Jurnal Kajian Wilayah
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Published By Indonesian Institute Of Sciences

2502-566x, 2087-2119

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Amri Marzali

Ketuanan Melayu” is a conception of Malay political hegemony in Malaysia. The terminology was firstly introduced by a member of Parliament of Malaysia from the United Malay National Organization, namely Dato’ Abdullah Ahmad, in a speech offered at the Institute of Intenational Affairs, Singapura, Agustus 30, 1986. The speech was originally  aimed at countering the negative propaganda proposed by the Malaysian Indian and the Malaysian Chinese, who accused that the special socio-political privileges given to the indigenous Malaysian peoples in the Malaysia’s Constitution (partaicularly in article 153) and the affirmative discriminative New Economic Policy of 1971 have been a servere strategy to condemn the Indian and Chinese Malaysians. On the other hand, the Malays in Malaysia traced the idea of Malay political hegemony from the political situation in the period of Malay kingdom of Melaka in the 15th century. They considered the period of Melaka as the golden age of Malay political sovereignty in Selat Melaka. When Melaka was occupied by the Portuegese in the 16th century, and followed by the Dutch in the 17-18th centuries, the political sovereignty of the Malays in the Malaysian Peninsula was carried on by the newly subsequent Malay kingdoms, such as Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, and others. In this article, I proposed that what is now called Malay political hegemony could be compared to what was called beschikkingsrecht in Dutch language, in the colonial period of Indonesia. This terminology was introduced by an adat law scholar, van Vollenhoven, in 1905, referring to the sovereignty of the native peoples in Malay Archipelago over their land and political state. Lastly I find the debate on the Malay political hegemony in Malaysia recently, whether between the natives versus the immigrants, or between the ruling Malays versus the opposition Malays, are pertaining with 6 articles in the Constitution and Act of Malaysian Armforce of 1972. This set of rules is knownly called Wasiat Raja-raja Melayu (The Wasiat of the Malay Sultans). Therefore, I conclude, the Malay political hegemony is constitutionalized, thus it is unnecessary for the Malays to boasting it anymore. The real problems of the Malay political hegemony now in Malaysia rests on the way it has been implemented by the Malaysian government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Amorisa Wiratri

The migration of Chinese labours to Southeast Asian countries has become a huge issue lately. This study examines whether all Chinese migrants bring negative impacts to other countries. This research argues that Chinese migrants have a compelling part in support of development in the border area, particularly economic development. This research was conducted in Mong Cai, a border city between Vietnam and China. Using qualitative approach as methodology, the data are collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and review of the literature. The result found that Chinese migrants bring advantages in Mong Cai city, including support city development and improve the local economy. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Erwiza Erman

Tulisan ini berusaha untuk melihat dampak krisis keuangan yang terjadi di Amerika Serikan dan kemudian meluas hingga ke Eropa terhadap komoditas ekspor penting di Kenya, Kenya sebagai salah satu negara di Afrika Timur yang bergantung pada tiga komoditas utama yaitu kopi, teh, dan bunga potong, Melalui studi pustaka dan penelitian lapangan, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ketiga komoditas tersebut memiliki trendnya masing-masing dan saling bergerak bergantian selama fase krisis internal dan internal yang terjadi selama periode 1930-2013, Sebagai contoh kopi, mengalami berbagai macam krisis seperti krisis harga pada pasar internasional, depresi ekonomi pada tahun 1930, resesi ekonomi dunia pada 1980 dan krisis akibat perubahan iklim seperti musim kering berkepanjanganan yang terjadi pada tahun 2001/2002, Berbagai macam krisis berdampak pada produksi kopi, sehingga ekspor komoditas  digantikan oleh teh dan bungan potong. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Darynaufal Mulyaman ◽  
Gradiola Stacie Oley

This study explains how South Korean companies’ innovations, especially the ones which are running in beautyand health industries, have positive impacts to South Korean economy. It brings out some questions such as: isthis a kind of new soft power method? With its enormous online network, how and why South Korean health andbeauty products become so imminent in Indonesia? This study argues that a successful soft power strategy needsa co-opted measure in distribution and cyber world is vast place that could benefit a country that knows how touse it well. Furthermore, the collected data are literature studies from relevant sources, such as press releases andgovernment publications, from November 2019 to January 2020.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Dina Srirahayu

Vietnam merupakan salah satu negara penghasil dan pengekspor beras terbesar di Asia Tenggara dan di dunia. Beras di Vietnam tidak hanya sebagai makanan pokok, tetapi juga sebagai salah satu sumber pendapatan negara yang utama. Oleh karena itu, agar dapat memenuhi permintaan pasar ekspor yang terus berubah, Vietnam perlu meningkatkan kualitas produk berasnya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan keberhasilan Vietnam dalam memproduksi beras dan upaya Pemerintah Vietnam dalam memenuhi permintaan pasar ekspor yang terus berubah. Sumber data menggunakan studi literatur tentang topik-topik terkait dan menggunakan analisis SWOT untuk menggambarkan kondisi perberasan di Vietnam. Hasil dari analisis menunjukkan bahwa salah satu hal penting yang harus dilakukan Pemerintah Vietnam untuk mampu bersaing dalam perdagangan beras di pasar global adalah dengan memberikan merek dagang untuk setiap produk berasnya yang dijual di pasar lokal maupun internasional sebagai identitas beras asli asal Vietnam.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Hafza Aroosa Maraj ◽  
Hakan Gülerce ◽  
Shehnaz Rana ◽  
Munazzah Meraj

This research aims to describe and to define the importance of spirituality as a mediator in the global pandemic situation of COVID-19 in Pakistan while having positive correlation with resilience and inverse with hopelessness. The correlational research design was used and data was gathered by simple random sampling and there was a use of standardized psychological instruments to measure the variables. The participants were (N=540) Pakistani general population (male and female) with the age range of 18–60. The outcomes revealed that resilience was positively correlated with spirituality (r=0.72; p <0.01) while spiritualty is negatively correlated with hopelessness (r=-0.76; p <0.01) and resilience was negatively correlated with hopelessness (r=-0.78, p <0.01). Mediation analysis shows that spirituality performed a strong intermediating role between resilience and hopelessness the direct effect of hopelessness  on resilience  was -5.9** whereas the indirect effect through spirituality was       -1.7** and the total effect size was – 7.6**. It is revealed that spirituality has a strong impact on the resilience behavior and reduces the hopelessness even in the worldwide disastrous situation. This study enhances the literature related to the psychological research and prompts the role of spiritual coping strategies especially in the state of uncertainty like coronavirus pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Mayasuri Presilla ◽  
Rucianawati Rucianawati ◽  
Dina Srirahayu

Cambodia is one of the ten largest rice exporting countries in the world market.  Although its reputation is not as great as those of Thailand and Vietnam, the growth of rice production and export is worth to be reckoned.  In one decade, an increase of rice production by nine percent per year was followed by an increase of rice export each year.  This proves that Cambodia has succeed to struggle from its adversity due to war and colonialism.  However, it cannot be denied that Cambodia still faces diverse obstacles in increasing rice production.  With all of its limitations, Cambodia has tried to use its resources and collaboration networks as the means to address those obstacles.  By looking at the historical and sociological aspects, this study provides a comprehensive picture of rice development in Cambodia, which places more emphasis on recent obstacles and efforts in rice farming. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Putri Ariza Kristimata

Intelijen adalah lini pertama dalam pertahanan, yang berfungsi untuk menghindari pendadakan strategis dan memberikan rekomendasi bagi pembuat kebijakan dan pemangku kepentingan. Dalam negara demokrasi, prinsip-prinsip seperti akuntabilitas, transparansi, dan menjunjung tinggi hak-hak asasi manusia, menjadi sebuah benturan dalam prinsip kerahasiaan intelijen. Terlebih pada negara pasca otoriterisme seperti Filipina dan Indonesia, intelijen dijadikan alat pelanggengan rezim, alih-alih instrumen keamanan nasional. Oleh karena itu, kontrol demokratis dalam bentuk pengawasan terhadap komunitas intelijen mutlak dilakukan. Tulisan ini mengidentifikasi komunitas intelijen di Filipina dan Indonesia, serta bentuk pengawasan atas komunitas tersebut. Teori yang digunakan adalah model kontrol atau pengawasan Peter Gill, yang mengidentifikasi bentuk kontrol, institusi kontrol, dan institusi pengawas pada internal badan intelijen, cabang eksekutif, badan negara lainnya, dan kelompok masyarakat sipil. Pengumpulan data adalah dari wawancara dan penelusuran dokumentasi literatur. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) Filipina belum memiliki landasan hukum dan perangkat pengawasan yang memadai untuk memastikan anggaran dan kinerja intelijen akuntabel dan transparan; (2) Indonesia lemah dalam implementasi pengawasan meskipun sudah memiliki perangkat yang cukup memadai; (3) kelompok masyarakat sipil di kedua negara harus didorong agar berperan dalam fungsi pengawasan publik. Kedua negara dapat belajar satu sama lain. Filipina dapat belajar dari Indonesia karena memiliki perangkat regulasi pengawasan yang cukup memadai. Sementara Indonesia perlu memiliki arsitektur dan strategi keamanan nasional yang rigid agar BIN tidak langsung di bawah Presiden.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Muhammad Iqbal

This study aims to describe the mental health of Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong. The respondents of this study were Indonesian female migrant workers who worked in domestic sectors in Hong Kong, the number of respondents in this study were 100 respondent, female Indonesia migrant workers. This study uses survey method and quantitative approach with a sampling technique aimed at criteria of minimum 1 year working period, women and working in the household or domestic sector. This research was carried out using a mental health questionnaire. Mental Health Inventory (MHI) constructed by RAND Health Insurance Experiment (Veil & Ware, 1983) 38 items that measure aspects of anxiety, depression, emotional control, affect. Data analysis using SPSS is by using description analysis and different test (T-test). Result shown that in general respondents showing a good mental health condition (81%), very good mental health condition (1%), and poor mental health condition (18%).Keywords: mental health, Indonesian migrant workers, women domestic workersAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kesehatan mental pekerja rumah tangga perempuan migran Indonesia di Hong Kong. Responden penelitian ini adalah pekerja migran perempuan Indonesia yang bekerja sebagai pekerja rumah tangga di Hong Kong, jumlah responden penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 100 orang pekerja rumah tangga perempuan asal Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan  pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik sampel bertujuan kriteria minimal masa kerja 1 tahun, perempuan dan bekerja pada sektor rumah tangga. Penelitan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur kuesioner kesehatan mental Mental Health Inventory (MHI) dikontruksi oleh RAND Health Insurance Experiment (Veil & Ware, 1983) yang terdiri dari 38 item yang mengukur aspek kecemasan, depresi, kontrol emosi, afek. Analisis data menggunakan SPSS yaitu dengan menggunakan analisis deskripsi dan uji beda (T-test) dan berdasarkan hasil analisa menggunakan SPSS menunjukkan bahwa secara umum responden mengindikasikan kondisi kesehatan mental yang kurang baik (18%), baik (81%), dan sangat baik (1%). Kata kunci: Kesehatan mental, pekerja migran Indonesia, pekerja rumah tangga perempuan

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