Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting
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Published By Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

2798-6683, 2798-690x

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-139
Febri Palupi Muslikhah ◽  
Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo ◽  
Dwi Sadono

The success of the agricultural development program cannot be separated from the active participation of farmers which is manifested in the form of a response. The responses are delivered in the form of ideas, criticisms, dialogues and reflection actions. The Women Farmers Group (KWT) which is the main actor in the optimization program for the use of yard land is a determinant of the success of food security at the family level. The assistant extension workers are the hope of the government as a development facilitator who is able to facilitate and educate KWTs so that they are able to respond to the development programs being carried out. This article aims to describe the characteristics of the group, the role of the facilitator, KWT participatory communication and to analyze the relationship between the characteristics of the group and the role of the facilitator with participatory communication. This research is designed as a descriptive correlational survey research. The selection of respondents was taken by census as many as 12 KWT. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using the Spearman rank correlation test. The results obtained from the correlation test are that there is a very significant positive relationship between group characteristics, the role of the facilitator and KWT participatory communication. Keywords: participatory communication, women farmer groups, yard use

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-166
Farrah Hanifah ◽  
Nirwan Syafrin ◽  
Dewi Anggrayni

Dakwah merupakan kewajiban bagi setiap Muslim, sebagaimana Allah mengutus para Nabi dan Rasul-Nya untuk menyebarkan risalah dakwah ke seluruh penjuru bumi. Manusia diciptakan sebagai seorang khalifah atau pemimpin di muka bumi, dengan tujuan untuk senantiasa beribadah kepada-Nya. Dakwah merupakan ajakan, seruan, panggilan bagi manusia kepada jalan Allah. Berbicara tentang dakwah, maka konteksnya tak hanya selalu menyampaikan dengan ceramah, atau penyampaian secara lisan, melainkan dapat dalam bentuk tulisan. Seiring berkembangnya zaman, maka berkembang juga media teknologi dan informasi. Dakwah pun harus senantiasa berkembang dalam menyampaikannya, salah satunya melalui media massa. Media memiliki kekuatan untuk menggiring opini publik, terutama umat Islam yang menjadi populasi terbesar di Indonesia. Pers sendiri sudah berkembang di Minangkabau pada permulaan abad ke-20 sebagai sebuah wadah informasi dari berbagai bidang, baik sosial, politik, ekonomi dan budaya yang saat itu begitu dinamis. Peluang besar ini pun turut diambil oleh tokoh perempuan pelopor pers Nasional Rohana Kuddus. Pergerakan Rohana Kuddus dalam kepenulisan khususnya jurnalistik sekaligus sebagai wartawan perempuan pertama di Indonesia begitu masif untuk menyuarakan hak-hak perempuan. Rohana Kuddus menjadikan penanya sebagai senjata melawan kedzoliman sekaligus bentuk pembelaan terhadap kaum perempuan yang masih sangat terbatas pada masa itu. Maka Rohana Kuddus menggunakan dakwah melalui tulisan yang diwujudkan dengan mendirikan surat kabar pertama yang dikelola langsung oleh perempuan sebagai wadah untuk menuangkan pemikiran-pemikiran, menyiratkan semangat berjuang, serta pesan-pesan dakwah istimewa bagi kaum perempuan. Rohana Kuddus bertekad untuk mendirikan surat kabar perempuan pertama di Indonesia bernama Soenting Melajoe dibantu oleh Datuk Sutan Maharadja yang terbit pada tahun 1912-1921.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-141
Zulkhaidir Zulkhaidir ◽  
Zahid Mubarok

  Pendidikan karakter kemandirian bagi anak usia dini seharusnya mendapatkan perhatian yang serius oleh semua pihak yang peduli dengan perkembangan anak-anak usia dini. Pemerintah, Guru dan orang tua harus memahami dengan benar apa yang menjadi tujuan pendidikan karakter  kemandirian  bagi anak usia dini tersebut. Bagaimana metode yang digunakan sebagai pendukung agar tercapainya target agar anak tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi mandiri sesuai dengan usianya. Anak yang sehat, lingkungan fisik yang nyaman, ketersediaan permainan edukatif, keseimbangan lingkungan sosial anak, orang tua yang cakap dalam mendampingi anak dalam mencari solusi yang sedang dihadapi oleh mereka, serta orang tua yang meletakkan tujuan pendidikan yang realistis, adalah modal utama dalam mewujudkan anak-anak usia dini yang mandiri. Ajaran Islam sesungguhnya telah meletakkan dasar-dasar pendidikan anak usia dini jauh sebelum anak dilahir. Sebagai contoh seorang laki-laki dan perempuan  yang ingin menikah agar memperhatikan kualitas akhlak dan agama calon mereka masing-masing. Seseorang yang memahami ajaran agama tentunya akan mencurahkan seluruh tanggung jawab terhadap Istri dan pendidikan anak-anaknya sedini mungkin, termasuk mengajarkan karakter mandiri sebagaimana yang telah dijarkan oleh Rasulullah Saw.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-120
Sukron Ma'mun

  Syukron Ma’mun, M.Pd.I   Dari uraian diatas menunjukan bahwa ilmu manajemen sangatlah mendukung dalam keberlangsungan da’wah, agar da’wah itu dapat berjalan secara teratur dan sistematis serta meraih hasil yang memuaskan.   Dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam Institut Agama Islam Nasional (IAIN) Laa Roiba Bogor

Sukron Ma'mun

  Kepemimpinan memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dan strategis dalam sebuah lembaga atau organisasi, apalagi lembaga pendidikan yang didalam nya ada aktifitas untuk membangun dan mengembangkan sumberdaya manusia. Islam sebagai agama yang sempurna dan universal memiliki perhatian yang serius dan mendalam terhadap tema kepemimpinan ini. Bahkan istilah-istilah kepemimpinan dalam islam diungkapkan dengan hal yang berbeda-beda. Diantara Istilah –istilah itu, kepemimpinan dalam islam disebut sebagai Imamah, Khalifah, Amir, Ro’in dan rois.

Farhan Ar’Rayyan ◽  
Kamalludin Kamalludin ◽  
Suhendra Suhendra

  The Covid-19 pandemic is an abnormal condition that has an impact on various aspects of life ranging from social, educational, economic, including the impact on da'wah activities. Barriers to social interaction in the practice of syi'ar Islam are indirectly a problem that must be resolved. The use of social media is a possible alternative tool in the midst of current policies. One community that is able to adapt by utilizing social media as a medium of da'wah is the Penuntut Ilmu Bogor community. Therefore, in this study the researcher wanted to find out how the role of social media Instagram as a medium of da'wah during the pandemic and how the da'wah strategy was carried out by the community. The research method used is qualitative, with data collection techniques of observation, interviews and documentation. The results obtained in this study, Instagram social media as a medium of da’wah during the pandemic has various roles by utilizing the features contained in it, besides that Instagram acts as a communication medium, sharing media, charity media, promotional media and storage media. The da'wah strategy is divided into 3 stages, namely the planning stage, the implementation stage, and the assessment stage. there is a da’wah strategy used is da’wah bil hal, da’wah bil qolam and da’wah bil hal.

Maulida Zakiyah ◽  
Dewi Anggrayni ◽  
Ikhwan Hamdani

    The development of Technology and Information which is now increasingly sophisticated and growing rapidly so that people are required to be able to choose and determine the information needed or information that is more universal or comprehensive. itself, several social media sites have been introduced and become popular all over the world. These types of social media are Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc. Each social media certainly has its own purpose for its users to share their experiences, ideas, or life moments. Instagram is the social media most interested in by the Indonesian people, number 2 after Facebook, the largest number of Instagram users in Asia Pacific. Seeing from the side of the advantages of Instagram, it returns to the user when using Instagram with positive things, of course the information that will be received will be positive, but it is another thing if the user uses Instagram media with negative things, the things he will receive will be negative. That's why people need to use this media properly and appropriately. Da'wah accounts are also popping up on Instagram. Spreading Islamic religious messages is packaged very attractively in order to attract modern society, because with a new place to preach, now Instagram social media can be a promising target or target. Because of that, not a few people have come to know and learn about the religion of Islam with these da'wah accounts on Instagram. Da'wah packaged in the form of digital posters can be called da'wah which aims to convey information or messages packaged through social media, besides that also related to making or choosing signs and arranging them in the form of images to convey an idea, one of the results is a poster or leaflet where the poster is a medium that can make everyone interested  also does not require a lot of money. large and also fast and efficient in conveying an idea and a message of kindness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-127
Amir Seto Aji

  In this digital era, all information and communication technology emhanched faster all the time. This issue gives a big chance on communication practice become more effective than before. Hence, to full the tight competition on digital era such as online media, the researcher wanted to investigate about applying ethic of journalist code in the online media and in journalist understanding to the ethic journalist code. The researcher used qualitative descriptive method which oriented on the field research and literature. On the other side, the qualitative research also directs into the finding of basic theory which is emphasized the process over the result. It also limits the research with the focus which has criteria on finding the trustwothiness dta. Based on the result on the research about applying ethic of journalist code in the Islamic rubrik OASE at Depok POS.com, online media in Depok POS always apply the ethic of journalist code with colaborate on that ethic such as the way which always used in the field by journalist and the ethic of journalist understanding are the specific detail and detail things which manage about how should the media worker such as journalist, editor, chief of reporter, news achor and every profession which can called a journalist can behave on ethic of journalist code. Further, ethic of journalist code is the basic of journalist thought.

Muhammad AL Fazri ◽  
Indry Anggraini Putri ◽  
Suhairi Suhairi

Interpersonal communication can be defined as the ability to connect between humans as a form of verbal communication. Interpersonal communication can also be used to help build relationships with other people in different situations. Attitudes such as eye contact, body movements and hand gestures are also part of interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication involves eye-to-eye communication in an appropriate and purposeful manner. The language used in the interpersonal communication process can describe communication patterns, management, personality and actions. Therefore, expertise in the use of language and interpersonal communication can help a person to better understand social situations and act and solve problems in accordance with existing environmental conditions.

Putri Ayuni ◽  
Anni Zuhro Syafrida Hasibuan ◽  
Suhairi Suhairi

Intercultural communication develops based on two interconnected premises. First, you live in a time when changing technology, travel, economic and political systems, immigration patterns, and population density have resulted in a world in which you regularly interact with people from different cultures. Second, nowadays, people are very sensitive to the fact that the influence of culture on communication is very close and great. Your cultural background and experience help you determine how the world should be for you and how you will interact with it. Anthropological perspective in intercultural communication is looking at intercultural communication from an anthropological point of view, because the communication already contains cultural values. Intercultural communication is part of the marriage between the disciplines of anthropology and communication which later became a separate discipline both in communication science and in anthropology. Anthropology is one of the fields of science that is the root or foundation of the birth of communication science. In subsequent developments, cultural experts realized the importance of communication in the cultural field.

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