scholarly journals The Policy of Japanese Fascist Military Authority on Pesantren Education

2020 ◽  
pp. 52
Moh Slamet Untung

This study tries to describe the policy implemented by the Japanese fascist military authority toward pesantren education during their occupation in Indonesia. The research problem is how the policies used by the Japanese fascist military authority towards pesantren during their occupation in Indonesia before the independence of Indonesia. Primary data sources of this study include some works examining the policies of the Japanese fascist military authority towards pesantren education. Various scientific papers on Japanese colonization in Indonesia are used as secondary data sources of this study. This study uses historical approach and library research method focusing on the policies of the Japanese fascist military authority towards pesantren education. The collected data then were analyzed by using content analysis. This study exposes that the Japanese government provide more freedom for pesantren education than the Dutch colonial to develop themselves without any affection from the Japanese government. It could be seen from a fact that when pesantren were about to develop their basic potential as an educational institution teaching anti-colonial attitudes, Japanese government immediately acted repressively. They always monitored the kiai as well as all pesantren’s activities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 192-199
Tjeppy Tjeppy

The difficulty of providing an understanding of the values of religion to students in schools is feared to be one of the causes of the emergence of acts of violence in educational institutions. So the purpose of this article is to analyze the understanding of religious values as one way to prevent violence in educational institutions. This research method is qualitative with descriptive analytic approach, and the type of research belongs to category of library research. Primary data sources are 10 books, while secondary data sources are from relevant journals. The conclusion of this article is that violence occurs in educational institutions must be the government's concern. The number of cases of students persecuting their teachers even some has died is an indicator that religious education obtained is only memorized. Students do not understand the purpose and objectives of learning religious education, and this is also because teachers are unable to provide an understanding of the essence of religious education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 393
Syahrizal Syahrizal

The ideas of al-Qabisi on the physical punishment method for the students now tend to be poorly comprehended, acknowledged, and implemented by educators in the educational institution system. It is almost certain that the study of the physical punishment method is still limited to theory and knowledge without giving application in the reality of life. This research aimed to analyze the principle of physical punishment for the students, illustrate the terms, as well as the objectives of the punishment, and the impact on the psychological and physical of students. Based on library research and descriptive, deductive, and content analysis of primary and secondary data sources, the result of the research showed that according to al-Qabisi, there are six principles of physical punishment, four conditions that must be considered in the provision of physical punishment, five purposes of giving physical punishment for them, and imposition of physical punishment for them according to al-Qabisi harms the physical and psychological of students.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 139-147
Dahlan Lama Bawa

ABSTRAKTulisan mengenai Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan; ikhtiar mencegah konflik dan membina toleransi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya konflik atas nama agama yang pernah terjadi di Indonesia pada kurun waktu tahun 1990-2000-an. Tujuan penulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai demokrasi dan toleransi kepada masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya dan mahasiswa khususnya yang memprogramkan mata kuliah Civic Education. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menggali informasi pada tulisan ini adalah deskriptif-kualitatif, dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Adapun sumber data terdiri dua sumber data yaitu sumber data primer dan sekunder. Sumber data primer, yakni penulis menggali informasi dari data-data  mengenai konflik atas nama agama di Indoensia baik dalam bentuk buku-buku ilmiah maupun jurnal laporan hasil penelitian. Sedangkan sumber data sekunder, yakni penulis menghimpun data dan informasi di media cetak dan elektronik. Adapun intrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah penulis sendiri sebagai instumen kunci. Adapun temuan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemicu konflik atas anama agama di Indonesia terdiri dari tiga faktor, yakni faktor adanya  pelecehan/penodaan agama, adanya sikap yang mau menang sendiri serta mengabaikan kehadiran umat beragama lain,  adanya diskomunikasi dan miskomunikasi antar umat beragama.    Kata kunci: Penanaman Nilai-nilai Demokrasi dan Toleransi  ABSTRACTWritten of civic education; the effort to prevent and maintain tolerance is based by there were conflicts was the name of religion that occurred in Indonesia in the period 1990-2000's. The purpose of this research is intended to build the values of democracy and tolerance to the society generally and students particulary who program Civic Education subject. Research method used to find information in this paper is descriptive-qualitative, with phenomenological approach. The data sources consist of two data sources are primary and secondary. Primary data sources, are the researcher find information from data about the conflict in the name of religion in Indonesia both scientific books and report research journals. While secondary data sources, are the researcher collect data and information in print and electronic media. Instrument of this research is the researcher himself as a key. The findings of this research indicate that the trigger of conflict religion in Indonesia consists of three factors, namely the factors religious desecration, the attitude of self-defeating and the disregard presence of other religious communities, the existence of discommunication and miscommunication among religious people. Keywords: Build Democratic Values and Tolerance

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-99
Nurcahaya Nurcahaya

This study aims to describe the book of Sahih Bukhari and the background of the codification phase of Hadith. This research uses qualitative research methods based on library research (Library Research). Sources of data in this study consisted of primary data sources and secondary data sources. The primary data source in this study is the Sahih Bukhari book written by Imam al-Bukhari, while the secondary data sources are books and journal articles related to the codification phase of hadith. Data analysis used content analysis techniques, namely by deepening the meaning in the literature quotations used. The results showed that the Sahih Bukhari book was the first book compiled containing the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. This book was written in a period of approximately 16 years through a very strict screening process from 600,000 Hadith which resulted in 7,397 Hadiths contained in the book. With regard to the book, the birth of the Hadith codification movement during the era of Imam Bukhari was the dynamics of Islamic law, particularly the influence of Imam Syafi'i. In the period before Imam Syafi'i formulated a system of law making as contained in the ar-Risalah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Asep Suryanto ◽  
Adah Sa’adah

The objective of this research was to find out what factors underlie Daarut Tauhiid BMTcustomers in applying of murabaha financing. The research method used is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The data sources in this study involve primary data sources and secondary data sources. Primary data sources, namely the unit head, account officer, and members of Daarut Tauhiid BMT as murabaha financing customers at the BMT. Secondary data sources involve modules, documents at Daarut Tauhiid BMT relating to the topic of research. The data analysis techniques are through the stages of data reduction, data display and data verification. The results of the research show that the factors that could underlie customer decisions in applying The results showed that the factors underlying the customer's decision in applying of murabaha financing at Daarut Tauhiid Baitul mal wa Tamwil (BMT) were images of the Daarut Tauhiid environment, reference groups, customer needs in certain situations, supporting personal work, customer perceptions of syariah compliance

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 601
Nur Rachmat Arifin ◽  
Ridan Muhtadi ◽  
Sri Herianingrum

SMEs (Small and Medium) are a solution to improve the economic sector and recorded in the Ministry of MSMEs increasing from 57.84 percent to 60.34 percent by absorbing labor in the country, but the public and companies do not know much about Halal Certification in Bangkalan, Pamekasan, and Pasuruan, even though Bangkalan, Pamekasan, and Pasuruan possesses the formalization of Islamic City Branding. This study aims to answer the question: "How is the perception of Bangkalan, Pamekasan, and Pasuruan District SMEs about theimportance of halal certification after the Formalization of City Branding?".The research method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative research method, with sampling techniques using snowball sampling. The primary data sources used in this study were documentation and direct interviews with SMEs� in culinary fields in Bangkalan, Pamekasan, and Pasuruan, while secondary data sources were obtained from books and journals.The results of this study indicate that as many as 39 or 65% of informants perceive that halal certificates are not important and only 21 or 35% ofinformants who consider halal certificates are important.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Ratno Ratno

The classification of Prophet’s actions is very important to understand. Misclassification will lead to wrong conclusions. One of the contemporary scholars who discuss this issue is Muhammad Bin Ṣālih al-ʿUṯaimīn (d. 2001). This research will answer about how Muhammad Bin Ṣālih al-ʿUṯaimīn classified the Prophet’s actions be five classifications? This research is library research with critical analytical descriptive method. The primary data sources are Ṣaroḥ al-Uṣul min Ilmi al-Uṣul and Manẓumah Uṣul Fiqh wa Qowāiduh. The secondary data sources are from letters, fatwas, etc from Muhammad Bin Ṣālih al-ʿUṯaimīn. This study concludes that Muhammad Bin Ṣālih al-ʿUṯaimīn divided the Prophet’s actions be five classifications. First, his action for reasons of human nature. Second, his action for socio-cultural reasons. Third, his action with special deed for his. Fourth, his action for worship reasons. Fifth, explain the global dalil. Of these five classifications, there are two classifications can be contextualized. They are his action for reasons of human nature and his action for socio-cultural reasons. Klasifikasi af’al (perbuatan-perbuatan) Nabi saw. sangat penting untuk dipahami. Salah klasifikasi maka akan menimbulkan salah kesimpulan. Salah satu ulama kontemporer yang membahas masalah ini adalah Muhammad Bin Ṣālih al-ʿUṯaimīn (w. 2001). Penelitian ini akan menjawab tentang bagaimana Muhammad Bin Ṣālih al-ʿUṯaimīn mengklasifikasikan af’al (perbuatan-perbuatan) Nabi saw. menjadi lima? Penelitian ini adalah penelitian library research dengan metode diskriptif analitis kritis dengan sumber data primer adalah Šaroḥ al-Uṣul min Ilmi al-Uṣul dan Manẓumah Uṣul Fiqih wa Qowāiduh. Sedangkan sumber data sekunder adalah dari tulisan, fatwa, dan yang semisalnya dari Muhammad Bin Ṣālih al-ʿUṯaimīn. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa Muhammad Bin Ṣālih al-ʿUṯaimīn membagi af’al (perbuatan-perbuatan) Nabi saw. menjadi lima. Pertama, karena alasan tabiat manusia. Kedua, karena alasan sosial budaya dan adat masyarakat. Ketiga, karena alasan kekhususan. Keempat, karena alasan ingin beribadah. Kelima, karena alasan ingin menjelaskan dalil yang bersifat global. Dari kelima klasifikasi ini, ada dua yang mungkin dilakukan kontekstualisasi dalam dalil-dalil agama, yaitu perbuatan Nabi saw. yang dilakukan karena alasan tabiat manusia dan perbuatan Nabi saw. yang dilakukan karena alasan sosial budaya dan adat masyarakat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Wiekandini Dyah Pandanwangi

Rahwana Putih, a novel by Sri Teddy Rusdy, reveals the figure of Rahwana with good characters and behaviours. The characters appeared contain moral values that can be considered as a role model. This phenomena is interesting to be explored deeply because, here, Rahwana is presented differently from its stereotype in all puppet stories. Based on this research background, this study aims to analyze moral values contained in Rahwana Putih by Sri Teddy Rusdy. Structuralism approach is used to analyze the moral values on Rahwana figure which emphasizes on intrinsic elements of fiction works. The MacIntyre’s theory of morality that cores on truthfulness and trust, justice, and courage is also applied to observe these values. The method used in this study is analytical descriptive and it consists of primary and secondary data sources. The primary data source is Rahwana Putih by Sri Teddy Rusdy, while the secondary data sources are journals and references which are relevant to the research problem. The techniques for collecting data comprise reading, classifying, reducing and describing data. The technique used to analyze the data is content analysis. The results show that the moral values appeared in Rahwana’s characters embrace honesty, trust, justice and courage are the manifestation of Javanese leadership concept called astabrata.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Suhayib Suhayib ◽  
Muhammad Fadli Ramadhan ◽  
Ayu Azkiah

<p class="06IsiAbstrak"><span lang="EN-GB">Sufism and political expressions are often considered contradictory. Politics tends to be secular, hedonic and materialist as the reason for the Sufis to stay away from it. Politicians also view that Sufi life only curbs political creativity. Secularization in Turkey failed because it met with resistance from the Sufis spearheaded by Said Nursi. This research is limited to the four pillars of thought Sufism Said Nursi. This study aims to determine the four pillars of Said Nursi's Sufism thought and its influence on the political struggle of the Muslim community in Turkey in 1900-1960. This research is library research. Data sources consist of primary data sources, secondary data sources and tertiary data. The method used in analyzing the data is the content analysis method. The research results obtained the following findings; Through the neo-Sufism social movement, Nursi got a broad audience. His guidance for Turkish society and readers of Risalah al-Nur in particular influenced political change.</span></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Ahmad Azizi ◽  
Hunainah Hunainah

The purpose of this study is to identify the values ​​of character education contained in the Al-Quran surah Al-Mu'minun verses 1-9, by examining the Al-Azhar interpretation. This research is qualitative, while the method used is library research, with primary data sources from Al-Azhar interpretation, and secondary data sources for books that discuss the subject matter indirectly. Data collection techniques, validity and data analysis were used, namely documentation, theory triangulation and content analysis. The results of the author's analysis of Q.S. Al-Mu'minun verses 1-9, by examining Al-Azhar's Tafsir, that Allah SWT has determined a very large fortune for believers who have 7 (seven) good qualities, namely: being faithful, devoted to praying , turning away from things that are not useful, cleaning oneself by paying zakat, maintaining genitals, maintaining mandates and promises, and maintaining prayer. The results of the study can be concluded that there are 7 (seven) values ​​of character education that need to be taught to students from an early age, namely (1) having faith, containing honest characters found in verse 1; (2) khusyu 'in praying, contains a character of confidence, found in verse 2; (3) turning away from things that are useless, containing the character of being critical can be found in verse 3; (4) clean oneself by paying zakat, containing the caring character found in verse 4; (5) taking care of the genitals, containing the strict character found in verses 5-7; (6) maintaining the mandate and promises, containing the character of being responsible in verse 8; (7) maintaining prayer, containing the character of discipline found in verse 9.

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