Mathematics of Climate and Weather Forecasting
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Published By Walter De Gruyter Gmbh


2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-49
David H. Marsico ◽  
Samuel N. Stechmann

AbstractWith large eddy simulations (LES) and/or cloud-resolving models (CRMs), it is now possible to simultaneously simulate shallow and deep convection. However, using traditional methods, the computational expense is typically very large, due to the small grid spacings needed to resolve shallow clouds. Here, the main purpose is to present a method that is computationally less expensive by a factor of roughly 10 to 50. Unlike traditional grid stretching of only the vertical z grid spacing, the present method involves expansion of the grid spacing in all coordinate directions (x,y,z) and time t. A ˝ne grid spacing of O(10)-O(100) m can be used near the surface to resolve boundary layer turbulence, and the grid spacing expands to be O(1000) m at higher altitudes, which reduces computational cost while still resolving deep convection. Example simulations are conducted with a simpli˝ed LES/CRM in 2D to verify the theoretical cost savings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-37
Eli A. Mueller ◽  
Samuel N. Stechmann

AbstractShallow clouds are a major source of uncertainty in climate predictions. Several different sources of the uncertainty are possible—e.g., from different models of shallow cloud behavior, which could produce differing predictions and ensemble spread within an ensemble of models, or from inherent, natural variability of shallow clouds. Here, the latter (inherent variability) is investigated, using a simple model of radiative statistical equilibrium, with oceanic and atmospheric boundary layer temperatures, To and Ta, and with moisture q and basic cloud processes. Stochastic variability is used to generate a statistical equilibrium with climate variability. The results show that the intrinsic variability of the climate is enhanced due to the presence of shallow clouds. In particular, the on-and-off switching of cloud formation and decay is a source of additional climate variability and uncertainty, beyond the variability of a cloud-free climate. Furthermore, a sharp transition in the mean climate occurs as environmental parameters are changed, and the sharp transition in the mean is also accompanied by a substantial enhancement of climate sensitivity and uncertainty. Two viewpoints of this behavior are described, based on bifurcations and phase transitions/statistical physics. The sharp regime transitions are associated with changes in several parameters, including cloud albedo and longwave absorptivity/carbon dioxide concentration, and the climate state transitions between a partially cloudy state and a state of full cloud cover like closed-cell stratocumulus clouds. Ideas of statistical physics can provide a conceptual perspective to link the climate state transitions, increased climate uncertainty, and other related behavior.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15 ◽  
Chongsheng Cao ◽  
Edriss S. Titi

AbstractIt is well known, by now, that the three-dimensional non-viscous planetary geostrophic model, with vertical hydrostatic balance and horizontal Rayleigh friction/damping, coupled to the heat diffusion and transport, is mathematically ill-posed. This is because the no-normal flow physical boundary condition implicitly produces an additional boundary condition for the temperature at the lateral boundary. This additional boundary condition is different, because of the Coriolis forcing term, than the no-heat-flux physical boundary condition. Consequently, the second order parabolic heat equation is over-determined with two different boundary conditions. In a previous work we proposed one remedy to this problem by introducing a fourth-order artificial hyper-diffusion to the heat transport equation and proved global regularity for the proposed model. A shortcoming of this higher-oder diffusion is the loss of the maximum/minimum principle for the heat equation. Another remedy for this problem was suggested by R. Salmon by introducing an additional Rayleigh-like friction/damping term for the vertical component of the velocity in the hydrostatic balance equation. In this paper we prove the global, for all time and all initial data, well-posedness of strong solutions to the three-dimensional Salmon’s planetary geostrophic model of ocean dynamics. That is, we show global existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence of the strong solutions on initial data for this model. Unlike the 3D viscous PG model, we are still unable to show the uniqueness of the weak solution. Notably, we also demonstrate in what sense the additional damping term, suggested by Salmon, annihilate the ill-posedness in the original system; consequently, it can be viewed as “regularizing” term that can possibly be used to regularize other related systems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-62
Syed Mustafizur Rahman ◽  
Syed Mahbubur Rahman ◽  
Md. Shuzon Ali ◽  
Md. Abdullah Al Mamun ◽  
Md. Nezam Uddin

Abstract Seasons are the divisions of the year into months or days according to the changes in weather, ecology and the intensity of sunlight in a given region. The temperature cycle plays a major role in defining the meteorological seasons of the year. This study aims at investigating seasonal boundaries applying harmonic analysis in daily temperature for the duration of 30 years, recorded at six stations from 1988 to 2017, in northwest part of Bangladesh. Year by year harmonic analyses of daily temperature data in each station have been carried out to observe temporal and spatial variations in seasonal lengths. Periodic nature of daily temperature has been investigated employing spectral analysis, and it has been found that the estimated periodicities have higher power densities of the frequencies at 0.0027 and 0.0053 cycles/day. Some other minor periodic natures have also been observed in the analyses. Using the frequencies between 0.0027 to 0.0278 cycles/day, the observed periodicities in spectral analysis, harmonic analyses of minimum and maximum temperatures have found four seasonal boundaries every year in each of the stations. The estimated seasonal boundaries for the region fall between 19-25 February, 19-23 May, 18-20 August and 17-22 November. Since seasonal variability results in imbalance in water, moisture and heat, it has the potential to significantly affect agricultural production. Hence, the seasons and seasonal lengths presented in this research may help the concerned authorities take measures to reduce the risks for crop productivity to face the challenges arise from changing climate. Moreover, the results obtained are likely to contribute in introducing local climate calendar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-74
Mark Schlutow ◽  
Georg S. Voelker

Abstract We investigate strongly nonlinear stationary gravity waves which experience refraction due to a thin vertical shear layer of horizontal background wind. The velocity amplitude of the waves is of the same order of magnitude as the background flow and hence the self-induced mean flow alters the modulation properties to leading order. In this theoretical study, we show that the stability of such a refracted wave depends on the classical modulation stability criterion for each individual layer, above and below the shearing. Additionally, the stability is conditioned by novel instability criteria providing bounds on the mean-flow horizontal wind and the amplitude of the wave. A necessary condition for instability is that the mean-flow horizontal wind in the upper layer is stronger than the wind in the lower layer.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-96
Juliane Rosemeier ◽  
Peter Spichtinger

Abstract Pattern formation in clouds is a well-known feature, which can be observed almost every day. However, the guiding processes for structure formation are mostly unknown, and also theoretical investigations of cloud patterns are quite rare. From many scientific disciplines the occurrence of patterns in non-equilibrium systems due to Turing instabilities is known, i.e. unstable modes grow and form spatial structures. In this study we investigate a generic cloud model for the possibility of Turing instabilities. For this purpose, the model is extended by diffusion terms. We can show that for some cloud models, i.e special cases of the generic model, no Turing instabilities are possible. However, we also present a general class of cloud models, where Turing instabilities can occur. A key requisite is the occurrence of (weakly) nonlinear terms for accretion. Using numerical simulations for a special case of the general class of cloud models, we show spatial patterns of clouds in one and two spatial dimensions. From the numerical simulations we can see that the competition between collision terms and sedimentation is an important issue for the existence of pattern formation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-112
Mark Schlutow ◽  
Erik Wahlén

Abstract This study investigates strongly nonlinear gravity waves in the compressible atmosphere from the Earth’s surface to the deep atmosphere. These waves are effectively described by Grimshaw’s dissipative modulation equations which provide the basis for finding stationary solutions such as mountain lee waves and testing their stability in an analytic fashion. Assuming energetically consistent boundary and far-field conditions, that is no energy flux through the surface, free-slip boundary, and finite total energy, general wave solutions are derived and illustrated in terms of realistic background fields. These assumptions also imply that the wave-Reynolds number must become less than unity above a certain height. The modulational stability of admissible, both non-hydrostatic and hydrostatic, waves is examined. It turns out that, when accounting for the self-induced mean flow, the wave-Froude number has a resonance condition. If it becomes 1/ 1 / 2 1/\sqrt 2 , then the wave destabilizes due to perturbations from the essential spectrum of the linearized modulation equations. However, if the horizontal wavelength is large enough, waves overturn before they can reach the modulational stability condition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-106 ◽  
A. Chertock ◽  
A. Kurganov ◽  
M. Lukáčová-Medvid’ová ◽  
P. Spichtinger ◽  
B. Wiebe

AbstractWe develop a stochastic Galerkin method for a coupled Navier-Stokes-cloud system that models dynamics of warm clouds. Our goal is to explicitly describe the evolution of uncertainties that arise due to unknown input data, such as model parameters and initial or boundary conditions. The developed stochastic Galerkin method combines the space-time approximation obtained by a suitable finite volume method with a spectral-type approximation based on the generalized polynomial chaos expansion in the stochastic space. The resulting numerical scheme yields a second-order accurate approximation in both space and time and exponential convergence in the stochastic space. Our numerical results demonstrate the reliability and robustness of the stochastic Galerkin method. We also use the proposed method to study the behavior of clouds in certain perturbed scenarios, for examples, the ones leading to changes in macroscopic cloud pattern as a shift from hexagonal to rectangular structures.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-64 ◽  
Federica Gugole ◽  
Christian L. E. Franzke

AbstractIn this study we aim to present the successful development of an energy conserving conceptual stochastic climate model based on the inviscid 2-layer Quasi-Geostrophic (QG) equations. The stochastic terms have been systematically derived and introduced in such away that the total energy is conserved. In this proof of concept studywe give particular emphasis to the numerical aspects of energy conservation in a highdimensional complex stochastic system andwe analyzewhat kind of assumptions regarding the noise should be considered in order to obtain physical meaningful results. Our results show that the stochastic model conserves energy to an accuracy of about 0.5% of the total energy; this level of accuracy is not affected by the introduction of the noise, but is mainly due to the level of accuracy of the deterministic discretization of the QG model. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that spatially correlated noise is necessary for the conservation of energy and the preservation of important statistical properties, while using spatially uncorrelated noise violates energy conservation and gives unphysical results. A dynamically consistent spatial covariance structure is determined through Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs). We find that only a small number of EOFs is needed to get good results with respect to energy conservation, autocorrelation functions, PDFs and eddy length scale when comparing a deterministic control simulation on a 512 × 512 grid to a stochastic simulation on a 128 × 128 grid. Our stochastic approach has the potential to seamlessly be implemented in comprehensive weather and climate prediction models.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-44
S. Foucart ◽  
M. Hielsberg ◽  
G. L. Mullendore ◽  
G. Petrova ◽  
P. Wojtaszczyk

AbstractA numerical algorithm is presented for computing average global temperature (or other quantities of interest such as average precipitation) from measurements taken at speci_ed locations and times. The algorithm is proven to be in a certain sense optimal. The analysis of the optimal algorithm provides a sharp a priori bound on the error between the computed value and the true average global temperature. This a priori bound involves a computable compatibility constant which assesses the quality of the measurements for the chosen model. The optimal algorithm is constructed by solving a convex minimization problem and involves a set of functions selected a priori in relation to the model. It is shown that the solution promotes sparsity and hence utilizes a smaller number of well-chosen data sites than those provided. The algorithm is then applied to canonical data sets and mathematically generic models for the computation of average temperature and average precipitation over given regions and given time intervals. A comparison is provided between the proposed algorithms and existing methods.

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