The Influence from Stretch Receptors on Cortical Cells of Area 3a and 4 in Monkey

M. Wiesendanger ◽  
D. G. Rüegg ◽  
G. E. Lucier
T. M. Murad ◽  
Karen Israel ◽  
Jack C. Geer

Adrenal steroids are normally synthesized from acetyl coenzyme A via cholesterol. Cholesterol is also shown to enter the adrenal gland and to be localized in the lipid droplets of the adrenal cortical cells. Both pregnenolone and progesterone act as intermediates in the conversion of cholesterol into steroid hormones. During pregnancy an increased level of plasma cholesterol is known to be associated with an increase of the adrenal corticoid and progesterone. The present study is designed to demonstrate whether the adrenal cortical cells show any dynamic changes during pregnancy.

1974 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 729-740 ◽  
Peter Kamp ◽  
Per Platz ◽  
Jørn Nerup

ABSTRACT By means of an indirect immunofluorescence technique, sera from 116 patients with Addison's disease, an equal number of age and sex matched controls and 97 patients with other endocrine diseases were examined for the occurrence of antibody to steroid-producing cells in ovary, testis and adrenal cortex. Fluorescent staining was observed in the theca cells of growing follicles, the theca lutein cells, testicular Leydig cells and adrenal cortical cells, i. e. cells which contain enzyme systems used in steroid hormone production. The "steroid-cell" antibody was present in 24 % of the patients with idiopathic Addison's disease, equally frequent in males and females, and in 17 % of the patients with tuberculous Addison's disease, but was rarely found in controls, including patients with other endocrine diseases. Female hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism made an exception, since the "steroid-cell" antibody was found in about half the cases with this condition.

1977 ◽  
Vol 25 (5) ◽  
pp. 483 ◽  
N Malajczuk ◽  
AJ Mccomb ◽  
CA Parker

On lateritic podzolic soils in Western Australia Eucalyptus calophylla is resistant to Phytophthora cinnamomi whereas Eucalyptus marginata is susceptible and eventually killed by the pathogen. On loam soils both eucalypts are resistant. Possible mechanisms for resistance of E. calophylla in lateritic soil and the inhibitory action of loam soils were investigated. Aseptically raised eucalypt seedlings succumbed to infection in liquid culture tubes. The mechanism of infection was compared by light and electron microscopy which showed similar fungal invasion and penetration into roots of both eucalypt species. Vegetative hyphae initially penetrated intercellularly and proliferated rapidly within cortical and stelar tissue. Intracellular invasion of these tissues occurred 48hr after initial infection through dissolution of the host cell wall. Chlamydospores were formed within a number of cortical cells. Unsuberized roots of mature trees produced aseptically showed reactions to invasion similar to those of the eucalypt seedling roots. Suberized roots were not invaded. The addition of small quantities of lateritic soil to sterile sand so as to introduce soil micro-organisms without altering the chemical and physical status of the sand, and subsequent inoculation of the sand with P.cinnamomi, resulted in a reduction of root damage on both eucalypts when compared with seedlings raised in sterile sand. Roots of E.calophylla were less severely damaged than those of E.marginata. The addition of small quantities of loam soil significantly reduced root damage in seedlings of both species. These results parallel both pot experiments and field observations, and suggest that microorganisms of the rhizosphere may be an important factor in the resistance of E.calophylla to infection, and in the inhibitory effect of loam soil on P.cinnamomi.

Dandan Wang ◽  
Brian W. Howell ◽  
Eric C. Olson

AbstractFetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is characterized by disrupted fetal brain development and postnatal cognitive impairment. The targets of alcohol are diverse, and it is not clear whether there are common underlying molecular mechanisms producing these disruptions. Prior work established that acute ethanol exposure causes a transient increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple proteins in cultured embryonic cortical cells. In this study, we show that a similar tyrosine phosphorylation transient occurs in the fetal brain after maternal dosing with ethanol. Using phospho-specific antibodies and immunohistochemistry, we mapped regions of highest tyrosine phosphorylation in the fetal cerebral cortex and found that areas of dendritic and axonal growth showed elevated tyrosine phosphorylation 10 min after maternal ethanol exposure. These were also areas of Src expression and Src family kinase (SFK) activation loop phosphorylation (pY416) expression. Importantly, maternal pretreatment with the SFK inhibitor dasatinib completely prevents both the pY416 increase and the tyrosine phosphorylation response. The phosphorylation response was observed in the perisomatic region and neurites of immature migrating and differentiating primary neurons. Importantly, the initial phosphotyrosine transient (~ 30 min) targets both Src and Dab1, two critical elements in Reelin signaling, a pathway required for normal cortical development. This initial phosphorylation response is followed by sustained reduction in Ser3 phosphorylation of n-cofilin, a critical actin severing protein and an identified downstream effector of Reelin signaling. This biochemical disruption is associated with sustained reduction of F-actin content and disrupted Golgi apparatus morphology in developing cortical neurons. The finding outlines a model in which the initial activation of SFKs by ethanol has the potential to disrupt multiple developmentally important signaling systems for several hours after maternal exposure.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 415 (4) ◽  
pp. 233-239

Centroceras Kützing is a small red algal genus with 18 currently accepted species (Guiry & Guiry 2019), characterized by simple filamentous thalli with erect axes arising from a prostrate system and di-trichotomous branching (Hommersand 1963). The characters used to distinguish species are primarily cortical filament morphology: shape and number of the acropetal cortical cells, shape of gland cells, and shape of spines (Won et al. 2009). The generitype C. clavulatum (C. Agardh) Montagne has been viewed for a long time as a highly variable and cosmopolitan species (Hommersand 1963). Molecular and detailed morphological analyses brought Barros-Barreto et al. (2006) to report that C. clavulatum may consist of a species complex and Won et al. (2009) confirmed this hypothesis identifying eight taxonomic entities phylogenetically segregated from genuine C. clavulatum. Seven of these entities were assigned to the following species: C. gasparrinii (Meneghini) Kützing, C. hommersandii Won, T.O. Cho & Fredericq, C. hyalacanthum Kützing, C. micracanthum Kützing, C. natalensis Won, T.O. Cho & Fredericq, C. rodmanii Won, T.O. Cho & Fredericq, and C. tetrachotomum Won, T.O. Cho & Fredericq, (Won et al. 2009). Centroceras gasparrinii, C. hyalacanthum, and C. micracanthum are three western Atlantic species listed as synonyms of C. clavulatum since the middle of the 19th century and resurrected from the ‘C. clavulatum complex’ by Won et al. (2009). In particular, two of these taxa were described from specimens of the Mediterranean Sea: C. gasparrinii (as Ceramium gasparrinii Meneghini, type locality Palermo, Italy) and C. micracanthum (reported with the synonym Centroceras leptacanthum Kützing, type locality Genoa, Italy). Therefore, the numerous Mediterranean records of C. clavulatum (e.g., Gómez Garreta et al. 2001; Verlaque 2001; Sfriso & Curiel 2007; Taşkýn et al. 2013) most probably belong to one of these two species and have to be re-examined for a correct identification and to understand the spatial distribution of the different taxa (Tsiamis et al. 2010). For this reason, in the last years in Greece (Tsiamis et al. 2010), Spain (Gallardo et al. 2016) and Morocco (Hassoun et al. 2018) accurate sampling and morphological analyses of specimens previously identified as C. clavulatum were conducted to determine their correct taxonomic identities. In all cases the recognized species was C. gasparrinii, which can be distinguished morphologically from the other ones previously known as C. clavulatum by the presence of ovoid gland cells and ovoid terminal acropetal cortical cells (Won et al. 2009). As reported by Tsiamis et al. (2010), Greek samples differed from those described by Won et al. (2009), in the smaller number of periaxial cells (10–12 against 13–19).

Genes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 236
María Belén Cuadrado-Pedetti ◽  
Inés Rauschert ◽  
María Martha Sainz ◽  
Vítor Amorim-Silva ◽  
Miguel Angel Botella ◽  

Mutations in the Arabidopsis TETRATRICOPEPTIDE THIOREDOXIN-LIKE 1 (TTL1) gene cause reduced tolerance to osmotic stress evidenced by an arrest in root growth and root swelling, which makes it an interesting model to explore how root growth is controlled under stress conditions. We found that osmotic stress reduced the growth rate of the primary root by inhibiting the cell elongation in the elongation zone followed by a reduction in the number of cortical cells in the proximal meristem. We then studied the stiffness of epidermal cell walls in the root elongation zone of ttl1 mutants under osmotic stress using atomic force microscopy. In plants grown in control conditions, the mean apparent elastic modulus was 448% higher for live Col-0 cell walls than for ttl1 (88.1 ± 2.8 vs. 16.08 ± 6.9 kPa). Seven days of osmotic stress caused an increase in the stiffness in the cell wall of the cells from the elongation zone of 87% and 84% for Col-0 and ttl1, respectively. These findings suggest that TTL1 may play a role controlling cell expansion orientation during root growth, necessary for osmotic stress adaptation.

1992 ◽  
Vol 68 (2) ◽  
pp. 518-527 ◽  
T. P. Pons ◽  
P. E. Garraghty ◽  
M. Mishkin

1. Selective ablations of the hand representations in postcentral cortical areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2 were made in different combinations to determine each area's contribution to the responsivity and modality properties of neurons in the hand representation in SII. 2. Ablations that left intact only the postcentral areas that process predominantly cutaneous inputs (i.e., areas 3b and 1) yielded SII recording sites responsive to cutaneous stimulation and none driven exclusively by high-intensity or "deep" stimulation. Conversely, ablations that left intact only the postcentral areas that process predominantly deep receptor inputs (i.e., areas 3a and 2) yielded mostly SII recording sites that responded exclusively to deep stimulation. 3. Ablations that left intact only area 3a or only area 2 yielded substantial and roughly equal reductions in the number of deep receptive fields in SII. By contrast, ablations that left intact only area 3b or only area 1 yielded unequal reductions in the number of cutaneous receptive fields in SII: a small reduction when area 3b alone was intact but a somewhat larger one when only area 1 was intact. 4. Finally, when the hand representation in area 3b was ablated, leaving areas 3a, 1, and 2 fully intact, there was again a substantial reduction in the encounter rate of cutaneous receptive fields. 5. The partial ablations often led to unresponsive sites in the SII hand representation. In SII representations other than of the hand no such unresponsive sites were found and there were no substantial changes in the ratio of cutaneous to deep receptive fields, indicating that the foregoing results were not due to long-lasting postsurgical depression or effects of anesthesia. 6. The findings indicate that modality-specific information is relayed from postcentral cortical areas to SII along parallel channels, with cutaneous inputs transmitted via areas 3b and 1, and deep inputs via areas 3a and 2. Further, area 3b provides the major source of cutaneous input to SII, directly and perhaps also via area 1. 7. The results are in line with accumulating anatomic and electrophysiologic evidence pointing to an evolutionary shift in the organization of the somatosensory system from the general mammalian plan, in which tactile information is processed in parallel in SI and SII, to a new organization in higher primates in which the processing of tactile information proceeds serially from SI to SII. The presumed functional advantages of this evolutionary shift are unknown.

2011 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-247 ◽  
Amy E B Packard ◽  
Jason C Hedges ◽  
Frances R Bahjat ◽  
Susan L Stevens ◽  
Michael J Conlin ◽  

Preconditioning induces ischemic tolerance, which confers robust protection against ischemic damage. We show marked protection with polyinosinic polycytidylic acid (poly-IC) preconditioning in three models of murine ischemia-reperfusion injury. Poly-IC preconditioning induced protection against ischemia modeled in vitro in brain cortical cells and in vivo in models of brain ischemia and renal ischemia. Further, unlike other Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands, which generally induce significant inflammatory responses, poly-IC elicits only modest systemic inflammation. Results show that poly-IC is a new powerful prophylactic treatment that offers promise as a clinical therapeutic strategy to minimize damage in patient populations at risk of ischemic injury.

2001 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 354-366 ◽  
Carolina Sousa ◽  
Christina Johansson ◽  
Celine Charon ◽  
Hamid Manyani ◽  
Christof Sautter ◽  

ABSTRACT A diversity of mRNAs containing only short open reading frames (sORF-RNAs; encoding less than 30 amino acids) have been shown to be induced in growth and differentiation processes. The early nodulin geneenod40, coding for a 0.7-kb sORF-RNA, is expressed in the nodule primordium developing in the root cortex of leguminous plants after infection by symbiotic bacteria. Ballistic microtargeting of this gene into Medicago roots induced division of cortical cells. Translation of two sORFs (I and II, 13 and 27 amino acids, respectively) present in the conserved 5′ and 3′ regions ofenod40 was required for this biological activity. These sORFs may be translated in roots via a reinitiation mechanism. In vitro translation products starting from the ATG of sORF I were detectable by mutating enod40 to yield peptides larger than 38 amino acids. Deletion of a Medicago truncatula enod40 region between the sORFs, spanning a predicted RNA structure, did not affect their translation but resulted in significantly decreased biological activity. Our data reveal a complex regulation of enod40action, pointing to a role of sORF-encoded peptides and structured RNA signals in developmental processes involving sORF-RNAs.

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