intellectual formation
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Diacronia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Cristina Silvia Vâlcea ◽  
Ecaterina Pavel

In the Romanian context, writing is in a paradoxical situation: it is claimed to be important though it is one of the skills that is little invested in and moreover it undergoes strong opposition from the parents who would opt for digitalization as a preventive opportunity for their children in the future. Mistreated by both school and society, writing is given meagre chances of proving its determining role in the intellectual formation of the young generation. In this line of thought this paper aims at mapping writing as a school-taught skill by first outlining the Romanian approach to school writing (as product or process) and secondly by carrying out an analysis of the writing tasks regularly assigned, with a view to emphasizing their ups and downs and to suggesting changes that might improve not only the perception on writing in the Romanian curriculum, but also the quality of the educational output. In order to obtain a good representation of how writing is viewed by the Romanian educational system, it is deemed as appropriate to analyse the school curriculum issued and approved by the Ministry of National Education and to evaluate the implementation of the official guidelines into school textbooks. The justification for the interest of the authors in writing is related to the high rates of functional illiteracy, to the preponderant evaluation type of the pupils (a written one) and to the largely acknowledged inability of pupils to successfully manage their written tasks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 37-57
Jurij Stecyk

W artykule autor zaprezentował wyniki badań prozopograficznych nad bazylianami z eparchii przemyskiej z klasztorów działających w latach 1739–1783. Omówione zostały pochodzenie, wykształcenie świeckie, wiek, etapy formacji duchowej i intelektualnej, mobilność, obowiązki monastyczne i kościelne członków badanej grupy. Do artykułu dołączono materiał statystyczno-pomocniczy Basilians of the Przemyśl Eparchy in 1739–1783. A Prosopographic Description The article stresses the importance of prosopographic studies on the characteristics of the monasticism of the Basilians (Basilian Fathers) of the Przemyśl eparchy (the origin, secular education, age, stages of spiritual and intellectual formation, mobility, monastic and church duties). The paper defines the source base of the studies (catalogues of monasteries and monks, the manuscript catalog of the biographies of Basilian monasticism). The text presents a survey of the achievements of Ukrainian and Polish church historiography with regards to the issues of prosopographic studies, and investigates the dynamics of the Basilian monasteries and their inhabitants in the context of the entry of the ascetic communities in the Przemyśl diocese into the monastic Province of the Holy Protection of the Mother of God›s Order of St. Basil the Great. The author traces the process of reorganization of monastic centers in the Przemyśl diocese in the second half of the 18th century and specifies the consequences of the closedown of small monasteries. Attention is drawn to the numerical and qualitative composition of the monastic Przemyśl Province as of 1783. The paper defines the prospective direction of further research: to find and edit the catalogues of the manuscripts of monasticism. Appended to the article is the statistical and auxiliary material: Appendix I. Dynamics of the number of Basilian monasteries and numerical strength of monasticism in the Przemyśl diocese (1739–1783); Appendix II. A Report on the personal composition of the Basilian monasteries in the Chełm diocese, which became part of the monastic Przemyśl Province on 23 July 1783; Appendix III. A Comparative table of the number of monks as of 12 June 1783.

Afro-Ásia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Magnus Roberto De Mello Pereira

<p>O presente artigo explora o ideário de Luís Antônio de Oliveira Mendes sobre um conjunto de temas referentes à escravidão e ao regime fundiário na transição do século XVIII para o XIX: o controle da crueldade dos senhores de escravos; a condenação da escravidão perpétua; e a distribuição de terras baldias entre libertos e outros despossuídos. Para entender esse ideário foi preciso compreender e localizar historicamente a origem familiar e o universo da formação intelectual de Oliveira Mendes, da qual fez parte a Universidade de Coimbra e a Academia Real das Ciências de Lisboa.</p><p>Slavery and access to land in Luís Antônio de Oliveira Mendes’ views (1792-1821)</p><p>This article explores Luís Antônio de Oliveira Mendes’ ideas about themes related to slavery and the land ownership regime at the turn of the 19th century: the control of the cruelty of slaveholders; the condemnation of perpetual slavery; and the distribution of unoccupied land to freed and other dispossessed people. In understanding Oliveira Mendes’ ideas, it is necessary to comprehend and historically locate his family origin and of the intellectual formation of Oliveira Mendes, which included the University of Coimbra and the Royal Academy of Sciences in Lisbon.</p><p>Slavery | Anti-slavery | Land distribution | Luso-Brazilian intellectuals</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 107385842110167
Lazaros C. Triarhou

The birth of neuroendocrinology as a scientific discipline is traced back to 1900–1901, when Joseph Babinski, Alfred Fröhlich, and Harvey Cushing independently identified adiposogenital dystrophy (Fröhlich syndrome), and related gonadal underdevelopment and obesity to a tumor near the pituitary gland. This discovery prompted decades of research into the brain mechanisms responsible for the control of peripheral metabolism and endocrine functions. On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Fröhlich’s birth, this study traces the origins of his intellectual formation and his association with renowned contemporaries in Austria, England, Italy, and finally Cincinnati, Ohio, where he sought refuge after Austria’s annexation by Nazi Germany. Fröhlich interacted with seminal figures in biomedicine, including Lothar von Frankl-Hochwart, Hans Horst Meyer, Ernst Peter Pick, Harvey Cushing, John Newport Langley, and the Nobel laureates Charles Scott Sherrington and Otto Loewi. Alfred Fröhlich, one of the 20th century’s most emblematic physicians, left his mark on neurophysiology and neuropharmacology with important works, and published authoritative manuals of drug dispensing and clinical therapy. He confronted the calamities of two World Wars with remarkable resilience like many of his Viennese colleagues who, overcoming the constraints of National Socialism, settled overseas to fulfil their calling as physicians, researchers, and teachers.

James L. Heft

Until the mid-twentieth century, 90% of Catholic colleges and universities were run by religious orders that integrated the study of religion with the religious life of the students, the vast majority of them being Catholic. Now, the student bodies include many non-Catholics, are mostly a-intellectual when it comes to religion, and would likely not take theology classes unless they were required. Faculty think moral formation is the obligation of a separate division of the university: student development offices and campus ministers. Most faculty are concerned only with intellectual development. As a professionalized group (master’s degree in pastoral ministry), campus ministers are often uninterested in the intellectual formation of students in the Catholic tradition. While retaining their primary responsibilities, faculty and campus ministers need to learn how to work with each other. Working together is much more possible at campuses that have a high percentage of undergraduate students in residence. Working with graduate students is more difficult, even at residential campuses.

Zygmunt Guido Barański

The chapter examines the medieval idea of the literary ‘classic’—a notion that discriminated between ‘major’ and ‘minor’ authors (auctores maiores and auctores minores) to establish the status and function of both groups in Dante. It thus focuses not only on the ways in which the poet may have read ‘authoritative’ writers, but also on how and when he came into contact with their works. Specifically, the manner in which Dante utilized pagan writers is profoundly shaped by the commentary traditions on their works, by their presence in later writers, and by their exemplary status in an extremely wide range of genres from Scriptural exegesis to teaching manuals. Equally, the question of when and where Dante may have read, or whether he had even read in full, particular texts and authors is crucial when endeavouring to establish the poet’s education and intellectual formation (this chapter offers an illustrative account of Dante’s access to Virgil’s works).

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Henry Burnett

Resumo: O artigo procura discutir as principais linhas de influência do pensamento de Nietzsche na formação intelectual de Monteiro Lobato. Para isso, utiliza a troca epistolar do autor com Godofredo Rangel, reunida em A barca de Gleyre. A intenção é demonstrar o lugar destacado que Nietzsche ocupa entre as referências do escritor. Em várias cartas, a interpretação de Monteiro Lobato é claramente equivocada, em outras, alinhada ao que havia de mais progressista. Ao cotejar depoimentos que cobrem quase 50 anos de atividade intelectual, a conclusão é que Monteiro Lobato considerava Nietzsche um modelo de liberdade e independência moral. Até o fim, Lobato permaneceu irmanado ao “seu filósofo”, como se referiu a Nietzsche mais de uma vez.Pavavras-chave: Monteiro Lobato; Nietzsche; filosofia; literatura; formação; influência.Abstract: The article seeks to discuss the main lines of influence of Nietzsche’s thought in Monteiro Lobato’s intellectual formation. For this, he uses the author’s epistolary exchange with Godofredo Rangel, gathered in A barca de Gleyre. The intention is to demonstrate the prominent place that Nietzsche occupies among the references of the writer. In several letters, Monteiro Lobato’s interpretation is wrong, in others aligned with what was most progressive. When comparing testimonies that cover almost 50 years of intellectual activity, the conclusion is that Monteiro Lobato considered Nietzsche a model of freedom and moral independence. Until the end, Lobato remained brotherly to “his philosopher”, as Nietzsche referred to more than once.Keywords: Monteiro Lobato; Nietzsche; philosophy; literature; formation; influence.

Yurii Stetsyk

Summary. The purpose of this study is to analyze the information content of the circular, highlighting the main thematic parts. Research methodology is based on the use of analytical and synthetic critique of the sources. To establish the objectivity of information, in the absence of the original letter, its content is compared with other handwritten copies and old printed copies which we found. The scientific novelty is seen in the fact that for the first time Proto-hegumen Josaphat Ohotskyj’s circular received a wide public access. Conclusions. The mentioned circular reflects the multilevel system of management of Basilian monasteries: the Apostolic See, the provincial chapter and the council. After all, in the period under consideration, the Basilian Order already held papal law. The Pope reserved the right to approve the decrees of the general chapters, making changes and additions to them. The provincial chapters considered issues not only related to the election of the provincial council, but also resolutions on the regulation of the ascetic structure of the monks, their spiritual and intellectual formation and the financial and property status of the monasteries. These decrees were based on the particular law of the Basilian Order according to which the provincial chapter was endowed not only with elective but also with legislative functions that were limited by territorial boundaries. Given the dispersion of the Basilian monasteries due to the first division of the Commonwealth, there was a political difficulty in convening a general chapter, as secular autocrats forbade monks to move outside the empires. Secular rulers demanded that the Basilian monastics form autocratic governing bodies for monasteries located within individual states. In such socio-political conditions, the importance of the provincial chapter and the council is growing.

2021 ◽  
pp. 179-196
Mirosław Gogolik

John Paul II, in one of his catechesis dedicated to evangelization and catechesis, distinguishes the formation of catechesis as an essential element of the common commitment to the development and vitality of the Church. He points to the need for the formation of all those who are responsible for teaching the truths of the faith, that is, pastors, catechists and all those who have expressed their willingness to help proclaim the Good News. Lack of adequate preparation among those who undertook catechizing leads to small effects and lack of required fruit in catechized people. The broadly understood intellectual formation is intended to deepen the life of faith of the person who serves in catechesis. However, besides the theological knowledge itself, it is important that the catechist is able to develop his own catechetical style. This article analyses the current indications of the Universal Church and the Church in Poland relating to theological education of lay and clerical religion teachers, which is carried out within the framework of studies and later in continuing formation.

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