scholarly journals CIPP Model for program evaluation at madrasah tsanawiyah

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 131
Syifaul Ummah ◽  
Ardi Ariyanto

The focus of the study is to investigate: (1) how the context of the excellent class program of MTs MINAT Kesugihan contributes to the success of the program, (2) how the input of the excellent class program of MTs MINAT Kesugihan contributes to the success of the program, (3) how the process of the excellent class program of MTs MINAT Kesugihan contributes to the success of the program, (4) how the product of the excellent class (EC) Program of MTs MINAT Kesugihan contributes to the success of the program. The research method was a qualitative research design. The objects of this study were: the headmaster of MTs MINAT, the director of the excellent class program, the excellent class teachers, and the excellent class students. The data were obtained from interview, classroom observation, and document analysis. Those data were analyzed by using Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) Model by Kellaghan and Stufflebeam (2003). The findings revealed some facts. First, in the context evaluation, it can be concluded that the goal, vision, and missions of the EC Program are relevant and formulated in order to meet the students’ needs. Second, in term of input evaluation, the teacher did not fulfill the requirements of a qualified teacher yet. Therefore, it influenced the teaching learning process in which they could not teach effectively. Finally, it affected the product which has not been successful in achieving the minimum score in the National Exam for English. Thus, the researcher suggested the school to conduct a workshop or training for the teachers so that the teachers’ teaching skills would improve. As the consequence, the students’ achievement would be better too.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Heni Purwaningsih ◽  
Hanandyo Dardjito

This study aims to evaluate the (TESOL) English online learning in a private middle-school in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia using the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) model of Stufflebeam. This qualitative research collected the data using observation, interview, and document analysis. The research results were be analyzed qualitatively by applying discourse analysis. The result of the study implied that in Context, the school had tensions on the students of grade seven and eight in achieving minimum accomplishment criteria and grade nine in acquiring the minimum graduation criteria. The Input indicated that the human resource, syllabus and essential material, and facilities were sufficiently available. The Process disclosed that the teachers had a different approach in virtual teaching. The Product showed the average score of the final semester test for grades seven and eight were under by the minimum accomplishment criteria but grade nine achieved the target.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Sapira Sapira ◽  
Haratua Tiur Maria Silitonga ◽  
Syukran Mursyid

This research aims to present the evaluation result of a remedial program using the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) model based on Technical Guidance by High School Directorate year 2010 in Physics Study in SMAN 1 Sekadau Hulu. This study is evaluative research with a descriptive quantitative approach. The data collection techniques used are by employing a questionnaire to the students of the MIA (Mathematics and Natural Sciences) Program, interviews with the school principal, deputy head of curriculum, and one teacher of Physics, as well as documentation. The research data analysis is through steps such as data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The data validation techniques used are the source and technique triangulation. The findings showed that (1) context evaluation carried out results in a percentage of 74.73%, categorized as sufficient. (2) Input evaluation carried out results in a rate of 56.88%, classified as low. (3) Process evaluation conducted results in a value of 74.07%, categorized as sufficient. (4) Product evaluation administered results in a percentage of 78.70%, categorized as high. The overall score of assessment on the remedial program in Physic instructions using CIPP evaluation is 71,09% with a category corresponding to the technical guidelines for the remedial program by the directorate of high school development year 2010. Therefore, this research is expected to contribute to improvements in remedial programs as a continuous effort in improving the quality of education programs.Keywords: CIPP Model, Evaluation, Remedial Program

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Idhar Hasan ◽  
Jean Antunes Rudolf Zico Ma’u

The objectives of this study are to 1) evaluate lesson study program for English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Tidore based on context, input, process and product, 2) find out the effectiveness of lesson study program for English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Tidore based on CIPP model evaluation. The research is an evaluation lesson study program for English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Tidore based on CIPP model evaluation. The CIPP consist of Context, Input, Process, and Product. The data were collected through observation and in-depth interviews. The data were analyzed using descriptive and qualitative data analyses included data collection, data condensation, data display, and data conclusion drawing or verification based on theory of Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2004). The result of the study in terms of evaluation lesson study program for English teachers in the SMP Negeri 1 Tidore from context, input, process and product showed there was a need from English teachers to improve their professionalism competence. The government held lesson study program to achieve the goal that is to improve the English Teachers professionalism. The need supported by the input that the government provide everything needed by the English teacher to carry out lesson study program. The process of the implementing of lesson study program showed that program has been carrying out well. The output of the lesson study program, in terms effectiveness of lesson study program for English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Tidore. This study showed that is program has affective enough in improving English teachers professionalism but there should be improvement in some parts. They are related to the schedule of teaching learning so the learners obtain much knowledge from the material given.

2016 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Afnan Fuadi

The aim of this research is to evaluate the implementation of Teaching Factory Learning Program inSUPM Negeri Tegal. This research is a qualitative research using CIPP Model (Context, Input, Process, Product).The main subjects of this research were the teachesr of Teaching Factory and the students of class XII in FishProcessing Technology. The data were collected through participant observation using interview, observation,document study, and questionnaire. The research found that the implementation of the learning program TeachingFactory in SUPM Negeri Tegal are generally in good condition. This can be seen from the evaluation result that (1).Context Components show a good category; (2).Input Components show a good category; (3) Process Componentsshow a very good category;.and (4) Product Components show a good category. The quality of the Teaching Factorylearning program can be improved by treating the aspects of the low category in each stage of evaluation. Keywords: program evaluation, teaching factory, CIPP Model

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-88
Firdaus Wajdi ◽  
Sifa Fauzia ◽  
Ahmad Hakam

The Tahfidz Online program is the flagship program of the Indonesia Berkah Foundation. This study aims to describe and evaluate the implementation of the Indonesia Berkah Foundation's Tahfidz Online program. This research is qualitative research with data collection techniques using observation, interviews and document analysis. The CIPP (context, input, process, product) evaluation model developed by Daniel Leroy Stufflebeam et al. was used as an evaluation reference. This study finds out that: In terms of the input component, it shows that musyrifah, curriculum, and infrastructure have met the criteria. However, there are notes on the input of students not meeting the criteria of intention because God also does not understand the knowledge of recitation and Arabic. In terms of the media process components and materials, they do not meet the criteria of interest and are arranged in a sequence that makes it easy for students, while the method and time have met the criteria. Keywords: Online Tahfidz Program, Evaluation of Education

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-211
Yenni Kurniawati ◽  
Yuni Fatisa

Abstract Modeling and laboratory simulation can help overcome of cost obstacle, time, safety and other constraints in laboratory experiments. Many skills also had the opportunity to be fostered and promoted, especially in connection with the construction of thinking skills. However, the implementation of this program required an evaluation, in order to decided whether the program will be continuing or not, in addition its needed to found the focused of on overall quality of learning in order to make a recommendation in the decision making. This research was conducted by the mixed-method approached with triangulation design, in order to evaluate the effectiveness, problems or any obstacles of the implementation of the program. The population in this study was the third semester of pre-service chemistry students at UIN Syarif Kasim Sultan Riau, which was supported by lecturers, assistant laboratory and staf. The sample selection was done using random sampling techniques. Program evaluation in this study was conducted by the CIPP model (Context, Input, Process, Product). The results showed that the program was running quite effective when viewed from the overall average grades. The evaluation about context, inputs, processes and products had the good and very good score, in which the evaluation score of context and input, get the better score than process and product evaluation. This study recommends to be a continuing improvement program of modeling and simulation laboratories, both as an exercise before the experiments or replace the real experiments. Keywords: modeling; simulation lab; chemistry experiment Abstrak Pemodelan dan simulasi laboratorium dapat membantu mengatasi kendala biaya, waktu, alasan keselamatan dan kendala lainnya dalam praktikum di laboratorium kimia. Beragam kemampuan lain juga berkesempatan untuk ditumbuh-kembangkan terutama dalam kaitannya dengan konstruksi berfikir. Meskipun demikian, implementasi pelaksanaan program ini memerlukan evaluasi, guna memutuskan apakah program ini layak dilanjutkan ataukah tidak, selain karena diperlukannya penemuan terhadap fokus peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran secara menyeluruh guna menghasilkan rekomendasi dalam menentukan keputusan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan mixed-method desain triangulasi, guna mengevaluasi sebab-sebab efektifitas, kendala ataupun kegagalan pelaksanaan program. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester III jurusan Pendidikan Kimia UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, yang didukung oleh dosen, asisten laboratorium dan laboran dan pemilihan sampel dilakukan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Evaluasi program dalam penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program ini berjalan cukup efektif jika dilihat dari rata-rata keseluruhan nilai, mulai dari context, input, proses dan produk yang berada pada skor baik dan sangat baik, di mana skor evaluasi context dan input, lebih baik dibanding proses dan produk. Penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi untuk terus meningkatkan penggunaan pemodelan dan simulasi laboratorium kimia, baik sebagai latihan sebelum praktikum maupun menggantikan praktikum yang sesungguhnya. Kata Kunci: pemodelan; simulasi laboratorium; praktikum kimia  Permalink/DOI:  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Nasrul Amri Batubara

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan prakerin yang telah dilaksanakan sebagai pedoman perencanaan program prakerin berikutnya.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kombinasi (mixed methods) dengan desain urutan pembuktian (sequential explanatory). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian evaluasi dengan model Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP). Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah orang-orang yang terlibat langsung dalam program prakerin dengan responden kelas XI siswa SMK Negeri 1 Tapung, waka humas, panitia prakerin, ketua program keahlian, guru pembimbing dan instruktur dunia usaha/dunia industri. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner berbentuk skala Likert, wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi.Berdasarkan analisis data ditemukan bahwa tingkat ketercapaian pada subvariabel konteks dari program sebesar 80,08% dengan kategori baik, sedangkan pada masing-masing indikator: tujuan program sebesar 85,91%, lingkungan tempat program sebesar 77,45%, kebutuhan program sebesar 76,23%. Pencapaian untuk subvariabel masukan program sebesar 80,45% dengan kategori baik, sedangkan pada masing-masing indikator: sarana prasarana sebesar 79,08%, sumber dana sebesar 75,37%, kurikulum dan relevansi program sebesar 81,25%, tata tertib program sebesar 84,31%, sumber daya manusia sebesar 82,84%. Pencapaian untuk subvariabel proses dari program sebesar 82,00% dengan kategori baik, sedangkan pada masing-masing indikator: persiapan program sebesar 84,68%, pelaksanaan program sebesar 81,76%, monitoring program sebesar 80,19%, penjemputan sebesar 86,27%, kondisi pelaksanaan program sebesar 78,67%. Pencapaian untuk subvariabel hasil program sebesar 85,45% dengan kategori baik, sedangkan pada masing-masing indikator: nilai prakerin sebesar 87,52%, nilai uji kompetensi sebesar 87,94%.

1978 ◽  
Vol 160 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-37 ◽  
Neville Bennett

An attempt is made to provide an interpretive framework for the findings of recent research on teaching at the primary-school level. A model of teaching/learning processes is outlined prior to an investigation of the empirical linkages between the elements of the model. Following this, the implications of the model for teaching skills are explored.

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