Pustaka : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Budaya
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Published By Universitas Udayana

2528-7516, 2528-7508

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Anak Agung Sagung Shanti Sari Dewi

Penelitian tentang penggunaan bahasa oleh generasi muda selalu menarik untuk dilakukan. Penelitian ini memiliki duatujuan yaitu: 1) menganalisa bagaimana pengaruh bahasa Inggris terhadap pemakaian Bahasa Indonesia generasi mudamasa kini; dan 2) menawarkan solusi tentang upaya-upaya apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk pengembangan danpembinaan Bahasa Indonesia di kalangan generasi muda di era ini. Penelitian ini melibatkan 200 orang mahasiswaUniversitas Udayana dalam rentang usia 17-25 tahun. Untuk melakukan analisa, penelitian ini menggunakan tigaTeknik dalam pengumpulan data, yaitu: pengisian kuisioner oleh responden, perekaman secara tersembunyi percakapansehari-hari mahasiswa di lingkungan Universitas Udayana, serta pencatatan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukanbahwa responden cenderung menyelipkan Bahasa Inggris ke dalam percakapan berbahasa Indonesia mereka dalambentuk campur kode, dan menggunakan Indoglish. Dari analisa tersebut beberapa solusi diajukan sebagai upaya untukpemertahan dan pengembangan bahasa Indonesia di kalangan generasi muda, diantaranya: memperkuat perananorangtua dan pemerintah untuk menanamkan kecintaan dan rasa bangga berbahasa Indonesia, melakukan renovasi padapembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di sekolah dan juga kampus dengan cara beralih ke pembelajaran berbasis teknologiyang sesuai dengan kondisi generasi ini, dan memantapkan peran generasi ini dalam menginternasionalisasikan BahasaIndonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 154
Kadek Yuda Wardana ◽  
Luh Putu Laksminy ◽  
Made Detriasmita Saientisna

Code switching is a phenomenon where a person switches their language when speaking. Code switching or CS is mostly used by young teenager who are able to speak in 2 more languages, or bilingual, and young YouTuber from Indonesia, Naila is one of them. This research aims are to analyzed the types and functions of Code Switching that Naila uttered on one of her YouTube video entitled “Belajar Bahasa Asing OTODIDAK kayak Fiki Naki”. Using qualitative research method and both theories of code switching types by Poplack (1980) and speech function of code switching theories by Appel & Muysken (2005), this research found all the types and functions are used in the video with Intra-sentential code switching and metalinguistic function are the most frequent used by Naila on the video.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 162
Ni Putu Manik Masuci

This study entitled “The Used of Online Learning Method in Acquiring Children's English Vocabulary at English Buzz Bali”. It focuses on finding out the effectiveness of Online Learning Method in acquiring English vocabulary. This study was test how effective is the use of online learning method to teach children’s English Vocabulary at English Buzz Bali and to know the student perception about their new learning method of study. The research of this study applied field work research that used theories by Revan Revan (1991 in M. Pedlar edition (2011) about theory of action learning and Terry Anderson (2008) about online learning method. This research used teaching and observation technique involving students in the third grade of elementary school. The data in this study were the collected from the result of Pre-test and Post-test of the students of English Buzz Bali using online platform; ZOOM for their teaching and learning process. There were ten children (M= 9) participating in this study and official permission from the school has been obtained to conduct the study. The result of this study shows that, the use of online learning method is quite effective to acquiring English vocabulary for the children during the pandemic Covid-19.  It can be seen from the high percentage score (80,85%) of correct answer from the Post-test of the students who been taught through online platform.  It can be concluded that online learning method is the suggested ways to acquiring children’s English vocabulary during the pandemic Covid-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 128
Ni Made Odi Tresna Oktavianti

Ngerebong ceremony is an oral tradition which is interpreted as a sacred ritual for the people in the Kesiman Traditional Village, Denpasar City. The Ngerebong ceremony is held every six months, to be precise every eight days after Kuningan Day. Until now, the Ngerebong ceremony which involves many parties and cultural components is still carried out by the Kesiman Traditional Village community. This is a challenge for the people of the Kesiman Traditional Village who do not shut themselves off from the influence of modernization. The purpose of this research was carried out to find out and understand the problems associated with the implementation of the Ngerebong ceremony for the people of the Kesiman Traditional Village. The research, which is located in the Kesiman traditional village, was conducted using qualitative methods and analyzed using the habitus theory. The problems studied include (1) what factors cause changes in the implementation of the Ngerebong ceremony?; (2) what is the function of the Ngerebong ceremony for the people of the Kesiman Traditional Village?; (3) what are the implications of the Ngerebong ceremony for the people of Denpasar City? The results showed that (1) the people of the Kesiman Traditional Village saw that they had to continue to carry out the Ngerebong ceremony because in their life it was motivated by religious ideology, conservation ideology, power ideology, and cultural ideology that made them obey the traditions they already had; (2) along with the times, the people of the Kesiman Traditional Village carry out the Ngerebong ceremony lively but still in accordance with the stages, traditions and customs they already have; (3) the implications of the implementation of the Ngerebong ceremony in the current global era for the people of the Kesiman Traditional Village appear to directly touch the characteristics of their life, strengthening the quality of cultural values ??and togetherness for all people in facing the challenges of cultural change in the global era.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 142
Deanita Salsabila

This research study discusses the Management of the Albanna Foundation for Islamic Education Institutions in South Denpasar 2007-2019. The purpose of this study is to find out the background of the formation of the Albanna Foundation, how the Albanna Foundation management system is and what challenges are faced by the Albanna Foundation managers. The research methodology used by the author is the social history of education. The theory used in the research by the author is called historical theory such as historical understanding and structural functional theory. The results of this study explain that the formation of the Albanna School started from the idea to pioneer an Islamic School from the Albanna builder and administrator founded by Saifuzzuhri. The Albanna Foundation is an Islamic school that has a religious character and has a global perspective in the concept of Islamic education that provides support for school efforts to advance themselves and implement a management system and infrastructure in Albanna. The challenges in managing the Albanna Foundation he faced with reference to technology and human resources.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Ni Made Sri Ramayanti

  Pembentukan kata terdiri atas afiksasi, perulangan, dan pemajemukan. Pemajemukan merupakan proses pembentukan kata melalui proses morfologis yang melibatkan morfem-morfem sebagai unsur penyusunnya. Jenis-jenis morfem yang terlibat dapat berupa morfem bebas, morfem pangkal, dan morfem unik. Dalam penelitian ini, yang menjadi titik fokus kajian adalah pemajemukan dengan morfem unik yang mengalami dinamika (mengalami perubahan dari segi unsur–unsur penyusunnya). Teori yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori morfologi generatif yang  dimodifikasi oleh Dardjowidjojo dari teori yang diungkapkan oleh Scalise. Data penelitian adalah gabungan kata yang mengalami proses pemajemukan. Data dikumpulkan dari karya sastra modern dan hasil penelitian terdahulu mengenai pemajemukan. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode simak bebas libat cakap, yang diikuti dengan teknik catat sebagai teknik lanjutan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode agih yang dikembangkan dengan teknik bagi unsur langsung sebagai teknik dasar. Teknik lesap, teknik ganti, dan teknik ulang merupakan teknik lanjutan. Hasil analisis data disajikan dengan menggunakan metode informal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemajemukan  dengan morfem unik dalam bahasa Bali dewasa ini senantiasa mengalami dinamika. Kecenderungannya mengarah pada berubahnya morfem unik menjadi morfem bebas. Seperti misalnya morfem unik dedet, kini telah menjadi morfem bebas. Karena telah bisa berdiri sendiri dalam satuan kalimat

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Mohammad Rizaldy Ramadhan ◽  
Egy Fernando ◽  
Muhammad Sulton Ridho ◽  
Vivia Suaidin

Ludruk merupakan drama pertunjukan tradisional khas jawa timur, persebaran kesenian ludruk ini tidak lepas dari adanya mobilisasi yang dilakukan oleh para perantau yang kemudian menjadi identias budaya dari masing-masing wilayah. Misalnya, ludruk Surabaya, Ludruk Sumenep, Termasuk Jember juga tidak luput dari penyebarluasan kesenian tersebut. Metode penelitian ini didasarkan pada penelitian wawancara secara langsung dan kajian literatur. Setting penelitian berada di Kecamatan Ledokombo, Desa Lembengan, Kabupaten Jember. Tulisan ini berupaya untuk melihat "Ludruk Jember" sebagai sebuah wacana dari perspektif foucault. Terutama bagaimana Jember dimunculkan dalam kesenian ludruk, untuk menegaskan posisi geografis, atau sebagai sebuah kesenian lokal, fenomena tersebut memuat nilai-nilai baru yang dimodifikasi sebagai sebuah ekspresi kecintaan terhadap kultur kemaduraaan. Semisal dialog dalam pertunjukan ludruk dihadirkan dalam dua bahasa, Jawa dan Madura. Adapun dalam babadnya juga terdapat nama-nama tempat yang ada di Jember yang menghasilkan corak baru dalam kesenian ludruk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
I Nyoman Duana Sutika

Silakramaning aguron-guron merupakan bentuk ketaatan, keikhlasan pengabdian sisya/murid terhadap guruyang harus dibuktikan melalui kesungguhan dan keseriusan untuk mengabdi dan mendedikasikan dirinya secara totalterhadap gurunya. Pengabdian tersebut ditunjukkan dengan loyalitas kerja tanpa mengenal lelah untuk kepentingangurunya. Dengan begitu sisya/murid akan diakui, dihargai dan nantinya akan diberikan tuntunan serta penghargaanberupa ilmu pengetahuan dan mantera-mantera yang berguna bagi murid tersebut. Seorang sisya/murid wajib tundukkepada perintah guru (guru susrusa), dan dirinya dianggap berhasil apabila ia mampu melayani dan melakukan halterbaik yang diperintahkan gurunya. Demikian yang dilakukan oleh seorang sisya/murid Arunika, Utamanyu, Weda danUtangka di dalam cerita Dhomya-Adiparwa ini. Sebagai sisya/murid masing-masing mampu melakukan pekerjaansesuai yang diinginkan oleh gurunya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Gaby Kumala Dewi Santoso ◽  
Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya ◽  
Ni Ketut Alit Ida Setianingsih

Literature is something that always accompanied our life, they may be fiction or non-fiction. However, both have the same intrinsic and extrinsic elements. One of the intrinsic elements is character. The characters in a story are an intriguing thing, each characters have different personality. The personality created by internal and external factors that influence the psychological condition of the character. This study entitled Psychological Analysis of Emily Grierson in Short Story A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner, mainly discuss about Emily psychological condition. Specifically, on her living environment’s influence on her psychology also her psychological reason in killing and keeping her lover and/or husband. This study used a descriptive qualitative method in analyzing the collected data. The theory used is theories of personality from Feist & Feist (2008), specifically Karen Horney’s psychoanalytic social theory. There is also historical background theory used to determines the living environment’s influence. The result of this study is Emily living environment greatly influence her psychological condition, especially due to her identity as a fallen aristocratic lady and her family’s lack of man to protect her. As for her reason for killing and keeping her lover and/or husband, it is because of her fear being alone and needing other people in her live that she approaches him and end in her feeling that he is hers. Thus, him leaving her, end in the tragedy of him losing his life and being keep as a means to satisfy her possessive desire.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 122
Risa Yuliandri

This study examines the Madurese community. The aim is to then find out the driving and pulling factors of Madurese migrating to Kintamani, knowing the sectors that Madurese are involved in, and the implications of Madurese migrants for the local community. The study uses historical methodology such as historical explanations. The result of this research is that the beginning of the migration of Madurese people, only a few Madurese immigrants who were in Kintamani, gradually as time went on the Madurese grew. Then Madurese can be accepted in Kintamani due to a factor when Madurese, who only a few come to Kintamani, participate in fighting for the village to give prizes in the form of land as usufructuary rights to Madurese and are only subject to funds according to the area obtained per family. Madurese people work in the field of business in general as traders and over time the Madurese community in Kintamani has grown and those who have succeeded already have permanent houses in Kintamani village.  

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