Retailing, Particularly Multi-Level Direct Selling, the Ease-of-Entry Opportunity

Ernest F. Cooke ◽  
Monle Lee ◽  
Richard Baxter
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-131
Ibnu Akmal ◽  
Irwansyah Irwansyah

Kehadiran buzzer di era media sosial yang tumbuh pesat banyak dimanfaatkan oleh perusahaan atau pihak-pihak tertentu karena memiliki pengaruh dalam menyampaikan pesan kepada khalayak, yang tentu saja mendatangkan kembali keuntungan bagi buzzer sebagai sumber pemasukan. Dalam media sosial, meski banyak buzzer yang memiliki motif ekonomi, namun ada pula buzzer yang menggunakan media sosial untuk menunggah hal-hal yang disukai secara sukarela tanpa imbalan. Hal ini terlihat jelas pada Herbalife Nutrition, sebuah direct selling company yang umumnya keberadaan distributor atau member (anggota) hanya berorientasi pada keuntungan penjualan produk dan mengembangkan downline. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengungkap buzzer sukarela yang menjadi garda terdepan sebuah brand atau perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif yang mengungkap kenyataan atau fakta, keadaan, fenomena, variabel serta keadaan yang ada. Hasilnya, member independen Herbalife Nutrition yang mencintai produk dan menyukai gaya hidup sehat aktif sesuai dengan filosofi perusahaan, kemudian merasa memiliki ikatan dan menjadi buzzer sukarela yang berperan sebagai penjaga citra perusahaan atau brand. Hal ini tentu mengangkat sisi baru atas kegiatan buzzer di media sosial. Kata kunci: buzzer sukarela, multi-level marketing; Herbalife Nutrition

2016 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 243
Retno Andriati

Many studies on multi-level marketing business from law, management, marketing economic and anthropology perspectives have been focused on its legality which is victims of MLM companies/fake MLM companies. Studies on market phenomenon and entrepreneurship of MLM large industry fromeconomy anthropology perspective are still rare especially in Indonesia. The study is intended to identify the underlying cooperation policy as well as manipulative conduct of MLM business in Surabaya.The study employs qualitative and ethnographic approaches. Qualitative data wereanalyzed using ethnographic approaches. The result of research suggests that MLM businesses have undertaken manipulative cooperation politics by establishing both international level direct selling association (WFDSA) and national association (APLI) in response to the MLM business controversy. APLI exploits andmanipulates non-member of APLI. Exploiting and manipulating MLM members through ideology doctrine and marketing plan of MLM business/corporate culture

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-44
Suhardiman Izini

In muamalah activity, Islam has provided a clear line of wisdom. Business or trade transactions are things that are highly regarded and glorified in Islamic teachings, whether done individually or in groups. The attention of Islam towards trading transactions has recently been responded positively by Muslims in the world, particularly in Indonesia. Sharia institutions have shown fast development marked by the growing number and variety of Sharia-labeled businesses. Multi-level marketing has also been affected by Muslims’ awareness of sharia-based behaviors in their daily lives. This has also been supported by the issuance of the fatwa from DSN MUI (Sharia National Council – Indonesian Ulama Council) No. 75/DSN-MUI/VII/2009 concerning Sharia multi-level direct selling (PLBS). This phenomenon has urged Tiens Indonesia to adjust their network system to the stipulations in the fatwa. This study aimed to analyze and describe as well as evaluate the network system applied by Tiens Syariah. Using the descriptive qualitative field study, the research is conducted in Yogyakarta Special Province. Data is gathered from observation, interview, and documentation. The obtained data was then analyzed qualitatively and explained descriptively. The result of research shows that based on Point 12 of the fatwa from DSN-MUI No. 75 Year 2009 concerning Sharia multi-level direct selling, the multi-level marketing company Tiens Syariah has fulfilled all the standards in Point 12. Therefore, the trading and network system of Tiens Syariah has been in line with the fatwa.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-183
Muh Nashirudin ◽  
Millatus Sa'adah

MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia/ Indonesian Ulema Council) has issued a fatwa which is related to Multi Level Marketing. This fatwa number 75/VII/ 2009 concerns with Sharia Multistage Direct Selling (PLBS) that requires an MLM company to fulfill twelve regulations  to be categorized as sharia law-conformed and deserve to get a sharia business certificate. However, DSN-MUI has also issued a decree number No. KEP- 03/DSN-MUI/VII/ 2016 on the list of sharia multistage direct selling companies and includes PT Veritra Santosa Internasional (VSI), which has sold Paytren application, as a sharia MLM with a decree number SK: 010.57.01/DSN-MUI/VII/2017. This study will discuss the consistency of DSN-MUI with its fatwa by analyzing the conformity between certficate of halal or sharia issued by DSN-MUI on Paytren and the fatwa of DSN-MUI on PLBS.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
William Indrajaya

Multi-level Marketing (MLM), also known as network marketing is a relatively grown industry with its size and reputation are growing rapidly. According to the Direct Selling Association (DSA), direct selling is a US$ 183 billion industry worldwide with an annual growth rate at 2 percent. Multi-level Marketing was brought to Indonesia from the US over a decade ago and has been growing for almost a decade here in indonesia. It unique operating format seems to contravene all traditional sales principles. In Indonesia , the number of sales which was generated by people who involved in direct selling almost hit the 1.2 billion mark. According to WFDSA (2016), total distributor who have join the Multi-level Marketing business in indonesia is around 14 million. These member are people who join Multi-level Marketing company as their full time job and some of them as their part-time job. This study surveys 200 customers in Indonesia area concerning their motivation of buying from MLM company, their demographic characteristic and teir attitudes as consumers towards MLM products. In addition we also compare the consumer satisfaction of MLM products to that of the similar products on traditional market. The result shown that the major factor of purchasing MLM Product is because pressure from friend or relatives and the product special function. I also found that skin care and supplements is the most initial buying and rebuying categories in the MLM Industries. Major faction that influence customer satisfaction on MLM Products is product quality, refundable, after sales services, corporation reputation, brand reputation, delivery speed, and payment variety.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Hendri Tanjung

Abstract: Multi Level Marketing is a method or technique of multi-level marketing and use direct selling approach. The uniqueness of this system lies in the distribution of its products will not be found in shops, supermarkets and stalls. Products obtained through direct distributors that are mainly individuals. But in the run still leaves some problems, especially in view of sharia, such as how the halal products, how the validity of the agreement, if it is appropriate reward with his work, how the ethical position of MLM, how the rule of law, as well as how to modify them in accordance with sharia.Keywords: MLM, Marketing, ShariaAbstrak: Multi Level Marketing adalah metode atau teknik pemasaran berjenjang dan memakai pendekatan direct selling. Keunikan sistem ini terletak pada distribusi produknya yang tidak akan dijumpai di toko-toko, swalayan dan warung-warung. Produk diperoleh melalui distributor langsung yang umumnya berupa pribadi-pribadi. Akan tetapi dalam menjalankannya masih meninggalkan beberapa permasalahan, khususnya dalam pandangan syariah, seperti bagaimana kehalalan produknya, bagaimana keabsahan akadnya, sudah sesuaikah imbalan dengan kerjanya, bagaimana posisi etis/akhlak MLM, bagaimana kaidah hukumnya, serta bagaimana memodifikasinya agar sesuai syariah.Kata Kunci: Multi Level Marketing, Pemasaran, Syariah

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 265
Ajeng Dwyanita ◽  
Irham Zaki

The rise of business Multi Level Marketing (MLM) which is growing rapidly in Indonesia made many people interest to join. However, it is still debated by scholars regarding the business operations of Multi Level Marketing (MLM). In addition, MUI has publish DSN MUI Fatwa Number: 75/DSN MUI/VII/2009 about Direct Selling Based On Islamic Law.This study aims to determine whether the business operations of the Multi Level Marketing (MLM) KK Indonesia is in conformity with the Shariah rules to follow 12 of the MUI fatwa or not .This study used a qualitative analysis using interview guide. The data used in this study is that the data derived from primary data obtained from fieldwork and secondary data derived from the literature and the MUI Fatwa DSN. In this study using data derived from the management of Multi Level Marketing (MLM) PT . KK Indonesian branch of Surabaya, East Java and Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) East Java .The results of the study were operating Multi Level Marketing (MLM) KK Indonesia's procedures are in line with the Indonesian Ulama Council fatwa DSN Number: 75/DSN MUI/VII/2009.

2019 ◽  
Billy sistian putra

Jaman sekarang ini memang sudah jamannya menjadikan smartphone Anda bukan hanya sekedar alat untuk berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan dunia luar saja, melainkan juga dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pundi-pundi uang. PayTren merupakan sejenis bisnis Multi Level Marketing yang berbasis e-commerce dimana anggotanya akan mendapatkan suatu aplikasi mobile untuk menjalankan beberapa macam transaksi pembayaran atau pembelian seperti tagihan PLN, PDAM, rekening telepon, pulsa dan sebagainyasebenernya cara bisnis paytren itu sangat mudah. Apalagi tidak ada target apapun yang dibebankan kepada mitra oleh perusahaan. Kemudian bisa dijalankan kapan saja oleh para mitra. Bisnis paytren adalah bisnis menjual lisensi PayTren yang sama dengan jualan produk lain. Bedanya PayTren dikembangkan dengan konsep direct selling dan yang lainnya kebanyakan adalah dengan konsep konvensional

Siti Nurhasanah ◽  
Sulamat Taufik

The purpose of this research is to discuss the multi level marketing (MLM) business in terms of Islamic business law, as well as to find out how the business practices carried out by PT. K-LINK and whether K-Link's MLM business practices are in accordance with the DSN-MUI fatwa No 75 / DSN-MUI / VII / 2009. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data collection techniques used interviews and documentation. Based on the research results it is known that the Multi Level Marketing business practices at PT. K-Link Nusantara, starting from its direct selling practice, marketing and recruiting, bonus distribution and prices have followed the existing Islamic law rules and can be said to be in accordance with the basic principles of the Islamic religion which refers to the Al-Quran, Hadith, and Ijma '. And the MLM business practices of PT. K-Link Nusantara is protected from something that is forbidden such as maisir, ghoror, haram, usury, indecency, dzulm and immorality. The aqad uses aqad al-bai '/ murabahah, aqad wakalah, aqad ju'alah, and aqad ujroh. All of these aqads are adjusted to the contents of the DSN-MUI fatwa Number 75 / DSN-MUI / VII / 2009 concerning the Guidelines for Direct Selling in Sharia Level, so the practice can be said to be in accordance with the DSN-MUI fatwa Number 75 / DSN-MUI / VII / 2009.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-119
Harizan Harizan

Based on the factual circumstances nowadays, many people tried to explore the short way to collect the treasures. Supported by the information Technology development made the spreading of any information and business growth easily. Direct selling, Multi Level Marketing, Online Business and Money Game have its upportunities. Dream for Freedom (D4F) with the Key as a symbol, is one of the money game business which growth successfully between years 2015 – 2016. Thousands of participants or members joined the community (known by the dream team). Spectacularly the founder recruited some of influence person, asked them to promote the business through their statements, pictures and videos. Islam as the belief of most people in Indonesia particularly has the guidance in business through the most principles rules, Al-Qur‟an and Hadith. Therefore the writer tried to explore the Dream for Freedom from Islamic Jurisprudence Perspective.

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