The Ultrasound Journal
Latest Publications





Published By Springer Science And Business Media LLC


2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Jason B. Jennings ◽  
Cynthia Oliva ◽  
Michael Joyce ◽  
Michael J. Vitto ◽  
Jordan Tozer ◽  

Abstract Objectives Ultrasound measurement of the optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) is a rapid, non-invasive means to indirectly assess intracranial pressure. Previous research has demonstrated the ability of emergency physicians to measure ONSD accurately with bedside ultrasound when compared to CT scan or MRI, however the reliability of this measurement between two or more operators has been called into question (Hassen et al. in J Emerg Med 48:450–457, 2015; Shirodkar et al. in Ind J Crit Care Med 19:466–470, 2015). Given the need for accurate and precise measurement to use this as a screening exam, we sought to determine the inter-rater reliability between ONSD measurements obtained in real time by fellowship-trained emergency ultrasound physicians. Methods Three ultrasound fellowship-trained emergency physicians measured bilateral ONSD of 10 healthy volunteers using a high-frequency linear transducer. The physicians were blinded to the other scanners’ measurements, and no instructions were given other than to obtain the ONSD. Each sonographer measured the ONSD in real time and it was recorded by a research coordinator. All measurements were recorded in millimeters. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated to estimate the inter-rater reliability. Results A total of 60 measurements of ONSD were obtained. The average measurement was 4.3 mm (3.83–4.77). Very little variation was found between the three physicians, with a calculated ICC of 0.82 (95% confidence interval 0.63–0.92). Conclusions ONSD measurement obtained by ultrasound fellowship-trained emergency medicine physicians is a reliable measurement with a high degree of correlation between scanners.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Micah L. A. Heldeweg ◽  
Lian Vermue ◽  
Max Kant ◽  
Michelle Brouwer ◽  
Armand R. J. Girbes ◽  

Abstract Background Lung ultrasound has established itself as an accurate diagnostic tool in different clinical settings. However, its effects on clinical-decision making are insufficiently described. This systematic review aims to investigate the impact of lung ultrasound, exclusively or as part of an integrated thoracic ultrasound examination, on clinical-decision making in different departments, especially the emergency department (ED), intensive care unit (ICU), and general ward (GW). Methods This systematic review was registered at PROSPERO (CRD42021242977). PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science were searched for original studies reporting changes in clinical-decision making (e.g. diagnosis, management, or therapy) after using lung ultrasound. Inclusion criteria were a recorded change of management (in percentage of cases) and with a clinical presentation to the ED, ICU, or GW. Studies were excluded if examinations were beyond the scope of thoracic ultrasound or to guide procedures. Mean changes with range (%) in clinical-decision making were reported. Methodological data on lung ultrasound were also collected. Study quality was scored using the Newcastle–Ottawa scale. Results A total of 13 studies were included: five studies on the ED (546 patients), five studies on the ICU (504 patients), two studies on the GW (1150 patients), and one study across all three wards (41 patients). Lung ultrasound changed the diagnosis in mean 33% (15–44%) and 44% (34–58%) of patients in the ED and ICU, respectively. Lung ultrasound changed the management in mean 48% (20–80%), 42% (30–68%) and 48% (48–48%) of patients in the ED, in the ICU and in the GW, respectively. Changes in management were non-invasive in 92% and 51% of patients in the ED and ICU, respectively. Lung ultrasound methodology was heterogeneous across studies. Risk of bias was moderate to high in all studies. Conclusions Lung ultrasound, exclusively or as a part of thoracic ultrasound, has substantial impact on clinical-decision making by changing diagnosis and management in the EDs, ICUs, and GWs. The current evidence level and methodological heterogeneity underline the necessity for well-designed trials and standardization of methodology.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Ana Luisa Silveira Vieira ◽  
José Muniz Pazeli Júnior ◽  
Andrea Silva Matos ◽  
Andreza Marques Pereira ◽  
Izadora Rezende Pinto ◽  

Abstract Background Point of care ultrasound (PoCUS) is a useful tool for the early diagnosis of thrombosis related to the central venous catheter for dialysis (TR-CVCd). However, the application of PoCUS is still not common as a bedside imaging examination and TR-CVCd remains often underdiagnosed in the routine practice. The aim of this study was to investigate if a compression technique for the diagnosis of TR-CVCd blindly performed by PoCUS experts and medical students is accurate when compared to a Doppler study. Methods Two medical students without prior knowledge in PoCUS received a short theoretical–practical training to evaluate TR-CVCd of the internal jugular vein by means of the ultrasound compression technique. After the training phase, patients with central venous catheter for dialysis (CVCd) were evaluated by the students in a private hemodialysis clinic. The results were compared to those obtained on the same population by doctors with solid experience in PoCUS, using both the compression technique and the color Doppler. Results Eighty-one patients were eligible for the study and the prevalence of TR-CVCd diagnosed by Doppler was 28.4%. The compression technique performed by the students and by experts presented, respectively, a sensitivity of 59.2% (CI 51.6–66.8) vs 100% and a specificity of 89.6% (CI 84.9–94.3) vs 94.8% (CI 91.4–98.2). Conclusion The compression technique in the hands of PoCUS experts demonstrated high accuracy in the diagnosis of TR-CVCd and should represent a standard in the routine examination of dialytic patients. The training of PoCUS inexperienced students for the diagnosis of TR-CVCd is feasible but did not lead to a sufficient level of sensitivity.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Paul Olszynski ◽  
Rory A. Marshall ◽  
T. Dylan Olver ◽  
Trevor Oleniuk ◽  
Cameron Auser ◽  

Abstract Background While intra-arrest echocardiography can be used to guide and monitor chest compression quality, it is not currently feasible on the scene of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. Rapid and automated sonographic localization of the heart may provide first-responders guidance to an optimal area of compression without requiring them to interpret ultrasound images. In this proof-of-concept porcine study, we sought to describe the performance of an automated ultrasound device in correctly identifying and tracing the borders of the heart in three distinct states: pre-arrest, arrest, and late arrest. Methods An automated ultrasound device (bladder scanner) was placed on the chests of 7 swine, along the left sternal border (4th–8th intercostal spaces). Scanner-generated images were recorded for each space during pre-arrest, arrest, and finally late arrest. 828 images of the LV and LV outflow tract were randomized and 150 (50/state) selected for analysis. Scanner tracings of the heart were then digitally obscured to facilitate tracing by expert reviewers who were blinded to the physiologic state. Reviewer tracings were compared to bladder scanner tracings; with concordance between these images determined via Sørensen–Dice index (SDI). Results When compared to human reviewers, the bladder scanner was able to identify and trace the borders during cardiac arrest. The bladder scanner performed best at the time of arrest (SDI 0.900 ± 0.059). As resuscitation efforts continued and time from initial arrest increased, the scanner’s performance decreased dramatically (SDI 0.597 ± 0.241 in late arrest). Conclusion An automated ultrasound device (bladder scanner) reliably traced porcine hearts during cardiac arrest. It is possible a device could be developed to indicate where compressions should be performed without requiring the operator to interpret ultrasound images. Further investigation into rapid, automated, sonographic localization of the heart to identify the area of compression in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is warranted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Pelagia Kefala-Karli ◽  
Leandros Sassis ◽  
Marina Sassi ◽  
Constantinos Zervides

Abstract Background Traditional anatomy teaching methods are based on the models and cadaveric dissections, providing fixed views of the anatomical structures. However, in the last few years, the emerging concept of ultrasound-based teaching in anatomy has started to gain ground among medical curricula. This study aims to evaluate the integration of ultrasound as an adjunct tool to traditional anatomy teaching methods and explore students’ perceptions of whether ultrasound-based teaching enhances their interest and knowledge of anatomy. A cross-sectional study was carried out among the students of the 6-year undergraduate entry (MD) and 4-year graduate entry (MBBS) program of the University of Nicosia. A questionnaire was distributed to them after the delivery of several twenty minutes ultrasound sessions by an expert in the field during anatomy practicals. The data were analyzed utilizing SPSS software, and the statistical significance was determined as p value < 0.05. Results 107 MD and 42 MBBS students completed the questionnaire. Both groups agreed that their ultrasound-based learning experience was good or excellent (79.4% MD students; 92.9% MBBS students), that it enhanced their knowledge of anatomy (68.2% MD students; 90.5% MBBS students) and boosted their confidence regarding their examination skills practice (69.2% MD students; 85.7% MBBS students). Although most students desired more time allocated to the ultrasound station (72% MD students; 85.7% MBBS students), they believed that ultrasound-based teaching is a necessary adjunct to the traditional teaching methods of anatomy (89.7% MD students; 92.9% MBBS students). Conclusions Overall, MBBS students were more confident about the benefits of ultrasound-based teaching. Most of the students agreed that cross-sectional sessions of traditional teaching and ultrasound-based teaching strengthened their knowledge of anatomy and enhanced their confidence concerning their clinical examination skills. Medical schools should embrace the advantages that ultrasound-based teaching offers in order future doctors to be qualified to utilize ultrasound for procedural and diagnostical purposes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Jocelyn M. Slemko ◽  
Vijay J. Daniels ◽  
Sean M. Bagshaw ◽  
Irene W. Y. Ma ◽  
Peter G. Brindley ◽  

Abstract Background Critical care ultrasound (CCUS) is now a core competency for Canadian critical care medicine (CCM) physicians, but little is known about what education is delivered, how competence is assessed, and what challenges exist. We evaluated the Canadian CCUS education landscape and compared it against published recommendations. Methods A 23-item survey was developed and incorporated a literature review, national recommendations, and expert input. It was sent in the spring of 2019 to all 13 Canadian Adult CCM training programs via their respective program directors. Three months were allowed for data collection and descriptive statistics were compiled. Results Eleven of 13 (85%) programs responded, of which only 7/11 (64%) followed national recommendations. Curricula differed, as did how education was delivered: 8/11 (72%) used hands-on training; 7/11 (64%) used educational rounds; 5/11 (45%) used image interpretation sessions, and 5/11 (45%) used scan-based feedback. All 11 employed academic half-days, but only 7/11 (64%) used experience gained during clinical service. Only 2/11 (18%) delivered multiday courses, and 2/11 (18%) had mandatory ultrasound rotations. Most programs had only 1 or 2 local CCUS expert-champions, and only 4/11 (36%) assessed learner competency. Common barriers included educators receiving insufficient time and/or support. Conclusions Our national survey is the first in Canada to explore CCUS education in critical care. It suggests that while CCUS education is rapidly developing, gaps persist. These include variation in curriculum and delivery, insufficient access to experts, and support for educators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Diana Ávila-Reyes ◽  
Andrés O. Acevedo-Cardona ◽  
José F. Gómez-González ◽  
David R. Echeverry-Piedrahita ◽  
Mateo Aguirre-Flórez ◽  

AbstractThe POCUS-CA (Point-of-care ultrasound in cardiac arrest) is a diagnostic tool in the Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Department setting. The literature indicates that in the patient in a cardiorespiratory arrest it can provide information of the etiology of the arrest in patients with non-defibrillable rhythms, assess the quality of compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and define prognosis of survival according to specific findings and, thus, assist the clinician in decision-making during resuscitation. This narrative review of the literature aims to expose the usefulness of ultrasound in the setting of cardiorespiratory arrest as a tool that allows making a rapid diagnosis and making decisions about reversible causes of this entity. More studies are needed to support the evidence to make ultrasound part of the resuscitation algorithms. Teamwork during cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the inclusion of ultrasound in a multidisciplinary approach is important to achieve a favorable clinical outcome.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Jean-Eudes Bourcier ◽  
Emeric Gallard ◽  
Jean-Philippe Redonnet ◽  
Morgan Abillard ◽  
Quentin Billaut ◽  

Abstract Background Diagnosing a ureteral colic is sometimes difficult; however, clinicians should not fail to detect a surgical emergency. This is why diagnostic strategies depend on the imaging examinations, especially ultrasound. Prior studies have investigated the accuracy of Point of Care Ultrasound (PoCUS), but there are relatively few. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of the PoCUS in the diagnosis of renal colic. The secondary objective was to evaluate the relationship between the imaging results and the treatment performed. Methods After the clinical evaluation of patients aged > 18 years with suspected ureteral colic, the Emergency Physician (EP) trained in ultrasound performed PoCUS to conclude whether a diagnosis of “renal colic” should be made. A computed tomography (CT) examination was subsequently performed, to determine whether ureteral or bladder lithiasis was present to diagnose a ureteral colic. The patient’s management was decided according to the to degree of urinary tract dilatation, presence of perinephric fluid, size, and localization of stones. Results Of the 12 Eps in our units, seven met the training criteria for the inclusion of patients. A total of 103 patients were analyzed, and the renal colic diagnosis was retained in 85 cases after the CT examination. The accuracy of PoCUS was 91% (86; 95%) for detecting urinary tract dilatation, 83% (76; 90%) for detecting perinephric fluid, and 54% (44; 64%) for detecting lithiasis. Only high urinary tract stones with ≥ 6 mm diameter were surgically managed (p < 0.01). Conversely, distal ureteral stones with a diameter of < 6 mm were managed with medical ambulatory treatment (p < 0.05). Conclusion PoCUS is a good diagnostic tool, for renal colic, and could help reduce the requirement for the CT examinations and, hence, reduce induced radiation exposure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Daniel Van Kalsbeek ◽  
Karl Enroth ◽  
Elizabeth Lyden ◽  
Mark E. Rupp ◽  
Christopher J. Smith

Abstract Background Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) devices are becoming more widely used in healthcare and have the potential to act as fomites. The objective of this project was to study the thoroughness of cleaning of POCUS machines before and after a quality improvement initiative. We designed a mixed-methods, pre/post study which took place over the course of one year at a university-affiliated health center. Cleaning rates of four ultrasound machines used by hospital medicine and critical care medicine services were evaluated using fluorescent marking. Interventions targeted physicians’ knowledge of best practices and improved access to cleaning supplies. Pre- and post-intervention cleaning rates were compared using a generalized linear model. The impact of the corona virus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on baseline cleaning rates was also evaluated. Physicians’ attitudes and knowledge of cleaning practices were evaluated via unpaired pre/post surveys. Results There was significant improvement in thoroughness of cleaning following intervention (pre 0.62, SE 0.05; post 0.89, SE 0.07), p < 0.0001). There was no difference in baseline cleaning rates before (0.63, SE 0.09) and after (0.61, SE 0.1) the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic (p = 0.78). Post-intervention surveying found improved understanding of guideline-based cleaning practice, better performance on knowledge-based questions, and fewer reported barriers to machine cleaning. Conclusion Thoroughness of cleaning of POCUS machines can be improved with practical interventions that target knowledge and access to cleaning supplies.

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