent in the exponential function appearing in the wave eigenfunction; if the imaginary part of the coefficient is positive, the wave expands, whereas the wave collapses when it is negative. Using this principle, we further analyze novel nonstatic properties of light waves which exhibit complicated time behaviors, i.e., for the case that the waves not only undergo the periodical change of nodes and bellies but their envelopes exhibit gradual dissipation/expansion as well.

M Wikło ◽  
R Król ◽  
K Olejarczyk ◽  
K Kołodziejczyk

The article discusses the problem of a torque ripple on the output shaft of a cycloidal gearbox. To investigate the phenomenon, numerical simulations were performed and compared with the experimental results. Simulations were performed with multibody dynamic software—one with rigid and second with flexible elements. The dynamic model of the gearbox for the determination of the amplitude of the torque change was introduced, where the model utilizes periodical change of the stiffness of gear components as well as geometrical parameters, which are the results of machining and assembly tolerances. The test was made on a gearbox that was calculated, designed, and tested by the authors of the article. To perform the test, a test bench was built. The bench included electric motors, torque meters, and a control application.

Silvester Stöger ◽  
Jean-Christophe Kummer

With the periodical change of production formats, dissemination platforms and content distribution, broadcasters do face a dilemma, when deciding on an archive format. Very often the actual production format which is supported by current playout systems is found as the answer, and the discussions change every 5 years. As the reality shows that any delivery from the archive is somehow transcoded or rewrapped, a new approach is to rely on one normalised lossless format, which is performant enough to support all business processes around production workflows. Kept in a dedicated Archive Asset management (AAM), legacy essence can be managed inside a central OAIS repository for decades to come. This paper outlines the historical dimension of such a move by listing successful examples from the broadcast industry and archives and giving insights on the ongoing evolution of technology.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Zoran Ljuboje

The photorefractive effect presents a periodical change of the refractive index of an optical environment under the influence of a coherent light. An interesting phenomenon which occurs at this effect is optical phase conjugation (PC). Photorefractive oscillators, that is photorefractive mirrors present important decides in photorefractive optics and their function is based on photorefractive effect. In these oscillators, a phase-conjugated light beam occurs. The basic characteristics of photorefractive oscillators, such as reflectivity, the existance of the oscillation threshold and the threshold of the coupling strength are explained by the so-called grating-action method. This is analysed on a ring oscillator, semilinear mirror and linear mirror.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Aco Janićijević ◽  
Svetislav Savović ◽  
Alexandar Djordjevich

By solving the diffusion equation using the explicit finite difference method, oxygen concentrations inside the soil are determined for various periods of time. Two different cases are investigated, with constant and daily changing air oxygen concentrations. It was concluded that the influence of the periodical change of the air oxygen concentration on the oxygen concentration in the soil was more pronounced for smaller diffusion times at smaller lengths of the soil profile.

2016 ◽  
Vol 55 (1-2) ◽  
Pál S. Varga

Szilárd Borbély described the periodical change in poetry at the turn of the 18th and 19th century as a ”shift in the attitude of literary texts” and as a transformation of ”literary understanding”. The turning away from the late Baroque and Classic poetry – which both followed inherited models of genre – came when the narrator received a unique identity, and the reader began to understand the text as an expression of the Self. This change can be pointed out in Sándor Kisfaludy’s cycle of poems, Kesergő szerelem (1802), which influenced the creation of Csokonai’s own cycle of love poems. The temporalization of the attitude towards the textual genre happened in the poetry of Ferenc Kölcsey. The narrators of Kölcsey’s Vanitatum vanitas and Hymnus create their identity by uniquely reflecting on the genre and dislocating the ready-made meanings. The peak of the transition is the inventive formation of history by means of poetry and language. The epic poetry of Mihály Vörösmarty structures language in a way that makes the mythical recounting of origin possible for the subject attempting to establish an identity in the past. Yet this language brought about the paradox of excluding the subjective from the expression. The concept emphasizing the formation of the attitude that reflects on the genre by language is not only a re-interpretation of 18th-19th century Hungarian poetry, but it is obviously close to the postmodern poetic method which is attributed to Halotti pompa [The Splendours of Death].

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 223-240
Hubertus Busche

The following reconstruction and critical evaluation of Georg Simmel's »Philosophy of Fashion« intends to show that until today this theory offers one of the clearest and most fruitful explanations of the modern periodical change of fashion. The close meshed knitted web of psychological, social, historical und economic factors of explanation used by Simmel allows – regardless of some lacking elements – a very instructive answer to the question, as to why fashion forms such a popular cosmos, and can easily be related to contemporary debates on fashion.

2014 ◽  
Vol 568-570 ◽  
pp. 464-467 ◽  
Hui Li ◽  
Peng Jin

Aiming at the large dimensions of state vector and attitude angle periodical change of SINS in initial alignment, The alignment algorithm was presented in initial alignment of pipeline inspect gauge system (PIGs) for pipeline fault location and geometry measurement. The state and observation equation with the attitude angle, the position of the reference point and the velocity as observed vectors is established. Combined with the UKF algorithm, variable scale UKF algorithm (SUKF) is proposed to realize the initial alignment during the pipelines detector working. Comparing with UKF, experiment results showed that the steady-state misalignment of pitch, yaw and roll were 17.5’, 6’and 5’. The results indicate that the proposed algorithm is effective for practical applications.

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