Luluk Indarti

The study aims to examine more deeply the leadership of the head of the institution in education to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Educational institution leadership plays an important role in creating an enabling environment for teachers, students and their families to continue to connect and learn during the COVID pandemic, both at school and at home. This research is a qualitative one using a phenomenological approach. Phenomenology is a qualitative research approach that focuses on the similarity of life experiences in certain groups. The results of the study show that the learning model developed by the institution's leadership is an effort to carry out learning that leads to adapting conditions and carrying out education according to needs. The existence of a pandemic is not an easy type of problem and must be handled properly and requires relevant data. The mobilization of resources carried out by institutional leaders in education has proven to be very important to ensure quality education for all people during the Covid-19 recovery period and beyond.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 304
Muslimah Muslimah

This study aims to describe the form of the religious day celebrations of Malay society across religions and the meaning of commemorating them in educational institutions. This field research uses a qualitative research approach with data collection through in-depth interviews, participant level observation and documentation. The results of the study describe that the form of religious day commemoration activities in SMPN 2 Arut Selatan are grouped into two, namely: commemoration of religious days which are commemorated based on certain moments, for instance are maulid of the Prophet Muhammad, Isra Mi'raj, and celebrations to welcome the Islamic New Year (Islam), Christmas and Easter (Christian Protestant and Catholic); and routine religious activities, for example is prayer with each of the followers of interfaith religions. Furthermore, the meanings of the religious days celebration are grouped into three views, trere are; as the obligation/ necessity of the learning process, empirical religion and individual's religion; as a culture / habit that becomes a system at school; as a requirement for the implementation of religious practices; and as a culture related to the commemoration of religious days.

Zulfikar Ali Buto ◽  
Hafifuddin Hafifuddin

Learning independence of students at Dayah muslim school  in North Aceh through various activities of Dayah in an effort to make Dayah's Alumni who are ready to adapt and continue life in  society. Various activities carried out are structured, so the control and evaluation are carried out periodically. The independence of Dayah's student in the present context will experience difficulties when the necessary of the times keep developing. If the student  are not ready, they will experience being overwhelmed to face global competition. This research aims to find out and describe the learning process of the independence of Islamic boarding students, especially those in the North Aceh area. This research uses a qualitative research approach with with a phenomenological approach that is descriptively qualitative. The results show student education of  Islamic boarding school in North Aceh can be described through several fields, such as students' independence in doing ubuduyah, students' independence education in recitation activities, independence education in carrying out social activities, students' independence education in developing economy through another skill.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 97-111
Anwar Zain

Sekolah PAUD Widya Dharma merupakan satu satunya lembaga pendidikan tingkat TK (Taman Kanak-Kanak) yang mempunyai siswa yang berlatar berlakang agama lebih beragam dari sekolah TK. PAUD lainnya di Kota Banjarmasin. Latar belakang agama siswanya tersebut meliputi: agama Islam, Kristen, Katolik, Budha dan Hindu. Prosentasi siswa dari beragam agama tersebut tidak ada jumlah siswa dari beragama yang mendominasi lebih dari 50%. Selain itu juga walaupun para pendiri sekolah ini kebanyakannya dari orang yang beragama Budha, tetapi siswa yang berlatar belakang agama Budha tidak mendominasi secara kuantitas, sedangkan siswa yang beragama Kristen Protestan yang lebih banyak. Secara urutan kuantitas jumlah siswa berdasarkan latar belakang agama terbanyak ialah (1) Kristen Protestan, (2) Islam, (3) Katholik, (4) Budha, dan (5) Hindu. Berdasarkan latar belakang singkat tersebut, maka sangat perlu dan manfaat secara kajian ilmiah untuk diteliti tentang kehidupan toleransi beragama anak dengan anak lainnya yang mempunyai agama berbeda-beda ditingkat TK. PAUD. Oleh karena itu, peneliti memfokuskan penelitian ini kepada strategi penanaman toleransi beragama anak di PAUD Widya Dharma Kota Banjarmasin.  Pendekatan Penelitian menggunakan metode  penelitian  kualitatif  yang dilakukan  dengan  penelitian  lapangan, informan dalam menggali penelitian ditujukan kepada guru-guru agama, dan objek penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi penanaman toleransi beragama kepada anak-anak yang berbeda-beda agamanya. Teknik penelitiannya dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Kemudian untuk memvalidasi tingkat kebenaran data tersebut maka dalam hal ini menggunakan teknik triangulasi metode dan sumber. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa strategi penanaman toleransi beragama pada anak usia dini melalui 5 (lima) kegiatan, yaitu (1) Guru mengenalkan sifat-sifat baik. (2) Guru mengenalkan sifat toleransi beragama. (3) Guru memberikan stimulus agar  anak berpikir tentang sifat-sifat baik, 4) Guru memberikan stimulus agar anak berpikir tentang toleransi beragama. (5) Guru membuat anak merasakan  manfaat sifat toleransi beragama. Kata kunci: Strategi Penanaman, Toleransi Beragama, Anak Usia Dini.   Abstract PAUD Widya Dharma School is the only kindergarten level educational institution (Kindergarten) which has students with more diverse religious backgrounds than kindergarten schools. Other PAUD in Banjarmasin City. The students' religious backgrounds include: Islam, Christianity, Catholicism Buddhism and Hinduism. The percentage of students from various religions does not have the number of students from that religion which dominates more than 50%. In addition, even though the founders of this school were mostly Buddhist, students with Buddhist backgrounds did not dominate in quantity, while students who were Protestant Christians were more numerous. In order of quantity, the highest number of students based on religious backgrounds is (1) Protestant Christianity, (2) Islam, (3) Catholic, (4) Buddhist, and (5) Hinduism. Based on this brief background, it is very necessary and beneficial in a scientific study to study the religious tolerance of children with other children who have different religions at the kindergarten level. PAUD. Therefore, the researcher focuses this research on the strategy of internalization children's religious tolerance in PAUD Widya Dharma Banjarmasin City. The research approach used qualitative research methods carried out by field research, informants in exploring research aimed at religious teachers, and the object of this study was to find out how to cultivate religious tolerance strategies for children of different religions. The research technique is by conducting interviews, observation and documentation. Then to validate the level of correctness of the data, in this case using the triangulation technique methods and sources. The results of the study state that the strategy of internalization religious tolerance in early childhood through 5 (five) activities, namely: (1) The teacher introduces good traits, (2) The teacher introduces the nature of religious tolerance; (3) The teacher provides a stimulus so that the child thinks about good traits; (4) Tthe teacher provides a stimulus so that the child thinking about religious tolerance, (5) Teachers make children feel the benefits of religious tolerance. Keywords: Strategy of Internalization, Religious Tolerance, Early Childhood

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 44 ◽  
Zafarullah Sahito ◽  
Pertti Vaisanen

This study was conducted to explore the dimensions of quality education in teacher education departments at universities of Sindh province of Pakistan. The qualitative research approach was employed for data collection and then analysed through thematic-narrative analysis technique. The total eight dimensions of quality were found, as two were concerned with pre-sage, four as process and two as product dimensions, known as 3Ps. The findings of this article would be found reliable resource and an addition in to the existing literature of quality education to understand the phenomenon in existing organisational setting of teacher education departments and institutions in Sindh, Pakistan. The radical reforms for educational and economic development can be brought through better understanding of the phenomenon of the quality education, which support the teacher educators, students and the heads to maintain peace and prosperity for humanity in their respective societies through quality teaching-learning process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-25
Marzuki Marzuki ◽  
Miftahuddin Miftahuddin ◽  
Mukhamad Murdiono

Islamic boarding school (pesantren) is the oldest Islamic educational institution in Indonesia. Pesantren is recognized as one of the institutions that can encourage the realization of multiculturalism amongst Muslims. However, recently pesantren has been alleged to be one of the centers for the spread of religious radicalism. This study is aimed at analyzing multicultural education in salaf (traditional) pesantren, that is appropriate and be able to prevent the growth and development of religious radicalism in Indonesia. The study is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach involving four salaf pesantrens in Java; namely Al-Qadir Pesantren of Sleman Yogyakarta, Dar al-Tauhid of Cirebon, Roudlatuth Thalibin of Rembang, and Tebuireng of Jombang. The research data were collected by observation, interviews, documentation, and focus-group discussions (FGD). Data were analyzed using an interactive technique. Findings showed that the forms of multicultural education at the four salaf pesantrens generally have similarities in the application of multiculturalism core values. However, each pesantren has its own specific peculiarities. The various cultures built up by the four caregivers of the salaf pesantrens have been effective to prevent the growth and development of religious radicalism at the  pesantren, particularly, and in the society, more generally.

Achmad Djunaidi ◽  
Setiadi Aji Prawira

Abstrak:Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian upacara adat jawa, yaitu upacara siraman. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti mengajukan rumusan masalah yang cukup menarik. Adapun rumusan masalah tersebut adalah bagaimana proses siraman serta apa makna siraman tersebut. Dengan tujuan memahami bagaimana proses siraman beserta makna yang terdapat dalam proses siraman.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif lebih bersifat deskriptif yang disusun secara sistematis dalam penelitian ini. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan fenomenolgi, karena metode ini memakai pengalaman hidup sebagai alat untuk memahami fenomena yang sedang terjadi ataupun yang sudah terjadi. Dalam penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode  purposive sampling dimana peneliti menentukan sendiri sampel yang akan diambil karena pertimbangan tertentu. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Peneliti menganggap metode ini lebh efektif dalam penelitian kualitatif.Pembahasan proses upacara siraman berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang mendeskripsikan proses upacara siraman. Adapun proses dari siraman tersebut seperti berikut : calon pengantin memakai pakaian siraman lantas diiringi oleh orang tuanya ketempat siraman, orang tua calon pengantin yang menyiram dilanjutkan oleh sesepuh (orang yang dituakan) dan diakhiri dengan dukun pengantin memecahkan kendil siraman disambut para tamu yang mengucapkan  “wes pecah pamore” . Selain proses upacara siraman, hasil penelitian juga membahas tentang makna yang terkandung dalam proses upacara siraman. Adapun makna yang terkandung dalam upacara siraman yaitu melakukan upacara adat (meminta berkah tuhan) sebagai bentuk harapan kesuksesan upacara pernikahannya, membersikan jasmani dan rohani sebagai bentuk penyucian diri untuk menghadapi upacara yang sakral serta pemberian doa yang terbaik dari keluarga dan para tamu undangan bagi calon pengantin. Abstract:  This study is a Javanese traditional ceremony, the ceremony siraman. In this study, the researchers propose formulation of the problem is quite interesting. The formulation of the problem is how the siraman process and what the meaning of the siraman. With the goal of understanding how the process of being washed along with the meaning contained in the siraman process.The method used is a qualitative research method. Qualitative research is descriptive systematically arranged in this study. The approach used is phenomenological approach, because this method uses life experiences as a tool to understand the phenomenon that is happening or has already happened. In this research using purposive sampling method where researchers determine their own samples to be taken because of certain considerations. Methods of data collection in this research is the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. Researchers believe this method is more effective in qualitative research.Discussion ceremony siraman process based on research results that describe the process of being washed ceremony. The process of being washed in the following manner: the bride to wear a splash of water and then accompanied  by his parents to place siraman, parents of prospective brides flush followed by the sesepuh (elder person) and ends with a splash kendil (water container)solve shaman bride greeted guests say “wes pecah pamore” (already glowing aura). Besides ceremonial siraman process, the results of the study also discusses the meaning contained in the process of being washed ceremony. As for the meaning contained in ceremonial splash of water that traditional ceremonies (ask for a blessing of god) as a form of hope of success wedding ceremony, cleaning physically and mentally as a form of self-purification to confront the ceremony of the sacred and the provision of prayer is the best of the family and invited guests for the bride.

Santosh Kumar Mishra

Mobile learning or m-learning is viewed as a useful component of the flexible learning model. Learners’ everyday uses of mobile phones and other devices such as games consoles, which can also be used for learning, are now major drivers for the rapid uptake of mobile learning throughout the world. Even so, there are a multitude of challenges faced when introducing and implementing m-learning. This chapter explores ways in which mobile-supported learning can contribute to the global commitment to provide quality education for children, youth, and adults, as expressed in the goals of Education for All (EFA). The chapter concludes that mobile learning is part of a new learning landscape created by the availability of technologies supporting flexible, accessible, and personalized education.

Hery Setyo Utomo

The quality of out-of-school education in Indonesia varies greatly and varies in quality . Efforts to improve the quality of national education by the government are always carried out in stages, planned and measured. To be able to organize quality education, every Education organizer must be accredited by BAN PAUD and PNF. There are still many LKp who are reluctant to submit accreditation requests, so that the quality of LKP also does not meet the expectations of the community and the government. The purpose of this study is to find a model for the acceleration of LKP accreditation development. The method used in this study uses a qualitative research approach, data sources obtained through in-depth interviews, direct observation and documentation. The results of this study are in the form of a product guidance acceleration of LKP accreditation. Accelerating the Development of the Accreditation Model LKP WEB-based quality assurance in Gresik Regency needs a mentoring process by a team of experts in this case the assessors are members of Pokja BAN PAUD and PNF Gresik Regency so that accreditation in Gresik Regency does not run stagnant but can run faster and quota given to the Regency Gresik can be fulfilled.

2020 ◽  
Vol 158 (3) ◽  
pp. S108-S109
Carine Khalil ◽  
Welmoed van Deen ◽  
Taylor Dupuy ◽  
Nirupama Bonthala ◽  
Christopher Almario ◽  

Avishag Edri ◽  
Henriette Dahan-Kalev

In Israel, like the rest of Western society, women are still largely responsible for childcare and housework. In homeschooling families, this division is even more prominent. This article explores homeschooling mothers’ perspective on role division. Using the auto-ethnographic-phenomenological approach to qualitative research of individual perceptions and experiences, I recruited a purpose-focused sample of 27 homeschooling mothers. Using interviews and personal logs (or diaries), I obtained data that underwent thematic analysis. The study findings indicate that mothers like being with their kids and that most of them would not want to change places with their partner, but the question arises as to whether there is a real possibility of choosing.

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