mir spectra
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Geoderma ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 409 ◽  
pp. 115647
Yakun Zhang ◽  
Zachary B. Freedman ◽  
Alfred E. Hartemink ◽  
Thea Whitman ◽  
Jingyi Huang


На основе анализа компонентного состава молока проведено изучение белковой и жировой фракций, метаболитов веществ и соматических клеток для голштинизированных черно-пестрых коров и карачаевских коз в сравнительном аспекте. Молоко коров предназначалось для переработки, а молоко коз использовалось для выкармливания козлят. В этой связи представляет интерес использование экспресс-метода инфракрасной (ИК) спектроскопии для исследования точности прогностической модели анализа молока от разных видов животных, в частности, для определения в образцах содержания жирных кислот (ЖК). Скрининг молока по 25 показателям выполняли с помощью анализатора CombiFOSS 7 DSCC. Установлено, что в молоке коз было достоверно больше жира и белка, насыщенных ЖК (69,59% против 65,67% в коровьем) и более значимых для питания человека полиненасыщенных ЖК (4,05% против 3,66% у коров). Коэффициент детерминации показал высокую значимость совокупных факторов, включенных в GLM-уравнение, для массовой доли лактозы (23,9%), короткоцепочечных ЖК (28,1%), ацетона (24,3%), бетагидроксибутирата (37,9%), точки замерзания молока (46,0%) и мочевины (85,1%). Корреляции между компонентами имели биологическую направленность, характерную для процессов синтеза молока в организме жвачных животных. Проведенный комплексный анализ показал перспективность ИК-спектров для использования как в менеджменте стада коров и коз, так и в накоплении информации для изучения генетической детерминации процессов образования молока у сельскохозяйственных животных. The protein and fat fractions, metabolites and somatic cells count for Holsteinized Black-and-White cows and Karachai goats were studied by in a comparative aspect. The cows’ milk was intended for processing, and milk of goats was used to feed the goatlet. In this regard, to use the express method of infrared (MIR) spectroscopy to study the accuracy of the predictive model for analyzing milk from different animal species, in particular, to determine the content of fatty acids (FA) was interesting. Milk screening for 25 parameters was performed using a CombiFOSS 7 DSCC analyzer. It was found that under the same paratypical conditions, there was significantly more fat and protein in goat milk, however, in terms of lactose content, milk pH values were higher in cows’ milk. Goat milk has a higher content of saturated FAs (69.59% opp. 65.67% in cow milk) and polyunsaturated FAs that are more significant for human nutrition (4.05% opp. 3.66% in cows). The determination coefficient showed the high significance of the aggregate factors included in the GLM equation for the lactose percentage (23.9%), short-chain FA (28.1%), acetone (24.3%), betahydroxybutyrate (37.9%), milk freezing point (46.0%) and urea (85.1%). The correlations between components had a biological orientation that characterized for the milk synthesis processes into the body of ruminants. The analysis showed that MIR spectra are promising for use in the management of a herd of cows and goats, and in the information accumulation for studying the genetic determination of milk processes synthesis in animals.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (22) ◽  
pp. 6779
Krzysztof B. Beć ◽  
Justyna Grabska ◽  
Christian W. Huck ◽  
Sylwester Mazurek ◽  
Mirosław A. Czarnecki

Mid-infrared (MIR) and near-infrared (NIR) spectra of crystalline menadione (vitamin K3) were measured and analyzed with aid of quantum chemical calculations. The calculations were carried out using the harmonic approach for the periodic model of crystal lattice and the anharmonic DVPT2 calculations applied for the single molecule model. The theoretical spectra accurately reconstructed the experimental ones permitting for reliable assignment of the MIR and NIR bands. For the first time, a detailed analysis of the NIR spectrum of a molecular system based on a naphthoquinone moiety was performed to elucidate the relationship between the chemical structure of menadione and the origin of the overtones and combination bands. In addition, the importance of these bands during interpretation of the MIR spectrum was demonstrated. The overtones and combination bands contribute to 46.4% of the total intensity of menadione in the range of 3600–2600 cm−1. Evidently, these bands play a key role in shaping of the C-H stretching region of MIR spectrum. We have shown also that the spectral regions without fundamentals may provide valuable structural information. For example, the theoretical calculations reliably reconstructed numerous overtones and combination bands in the 4000–3600 and 2800–1800 cm−1 ranges. These results, provide a comprehensive origin of the fundamentals, overtones and combination bands in the NIR and MIR spectra of menadione, and the relationship of these spectral features with the molecular structure.

2021 ◽  
Bruno Becker-Kerber ◽  
et al.

Suplementary figures including field images, additional XRD patterns, MIR spectra, EDS and XRF elemental maps.

2021 ◽  
Bruno Becker-Kerber ◽  
et al.

Suplementary figures including field images, additional XRD patterns, MIR spectra, EDS and XRF elemental maps.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (13) ◽  
pp. 10273-10293
Amir Yazdani ◽  
Nikunj Dudani ◽  
Satoshi Takahama ◽  
Amelie Bertrand ◽  
André S. H. Prévôt ◽  

Abstract. Particulate matter (PM) affects visibility, climate, and public health. Organic matter (OM), a uniquely complex portion of PM, can make up more than half of total atmospheric fine PM mass. We investigated the effect of aging on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) concentration and composition for wood burning (WB) and coal combustion (CC) emissions, two major atmospheric OM sources, using mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy and aerosol mass spectrometry (AMS). For this purpose, primary emissions were injected into an environmental chamber and aged using hydroxyl (diurnal aging) and nitrate (nocturnal aging) radicals to reach an atmospherically relevant oxidative age. A time-of-flight AMS instrument was used to measure the high-time-resolution composition of non-refractory fine PM, while fine PM was collected on PTFE filters before and after aging for MIR analysis. AMS and MIR spectroscopy indicate an approximately 3-fold enhancement of organic aerosol (OA) concentration after aging (not wall-loss corrected). The OM:OC ratios also agree closely between the two methods and increase, on average, from 1.6 before aging to 2 during the course of aging. MIR spectroscopy, which is able to differentiate among oxygenated groups, shows a distinct functional group composition for aged WB (high abundance of carboxylic acids) and CC OA (high abundance of non-acid carbonyls) and detects aromatics and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in emissions of both sources. The MIR spectra of fresh WB and CC aerosols are reminiscent of their parent compounds with differences in specific oxygenated functional groups after aging, consistent with expected oxidation pathways for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of each emission source. The AMS mass spectra also show variations due to source and aging that are consistent with the MIR functional group (FG) analysis. Finally, a comparison of the MIR spectra of aged chamber WB OA with that of ambient samples affected by residential wood burning and wildfires reveals similarities regarding the high abundance of organics, especially acids, and the visible signatures of lignin and levoglucosan. This finding is beneficial for the source identification of atmospheric aerosols and interpretation of their complex MIR spectra.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-220
Etienne Balan ◽  
Emmanuel Fritsch ◽  
Farid Juillot ◽  
Thierry Allard ◽  
Sabine Petit

Abstract. Although OH overtone bands of 1:1 phyllosilicates are commonly observed in their near-infrared (NIR) spectra, their interpretation in terms of transitions between specific vibrational states is still uncertain. This situation can be traced back to the coupled nature of the fundamental OH-stretching modes involving the interlayer OH groups of 1:1 phyllosilicates. In this case, the overtone spectra cannot be directly related to their fundamental counterparts observed in the mid-infrared (MIR) spectra. In the present study, we use a parameterized quantum-mechanical approach to compute the vibrational frequencies related to the fundamental and overtone bands in serpentine group and kaolinite group minerals. The simple model is based on a description of the vibrational properties of a cluster of OH groups in terms of harmonically coupled anharmonic oscillators. The comparison of the theoretical results with experimental observations makes it possible to interpret most of the salient features of the overtone spectrum of 1:1 phyllosilicates. Unlike the bands observed in the MIR spectra, the overtone bands observed between 7000 and 7300 cm−1 are related to local transitions from the ground state to the second excitation level of OH groups, whereas the weaker bands observed between 7300 and 7400 cm−1 involve a double excitation to the first vibrational level of OH oscillators. The results also support the assignment of specific overtone bands to the occurrence of substituted divalent cations of transition elements in serpentine group minerals.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 1200
Chao Du ◽  
Liangkang Nan ◽  
Chunfang Li ◽  
Ahmed Sabek ◽  
Haitong Wang ◽  

Milk produced by dairy cows is a complex combination of many components. However, at present, changes in only a few milk components (e.g., fat, protein, and lactose) during the estrus cycle in dairy cows have been documented. Mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy is a worldwide method routinely used for milk analysis, as MIR spectra reflect the global composition of milk. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the changes in milk MIR spectra and milk production traits (fat, protein, lactose, urea, total solids (TS), and solid not fat (SnF)) due to estrus. Cows that were successfully inseminated, leading to conception, were included. Cows confirmed to be pregnant were considered to be in estrus at the day of insemination (day 0). A general linear mixed model, which included the random effect of cows, the fixed classification effects of parity number, days in relation to estrus, as well as the interaction between parity number and days in relation to estrus, was applied to investigate the changes in milk production traits and 1060 milk infrared wavenumbers, ranging from 925 to 5011 cm−1, of 371 records from 162 Holstein cows on the days before (day −3, day −2, and day −1) and on the day of estrus (day 0). The days in relation to estrus had a significant effect on fat, protein, urea, TS, and SnF, whose contents increased from day −3 to day 0. Lactose did not seem to be significantly influenced by the occurrence of estrus. The days in relation to estrus had significant effects on the majority of the wavenumbers. Besides, we found that some of the wavenumbers in the water absorption regions were significantly changed on the days before and on the day of estrus. This suggests that these wavenumbers may contain useful information. In conclusion, the changes in the milk composition due to estrus can be observed through the analysis of the milk MIR spectrum. Further analyses are warranted to more deeply explore the potential use of milk MIR spectra in the detection of estrus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Giovanni Molle ◽  
Andrea Cabiddu ◽  
Mauro Decandia ◽  
Maria Sitzia ◽  
Ignazio Ibba ◽  

Milk obtained from sheep grazing natural pastures and some forage crops may be worth a plus value as compared to milk obtained from stall-fed sheep, due to their apparently higher content of beneficial fatty acids (FAs). Fourier transformed mid-infrared (FT-MIR) analysis of FA can help distinguish milk from different areas and diverse feeding systems. The objective was to discriminate milk from sheep and milk from dairy sheep rotationally grazing Italian ryegrass or berseem clover for 2, 4, or 6 h/day. To test this hypothesis, a data-mining study was undertaken using a database of 1,230 individual milk spectra. Data were elaborated by principal component analysis (PCA) and analyzed by linear discriminant analysis (LDA) with or without the use of genetic algorithm (GA) as a variable selection tool with the primary aim to discriminate grazed forages (grass vs. legume), access time (2, 4, or 6 h/day), grazing day (first vs. last grazing day during the 7-day grazing period), and the milking time (morning vs. afternoon milking). The best-fitting discriminant models of FT-MIR spectra were able to correctly predict 100% of the samples differing for the pasture forage, 91.9% of the samples differing for grazing day, and 97.1% of the samples regarding their milking time. The access time (AT) to pasture was correctly predicted by the model in 60.3% of the samples, and the classification ability was improved to 77.0% when considering only the 2 and 6 h/day classes.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (7) ◽  
pp. 1879
Oladipupo Q. Adiamo ◽  
Yasmina Sultanbawa ◽  
Daniel Cozzolino

In recent times, the popularity of adding value to under-utilized legumes have increased to enhance their use for human consumption. Acacia seed (AS) is an underutilized legume with over 40 edible species found in Australia. The study aimed to qualitatively characterize the chemical composition of 14 common edible AS species from 27 regions in Australia using mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy as a rapid tool. Raw and roasted (180 °C, 5, 7, and 9 min) AS flour were analysed using MIR spectroscopy. The wavenumbers (1045 cm−1, 1641 cm−1, and 2852–2926 cm−1) in the MIR spectra show the main components in the AS samples. Principal component analysis (PCA) of the MIR data displayed the clustering of samples according to species and roasting treatment. However, regional differences within the same AS species have less of an effect on the components, as shown in the PCA plot. Statistical analysis of absorbance at specific wavenumbers showed that roasting significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the compositions of some of the AS species. The results provided a foundation for hypothesizing the compositional similarity and/or differences among AS species before and after roasting.

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