Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan Soedirman
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Published By Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

2599-2465, 2599-0152

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Ainun Nurhaliza ◽  
Mertien Sa'pang ◽  
Yulia Wahyuni ◽  
Anugrah Novianti

Malnutrisi pada pasien hemodialisis menjadi salah satu faktor yang dapat meningkatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas pasien. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penilaian status gizi secara rutin, penilaian status gizi yang dapat dilakukan pada pasien hemodialisis adalah dengan menggunakan antropometri yaitu perhitungan IMT, dan biokimia. Adanya penyakit penyerta seperti diabetes mellitus, menjadi salah satu resiko terjadinya malnutrisi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis Perbedaan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT), Kadar Hemoglobin, Albumin, Ureum Dan Kreatinin Pada Pasien Hemodialisa Dengan Dan Tanpa Diabetes Melitus Di RSIJ Cempaka Putih (Data Sekunder). Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling dengan total sampel sebanyak 66 responden. Data IMT menggunakan BB kering dan TB pasien, serta kadar Hb, albumin, ureum, dan kreatinin yang diperoleh dari rekam medik responden. Analisa data bivariat menggunakan uji T-test Independen dan Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan antara IMT (pValue=0,0001), kadar hemoglobin (pValue=0,0001), albumin (pValue=0,0001), ureum (pValue=0,0001), dan kreatinin (pValue=0,0281) pada pasien hemodialisis dengan dan tanpa diabetes mellitus. Kesimpulannya, ada perbedaan antara IMT, kadar hemoglobin, albumin, ureum, dan kreatinin pada pasien hemodialisis dengan dan tanpa diabetes mellitus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Harlyanti Muthma'innah Mashar

The age of 10-18 years is the age range of adolescents who are included in the period of being vulnerable to nutrition. Habits at this age are often skipping breakfast, not moving, and snacking a lot. This causes low consumption of vegetables and fruits. This study aims to analyze the effect of providing nutrition counseling using video media on the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about vegetable and fruit consumption at SMAN 1 Palangka Raya. The design of this study was a quasi-experiment with one group pretest and posttest design with 38 subjects. The results were then analyzed using the Wilcoxon test and McNemar test. The results showed that the characteristics of the subjects were in the age group of 15-17 years with the highest number aged 16 years (68.4%). Most of the subjects were female (55.3%). The results of the statistical test obtained p = 0.000 (p <0.05) stating that there was a significant difference between knowledge before and after counseling. The results of statistical tests using McNemar's test for attitudes obtained a p-value of 0.000 (p <0.05) which indicated that there was a significant difference between attitudes before and after counseling. Based on these results, counseling with video media influences the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents regarding the consumption of vegetables and fruits at SMAN 1 Palangka Raya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 112
Najmah Istikaanah ◽  
Munasib Munasib ◽  
Friska Citra Agustia

The aim of the research was to make high protein instant tiwul from mocaf which was substituted with jack bean flour and given a food grade commercial thickener to improve its sensory aspect. The study used a randomized block design. The factors studied were germination treatment on jack bean (G), without pre germination (G1) and with pre germination (G2); Proportion of mocaf: jack bean flour : tapioca (w/w) (F), P1 = 75:15:10, P2 = 70:20:10 and P3 = 65:25:10 and Addition of Commercial food grade thickening agent (w/w; % to flour weight) (K), K1 = 0.5%, K2 = 0.75% and K3 = 1.0%. The variables studied were physicochemical properties (moisture content, ash content, formol value, rehydration ability, for the best treatment, protein and fat content were tested) and sensory properties. Data were analyzed by F test (ANOVA) and continued with DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test). Based on the effectiveness index test, the best instant tiwul was G2P3K3 (with pre germination; proportion of mocaf-jack bean flour-tapioca w/w 65:25:10; commercial food grade thickening agent 1%). This instant tiwul has a water content of 4.39% wb; protein 7.05%db (6.74%wb), fat 6.39% db (6.11%wb), ash 0.98%db (0.93%wb) and carbohydrates (by difference) 85.54% db (81.78% wb), coefficient rehydration 3,67 and formol value 0,0383 ml NaOH 0,1N/g bk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Nur Azizah ◽  
Prita Dhyani Swamilaksita ◽  
Harna Harna ◽  
Putri Ronitawati

The implementation of large-scale social restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic has made employees do their work at home so they spend more time ordering food online. This will lead to bad habits that cause food loss and waste (FLW) because the food available at home if not consumed will be wasted. This study aims to determine the factors related to total food loss and waste (FLW) in PT Camiloplast Jaya Makmur employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method is quantitative with a design cross-sectional. Engineering samples total sampling.The analysis of this study used the chi-square. Data were collected using the FLW behavior questionnaire and the form estimated food record 3x24 hours. The results showed that there was a relationship between age (p=0.000, OR=14,385) and gender (p=0.000, OR=20,855) to total food loss and waste (FLW) but there was no relationship between knowledge (p=0,139), income (p=0,826), food selection (p=0,332), lifestyle (p=0,486), frequency of eating (p=0,492) and meal times including breakfast (p=1,000), lunch (p=0,346), and dinner (p=0.476 to the total food loss and waste (FLW). Therefore, employees are expected to be wiser in ordering food online and endeavor to make a list of food to be purchased in order to minimize the occurrence of food loss and waste (FLW).  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Fitriana Mustikaningrum

Latar Belakang : Pengaturan  diet merupakan salah satu cara  dalam mengendalikan  kadar glukosa darah bagi penderita diabetes mellitus. Bahan makanan yang mengandung antosianin dan pati resisten akan lambat dicerna di dalam pencernaan sehingga dapat membantu menjaga kadar glukasa darah. Snack bar  kacang merah pratanak dan ubi jalar ungu merupakan salah satu alternatif makanan tinggi antosiain dan pati. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui proporsi terbaik tepung kacang merah pratanak dan ubi jalar ungu pada pembuatan snack bar berdasarkan kadar antosianin, amilosa dan daya terimanya. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan 3 variasi perbandingan kacang merah pratanak:ubi jalar ungu yaitu 10%:90; 20%:80%; 30%:70%. Analisis antosianin menggunakan metode pH differential, sedangkan analisis amilosa menggunakan metode spektrophotometri. Uji organoleptik menggunakan uji hedonic  test. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji One way ANOVA, apabila terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan diteruskan dengan uji Duncan Test dengan signifikansi P-value <0,05. Hasil :  Semakin tinggi proporsi ubi jalar ungu, maka semakin tinggi kadar antosianin dan amilase pada snack bar (P-value<0,01). Snack bar dengan proporsi 10%:90% secara signifikan lebih disukai panelis (P-value= 0,04). Kesimpulan: Snack bar dengan proporsi10%:90% memiliki kadar antosianin, amilosa dan secara keseluruhan lebih dapat diterima oleh panelis dibandingkan proporsi 30%:70% dan 20%:80%. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Dwi Eva Nirmagustina

Brown rice has physical and sensory characteristics that are less favorable despite its high content of nutrition and phytochemical. The germination process is one way to improve and increase the acceptance of brown rice. The objective research was to determine germination time and varieties of brown rice on the physical and chemical characteristics of germinated brown rice. The research was conducted in RAL with 2 factors, germination time (24, 48, and 72 hours) and rice varieties (Mentik susu, Ciherang, and Pandan wangi). The data obtained were processed with analysis of variance to determine the effect of treatment on the parameters tested. If the effect is significant, then to determine the difference between treatments, a Tukey test is performed. Germination time of 24, 48, and 72 hours affected the color, germination, weight, dimensions of lenght, width, and thickness, bulk density, hydration capacity and swelling of germinated brown rice var. Mentik susu, Ciherang, and Pandan wangi. Germination time of 24, 48, 72 hours affected the chemical composition of BCG var. Mentik susu, Ciherang, and Pandan wangi. Based on observations of the physical and chemical characteristics of BCG var. Mentik susu, Ciherang, and Pandan wangi, germination time of 48 hours is recommended to do the germination with germination time of 48 hours compared to germination time of 24 and 72 hours.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 18
Siti ulfah Fauzia Hasanah

Ikan merupakan bahan pangan yang sering dijadikan sumber protein hewani oleh manusia, ikan merupakan bahan pangan yang sangat mudah membusuk, agar tidak cepat busuk maka ikan bisa diawetkan dengan penggaraman dan penjemuran, tetapi banyak produsen bahkan penjual yang menambahkan formalin kedalam ikan asin agar lebih awet. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kandungan formalin pada ikan asin dan pegetahuan pedagangnya di pasar X dan Y Sukabumi serta korelasi keduanya. Analisis kandungan formalin menggunakan test kit, sedangkan analisis pengetahuan pedagang tentang formalin menggunakan data kuesioner. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji chi square dan fisher exact test untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan pedagang tentang formalin dengan penggunaan formalin. Hasilnya didapatkan bahwa 4 dari 30 sampel ikan asin mengandung formalin. Analisis pengetahuan tentang formalin didapatkan hasil bahwa 9 penjual memiliki pengetahuan tinggi dan 6 orang memiliki pengetahuan rendah tentang formalin. Hasil analisis chi square didapatkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara penggunaan formalin pada ikan asin dengan pengetahuan penjual tentang formalin dengan nilai signifikasi 0,634 (P>0,05) dan nilai fisher exact test sebesar 1 (>0,05)

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 48
Islamiati Putri Amalia ◽  
Hery Winarsi ◽  
Gumintang Ratna Ramadhan

Background: The prevalence of pregnant women with a risk of Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) is quite high (24.2%). CED in pregnant women requires additional feeding interventions (PMT). Brownies enriched with taro flour–mung bean sprouts and purple sweet potato (TALAHIBU) were chosen as it is an energy-dense product and expected to have preferred organoleptic value and energy as PMT. Objectives: To determine the phenolic antioxidant content of the best TALAHIBU formula and to determine the serving size of TALAHIBU. Methodology: This factorial experimental study used a randomized block design (RBD) with 2 factors, consisting of taro flour-mung bean sprout proportion and the percentage of added fine steamed sweet potato. Organoleptic variable analysis used  Friedman test continued with 5% Multiple Appeal Test. The best treatment combination was chosen, continued with Proximate and phenolic test then energy calculations. Results: The best treatment was TALAHIBU G2J2 with water content of 23.94% BW; ash content 3.16% bb; fat 25.7% BW; carbohydrates 45.57% bb; protein 1.63% bb; energy 419.83kcal; and phenolic antioxidant 19,1 mg/g. Conclusion: The best product TALAHIBU is suitable PMT for pregnant women with CED by serving 5 slice brownies per day.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Tri Marta Fadhilah

Abstract Sorbet is a frozen product that is broadly consumed as a dessert. The appearance is likely ice cream, however, it used different ingredients. This product is made from a mixture of fresh fruit and sweeteners through crushed, stirred, and frozen processes. Generally, high-quality sorbet has a soft texture, does not melt quickly, has a uniform appearance, and has attractive colors, flavorful. This study investigates the characteristics, acceptability, and nutrition content of sorbet. An experimental study with a Randomized Block Design (RBD) was used in this study with two factors, stevia (1%, 2%, 3%) and Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose (CMC) (0.5%, 1%, 1.5%). The data were analyzed using ANOVA for continuous variables followed by LSD test for these show significant differences. The study revealed that taste, color, the texture was significantly different between the group, but the aroma was not significantly different. The hedonic test results in the highest value in a sample of 586  (66.7%) with the use of 3% stevia and 1.5% CMC. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed no significant difference in anthocyanin levels, however, vitamin C levels were significant differences between groups. The conclusion is that rosella sorbets can be accepted by the public and contain anthocyanin and vitamin C.   Keywords: Organoleptic Test, Acceptability, Nutritional Content, Rosella sorbet     ABSTRAK Sorbet merupakan produk pangan beku yang umumnya dikonsumsi sebagai dessert atau makanan penutup. Sorbet memiliki penampakan seperti es krim namun menggunakan bahan baku berbeda, karena produk ini terbuat dari campuran buah segar dan pemanis yang dihancurkan, diaduk lalu dibekukan. Kualitas sorbet yang baik pada umumnya yaitu tekstur yang lembut, tidak cepat meleleh, kenampakan seragam, serta warna menarik, citarasa dan aroma yang lezat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik, daya terima dan kandungan antosianin dan vitamin C sorbet rosella. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian experimental design yang membandingkan dua kelompok dengan membandingkan penambahan stevia (1%, 2%, 3%) dan CMC (0,5%, 1%, 1,5%). Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK). Hasil uji statistik menggunakan analisis ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT didapatkan hasil adanya beda nyata pada indikator rasa, warna, tekstur sedangkan pada indikator aroma tidak ada beda nyata. Hasil uji hedonik didapatkan nilai tertinggi pada sampel 586 (66,7%) dengan penggunaan stevia 3% dan cmc 1,5%. Hasil Uji Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada kadar antosianin dan untuk kadar vitamin C pada sorbet rosella terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan. Kesimpulannya sorbet rosella dapat diterima oleh masyarakat dan mengandung antosianin serta vitamin C. Kata Kunci: Uji Organoleptik, Daya Terima, Kandungan Gizi, Rosella sorbet

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Athiefah Fauziyyah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi foodbar berbahan baku buah bligo yang ditinjau dari analisis fisikokimianya sebagai alternatif pangan darurat. Analisis yang dipakai antara lain uji proksimat yang terdiri dari uji kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemak, kadar karbohidrat dan kadar protein. Uji fisik yang dilakukan menggunakan texture analyzer yang mengukur nilai kohesivitas dan nilai kekerasan. Foodbar bligo F2 dengan proporsi tepung bligo dan tepung kedelai sebesar 70:30% merupakan perlakuan yang paling mendekati syarat ideal sebagai pangan darurat dengan kandungan nilai gizi sebesar kadar karbohidrat 43,21%, kadar lemak 16,64%, kadar protein 13.65%, kadar air 5.50%, kadar abu 20,99%, nilai kekerasan dan kohesivitas sebesar 22294,3 gf dan 0.334%.

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