Jurnal Kopis: Kajian Penelitian dan Pemikiran Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam
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Published By Institut Agama Islam Tribakti Kediri

2745-9675, 2654-315x

Harris Azis ◽  
Ali Imron

Muslim Designer Community Chapter Jombang, a community that is active in social activities such as Islamic studies, training, talk shows, exhibitions of visual da'wah works, and so on. The phenomenon of preaching through visuals indicates that now graphic da'wah has received wide attention and is in demand by various circles of society. Then how is the behavior of the Muslim Designer Community Chapter Jombang preaching? What is the influence of preaching activities through graphics / visual communication? This study uses a qualitative research type with a case study approach with phenomenological data analysis techniques. The results showed that the preaching behavior of Muslim Designer Community Chapter Jombang in carrying out graphic da'wah can be seen in two phases, namely because-motive and motive-for (in-orderto-motive). The reasons that were found were: learning motive (learn). and the motive for sharing (share). Meanwhile, the influence of the delivery of da'wah through graphic media by the Muslim Designer Community Chapter Jombang covers three aspects, namely cognitive, affective and behavioral aspects.

A. Fikri Amiruddin Ihsani ◽  
Novi Febriyanti

This study discusses the da’wah communication planning strategy of the Peneleh Mosque in Surabaya. The purpose of this research is to describe, explain, and know the strategy of communication planning for the da'wah communication of the Peneleh Mosque in Surabaya and to describe, explain, and know the strategy for the communication planning of the Peneleh Mosque in Surabaya in a review of Talcott Parsons' functional structural theory. This research uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data that has been collected are then analyzed, compared, and combined to form a systematic, coherent and complete study result. In this research, it is found that; (1) In the communication planning strategy of the Peneleh Mosque in Surabaya, it takes the subject of preaching from outside, the message design continues the walisongo method, the media used is face-to-face, and the determination of the audience is the surrounding community. (2) In a review of Talcott Parsons' functional structural theory, the strategy for the communication planning of the Peneleh Mosque in Surabaya includes adaptation to the surrounding environmental conditions, achieving the goal of the message content of ritual and social piety, integration between the community, the mosque as a place of worship, and the tahfidz Islamic boarding school. Next, in maintaining the pattern, always carry out active and intensive communication with all existing structures and functions in the Peneleh Mosque area of Surabaya. Thus, it is hoped that the process of da'wah communication can be established effectively and efficiently.

Wahyu Setiawan

Realitas televisi maupun youtube dalam membuat pemberitaan ataupun informasi melalui bahasa verbal maupun visual tidak selalu mewakili refleksi dari realitas melainkan dapat hanya sebuah representasi bahkan bisa hanya sebuah simulasi. Penelitian ini hendak menggambarkan sebuah refleksi, representasi dan simulasi yang dilakukan oleh media. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan sumber data primer berupa akun Youtube KompasTV dan sekunder berupa akun Youtube Narasi Newsroom. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik dokumentasi dan analisis data yang memanfaatkan model Miles dan Huberman. Temuan dalam penelitian ini realitas yang ditampilkan media tidak selalu suatu refleksi seperti pemberitaan Kompas TV yang berjudul Kondisi Terus Memburuk, Anies Kembali Berlakukan PSBB Ketat di Jakarta. Realitas yang ditampilkan oleh media dapat berupa representasi seperti pada berita KompasTV yang berjudul Tanggapan Warga Soal Penerapan Kembali PSBB Jilid II di DKI Jakarta, 3 Menteri Jokowi Sindir Anies Baswedan Soal PSBB Jakarta serta realitas media dapat berupa simulasi seperti pada konten Youtube Dunia Manji dengan judul Bisa Kembali Normal? Obat Covid Sudah Ditemukan!!

Arina Rohmatul Hidayah

This research was conducted with the aim of discussing an issue that is currently viral on social media in Indonesia, namely the prohibition of using the word of anjay as slang language. The lack of research based on theoretical exploration of slang is a component that needs to be completed. So in this case, the researcher puts forward a multitheoretical framework, especially with regard to communication theories, where one of the components of the study also involves problems of language, structure and function in society. Through the case study method, the researcher selected 5 informants who understood and had used the word of anjay. Finally, with in-depth interview, there are many aspects that can be explored from the word of anjay and there are several relevant theories to explain these aspects.

Moch. Mukhlison ◽  
Muhammad Isnan

The case of intolerance and restrictions on the right to religious freedom is a never-ending discourse. That is because these cases still occur in Indonesia with such high numbers. In the last five years, data shows an increase in cases of intolerance and restrictions on religious freedom. In this condition, it turns out that the right to freedom of religion and belief has not provided benefits for minority groups. This paper tries to reveal how the rights to freedom of religion and belief are upheld by the norms of Human Rights and the State as the guarantor. This article also tries to reveal that even Islam with the teachings of tolerance and the concept of Al-Mabadi 'Al-Khamsah and Al-Kulliyah Al-Khams provide support for the creation of justice, peace and harmonious relations between humans.

Dessy Dwi Lestari ◽  
Belda Eldrit Janitra

Di era masyarakat digital saat ini, media merupakan hal yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dari manusia. Media terus berkembang pesat mulai dari media konvensional hingga saat ini merambah ke media baru (new media). Media baru yang kita kenal saat ini meliputi internet dan berbagai turunannya berupa aplikasi dan media sosial. Kehadiran media baru, mempermudah kegiatan manusia. Bahkan, seluruh kebutuhan informasi dapat dipenuhi oleh media baru ini. Sebagaimana ketika pandemi COVID-19, media memiliki peranan penting dalam memberikan informasi terbaru perkembangan penularan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus Corona ini. Media juga menjadi tempat masyarakat dapat mengetahui dengan cepat himbauan dari pemerintah. Salah satu kebijakan pemerintah yang disampaikan oleh Kementerian Agama Indonesia adalah protokol untuk beribadah di rumah atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Worship From Home. Pada saat ini, ekologi media terlihat jelas. Maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat bahwa media dapat mempengaruhi semua aspek kehidupan masyarakat dan menyatukan seluruh dunia termasuk dalam hal mengatur pengalaman keagamaan. Persoalan semacam ini menarik untuk dikaji lebih dalam melalui metode penelitian kualitatif dengan harapan bisa memperoleh informasi sebanyak-banyaknya melalui wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa ada sebagian masyarakat yang menerima dengan senang hati untuk melakukan praktik ibadah dari rumah, tetapi ada juga lapisan masyarakat yang masih tertinggal, sebab masih sulit memanfaatkan media untuk praktik ibadah berjamaah yang biasa dilakukan dengan tatap muka. Pada saat seperti inilah, ekologi bermedia masyarakat terlihat jelas. Di sinilah kita dapat melihat bahwa media dapat mempengaruhi seluruh aspek kehidupan masyarakat dan mempersatukan seluruh dunia dan tentunya dengan berbagai macam pola pikir yang berbeda-beda dan harus disama ratakan demi kepentingan bersama dalam hal kebaikan.   

Dianis Izzatul Yuanita ◽  
Beti Malia Rahma Hidayati

Media sosial bukan hanya menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat saat ini, akan tetapi sudah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan masyarakat dari usia muda hingga lanjut usia. Remaja menjadi salah satu pengguna aktif dalam media sosial seperti instagram. Berbagai penelitian berfokus untuk meneliti tentang media sosial instagram. Adapun dalam penelitian ini, peneliti bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana sikap remaja di media sosial instagram pada musim pandemic Covid 19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan analisis pendekatan fenomenologi dan teori tindakan sosial. Diketahui bahwa  sikap merupakan  bagian dari proses pembelajaran yang berasal dari interaksi dan persepsi. Hasil dari penelitian ini, peneliti mengungkapkan sikap remaja di media sosial instagram pada musim pandemic covid 19 untuk remaja laki-laki cenderung ke arah positif sedangkan untuk remaja perempuan cenderung ke arah negatif. Berdasarkan self interest, identifikasi sosial, dan relevansi nilai yang ditujukkan dalam media sosial, remaja laki-laki berfokus dengan menunjukkan bakat dan minatnya, sedangkan remaja perempuan berfokus pada meniru tokoh idola seperti artis dan selebgram.

Defa Ristianto ◽  
Amalia Rosyadi Putri ◽  
Tenika Illananingtyas

Nussa animation is an animation which is categorized as a medium for preaching. Because the messages conveyed were thick with Islamic teachings. However, not all viewers can understand what messages are contained in the animation. Due to this reason, the study aims to determine the messages of moral da'wah that can be seen directly or indirectly with Ronald Barthes' semiotic theory. The method used in this research is qualitative analysis, with data in the form of documents. Data collection using observation and documentation. The theory that is used as the basis is Roland Barthes' semiotic theory which focuses on denotative and connotative meanings. The results of the study are the denotative meaning of dakwah morals, (1) Have an attitude of help. (2) Always say thank you for a help. (3) Always have a sincere nature when helping. (4) Doing rejection well. (5) Providing opportunities for children to do good (6) giving love to children. (7) always say "Astafirullah" when hit / hear a disaster and say "Alhamdulillah as a form of gratitude. Meanwhile, the meaning of the message of moral teaching is connotative, (1) It shows that Islam is a soft religion, rahmatan lil alamin, helpful and tolerant (2) Want to break the paradigm under the religion of Islam having followers who are very rigid and do not want to interact with other people. (3) Providing education to children to do good deeds with anyone regardless of status and religion.

Arina Rohmatul Hidayah ◽  
Moch. Mukhlison

This paper wants to present a critical perspective in reading the discourse that has been played on social media in the last few days. With literature review method, the KPK Taliban is a form of discourse in which ideological values which are basically the principle of a person or group in determining the direction and purpose of how to proceed, are modified in such a way as to be sold or made into public commodities for political interests. The use of the term Taliban which is associated with hardline of Islam, wants to form an Islamic government in accordance with Islamic laws, is considered have a high 'selling power' so that it can be used to reduce the image of KPK as a law enforcement agency. Like a word, every journalist will try to make interesting headline to get a high view of readers. This term can seem to describe that there has been an internal radicalization in KPK that has created a system of eradicating selective corruption based on the ideology of investigator. From this point of view, social media can be said to be an easy facilitator to explore discourses of this kind. Due to the absence of a gate keeper or news editor, anyone who has an interest in them is free to release any statement even if it is not accompanied by valid data. Even rational and critical discussions such as the basic concept of public sphere are transformed into irrational  

Maulidatus Syahrotin Naqqiyah

Negara Indonesia yang digencarkan oleh covid-19 saat ini semakin meresahkan warganya. Penelitian ini membahas tentang analisis teks media dalam kasus pandemi covid-19 di media online dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana media online dalam membingkai berita terkait pandemi covid-19.Didalam penelitian ini, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan analisis framing model Pan dan Kosicki sebagai acuan penelitian. Penelitian yang berfokus pada dua media online yang cukup populer di masyarakat diantaranya adalah CNN Indonesia.com dan tirto.id. Hasil analisis menjelaskan bahwa didalam media online CNN Indonesia.com pada struktur sintaksisnya lebih menekankan pada peran dari pemerintah secara sehingga dapat membentuk opini positif di muka publik. Sedangkan di tirto.id didalam keseluruhan strukturnya lebih menekan pada peran tenaga medis sehingga membuka pikiran khalayak untuk tetap tenang dan waspada.

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