Studia Archiwalne
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Published By Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego


2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 151-161
Bartosz Staręgowski

Niniejsza edycja źródłowa prezentuje rejestr popisowy jednej chorągwi pospolitego ruszenia powiatu kaliskiego, która została zorganizowana i wysłana pod Beresteczko, z zamiarem wzięcia udziału w bitwie przeciwko siłom kozacko-tatarskim. Była to jedna z trzech grup, które zostały utworzone w powiecie kaliskim przez kasztelana kaliskiego Jakuba Rozdrażewskiego. Chorągiew liczyła 109 pospolitaków, którymi dowodził w zastępstwie kasztelana kaliskiego porucznik Władysław Gądkowski. The 1651 Signature Register of Colonel Jakub Rozdrażewski’s Mass Levy Company from the Kalisz Poviat In 1651, one of the greatest expeditions by the levy in mass was organized. The objective of the mass levy troops was to reach the town of Beresteczko (Berestechko), where one of the heaviest battles would take place during the Bohdan Khmelnytsky uprising begun in 1648. The voivodships (provinces) of Poznan and Kalisz also took part in the expedition. Supervision over its organization in the Kalisz voivodship was the responsibility of the Kalisz castellan Jakub Rozdrażewski, who substituted for the Kalisz voivode (governor) Andrzej Karol Grudziński. When assembling the nobility in the Kalisz poviat (district), the castellan decided to divide them into several groups. Command of one of them was taken by Władysław Gądkowski. The castellan himself also joined the assembled force. During the stopover near Lublin, the muster of Gądkowski’s group was held in the field near the town. The signature register listed 109 mass levy members.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 59-72
Piotr Rachwał

Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie, w zwięzły sposób, zagadnień związanych z organizacją, przebiegiem i opracowaniem wyników pierwszego spisu powszechnego ludności w Królestwie Polskim. Choć uwagę skupiono na ziemiach Królestwa Polskiego, znajdującego się wówczas pod panowaniem rosyjskim, to prezentowaną problematykę starano się omówić w szerszym aspekcie działalności władz centralnych w Petersburgu. W dorobku polskiej historiografii zagadnienia te poruszano jedynie w ograniczonym zakresie, a nieliczni autorzy zajmowali się przede wszystkim oceną kompletności danych spisowych. The General Census in the Kingdom of Poland in 1897 The goal of the paper was to discuss the general census of 1897 in the Kingdom of Poland. The study describes its origin, the course of data collection and treatment of results, including decisions taken at the central level. The idea of a general census that would cover the territory of the whole Russian Empire with the area of ca. 22 million km² was discussed already in the 1860s and 70s. Eventually, the plan was executed in 1897. In the case of the Kingdom do Poland, which was formally one of the provinces of the Russian state, an active role in preparing the census was played by the authorities of individual guberniyas (governorates) as well as by the Warsaw Statistical Committee. The duty to collect data lay with the administrative authorities at the lowest level, who were responsible, inter alia, for recruiting census representatives. The basic census form consisted of 14 questions. The main reservations about the reliability of the collected data concern the questions about the job position and age, and in the case of the data from the Kingdom of Poland, the falsification of results with regard to respondents’ religion and native language being also pointed out. When using the demographic data of the 1897 census, one should remember the abovementioned oversights or even errors that occurred both at the stage of collection and processing and subsequently the publication of statistical data. A critical research approach to the collected sources permits, however, an effective use of the abundance of the then collected information.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 37-57
Jurij Stecyk

W artykule autor zaprezentował wyniki badań prozopograficznych nad bazylianami z eparchii przemyskiej z klasztorów działających w latach 1739–1783. Omówione zostały pochodzenie, wykształcenie świeckie, wiek, etapy formacji duchowej i intelektualnej, mobilność, obowiązki monastyczne i kościelne członków badanej grupy. Do artykułu dołączono materiał statystyczno-pomocniczy Basilians of the Przemyśl Eparchy in 1739–1783. A Prosopographic Description The article stresses the importance of prosopographic studies on the characteristics of the monasticism of the Basilians (Basilian Fathers) of the Przemyśl eparchy (the origin, secular education, age, stages of spiritual and intellectual formation, mobility, monastic and church duties). The paper defines the source base of the studies (catalogues of monasteries and monks, the manuscript catalog of the biographies of Basilian monasticism). The text presents a survey of the achievements of Ukrainian and Polish church historiography with regards to the issues of prosopographic studies, and investigates the dynamics of the Basilian monasteries and their inhabitants in the context of the entry of the ascetic communities in the Przemyśl diocese into the monastic Province of the Holy Protection of the Mother of God›s Order of St. Basil the Great. The author traces the process of reorganization of monastic centers in the Przemyśl diocese in the second half of the 18th century and specifies the consequences of the closedown of small monasteries. Attention is drawn to the numerical and qualitative composition of the monastic Przemyśl Province as of 1783. The paper defines the prospective direction of further research: to find and edit the catalogues of the manuscripts of monasticism. Appended to the article is the statistical and auxiliary material: Appendix I. Dynamics of the number of Basilian monasteries and numerical strength of monasticism in the Przemyśl diocese (1739–1783); Appendix II. A Report on the personal composition of the Basilian monasteries in the Chełm diocese, which became part of the monastic Przemyśl Province on 23 July 1783; Appendix III. A Comparative table of the number of monks as of 12 June 1783.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 73-91
Marzanna Kędzierska

Artykuł przedstawia cele digitalizacji prowadzonej w archiwach państwowych. Autorka wskazuje, w jaki sposób realizacja działań związanych z cyfryzacją okazuje się skuteczna i potrzebna w bardzo szerokim zakresie – w odniesieniu zarówno do dziedzictwa kulturowego zgromadzonego w państwowych instytucjach, jak i digitalizacji oddolnej, powstającej z inicjatywy archiwów społecznych czy osób prywatnych w ramach istnienia forów oraz tematycznych stron internetowych. Słowa kluczowe: cele digitalizacji, archiwum, kopia cyfrowa, oryginał, zabezpieczanie, popularyzacja, udostępnianie, archiwa społeczne The Role of Digitalization of Archival and Library Resources in the Contemporary World The paper discusses the issues of digitalization of archival resources and the role of digital copies both in the area of protecting national heritage against destruction and also in popularizing the activities of institutions that create such reproductions, and in social life in general. The texts lists the objectives of digitalization defined by the Director General of State Archives and discusses them in brief, presenting only an outline of the broad extent of benefits provided by the sharing of digital versions of their collections by state institutions as well as community archives and private collectors, which translates into popularization of digitalized materials. The study also points out the limitations in sharing digital copies related to the personal data protection and other regulations that do not permit unrestricted publication. The next part of the paper contains a discussion on the value of digital reproduction compared to the original. The author stresses that a digital copy is not equal to the original, which is a priceless value in itself. However, advanced technologies enable a much broader use of a copy, and in some cases, additionally, make it possible to extract from the original the information that is inaccessible or invisible to the naked eye of an ordinary user. The text closes with the issues related to the universality of recording and reading digitalized materials, and to the space that should be provided for the increasing digital resources, and, consequently, the accompanying financial outlays. The issues examined in this study are broad enough to require in-depth research and a separate publication. That is why it does not aspire to exhaust the subject. The growing popularity of digital reproductions in each area of life provokes, however, discussion on this problem. Keywords: digitalization objectives, archives, digital copy, original, protection, popularization, sharing, community archives

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 7-36
Józef Kus

W artykule omówiona została działalność gospodarcza właściciela Jarosławia, kasztelana krakowskiego Spytka Jarosławskiego (około 1436–1519). Autor przedstawia jego działania podjęte w celu stworzenia z miasta centralnego ośrodka posiadanych dóbr ziemskich oraz ich wpływ na rozwój Jarosławia w czasach, gdy władał nim Spytek, jak też w okresie późniejszym. The Activities of the Krakow Castellan Spytek Jarosławski (ca. 1451–1519) in Hereditary Jarosław and Their Impact of the Subsequent Development of the Town The paper discusses the economic activities of Spytek Jarosławski (Spytek of Jarosław) in his hereditary town of Jarosław. Spytek was the most eminent representative of the Jarosław line of the Leliwite family (i.e. bearers of the Leliwa coat of arms). He began his career before 1461 at the royal court in the service of King Casimir Jagiellon (Kazimierz Jagiellończyk), obtaining successive offices, which culminated in the highest secular dignity – the Castellan of Krakow. These successive appointments were rewards for his commitment to political activity for the kings. In his hereditary estate he was a good administrator. During his rule in Jarosław, a number of public buildings and foundations came into existence. In 1479 Spytek confirmed the old rights and privileges of the Jarosław burghers and granted them new ones. The period of Spytek Jarosławski’s rule in Jarosław brought about the town’s development in all fields of life. During that time, Jarosław became also a major trading center of supraregional importance in Red Rus’. For the Jarosław Leliwites, the town became the capital of their feudal “state” with their own clerks, vassals, and army. That “state” was a kind of model for later magnate latifundia. Moreover, Spytek Jarosławski, with his brother Rafał, who resided in nearby Przeworsk, founded in 1470the first family (Jarosław-Przeworsk) entail in Poland.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 163-209
Henryk Gmiterek

Rozwój badań nad zachowanymi księgami metrykalnymi (urodzeń, zawieranych małżeństw i zgonów) ma pierwszorzędne znaczenie nie tylko dla uszczegółowienia ustaleń genealogicznych poszczególnych rodów czy rodzin, ale przede wszystkim dla pogłębienia wiedzy o lokalnych społecznościach i zachodzących w ich obrębie procesów społecznych. Uprzystępnienie w różnych formach badaczom tej kategorii masowych źródeł historycznych może się w dłuższej perspektywie przyczynić do wyraźnego poszerzenia naszej wiedzy o różnorodnych zjawiskach demograficznych i stosunkach społecznych w obrębie żyjących przed wiekami pokoleń. Słowa kluczowe: Narol, parafia Narol, szlachta województwa bełskiego, genealogia The Extant Entries from the Narol Parish Records of the 17th – 18th Century The parish in Narol was established by Florian Łaszcz Nieledewski in 1595, in a village existing from the mid-16th century, near which he founded the town of Florianów (now Narol) in 1592. Visitations by bishops of Chełm, in whose dioceses Narol was located, confirm that the parish records (births, marriages) were kept from the very beginnings of the parish but in the autumn of 1648 they were destroyed during the Cossack-Tatar invasion (most probably burnt). The new records were kept from 1650. In the early 20th century they were seen in the Narol church by Karol Notz, famous in Galicia (Eastern Europe) for making inventories of historic relics. In 1914, the parish books were burnt during the fire of the town and the church. Their only known traces, discussed in the present publication, are excerpts/copies made in the mid-19th century by Ludwik Zieliński, which mostly refer to the noble families connected with Narol. The overwhelming majority of the 546 extracts are birth entries, only 29 being records of marriages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 133-149
Robert Jop

Artykuł jest uzupełnieniem rozważań na temat genealogii Noskowskich h. Łada, właścicieli Łęcznej, opublikowanych w 2013 r. Podstawą do nich jest dział dóbr pomiędzy synami podkomorzego lubelskiego Adama Noskowskiego, dokonany w 1653 r., po śmierci jego żony Katarzyny z Firlejów. Poczynione ustalenia wnoszą nowe fakty do naszej wiedzy na temat rodziny wywodzącej się z Mazowsza i osiadłej w województwie lubelskim w XVI w. The Noskowski of the Łada Coat of Arms. Complements to the Genealogy of the Family of the Łęczna Lineage The noble Noskowski family bearing the Łada coat of arms, who settled in the Lublin province (voivodship) in the 16th century, were the owners of Łęczna from that mid-century until the 1670s. The present paper presents the biographical profiles of three generations of its members. They are the persons whose basic genealogical data have already been presented in literature on the subject (e.g. Adam Noskowski and his sons Jan Karol and Adam Kazimierz), as well as new ones, whose personal dossiers have been collected based on extended search (Andrzej Noskowski, starost of Maków and Różan and Anna Noskowska née Tarło). The presented information complements the existing findings on the family but it also contributes new items, which clear the doubts about for example the second marriage of Anna née Tarło, or about the descent of Adam Noskowski, whom historians long regarded as a descendant of Adam Kazimierz Noskowski. Moreover, the study emphasizes the fact of the history of the family in 1653–1656, when most of its members, especially men, died out, thereby ending the Noskowski family line. The article also contains an appendix containing the publication of the division of estates carried out in 1653 between Jan Karol Noskowski and Adam Kazimierz Noskowski, sons of Adam Noskowski, the Lublin chamberlain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 93-132
Piotr Zimny

W artykule omówiono korzyści płynące z analizowania danych źródłowych przy wykorzystaniu edycji bazodanowych oraz możliwości istniejące w tego typu projektach badawczych. Artykuł przybliża kilka przykładowych historii rodzin i charakterystycznych miejsc Podzamcza oraz grupuje dane statystyczne według wybranych kryteriów, kierunku migracji i dynamiki napływu ludności oraz różnorodności rzemiosł i profesji pozyskanych z bazy danych. From Raw Data to Visualization. A Database for the History of Inhabitants of Lublin’s Podzamcze District of 1633–1733 The goal of the paper is to show the potential existing in the information on the Jewish population inhabiting the Podzamcze district contained in Lublin’s town registers of 1633–1733. The article seeks to study the problem of presenting Big Data in an accessible form. By using a database management system, the author carries out a statistical analysis of the obtained data, draws conclusions, and outlines the directions of future research. He introduces the historical and economic background, discusses family relationships and changes in the dynamics of the neighborhood and 118 Piotr Zimny population migration, as well as telling the histories of several families and showing their genealogical trees. He presents selected professions and shows the numerical strength and activity of individual occupational groups, and represents selected research results in the form of infographics and illustrations. The author also provides an outline of the sociotopographic map of the Jewish Town complemented with the information contained in the old maps of Lublin. The paper is a synthesis of the hitherto collected information, and an attempt to look more broadly at the capabilities contained in this type of projects, in which data processing and analysis is difficult but at the same time valuable and leading to gaining new knowledge.

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