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Published By Balai Penelitian Dab Pengembangan Agama Jakarta

2502-7891, 0215-7829

Penamas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 143
Zakiyah Zakiyah

Artikel ini membahas tema pelaksanaan Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Islam Terpadu (SMP IT) Syakur Al Marzuki yang berada di desa Nglingi Bareng Kecamatan Ngasem, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur. Topik ini penting dikaji karena PAI merupakan mata pelajaran wajib yang harus diberikan kepada peserta didik dan pada saat yang sama dalam beberapa tahun terakhir perkembangan sekolah-sekolah dengan label Islam Terpadu (IT) semakin berkembang dan bermunculan, tidak saja sekolah yang masuk ke dalam jaringan Sekolah Islam Terpadu (SIT), namun juga sekolah yang berafiliasi dengan organisasi Islam seperti Muhammadiyah dan Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) membuka sekolah dengan model ini, salah satunya adalah SMP IT Syakur Al Marzuki yang berafilisasi dengan NU. Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2018. Adapun data dikumpulkan dengan beberapa metode meliputi wawancara, observasi dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa SMP IT Syakur Al Marzuki melaksanakan PAI pada proses pembelajaran di dalam kelas dan melalui pembiasaan ibadah, serta perilaku. Meskipun berlabel IT, sekolah ini menyasar anak-anak dari keluarga menengah ke bawah  di wilayah sekitar sekolah ini untuk dapat melanjutkan belajar dengan biaya murah dan gratis, serta mendapatkan pendidikan agama Islam secara komprehensif. Sekolah ini juga mempunyai program unggulan “tahfidz” dan menyediakan pesantren untuk siswa-siswinya.

Penamas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Athoillah Islamy ◽  
Saihu Saihu

This paper aims to determine the effectiveness of the management in Islamic boarding schools using balanced scorecard performance analysis, including four perspectives: finance, customers, internal business processes and learning and growth in Jam'iyyah Islamiyyah Islamic Boarding School. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive model. Based on the research that has been done, it is known that the management of Jam'iyyah Islamiyyah Islamic Boarding School measured with balanced scorecard approach is categorized as good, as the measurement results in all four perspectives are close to the expected target. After being measured using balanced scorecard approach and then analyzed with the effectiveness indicators according to Danim, the results show that the management of the Jam'iyyah Islamiyyah Islamic Boarding School can be said to be effective.

Penamas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Saridudin Saridudin

This research is motivated by the large number of mosques in Indonesia that have complete facilities, but the management of these facilities is used more to generate mosque income alone, and its use tends to be more on the aspects of worship, social, formal education and da’wah less emphasis on empowering and involving jamaah in various aspects especially in life skills education. This paper aims to find out how the implementation of life skills education is held at Al-Anwar Mosque and how it affects the socio-economic conditions of pilgrims. Data collection is done by interview, observation, and study documentation. The results showed that there were several life skills education taught and transformed by Al-Anwar mosque to the audience including cinematography, photography, graphic design, MC Javanese language skills (pranoto adicoro), and coffee processing with the brand “Pereng Gantung”. Also, the mosque makes the Digital Mosque program. Takmir provides various facilities such as fingerprint, trigger, free wifi, and website. The results of the study concluded, first, the Al-Anwar mosque functions not only as a place of worship, preaching, and education but as a place for life skills education. Second, life skills education at Al-Anwar Mosque is supported by several factors including the innovation of young management, support from community leaders, and digital mosque programs. Third, life skills education held at Al-Anwar Mosque affects improving the pilgrim’s economy.

Penamas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Firdaus Wajdi ◽  
Dini Fadhilah ◽  
Mushlihin Mushlihin

This is a study of endeavor in planting of multicultural values carried out by Pesantren Kauman of Lasem in a multi-ethnic community setting. The study of the importance of understanding multiculturalism in a society with religious backgrounds like Indonesia is very crucial. This study contributes to the aspect of teaching multicultural values by one of the representatives of the oldest Islamic education institution, pesantren. It focuses particularly to understand the Pesantren’s motivation and ways of implementation of planting of multicultural values as an effort to maintaining harmony with the surrounding community, which is dominated by ethnic Chinese. This research seeks to answer what are the urgency, the ways of implementation, as well as the responses in terms of educating multicultural values carried out by Pesantren Kauman of Lasem. This pesantren has its own uniqueness because it stands in the midst of a non-Muslim community. This can strengthen the opinion that religion can be social cohesion. This is a qualitative study which employed field observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation study as data collection tools. The main research site is located in Lasem, which is also known as Little China. It found out that the Pesantren grows the motivation to implement multicultural values from theological and sociological perspective. Furthermore, in terms of implementation, the pesantren utilizes the formal-pedagogical as well as nonformal-sociological aspects. This study also concludes that the implementation reaped both pro and contra responses. However, in general the Kauman Pesantren from Lasem succeeded in teaching multicultural values and using them to maintain harmony. This study shows that multicultural values can be taught formally-pedagogically or non-formally-sociologically. The theological aspect can be the point of departure, but the sociological aspects are also essential to consider in planting multicultural values which are then implemented in society. The Pesantren Kauman of Lasem has finally showed successful efforts in teaching multicultural values and using them to maintain harmony in a multicultural society. The results of this study are an evidence that multicultural values are able to be taught formally-pedagogically or non-formally-sociologically. The theological aspect can be the point of departure, but the sociological aspect is also essential to be considered in planting multicultural values which are then implemented in society.

Penamas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Tiwi - Etika

This article is the result of a research on the Kaharingan problematic issues of religious identity after being integrated into Hindu Dharma. During the ‘New Order’ (President Soeharto's government) Kaharingan religion was not included in one of the religions served by the state. The issue of state recognition and the ease of obtaining civil services for Kaharingan adherents are strong reasons for Kaharingan religious leaders to integrate Kaharingan as part of Hinduism. The research raises the issues: (1) how is the process of integrating Kaharingan religion into Hindu Dharma? (2) what are the implications of such integration? and, (3) how is the existence of Kaharingan religious identity as the original ‘Dayak tribe religion’ after integration into Hindu Dharma in the future? This study aims to portray the existence of Kaharingan religion during integration into Hindu Dharma. This type of research is qualitative-descriptive with the method of collecting data through observation and interviews with religious leaders and administrators of religious institutions namely the Hindu Kaharingan Grand Council (MB-AHK), as well as an analysis of documents related to the object of research. Theories used in this research are integration theory, identity theory and locality theory. The integration process has implications for various fields, ranging from education, social, religious, economic, political upto cultural identity. The future challenges of Kaharingan are: internal conflict, a dilemma of distortion from third parties and stigmatization as one of the Hindu Dharma sects.

Penamas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 345
Sitti Arafah

Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan keberadaan kelompok Ilmu Mukjizat Salat di Desa Wonggahu Kecamatan Paguyaman Kabupaten. Boalemo terkait pemahaman dan praktik keagamaan yang dilakukan selama ini. Metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi terhadap pengamalan kelompok ilmu mukjizat salat, pendalaman melalui wawancara terhadap kemunculan serta pemahaman dan pengamalan keagamaan yang dilakukan serta penelusuran terhadap dokumen-dokumen yang berkaitan dengan pemahaman Ilmu Mukjizat Salat. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa Ilmu Mukjizat Salat adalah kelompok yang mendalami tentang kekuatan salat yang dianggap telah lama terputus, sehingga pada tahun 1994 Muhammad Nasir (penerima pertama) memperoleh kekuataan gaib yang secara tiba-tiba melalui mukjizat atau hidayah, sehingga dapat berkomunikasi dengan sesuatu yang gaib. Dalam Ilmu Mukjizat Salat terdapat beberapa amalan yang harus dilaksanakan oleh setiap anggotanya, di samping terdapat pula beberapa pemahaman keagamaan yang diajarkan kepada setiap anggota atau calon anggota. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya melakukan pembinaan dan peningkatan pemahaman keagamaan masyarakat agar tidak mudah memasuki sebuah aliran atau kelompok keagamaan yang berbeda dengan pemahaman dan praktik keagamaan yang mainstream. 

Penamas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Diana Mutia Habibaty ◽  
Ah Azharuddin Lathif

Waqf insurance is a new breakthrough in the field of waqf and sharia insurance. This product collaborates between waqf and insurance products. The insurance waqf product is considered contrary to one of the insurance principles, namely the principle of insurable interest (Insurable Interest Principle). This principle states that the insured party (the insured / insurance participant) must have an interest in the object of insurance (life / object). This principle was born because everyone insures himself / his property because the person / property has the risk of being damaged / lost, whereas if someone chooses to have waqf or not, it does not actually pose any risk. This study uses an empirical approach in which an analysis of the Islamic waqf insurance contract is carried out and compares it with the basic principles of insurance. In addition, interviews were conducted with experts to deepen the study under study. The results of the study state that waqf insurance products in Sharia insurance can be used as part of insurance products by following the provisions of the DSN-MUI fatwa NO.106 / DSN-MUI / X / 2016 concerning Waqf Insurance Benefits and Investment Benefits in Sharia Insurance. By referring to this fatwa, the waqf insurance product has fulfilled the principle of insurable interest by stating that the maximum waqf that can be made on the insurance waqf product is 45%, while the other 55% is returned to the insurance participant or the beneficiary (if the insurance participant dies before the insurance contract is completed. ) as a form of risk mitigation and implementing the principle of insurable interest.

Penamas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 323
Rinda Fauzian

This study presents the transformation of the kiai's leadership in forming regeneration and developing Islamic boarding schools in Al Ummah Islamic Boarding School Sukabumi. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research, which focuses on the leadership portrait of the kiai, the mechanisms and steps for the operationalization of leadership, and the process of changing leadership. Data collection was carried out in 2018 by interviewing kiai, kiai families, students and community leaders. The results showed that the portrait of kiai leadership at Pesantren Al Ummah Sukabumi is oriented towards a democratic leadership style, which is the operationalization mechanism for the transformation of private ownership into institutional property, curriculum development, and infrastructure development. This is based on the replacement of kiai who have died, replaced by kiai families who have a holistic orientation and understanding in developing future pesantren. Recommendations from the results of this study are the importance of developing Islamic boarding schools which are not only oriented towards religious development, but also fostering students to have skills that will become their life provisions in the future.

Penamas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 205
Dony Arung Triantoro

This article examines the dynamics of changing religious authority, especially in Ustaz Abdul Somad, whose lectures are widely uploaded via Youtube. This study is important because Youtube does not only act as a medium for contemporary da'wah but also a means to build and strengthen traditional religious authority. The questions that will be answered in this article include: First, what were the discourses that initiated the emergence of ustaz Youtube in Indonesia? Second, what are the dynamics of changes in religious authority taking place on Youtube? Third, how does the Youtube media change and strengthen Ustaz Abdul Somad's religious authority? To answer these questions, researchers conducted online ethnographic work and personal communication with Ustaz Abdul Somad's audience. This article finds that three concepts influence the dynamics of changing Ustaz Abdul Somad's religious authority on Youtube, including the nature of Youtube technology itself, the role of Ustaz Abdul Somad's fans, and the aesthetic forms in Ustaz Abdul Somad's lectures.

Penamas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 277
Oga Satria

This paper discusses the fatwa of smoking contained in one of the Kerinci manuscripts written around the end of the 19th century AD. This kind of research is important to do because of the lack of research exploring religious manuscripts in the Kerinci area. This research was conducted using a qualitative research model that focuses on the domain of text and context. This study also uses a codicological approach to determine various aspects of the manuscript, such as material, age, place of writing, and estimates of script writing. In addition, a historical approach is also used to see the Kerinci context at that time. The data collection process was carried out by reviewing the available literature and also conducting an interview process to determine the background of the author, the age of the manuscript and the origin of the manuscript. The results of this study indicate that the manuscript containing the fatwa of smoking or smoking tobacco was written around the end of the 19th century AD. This is consistent with the indications of the calendar contained therein. The manuscript summarizes the prohibition of smoking based on the various arguments found in the Qur'an, Hadith, and the opinions of the scholars. Meanwhile, the motivation for prohibiting smoking contained in the manuscript is more likely to be influenced by religious factors, given the strong and rooted religious doctrine of the Kerinci community at that time compared to political, economic, and so on.

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