Ammonia combustion is a promising energy source as a carbon free fuel without greenhouse gas emissions. However, since the auto-ignition temperature is 651 degrees Celsius and the range of flammability limit is not wide compared to other fuels, fundamental studies on ammonia fires have rarely been conducted so far. Therefore, this study aims to numerically estimate fire spread characteristics when ammonia fuel in a high-pressure state leaks to the outside, especially focusing on the flammability limit according to oxygen concentration. Three kinds of reaction mechanism for numerical analysis were adopted to compare the flame structure, flammability limit, and combustion characteristics. Plank-mean absorption coefficients of nitrogen species were taken for the radiation model, in addition to the optically thin model. The effect of radiation heat loss could be identified from the maximum flame temperature trend at a low strain rate. It was confirmed that the pyrolysis of ammonia in the preheated zone results in hydrogen production, and the generated hydrogen contributes to heat release rate in the flame zone. It is found that the contribution of hydrogen would be an important role in the flammability limit of ammonia combustion. Finally, Karlovitz and Peclet numbers showed well the extinction behaviors of ammonia combustion as a result of LOC (Limit Oxygen Concentration) analysis as a function of global strain rate.