Indonesian Journal of International Relations
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Published By Asosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesia


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 320-341
Sulistia Wargi

Abstract The idea of moderate Islam was implemented in economic diplomacy to dominate the Global Halal Market through its participation in the Islamic Cooperation Organization (OIC) forum by Indonesia during Jokowi's reign. By using Graham T. Allison's foreign policy analysis model, this paper will explain the actions taken by the Jokowi government to control the Global Halal Market in terms of its opportunities and challenges. Based on the analysis, the results obtained from the number of Muslims in Indonesia and Indonesia's participation in the OIC become an opportunity and certification of Halal product become a challenge. Jokowi's government has synergized with the bureaucratic apparatus, but this effort still seems stagnant. Because in the end Indonesia is still lagging behind other countries in the Global Halal Market. Keyword : Economyc Diplomacy; Jokowi; Global Halal Market; Graham T. Allison     Abstrak Indonesia dalam masa pemerintahan Jokowi mengimplementasikan gagasan islam moderat ke dalam diplomasi ekonomi untuk menguasai Pasar Halal Dunia melalui keikutsertaannya dalam forum Organisasi Kerjasama Islam (OKI). Dengan menggunakan model analisa kebijakan luar negeri milik Graham T. Allison, tulisan ini akan menjelaskan tindakan (action) yang dilakukan pemerintahan Jokowi untuk menguasai Pasar Halal Dunia beserta peluang dan tantangannya. Berdasarkan analisis, didapatkan hasil bahwa tingginya angka pemeluk muslim dan keikutsertaan Indonesia dalam OKI menjadi peluang, dan permasalahan sertifikasi internasional menjadi tantangan. Pemerintahan Jokowi telah bersinergi dengan perangkat birokrasi namun upaya ini masih terkesan stagnan. Sehingga pada akhirnya Indonesia masih tertinggal dari negara lain dalam Pasar Halal Dunia. Kata kunci : Diplomasi Ekonomi; Jokowi; Pasar Halal Dunia; Graham T. Allison  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 292-319
Sukawarsini Djelantik

The South China Sea (LTS) has a strategic position and rich in natural resources. These waters are claimed by several countries such as China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and Taiwan. The overlapping claims have not yet reached a resolution, even though tensions have increased and potentially to become an open conflict. The United States (US) and China have economic, political and strategic interests in winning the competition in the South China Sea. This paper answers the question what is China's position in the dispute in the South China Sea? Has China as a great power succeeded in utilizing its national power to control the waters? China's position is analyzed using the concept of national power consisting of Diplomacy, Information, Military and Economics (DIME), which is commonly used to assess state power. China's strength is compared indirectly with the US, which is the main competitor in the region from a diplomatic, military and economic point of view. From the diplomatic aspect, China controls countries in Southeast Asia which are part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) infrastructure project, whose various projects are funded through the Asian Investment Infrastructure Bank (AIIB). To confirm the claim, China has carried out various constructions of artificial islands in the disputed area, which are equipped with military facilities. From an economic perspective, China's rapid growth in recent decades has made it one of the most respected world powers. These facts indicated that China is a great power that has managed to match the power and influence of the US in the region. In the case of the LTS dispute, it is likely that China will win the competition, influence and support from the disputing countries. China; South China Sea; diplomacy, information, military, economy

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 264-291
I Gusti Agung Made Diah Kencana Putri ◽  
Witri Elvianti

Abstract This study aims to analyze the factors behind the establishment of sister city cooperation between the Denpasar City Government and the Mossel Bay Government since the end of 2019. The author conducted qualitative research to achieve this aim. Thus, this research is expected to enrich other research tools in matters relating to sister city cooperation or paradiplomacy in Indonesia, especially Denpasar. The main data analyzed in this study were obtained through semi-structured interviews with the Head of the Sub-Section for Foreign Cooperation of the Denpasar City in 2020 at the Secretariat of Denpasar. In addition, other types of data that support this research were obtained from the official local government website, several books, journals, reports, and online news sites which reliable and suitable for the content of the research. The focus of this research is to comply with the concept of paradiplomacy and south-south cooperation in identifying the motives behind this sister city cooperation, especially from the side of the Denpasar City Government. As a result, five motives were found that could encourage the Denpasar City Government to accept the sister city cooperation offered by the Mossel Bay Government in 2019, including the international market, tourism and culture, establishing the identity of international partners, the status of government administration, and most importantly, the bilateral relationship between the Indonesian government and the South African government, which in this regards, is an example of the implementation of the South-South Cooperation (SSC) concept. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi terjalinnya kerjasama sister city antara Pemerintah Kota Denpasar dengan Pemerintah Teluk Mossel pada akhir tahun 2019. Penulis melakukan penelitian kualitatif untuk mencapai tujuan ini. Sehingga, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya perangkat penelitian lainnya dalam hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kerjasama sister city atau paradiplomasi di Indonesia khususnya wilayah Kota Denpasar. Data utama yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara jenis semi terstruktur dengan Kepala Sub Bagian Kerjasama Luar Negeri Kota Denpasar tahun 2020 di Sekretariat Kota Denpasar. Selain itu, jenis data lain yang mendukung penelitian ini diperoleh dari situs resmi pemerintah daerah, beberapa buku, jurnal, laporan, dan situs berita online yang dapat diandalkan dan sesuai dengan isi penelitian. Fokus penelitian ini adalah menggunakan konsep paradiplomasi dan kerjasama selatan-selatan dalam mengidentifikasi motif dibalik kerjasama sister city ini, khususnya dari sisi Pemerintah Kota Denpasar. Sebagai hasilnya, ditemukan lima motif yang dapat mendorong Pemerintah Kota Denpasar untuk menerima kerjasama sister city yang ditawarkan Pemerintah Teluk Mossel pada tahun 2019 antara lain pasar internasional, pariwisata dan budaya, membentuk identitas mitra internasional, status administrasi pemerintahan, dan yang terpenting, hubungan bilateral antara pemerintah Indonesia dengan pemerintah Afrika Selatan yang dalam hal ini merupakan contoh implementasi konsep Kerjasama Selatan-Selatan (KSS).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-263
Sri Hertina ◽  
Khoirun Nisyak ◽  
Nur Aslamiah Supli

Rubber is the leading commodity in South Sumatra which provides the largest income in the non-oil and gas sector. South Sumatra itself is an area that has the largest rubber production and plantations in Indonesia and can even compete with other rubber-producing countries in the international market. However, in its development, South Sumatra's rubber commodity faces various obstacles to compete in international trade. The purpose of this study was to examine how the competitiveness of South Sumatra's natural rubber commodities in international trade. The concept of competitiveness and the theory of competitive advantage is used to describe the research results. The method used in this study is descriptive explanatory, data collection was obtained by interviewing the South Sumatra Province Plantation Service and GAPKINDO of South Sumatra, as well as through the results of a literature study. The findings of this study are seen through 4 determinants of competitive advantage, factor conditions, demand condition, related and supporting Industries, then firm strategy, structure, and rivalry. As well as additional factors,  governance. Production of rubber plantations in South Sumatra has decreased. Rubber demand also declined based on data on the volume of rubber exports. South Sumatra's downstream industry has not yet developed. Then the strategy applied is less than optimal and the role of the Government of South Sumatra is lacking. So it can be concluded that the competitiveness of South Sumatran rubber commodities in international trade is low.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 218-240
Putu Shangrina Pramudia

This paper discusses the impact of Starbucks presence as a style of Western capitalism in China through the analysis of Conscious Capitalism developed by John Mackey and Professor Raj Sisodia. The glory of Starbucks in China has started since the opening of its first outlet in 1999. The high level of consumerism in China is the reason behind the success and glory of Starbucks capitalism in China. In contrast to other patterns of consumerism and business capitalism, which tend to cause economic, ecological and humanistic crises, in this paper the author argue that the presence of Starbucks in China has a positive impact. This can be proven by the application of the principles of Conscious Capitalism by Starbucks in the midst of the flow of Chinese consumption, consumerism and capitalism. The principles of conscious capitalism applied by Starbucks are; (1) higher purpose; (2) stakeholder orientation; (3) culture orientation; and (4) conscious leadership.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-217
Tine Ratna Poerwantika

This article was written with the aim of knowing the dynamics of deforestation in Brazil, especially the Amazon forest, and to find out the driving factors for deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in 2019 from a critical perspective. The Amazon rain forest is reported to have led to massive deforestation using massive forest burning instruments in 2019, sparking reactions from various international elements. To simplify the analysis in this article, the author uses the concept of captal expansion from David Harvey and to further clarify the problem in this article the author adds the concept of deforestation from William Laurance, the writer uses descriptive analytical research methods and uses secondary data sources. In this article, the authors find various correlations between the interests of the Brazilian government and the interests of multinational companies that lead to encouragement of land clearing in various forests, especially the Amazon, on the pretext of meeting world food demand and efforts to restore Brazilian economic instability as justification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-183
Puguh Toko Arisanto ◽  
Adi Wibawa

Abstract: The U.S-China trade war began after U.S under Donald Trump era raised import tariffs on thousands of China’s products. The policy was retaliated by China with a similar policy. The trade war took place in three rounds starting from July 2018 to September 2019. This paper seeks to analyze factors that influence U.S to issue such a policy triggering the trade war. The article adopted theory of adaptive foreign policy model. Following this theory, authors argued that U.S policy of raising import tariffs that triggered the trade war was a convulsively adaptive foreign policy reflecting significant changes in both external and internal environment. First, it can be seen from External Change Variable, namely, the emergence of China as a new superpower. Second, Structural Change variable showed U.S political structure change from Democrats to Republicans along with Trump's victory in the 2016 Presidential Election. Finally, the leadership factor was Trump's negative perception of China before serving as president. Keywords: trade war, convulsively adaptive, external change, structural change, leadership factor. Abstrak: Perang dagang AS dan Tiongkok diawali dengan kebijakan AS di era Donald Trump yang menaikkan tarif impor atas ribuan produk asal Tiongkok. Kebijakan tersebut dibalas oleh Tiongkok dengan kebijakan yang serupa. Perang dagang tersebut berlangsung dalam tiga ronde dari Juli 2018 hingga September 2019. Tulisan ini mencoba menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi AS mengeluarkan kebijakan tersebut sehingga memicu perang dagang. Penulis menggunakan teori model kebijakan luar negeri adaptif. Berdasarkan teori tersebut, penulis menemukan bahwa kebijakan AS menaikkan tarif impor yang memicu perang dagang merupakan kebijakan luar negeri adaptif convulsive yang berarti terdapat perubahan signifikan baik di lingkungan ekstenal maupun internal. Pertama, dilihat dari variabel External Change yaitu kemunculan Tiongkok sebagai negara adidaya baru. Kedua, dilihat dari variabel Structural Change yaitu perubahan struktur politik AS dari Partai Demokrat ke Partai Republik seiring dengan kemenangan Trump pada Pilpres 2016. Terakhir, yakni leadership factor berupa persepsi negatif Trump terhadap Tiongkok sebelum menjadi presiden. Kata Kunci: perang dagang, adaptif convulsive, external change, structural change, leadership factor.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-162

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Ekofeminisme Gerakan Chipko di India ntuk mengetahui kontribusi ekofeminisme terhadap gerakan Chipko di India serta mengetahui pengaruh gerakan Chipko dalam upaya perlindungan dan advokasi ekologi di India pasca 1995. Dua fenomena yang kemudian dirangkai dalam satu konsep ekofeminisme yang melahirkan gerakan Chipko di India. Gerakan Chipko kemudian menjadi menarik karena menjadi gerakan Ekofeminisme di negara dengan sistem patriarki yang mengakar dalam masyarakat. Adapun konsep yang digunakan adalah Ekofeminisme dan Gerakan Sosial  Baru (GSB). Kontribusi dari ekofeminisme terhadap gerakan Chipko kemudian dapat diukur dari partisipasi perempuan sebagai pelopor dan relawan gerakan Chipko. Dalam sistem patriarki India, branding gerakan Chipko sebagai gerakan ekofeminisme berpengaruh pada partisipasi perempuan dalam gerakan tersebut. Parameter kedua adalah konsistensi isu perempuan disuarakan dalam kampanye dan pidato. Narasi-narasi ekofeminisme disampaikan melalui kampanye ataupun pidato tokoh gerakan Chipko di berbagai forum. Kontribusi gerakan Chipko terhadap advokasi dan ekologi di India kemudian cukup besar karena mampu mempengaruhi ranah kebijakan otoritas di India.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-117
Hardi Alunaza ◽  
Bastian Andhony Toy

This paper aims to discuss the efforts of the European Union in enhancing integration and defense-security cooperation through the establishment of Permanent Structured Cooperation. This paper seeks to answer how the formation of PESCO can increase the integration and independence of military cooperation between EU member states. Whereas before there has been a North Atlantic Treaty Organization as a security pillar that has long been recognized in the European region. The author uses the theory of regional security complex and the concept of collective security in analyzing related phenomena. This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach. The data collection technique is literature study consisting of books, journals, and including data from reliable websites to support the explanation of this paper. The results of this research indicate the establishment of PESCO as a form of implementation of Article 42 paragraph 6 of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009 concerning the efforts of member countries in establishing defense-security cooperation within the European Union framework. The establishment of the PESCO was also based on doubts by the European Union on the role of the US in NATO, but PESCO did not directly replace NATO but rather as a complement to autonomous and effective crisis resolution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-139
Ahmad Zainal Mustofa ◽  
Nurus Syarifah

ABSTRACT This article describes the conflict between the United States and Iran in the form of a proxy war taking place in Syria and Yemen. The conflict culminated in the attack from US against Iran on January 3, 2020 in Iraq. The proxy war that took place between US and Iran, the plan of the US when cornered by Iran, and Iran’s response to the actions of the US will be explain in this paper. This study uses Offense-Defense theory as a means of analyzing the two countries. The method used in this research is descriptive analytical. The research concludes that the US and Iran are involved in proxy wars in Syria and Yemen. In Syria, the US stands as a supporter of government groups. Meanwhile, Iran stands as a group supporting the government. In Yemen, the US stands as a supporter of the government. Meanwhile, Iran stands as a supporter of supporters. The series of proxy wars led to an escalation due to the conflict suffered by the US. The White House then killed Mayor General Qassem Soleimani, who is an influential general in Iran, for being the actor behind the failure of their plan. Iran then responded with attacks on US military bases in Iraq. The reply is also an important concern for the US to increase security in its region. Keywords: conflict culminated; proxy war; offense-defense; Qassem Soleimani.   ABSTRAK Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang konflik antara Amerika Serikat dan Iran dalam bentuk perang proksi yang terjadi di Suriah dan Yaman. Kulminasi konflik tersebut berupa serangan dari AS terhadap Iran pada tanggal 3 Januari 2020 di Irak. Perang proksi yang terjadi antara AS-Iran, rencana AS ketika tersudutkan oleh Iran, dan respons Iran terhadap tindakan AS akan dipaparkan dalam tulisan ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori ofensif-defensif sebagai sarana untuk menganalisis konflik kedua negara. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitis. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa AS dan Iran terlibat perang proksi di Suriah dan Yaman. Di Suriah, AS berdiri sebagai pendukung kelompok oposisi pemerintah. Sedangkan Iran berdiri sebagai kelompok pendukung pemerintah. Di Yaman, AS berdiri sebagai pendukung pemerintah. Sedangkan Iran berdiri sebagai pendukung oposisi. Serangkaian perang proksi tersebut menimbulkan eskalasi konflik akibat kekalahan yang diderita oleh AS. Pihak Gedung Putih kemudian membunuh Mayor Jenderal Qassem Soleimani yang merupakan jenderal berpengaruh di Iran karena dianggap sebagai aktor di balik kegagalan rencana mereka. Iran kemudian merespons dengan serangan ke basis militer AS di Irak. Balasan tersebut sekaligus menjadi atensi penting bagi AS untuk meningkatkan keamanan di wilayahnya. Kata kunci: kulminasi konflik; perang proksi; teori ofensif-defensif; Qassem Soleimani.  

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