Hospital Pediatrics
Latest Publications





Published By American Academy Of Pediatrics

2154-1671, 2154-1663

Juliann L. Kim ◽  
Jessica M. Allan ◽  
H. Barrett Fromme ◽  
Catherine S. Forster ◽  
Erin Shaughnessy ◽  

OBJECTIVE: Our specific aim was to assess the gender distribution of aspects of scholarly productivity and professional standing for pediatric hospital medicine over a 5-year period. We also evaluated for correlation between the makeup of editorial boards, conference planning committees, and chosen content. METHODS: We reviewed scholarly publications, presentations, editorial boards, planning committees, awardees, and society leadership in pediatric hospital medicine from 2015 to 2019 and determined gender using published methods to assess for differences between observed proportions of women authors and presenters and the proportion of women in the field. RESULTS: The field of pediatric hospital medicine at large is 69% women (95% confidence internal [CI] 68%–71%), and an estimated 57% of senior members are women (95% CI 54%–60%). We evaluated 570 original science manuscripts and found 67% (95% CI 63%–71%) women first authors and 49% (95% CI 44%–53%) women senior authors. We evaluated 1093 presentations at national conferences and found 69% (95% CI 65%–72%) women presenters of submitted content and 44% (95% CI 37%–51%) women presenters of invited content. Senior authorship and invited speaking engagements demonstrated disproportionately low representation of women when compared with senior members of the field (senior authorship, P = .002; invited presenters, P < .001). Strong positive correlation between gender composition of conference planning committees and selected content was also noted (r = 0.94). CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrated representative gender distribution for some aspects of scholarly productivity in pediatric hospital medicine; however, a lack of gender parity exists in senior roles.

Ivy Tam ◽  
Courtney McNamara ◽  
Julie Dunbar ◽  
Katherine O’Connor ◽  
Gonzalo Manzano ◽  

BACKGROUND: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a respiratory virus that can cause gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, with studies demonstrating detection of stool viral RNA weeks after respiratory tract clearance. It is unknown if children who test negative for SARS-CoV-2 on a nasopharyngeal (NP) swab may be shedding the virus in their stool. OBJECTIVE: To measure the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 stool shedding in children with positive and negative SARS-CoV-2 NP polymerase chain reactions (PCR) tests, and to determine clinical factors associated with GI shedding. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, we enrolled hospitalized patients 0 to 21 years old with a positive or a negative SARS-CoV-2 NP PCR test who had respiratory and/or GI symptoms. Participants were surveyed, and stool samples were sent for viral PCR testing. Fisher’s exact test was used to evaluate bivariate associations of stool PCR test positivity with categorical variables. RESULTS: Sixty-seven patients were consented; 34 patients did not provide stool samples so 33 patients were included: 17 NP-positive and 16 NP-negative for SARS-CoV-2. Eight of the 17 NP-positive patients had a positive stool PCR test for SARS-CoV-2, while none of the 16 SARS-CoV-2 NP-negative patients had a positive result (P < .01). For the 17 SARS-CoV-2 NP-positive patients, GI symptoms were associated with a positive stool PCR test (P = .05) for SARS-CoV-2, but this association was not found for all 33 patients (P = .11). No associations were found with patients in an immunocompromised state or those with a comorbid condition, fever and/or chills, respiratory symptoms, headache and/or myalgias, or anosmia and/or ageusia. CONCLUSIONS: SARS-CoV-2 GI shedding is common and associated with GI symptoms in NP-positive children, with 47% having positive stool PCRs for SARS-CoV-2. GI shedding was not demonstrated in SARS-CoV-2 NP-negative children.

Alana Ju ◽  
Sabrina Sedano ◽  
Kathleen Mackin ◽  
Joyce Koh ◽  
Ashwini Lakshmanan ◽  

BACKGROUND: Family-centered rounds (FCR) is the standard of care in inpatient pediatrics. Results of studies have revealed that Spanish-speaking families can experience communication challenges and decreased empowerment on rounds. In our study, we aim to identify variation in FCR practices for Spanish-speaking compared to English-speaking families and factors contributing to these disparities. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional observational study performed by secondary analysis of a quality improvement initiative conducted at a quaternary children’s hospital. Data were collected from June 2019 to March 2020 by using observational audits. Encounters were analyzed to compare key elements of FCR (including rounds location, elicitation of family questions, involvement in discharge planning) for English-speaking and Spanish-speaking families. Multivariable logistic regression was used to compare family involvement in FCR. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate unmeasured confounding. RESULTS: Rounding encounters included 394 families (261 English-speaking and 133 Spanish-speaking). Fewer Spanish-speaking families were included in the medical team’s discussion on rounds (64.7% vs 76.3%, P = .017), were asked about questions at the start of rounds (44.4% vs 56.3%, P = .025), or were involved in discussion of discharge criteria (72.2% vs 82.8%, P = .018) when compared to English-speaking families. These differences were magnified for resident teams rounding with subspecialists. The finding of decreased family involvement in the discussion on rounds persisted after adjusting for patient age and team type. CONCLUSIONS: Spanish-speaking families were less likely to be involved in FCR compared to English-speaking families. Further investigation is needed to explore the root causes of this practice variation and to develop interventions to address disparities.

Courtney Cox ◽  
Krishna Patel ◽  
Rebecca Cantu ◽  
Chary Akmyradov ◽  
Katherine Irby

OBJECTIVE: Status asthmaticus is commonly treated in pediatric patients by using continuous albuterol, which can cause hypokalemia. The primary aim of this study was to determine if serial potassium monitoring is necessary by examining treatment frequency of hypokalemia. METHODS: This retrospective analysis was performed in 185 pediatric patients admitted with status asthmaticus requiring continuous albuterol between 2017 and 2019. All patients were placed on intravenous fluids containing potassium. The primary outcome measure was the treatment of hypokalemia in relation to the number of laboratory draws for potassium levels. The secondary outcome measure was hypokalemia frequency and relation to the duration and initial dose of continuous albuterol. RESULTS: Included were 156 patients with 420 laboratory draws (average, 2.7 per patient) for potassium levels. The median lowest potassium level was 3.40 mmol/L (interquartile range, 3.2–3.7). No correlation was found between initial albuterol dose and lowest potassium level (P = .52). Patients with hypokalemia had a mean albuterol time of 12.32 (SD, 15.76) hours, whereas patients without hypokalemia had a mean albuterol time of 11.50 (SD, 12.53) hours (P = .29). Potassium levels were treated 13 separate times. CONCLUSIONS: The number of laboratory draws for potassium levels was high in our cohort, with few patients receiving treatment for hypokalemia beyond the potassium routinely added to maintenance fluids. Length of time on albuterol and dose of albuterol were not shown to increase the risk of hypokalemia. Serial laboratory measurements may be decreased to potentially reduce health care costs, pain, and anxiety surrounding needlesticks.

Ramasubbareddy Dhanireddy ◽  
Patricia A. Scott ◽  
Brenda Barker ◽  
Theresa A. Scott

BACKGROUND: We report a statewide quality improvement initiative aimed to decrease the incidence of extrauterine growth restriction among very low birth weight infants cared for in Tennessee NICUs. METHODS: The cohort consisted of infants born appropriate for gestational age between May 2016 and December 2018 from 9 NICUs across Tennessee. The infants were 23 to 32 weeks gestation and 500 to 1499 g birth weight. The process measures were the hours of life (HOL) when parenteral protein and intravenous lipid emulsion were initiated, the number of days to first enteral feeding, and attainment of full enteral caloric intake (110–130 kcal/kg per day). The primary outcome was extrauterine growth restriction, defined as weight <10th percentile for weight at 36 weeks postmenstrual age. Statistical process control charts and the Shewhart control rules were used to find special cause variation. RESULTS: Although special cause variation was not indicated in the primary outcome measure, it was indicated for the reduction in specific process measures: HOL when parenteral protein was initiated, HOL when intravenous lipid emulsion was initiated, and the number of days to attainment of full enteral caloric intake (among the hospitals considered regional perinatal centers). CONCLUSIONS: A statewide quality improvement initiative led to earlier initiation of parenteral and enteral nutrition and improved awareness of the importance of postnatal nutrition.

Katherine Christianson ◽  
Alexandra Kalinowski ◽  
Sarah Bauer ◽  
Yitong Liu ◽  
Lauren Titus ◽  

OBJECTIVE: Clear communication about discharge criteria with families and the interprofessional team is essential for efficient transitions of care. Our aim was to increase the percentage of pediatric hospital medicine patient- and family-centered rounds (PFCR) that included discharge criteria discussion from a baseline mean of 32% to 75% over 1 year. METHODS: We used the Model for Improvement to conduct a quality improvement initiative at a tertiary pediatric academic medical center. Interventions tested included (1) rationale sharing, (2) PFCR checklist modification, (3) electronic discharge SmartForms, (4) data audit and feedback and (5) discharge criteria standardization. The outcome measure was the percentage of observed PFCR with discharge criteria discussed. Process measure was the percentage of PHM patients with criteria documented. Balancing measures were rounds length, length of stay, and readmission rates. Statistical process control charts assessed the impact of interventions. RESULTS: We observed 700 PFCR (68 baseline PFCR from July to August 2019 and 632 intervention period PFCR from November 2019 to June 2021). At baseline, discharge was discussed during 32% of PFCR. After rationale sharing, checklist modification, and criteria standardization, this increased to 90%, indicating special cause variation. The improvement has been sustained for 10 months. At baseline, there was no centralized location to document discharge criteria. After development of the SmartForm, 21% of patients had criteria documented. After criteria standardization for common diagnoses, this increased to 71%. Rounds length, length of stay, and readmission rates remained unchanged. CONCLUSION: Using quality improvement methodology, we successfully increased verbal discussions of discharge criteria during PFCR without prolonging rounds length.

Erin Preloger ◽  
Michael Wedoff ◽  
Jennifer T. Lemke ◽  
Amy Pan ◽  
Anika Nelson

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to minimize unnecessary laboratory services for hospitalized neonates with hyperbilirubinemia by revising a local clinical practice pathway (CPP). METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was performed to compare the number of laboratory tests and blood draws in patients hospitalized with neonatal hyperbilirubinemia before and after implementation of a revised CPP. The study included infants with neonatal hyperbilirubinemia <14 days old admitted after their birth hospitalization between April 2017 and October 2019. Primary outcome measures included the total number of blood draws and the number of laboratory tests obtained per patient and length of stay. Secondary outcome measures included 7-day readmission rate, charges, and discharge bilirubin level. RESULTS: The median number of blood draws per patient after implementation of the CPP decreased to 2 (interquartile range [IQR], 2–3) compared with 3 (IQR, 2–3) before implementation (Poisson model–based estimated mean difference, 1.1; 95% confidence interval, 1.0–1.3; P = .018). The median number of laboratory tests per patient after implementation decreased from 4 (IQR, 3–6) to 3 (IQR, 2–4; Poisson model–based estimated mean difference, 1.3; 95% confidence interval, 1.2–1.5; P < .0001). There was no significant change in length of stay, readmission rate, charges, or discharge bilirubin level. CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of a revised CPP was associated with a significant decrease in the number of blood draws and laboratory tests per patient for infants admitted to the hospital for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.

Denise D. Quigley ◽  
Zachary Predmore

OBJECTIVE: To examine the content and actionability of written comments from parents and guardians on the Child Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (Child HCAHPS) survey. METHODS: We coded 548 narrative text comments linked to demographic information from the Child HCAHPS survey from July 2017 to December 2020 about inpatient pediatric care at an urban children’s hospital-within-a-hospital at an academic medical center. We developed initial codes based on research findings and the content of the Child HCAHPS survey, and also added codes that emerged from the comments. We performed directed and conventional content analysis. RESULTS: Most comments were positive and provided by the child’s mother. About half referred to content on the Child HCAHPS survey, primarily on being treated with courtesy and respect or explaining care at discharge. Comments about other topics most frequently provided a narrative rating of the provider or described whether providers were caring and friendly. Thirty-nine percent of comments were deemed sufficiently specific to make improvements (ie, actionable) in inpatient pediatric care; negative comments or comments about care for sicker patients were more often actionable. CONCLUSIONS: Child HCAHPS comments provided rich detail and a large portion were deemed actionable. Comments also provided insights into topics both on the survey itself and on many other inpatient pediatric issues raised by parents and guardians. More research is needed on the value of Child HCAHPS comments, the association between Child HCAHPS open-ended and closed-ended responses, and how quality leaders and frontline staff use comments to improve inpatient pediatric care.

Marianne Hatfield ◽  
Rebecca Ciaburri ◽  
Henna Shaikh ◽  
Kirsten M. Wilkins ◽  
Kurt Bjorkman ◽  

OBJECTIVE: Mistreatment of health care providers (HCPs) is associated with burnout and lower-quality patient care, but mistreatment by patients and family members is underreported. We hypothesized that an organizational strategy that includes training, safety incident reporting, and a response protocol would increase HCP knowledge, self-efficacy, and reporting of mistreatment. METHODS: In this single-center, serial, cross-sectional study, we sent an anonymous survey to HCPs before and after the intervention at a 213-bed tertiary care university children’s hospital between 2018 and 2019. We used multivariable logistic regression to examine the effect of training on the outcomes of interest and whether this association was moderated by staff role. RESULTS: We received 309 baseline surveys from 72 faculty, 191 nurses, and 46 residents, representing 39.1%, 27.1%, and 59.7%, respectively, of eligible HCPs. Verbal threats from patients or family members were reported by 214 (69.5%) HCPs. Offensive behavior was most commonly based on provider age (85, 28.5%), gender (85, 28.5%), ethnicity or race (55, 18.5%), and appearance (43, 14.6%) but varied by role. HCPs who received training had a higher odds of reporting knowledge, self-efficacy, and experiencing offensive behavior. Incident reporting of mistreatment increased threefold after the intervention. CONCLUSIONS: We report an effective organizational approach to address mistreatment of HCPs by patients and family members. Our approach capitalizes on existing patient safety culture and systems that can be adopted by other institutions to address all forms of mistreatment, including those committed by other HCPs.

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