Edukasia Islamika
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Published By Lp2m Iain Pekalongan

2548-5822, 2548-723x

2020 ◽  
pp. 68
Muhlisin Muhlisin ◽  
Mohammad Syaifuddin

Islamic educational institutions are encouraged to implement the model of integrated Islamic education in recent years. They are supposed to integrate Islamic studies, science and technology. The present study aims to reveal the reasons why MAN IC Pekalongan implement an integrated Islamic education model, describe the implementation of students’ activities programs based on science integration, describe the implementation of curriculum development based on science integration, describe the learning implementation based on the integration of Islamic studies, science and technology. Grounded in qualitative approach, data were garnered through interview, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed through reduction, display, and data verification. The study findings expose that: first, the reasons of integrating Islamic studies, science and technology is to reach the vision of the school which aims to be excellent both on academic and non-academic areas which then be able to improve the quality of madrasah as an integrative Islamic education institution. Second, the students’ activity program used is the model of Separated Integration System (SIS). Third, the curriculum development program used is the model of Integrated Tree Curriculum (ITC). Fourth, the learning implementation uses the model of Integrating Verb (IV), Interdisciplinary Dialogic Integration (IDI), Instrumentalist Justification Integration (IJI), and reflective technique.

2020 ◽  
pp. 52
Moh Slamet Untung

This study tries to describe the policy implemented by the Japanese fascist military authority toward pesantren education during their occupation in Indonesia. The research problem is how the policies used by the Japanese fascist military authority towards pesantren during their occupation in Indonesia before the independence of Indonesia. Primary data sources of this study include some works examining the policies of the Japanese fascist military authority towards pesantren education. Various scientific papers on Japanese colonization in Indonesia are used as secondary data sources of this study. This study uses historical approach and library research method focusing on the policies of the Japanese fascist military authority towards pesantren education. The collected data then were analyzed by using content analysis. This study exposes that the Japanese government provide more freedom for pesantren education than the Dutch colonial to develop themselves without any affection from the Japanese government. It could be seen from a fact that when pesantren were about to develop their basic potential as an educational institution teaching anti-colonial attitudes, Japanese government immediately acted repressively. They always monitored the kiai as well as all pesantren’s activities.

2020 ◽  
pp. 38
Akhmad Syahri

In more recent years, religious literacy among students is assumed to be low. There is also limited amount of research has been conducted on this area. This study aims to find out the practice of religious literacy movements among students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. This study belongs to qualitative research and uses case study as its research design. The data were collected through interview, observation, and documentation. The result shows that the optimization of religious literacy movement among students can be built through clear programs and regulations, adequate facilities, and measurable learning. The construction of Albert Bandura's social learning model also applied in the religious literacy movement among students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. It includes modeling, stimulating, learning from reality or experience, as well as being dialogical and not patronizing. The religious literacy movement of students can be categorized into optimal when the students have the character of "RAPI", which consists of Ramah (friendly), Aman (safe), Prestasi (achievement), Islami (Islamic). This study contributes to describe the importance of prioritizing religious literacy movement because it can build intelligent students and quality generations.

2020 ◽  
pp. 17
Herman Wicaksono

Tujuan pendidikan merupakan satu hal yang tak terpisahkan dari setiap penyelenggaraan pendidikan, tak terkecuali dalam pendidikan Islam. Belum adanya rumusan tujuan Pendidikan Islam yang konkret dan terukur menjadi salah satu pemantik munculnya kajian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan terobosan baru bagi pendidikan Islam. Melalui penelitian ini penulis rumuskan satu rumusan baru terkait tujuan pendidikan Islam yakni tujuan pendidikan Islam berbasis Mabādi’ Khaira Ummah. Konsep ini merupakan prinsip dalam bidang kemsyarakatan yang dicetuskan oleh salah satu organisasi terbesar di Indonesia, NU, yang menurut pandangan penulis sangatlah relevan untuk dijadikan acuan dalam merumuskan tujuan pendidikan Islam. Untuk itu, melalui penelitian kepustakaan, penulis mencari, mengumpulkan, dan mengolah data berkenaan dengan tujuan pendidikan Islam dan Mabādi’ Khaira Ummah untuk kemudian dirumuskan menjadi satu rumusan tujuan pendidikan Islam yang baru. Walhasil, dari hasil analisa penulis, tujuan pendidikan Islam hendaknya mencetak peserta didik yang memiliki sikap: jujur, dapat dipercaya, menepati janji, adil, gemar tolong menolong, dan konsisten dalam kebaikan.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1
Firman Mansir

Leadership is one of crucial things in an education management. It also happens in Islamic higher education institutions, especially in the case of its personnel management. This study aims to describe the leadership style in a personnel management of an Islamic higher education institution in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This study belongs to qualitative research by using interview and observation in collecting the data. The obtained data then validated by triangulation and descriptively analyzed to produce relevant interpretation of the data. This research comes into a conclusion that the education success is not only measured from the class management, curriculum, students and so on, but also its personnel management. This study promotes that leadership in personnel management of Islamic higher Education needs good leadership style which based on the principle of siddiq, amanah, tabligh, and fathonah. It can be applied through recruitment, development, promotion and transfer, dismissal, compensation, as well as evaluation of employee performance.

2019 ◽  
pp. 42
Abdul Khobir

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi pendidikan karakter di kalangan keluarga nelayan dusun Jambean desa Pecakaran Kecamatan Wonokerto Kabupaten Pekalongan, untuk mendeskripsikan pola pendidikan karakter di Kalangan Keluarga Nelayan Dusun Jambean desa Pecakaran kecamatan Wonokerto Kabupaten Pekalongan, dan untuk mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi pola Pendidikan karakter di Kalangan Keluarga Nelayan dusun Jambean desa Pecakaran Kecamatan Wonokerto Kabupaten Pekalongan? Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan jenis pendekatan kualitatif. Sedangkan jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan (field research). Sumber data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan; metode wawancara, metode observasi, dan metode dokumentasi. Sementara teknik analisis datanya menggunakan analisis data kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, Implementasi pendidikan karakter di kalangan keluarga nelayan dusun Jambean bisa dilihat dari beberapa aspek antara lain: dari aspek pengertian pendidikan karakter, tujuan pendidikan karakter, materi pendidikan karakter dan metode pendidikan karakter. Kedua, pola pendidikan karakter yang diberikan oleh orang tua di kalangan keluarga nelayan dusun Jambean antara lain: mendidik dengan kesabaran, mendidik dengan kasih sayang, mendidik dengan penelantar, mendidik dengan pola otoriter dan mendidik dengan pola demokrasi, dan Ketiga, faktor–faktor  yang mempengaruhi pola pendidikan karakter di kalangan keluarga nelayan dusun Jambean desa Pecakaran Kecamatan Wonoerto Kabupaten Pekalongan meliputi dua faktor, yaitu pertama, faktor pendukung meliputi: faktor pembiasaan dan teladan, faktor lingkungan sekitar, faktor pembiasaan, serta faktor kesadaran dan kedua, faktor penghambat meliputi; faktor lingkungan, faktor kurangnya perhatian orang tua, faktor pendidikan dan agama orang tua.

2019 ◽  
pp. 111
Sri Anugrah Indriani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan problem solving dalam meningkatkan pemahaman belajar hadits bagi peserta didik di SMAN 1 Teladan Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan praktek pembelajaran hadits di SMAN 1 Teladan Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi untuk mendapatkan data yang valid dari narasumber. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa pembelajaran hadits di SMAN 1 Teladan Yogyakarta dimulai dengan pembacaan hadits bagi kelas X, kemudian menghafalkan hadits bagi peserta didik kelas XI dan teruntuk kelas XII diberikan tugas berupa penyampaian kultum sebelum memulai pembelajaran PAI. Selain itu, ada faktor yang mempengaruhi pemahaman peserta didik dalam hal ini adalah dari pihak guru dan juga dari peserta didik selaku teman sebaya. Dan juga, tentu ada problem solving atau strategi yang digunakan oleh guru PAI dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang ada terkait dengan pemberian tugas ini, yaitu dengan melalui pembuatan list materi dan kegiatan untuk mentkahrij hadits.

2019 ◽  
pp. 18
Badrus Zaman

The research objectives to be achieved are: To find out the concept of moral education given by the PPAP Seroja institution to street children in Surakarta, what factors influence the difficulty of applying moral education in PPAP Seroja Surakarta, and the level of moral development of street children after being provided with moral education at the PPAP Seroja Surakarta institution. This type of research is a descriptive qualitative study conducted at PPAP Seroja Surakarta in 2019, data collected through the method of observation, documentation, and interviews. The analysis was conducted using interactive analysis with three components namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The conclusions of the study are as follows: Moral education in street children at PPAP Seroja Surakarta, which involves fostering good moral attitudes and behavior or good character and is expected to help in the moral development of street children in forming character, good character of citizenship, who has good morals. Factors that influence the difficulty of implementing moral education in PPAP Seroja Surakarta are street children who do not have the awareness to attend moral education, lack of competency, less supportive infrastructure, and family environment that tends to be passive and far from moral values. The level of moral development of street children after being provided with moral education at PPAP Seroja Surakarta is at the conventional level, namely at level III (orientation to the group of "sweet children" or "good children") and level IV (law and order orientation).

2019 ◽  
pp. 226
Muhammad Aji Nugroho

The incorporation of multicultural values ​​in Islamic education textbooks needs to be fostered as the endeavor to raise Muslim’s inclusive religious awareness. In response to this growing need, this study describes the highlight of multicultural education and multicultural values-based learning materials of Islamic education as well as well-planned learning processes. Grounded in a qualitative explorative descriptive study, it provides a comprehensive content analysis of Islamic education textbooks reinforced with a phenomenological approach. The primary sources of research were Islamic education textbooks for tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades in secondary high schools located in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. Secondary sources were obtained through in-depth interviews with the teachers and students. Findings of this study demonstrate that firstly, not only did the textbooks cover the transfer of knowledge, but they also promoted multicultural values, so that the students upheld their cultural identities. Secondly, the learning materials introduced not only ritualistic symbols, but also the relationship between religious symbols and the existing reality. It encourages the students to think inclusively regarding unity in diversity. Finally, multicultural values embedded in the learning process involved tolerance, harmony, a culture of mutual respect, democracy, and maintenance of faith with good morality in social solidarity and interaction.

2019 ◽  
pp. 189
Ahmad Munjin ◽  
M. Sugeng Sholehudin

This article will talk about the system of educational quality management  implemented at MIN 2 Sleman, Yogyakarta.  This issue plays an  important role in improving education, especially madrasa.  Infact, according to Damayanti  (2005:34), our educational level is still low and it really needs improvement as the foundation for an effective partnership among educational institutions.  Furthermore, the sense of solidarity and brotherhood seem to decrease as the results of the low character building.  In this case, religious institutes seem to have bigger responsibility to solve this problem. The good quality of education in religious institutes (madrassa) will, in turn,  produce a generation that is expected to be able to portray himself as the leader of the people, communities and nations. The implementation stages of education quality management at MIN 2 Sleman starts from planning, organizing, mobilizing, supervising, developing and evaluating. The implementation of this phase uses bottom-up, transparent, and accountable system, accompanied by a clear job description in each position so that it can provide optimal education services. The objects of the quality assurance include character building, education, internal audit, teaching learning, and quality development of the teacher and academic staffs. In accordance to the quality assurance,  MIN 2 Sleman has implemented Children-Friendly School (CFS) which aims  to sett a comfortable shcool for the children, ensure the fulfilment of the right and protection of the children after their own home

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