Journal of English Language and Pedagogy
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Published By Direktorat Pascasarjana Pendidikan, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

2579-8782, 2527-3655

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Idhar Hasan ◽  
Jean Antunes Rudolf Zico Ma’u

The objectives of this study are to 1) evaluate lesson study program for English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Tidore based on context, input, process and product, 2) find out the effectiveness of lesson study program for English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Tidore based on CIPP model evaluation. The research is an evaluation lesson study program for English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Tidore based on CIPP model evaluation. The CIPP consist of Context, Input, Process, and Product. The data were collected through observation and in-depth interviews. The data were analyzed using descriptive and qualitative data analyses included data collection, data condensation, data display, and data conclusion drawing or verification based on theory of Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2004). The result of the study in terms of evaluation lesson study program for English teachers in the SMP Negeri 1 Tidore from context, input, process and product showed there was a need from English teachers to improve their professionalism competence. The government held lesson study program to achieve the goal that is to improve the English Teachers professionalism. The need supported by the input that the government provide everything needed by the English teacher to carry out lesson study program. The process of the implementing of lesson study program showed that program has been carrying out well. The output of the lesson study program, in terms effectiveness of lesson study program for English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Tidore. This study showed that is program has affective enough in improving English teachers professionalism but there should be improvement in some parts. They are related to the schedule of teaching learning so the learners obtain much knowledge from the material given.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 162
Siska Cahyani ◽  
Satya Perdana

The objectives of this study are to: (1) describe the appropriateness of textbooks used by seventh grade junior high school with the criteria of good textbooks developed by Ur’s theory, and (2) reveal the strengths and weaknesses of each textbook. This research was conducted using evaluation research. The data was obtained through document analysis and interviewing expert. Ur’s theory was used to analyze the data. The objects of this research for analysis were two English textbooks; WERB and Bright for seventh grade junior high school. The research found out When English Ring a Bell meets eight criteria of a good textbook by Ur. They are: objectives explicitly laid out in an introduction, attractive layout and visual material, interesting and various topics, the content organization, and graded adequate guidance for the teacher, and readiness of the textbook. Bright meets all the criteria of a good textbook. The researcher also found the strength of WERB lies in its colorful and attractive layout and the textbook also presents various topics that motivate the students to practice actively. There is teachers’ book as guidelines. Meanwhile, the strength of Bright lies in clear layout, pictures and illustration, four skills are covered. Its main weaknesses are the dull color of this textbook and no teacher’s book is provided. The researcher concludes that Bright is better than WERB. This book is appropriate with criteria of good textbooks and used by teacher and student. It is available in many bookstores. Bright is also compatible in terms of coherence and unity of ideas among units and language content.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Desi Ratnasari ◽  
Arbain Arbain

The objectives of this study are to (1) describe the designing of speaking materials for hospitality students in Trans Ocean Floating Hotel Program based on Competency-Based Language Teaching. (2) Reveal the efficacy of the speaking teaching materials in improving students communication skills. This research belongs to Educational Research and Development (R&D) using a simplified six steps of Borg and Gall’s model (1983). The six steps are as follows. (1) Research and information collecting was conducted by performing document analysis, class observation, interview, product testing, as well as experts’ judgments, (2) Planning and drafting, (3) Draft revision by experts, (4) Field testing which was conducted in basic class of the Trans Ocean Floating Hotel Program, (5) Revision, and (6) Final product. The technique of collecting data used in this research consists of (1) document analysis, (2) classroom observation and (3) interview. It was made for obtaining the data for the target situation analysis and appropriateness of the design speaking materials for hospitality students. The findings show that (1) learning materials that were designed in this research fulfilled the criteria of the R&D model, which is based on the students’ need lack and want. The purpose of the learning is preparing the students in their future job field as hotel staff and need to learn more about speaking because speaking skill is more useful for working as hotel staff. (2) The efficacy of the speaking materials is that it serves the explicit instruction and encourage the students in doing activities, especially speaking, besides, there are various activities in the textbook. This textbook is designed based on the Trans Ocean Floating Hotel student’s need, lack, and want. Furthermore, the speaking materials as the product of this study provide additional learning resources for students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Muhammad Mustangin ◽  
Yuyun Yulia

This study is aimed at developing supplementary reading materials based on “When English Rings the Bell” and describing the effectiveness of the developing supplementary reading. This research belongs to Educational Research and Development (R&D) which are simplified into six steps. They are (1) data collection by document analysis, questionnaire, interview, product testing, as well as experts’ judgment, (2) constructing the course grid (Nation & Macalister, 2010), (3) draft revision by experts, (4) developing product to the preliminary outcome, (5) evaluation and revision of the product, and (6) final product. The findings show that students’ necessity to learn English is to be able to comprehend English (82.35%) and to increase vocabulary (50%) with interesting text. However, in other hand, their lack in vocabulary (52.94%) and the activities are too various (44%). The targeted materials are Getting My Idea for the descriptive text, My Pleasant Experience for the recount text, and Tell Me Your Story for the narrative text. Each unit consists of introduction, learning procedure, reinforcement, and wise word. Accordingly, the effectiveness of the product helps students to achieve the targeted competences. The students were actively participating in answering the task. The supplementary reading could help students to achieve students’ need and to improve their participation in reading skill. Furthermore, the reading materials as the product of this study providing additional learning resources.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Erna Rahayu

The objectives of this research are to develop supplementary reading material for the eighth grade of MTs Negeri 1 Bantul and to reveal the efficacy of the developed additional materials for the eighth grade of MTs Negeri 1 Bantul. The research belongs to the educational Research and Development (R & D). The subjects of the study were the eighth-grade students of MTs Negeri 1 Bantul. The study adapted the R & D model proposed by Borg and Gall (1983). The steps of the study were conducting a needs analysis, designing a course grid, developing the materials, having expert judgment, conducting field testing, revising the elements, and writing the final product. The data were taken from document analysis, observation, and interview. The data were analyzed and described qualitatively. The result of the research showed that (1) the supplementary English reading materials developed based on the need analysis. It was used for determining the objective, indicators, and varied reading tasks and activities of the supplementary materials. The reading tasks were presented in various forms, namely true-false questions, completing sentences, multiple-choice questions, jumbled words, and jumbled sentences that developed based on Three Phase Technique steps. Each Unit consisted of three main parts: “Time to Start, Time to Learn, and Time to Check”. The varied tasks gave the students the opportunity to improve their reading comprehension. In other words, the supplementary English reading material was useful and appropriate to be implemented for the eighth-grade students of MTs Negeri 1 Bantul. (2) The efficacy of the additional English reading materials could be described as the learning process that helped students achieve their needs, to have broad experience in learning the language, to attract the students’ attention and involvement, and to improve student’s reading comprehension. It also provided additional learning sources for the students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Yosyie Azharia Winimurti ◽  
Dedi Rahman Nur

In Indonesia, English teachers use textbooks to help students in the teaching-learning process and use it as a self-help resource to get rich input in learning. To improve the quality of English language teaching in Indonesia, this research was conducted to measure whether the three books used in Senior High School, i.e. “Bahasa Inggris”, “Pathway to English”, and “Outcomes Upper Intermediate” are right or not. This research used Alan Cunningsworth’s theory on excellent textbook and tried to find the strengths and weaknesses of the three books based on the given methods above. The study was conducted using evaluation research to evaluate the three English textbooks used by some schools in Yogyakarta. Evaluation steps included taking some samples from the books to see whether they meet the criteria of good textbooks that the researcher developed based on Cunningsworth’s framework. The research found out that Bahasa Inggris meets five standards: aims and approaches, design and organisation, topic, teachers’ book, and political consideration. Pathway to English meets four standards of excellent textbook by Cunningsworth: aims and approaches, design and organisation, teachers’ book, and political attention. Outcomes Upper Intermediate matches five principles of excellent manual by Cunningsworth: goals and methods, design and organisation, skills, topic, and teachers’ book. The researcher also found out that the strengths and weaknesses of “Bahasa Inggris”, “Pathway to English”, and “Outcomes Upper Intermediate”. From the findings above, the researcher suggests the teacher use three textbooks in the teaching-learning process because three books meet the criteria in a good book.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Raksi Hajar Prawestri

This research is aimed at measuring whether the three books used in the secondary schools in Tegal i.e “Mandiri: Practise Your English Competence”, “Interactive English 2”, and “New Headway” are right or not, and revealing the strength and weaknesses of the three books based on the theories of excellent textbook developed by the researcher based on the Tomlinson’s (2003) framework. This research is evaluation research. The data were collected through observation, questionnaire, and document analysis. The data were analysed using Miles, Huberman, and Saldana's flow model of qualitative data research, which includes data collection, data reduction, data display, and giving the conclusion. The study found out that “Mandiri: Practise Your Sentence" meets only in language level criteria of excellent textbook, "Interactive English 2" all the five criteria, and "New Headway" meets three criterias. The research also found out that the strength of "Mandiri: Practise Your Sentence" relies on its language level, which is understandable and straightforward for the eighth graders. Its main weaknesses lie in the number of tests in every unit which does not cover all the skills learnt, and it does not have an excellent form of illustrations, all are too simple and uninteresting for the eighth graders. The strength of "Interactive English 2" lies in its colourful and attractive photos and cartoons that attract the students and its use of authentic text that is trendy in graphic design. Its main weakness lies in its focus on controlled practice. Meanwhile, the strength of "New Headway" comes from the attractive illustration and its use of communicative activities at the activities to make the students more creative and active in the classroom. But the main weakness lies in its sentences, which are too hard to understand for the eighth graders in Tegal.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 131
Syifaul Ummah ◽  
Ardi Ariyanto

The focus of the study is to investigate: (1) how the context of the excellent class program of MTs MINAT Kesugihan contributes to the success of the program, (2) how the input of the excellent class program of MTs MINAT Kesugihan contributes to the success of the program, (3) how the process of the excellent class program of MTs MINAT Kesugihan contributes to the success of the program, (4) how the product of the excellent class (EC) Program of MTs MINAT Kesugihan contributes to the success of the program. The research method was a qualitative research design. The objects of this study were: the headmaster of MTs MINAT, the director of the excellent class program, the excellent class teachers, and the excellent class students. The data were obtained from interview, classroom observation, and document analysis. Those data were analyzed by using Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) Model by Kellaghan and Stufflebeam (2003). The findings revealed some facts. First, in the context evaluation, it can be concluded that the goal, vision, and missions of the EC Program are relevant and formulated in order to meet the students’ needs. Second, in term of input evaluation, the teacher did not fulfill the requirements of a qualified teacher yet. Therefore, it influenced the teaching learning process in which they could not teach effectively. Finally, it affected the product which has not been successful in achieving the minimum score in the National Exam for English. Thus, the researcher suggested the school to conduct a workshop or training for the teachers so that the teachers’ teaching skills would improve. As the consequence, the students’ achievement would be better too.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Lia Arswin Apriyani ◽  
Rr. Hasti Robiasih

The objectives of this study are to: (1) describe the appropriateness of textbooks of the eighth grade based on the criteria of good textbook by Cunningsworth, and (2) describe the strength and weaknesses of each textbook. This research belongs to evaluation research. The object of this research was two textbooks. They are When English Rings a Bell and Bright for the eighth grade junior high school. The research adapted Cunningsworth’s theory of a good textbook to evaluate these textbooks. The data were taken from document analysis and interview. The steps of the research were data condensation, data display, drawing, and verifying conclusions. The results of the research were (1) When English Rings a Bell fulfills three criteria of a good textbook by Cunningsworth; they are topic, teachers’ book, and practical consideration. Bright meets seven criteria by Cunningsworth: aims and approaches, design and organization, language content, skills, topic, methodology, and practical consideration. (2) The strengths of When English Rings a Bell are in terms of appearance, topics, activities, and social and cultural context. Bright has strength in terms of topic, activities, social and cultural context, and media.  On the other hand, When English Rings a Bell contains some weaknesses in terms of skills, authentic resource, and content. It does not cover four skills, authentic reference for listening, and complete materials. Bright presents unattractive colouring, an expensive price, and less local, social, and cultural context.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 104
Khumayda Shofiyul Khaliyah ◽  
Dzul Rachman

Classroom interaction is essential for English foreign language student. Additionally, discourse analysis is the examination of the language used by members of a speech community. The objectives of this study to describe the pattern of teacher-student interaction used by the teacher in the classroom at MTs Nurul Ummah Yogyakarta and to reveal the impact of teacher-student interaction pattern to the student contribution on the MTs Nurul Ummah Yogyakarta. This research employed discourse analysis. Includes English teacher and seventh-grade students of MTs Nurul Ummah Yogyakarta as the participants. Data were collected through observation and recording. The collected data were analysed by Walsh using discourse analysis. Findings show there are 30 patterns in 18 exchanges of teacher-student interaction in the classroom. The type of designs are: IR, IRE, IRRE, IRRF, IRREIRE, IRRRE, IRF, IRFRRRERE, IRR, IRRRRRRE, IRRFRE, IRI, IRRRRRE, IIIII, IIRE, IRFRE, IIRE, IIIR, IIR, IEIRRI, IRFR, IRRRRRRRRRRRRE, IRRRRRRRER, IEI, IRRRRF, IIIIRRF, IIIIRR, IRRII, IRFII, IREI. The impacts of the type interaction pattern to the student contribution are: student can repeat the teacher initiation, a student could express their idea, a student could ask the question on the teacher explanation, student response appropriate for teacher talk.

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