Edukacja Etyczna
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Published By The Pedagogical University Of Cracow/Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny W Krakowie


2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 201-214
aleksandra Dziubińska

Climate change has intensifi ed in recent years. The resulting climatic disasters are no longer a distant future, but a diffi cult reality. This subject has been un-derestimated for too long. The aim of this article is to highlight our ineptitude and the mistakes we have made as tenants of this planet, and to fi nd and analyse solutions that would be most eff ective and at the same time most benefi cial to the most disadvantaged. The climate change was caused by man, among others through the burning of fossil fuels, intensive farming, or clearing and burning forests. Mainly a man who lives in highly developer part of the world. The con-sequences of climate change, such as the rise in average temperatures, rising sea and ocean levels, and weather extremes aff ect mainly underdeveloped regions, which due to their diffi cult economic situation, have in fact contributed least to change. The Paris Agreement recognised that losses and damage resulting from weather extremes are indeed caused by climate change. Unfortunately, it was also made clear that countries aff ected by such damage have no right to claim damages for this reason. The problem is being tackled by insurance companies that off er climate risk insurance, as well as climate lawsuits.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 17-41
Thomas Pölcer ◽  

Suppose you are a moral error theorist, i.e., you believe that no moral judgment is true. What, then, ought you to do with regard to our common practice of mak-ing such judgments? Determining the usefulness of our ordinary moral practice is exacerbated by the great number and variety of moral judgments. In-depth case studies may thus be more helpful in clarifying error theory’s practical im-plications than refl ections about morality in general. In this chapter I pursue this strategy with regard to a particularly important matter, namely climate change. First, I establish general conditions for when a moral judgement has any eff ect on those who accept it. Second, I show that the judgement that in-dividuals in industrialized countries are morally obliged to act against climate change does not fulfi l these conditions, and is thus neither benefi cial nor harm-ful. Finally, I sketch several strategies for increasing people’s non-moral moti-vation to act against climate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 5-16
Piotr Skubała ◽  

Climate change caused by excessive emissions of greenhouse gases is becoming, along with excessive exploitation of the environment, agriculture and urbani-zation, one of the main threats to life on Earth and our civilization. Although we have known about the relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and the rise of the average temperature on Earth since end of the 20th century, it was only after nearly 100 years that we took international action to reduce this phenomenon. We are looking at the closing window and the question arises whether we will be able to react and stave oȮ the climate crisis. We know what immediate actions are needed, but we do not take them. It seems that a neces-sary condition for doing the work of repairing the world is a complete change in the way we view the natural world. It must be based on relational thinking, emphasize mutual relationships, the interdependence of man and nature, hu-man beings and non-human beings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 150-168
Barbara Niedźwiedzka

The article discusses two books that make an interesting contribution to the development of ethical refl ection on the relationship between humans and an-imals. These are: Face to face with animals. Levinas and Animal question edited by Peter Atterton and Tamara Wright, whose authors, followers of the French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, address the ethical status of animals in the 168BŤŵťŤŵŤ NŬŨŧȌźŬŨŧŽŮŤlight of the “Other” and “Face” concepts, and the book: Ethical Condemnation of Hunting edited by Dorota Probucka – a collection of essays exposing myths, lies and pathologies accompanying the killing of animals for sport or entertain-ment. The authors of both collections of essays draw attention to the reasons and mechanisms for excluding animals from the sphere of philosophical refl ec-tion and human morality and give strong arguments for restoring their proper ethical status.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 184-200
Marcin Łubiński ◽  

As the scientists indicate in their analyzes, about 60% of vertebrates on Earth have extinct since the industrial revolution. The inevitable climate catastrophe in the coming decades will bring even more noticeable damage. Due to the pres-ence of the human species in the world and its unrestrained expansion, the eff ects of Homo sapiens activity aff ect almost all ecosystems. Snowless winters, rising sea levels or extremely high temperatures are symptoms of a disaster that we are unable to ignore. This article briefl y discusses the most signifi cant threats to ecosystem services, the eff ects of careless human activity, and their current as well as future consequences, broken down into individual “sectors” of human activity. The current geopolitical situation regarding climate change and its impact on the world will also be presented. This article is mainly based on the 2019 IPBES report and reports from WWF and other entities dealing with climate change.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 169-183
Katarzyna Sikora ◽  

Animals are creatures living next to humans. Their protection is our duty for moral, ethical, environmental, legal and social reasons. Unfortunately, animals are often victims of human violence. The purpose of this article was to present the postulate of extending the “Blue Cards” procedure to include companion animals and to prove the hypothesis that it is legitimate to apply the analo-gy between violence against animals and the closest relatives. In the course of the article we indicate similarities and features of violence relating to domestic animals and violence toward family members. These include, among others: the fact that violence is used mainly against physically and mentally weaker subjects, the victims are unable to oppose the attacks on their own, and the per-petrators most often come from the victim’s immediate vicinity. There are also examples of specifi c behaviours that demonstrate violence against both a family member and a pet. Regulations concerning laws of animals were also indicated in the Polish legal system. The article describes the “Blue Cards” procedure as the tool eff ectively helping with the fi ght against family violence, as well as supporting and helping victims. Actions that can bring real help in the matter of harming domestic animals were presented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 66-76
Ignacy S. Fiut ◽  

The work presents the concept of pro-ecological values, with particular empha-sis on the concept of Holmes Rolston III.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 111-122
Mateusz Schuler ◽  

This article presents a deconstructionist perspective on the environmental eth-ics. This model realizes a multi-criterial approach to normativity in the environ-mental ethics. The fi rst part of this study is devoted to the most important con-cepts of environmental philosophy, as represented by Peter Singer, Hans Jonas, Holmest Rolston and Aldo Leopold. In the second part, I show that the philos-ophy of Jacques Derrida contains an interesting vision of environmental ethics,

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 93-110
Ryszard Kulik ◽  

The ar ticle presents a psychological perspective of the causes and consequences of the climate and environmental crisis. The author presents a picture of the modern world showing the achievements of human civilization and the associ-ated environmental, psychological and sociological costs. Then, the deep causes of the current crisis are analyzed, among which the tendency to avoid suff ering plays a special role. Finally, it leads to separation from current experience. The separation syndrome becomes the basic feature of modern civilization, whose function is to eliminate the experience of suff ering. The author shows how avoiding suff ering leads to separation from nature, which results in external-ization of costs and ultimately leads to the climate and environmental crisis. In addition to the destructive potential, the crisis also provides an opportunity for deep refl ection on the human condition and taking steps to change the un-favo urable situation. The author, basing on the diagnosis, creates a vision of a new reality in which man will be able to cope with suff ering without avoiding unfavourable circumstances. Consent to suff ering as a natural component of life, the ability to contain it and to accept reality as it is, are crucial for resolving the current climate and environmental crisis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 42-65
Christina Shaheen Moosa ◽  

Eff ectively addressing climate change has proven to be intractable, even as the impacts of increased climate variability have become more prominent. In this paper, I consider the existence of individual moral obligations regarding climate change. Through an engagement with Walter-Sinnott-Armstrong and Avram Hiller’s debate concerning the moral signifi cance of individual level GHG emis-sions, I diagnose a fi t problem that exists in the application of our ordinary ways of thinking about individual moral obligations (what I call the causal liability model) to the ethical challenges of climate change. In light of this fi t problem, I argue that the question of individual moral obligations concerning climate change should be preceded by an analysis the nature of climate change as a moral problem. I argue that, given certain features, climate change is a matter of social justice and suggest that models of shared responsibility off er a path forward for articulating individual obligations in this context.

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